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Eyes of Darkness: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol.7

Page 5

by B. A. Stretke

  The decadent sensuality began to ratchet up when Lando looped his thumb in the band of Thomas’s sweatpants and worked them down to mid-thigh. Thomas was going out of his mind when his hard cock scratched against the fabric of Lando’s briefs. The sensation sent a fresh wave of stimulation across his delicate nerve endings. He was suddenly awash in delicious chills and he closed his eyes savoring the ever-mounting excitement.

  Lando quickly removed his own briefs and Thomas couldn’t help himself and reached between them to encircle Lando’s massive member in his grip. It was a handful and then some, but Thomas was more than prepared to handle it all. He stroked it several times reveling in the velvety softness encasing the hardened steel before he became lost in the marvels that Lando was eliciting with this oh so talented mouth.

  The room was filled with the scents of their lovemaking and the sounds of lustful wicked pleasure. Thomas was not completely inexperienced, but his few lovers had been without depth or an eye on forever. This experience was completely different, and every move and every word pushed their relationship forward with a desire and drive towards eternity.

  Things were building, and commitments were being made. Thomas felt his heart opening to embrace this man this vampire, his mate. His cat was struggling to sink his teeth into the beautiful man and complete his claim, but Thomas locked him down and held him fast.

  Lando rained kisses down Thomas's throat and across his narrow chest. His body was small and delicate and exactly everything that turned Lando on. He sucked one nipple into his mouth and teased it mercilessly before pricking it slightly and tasting his beloved. The blood was euphoric and Lando didn't know if it was because Thomas was his beloved or had something to do with the power of the beast. Either way, Lando was hooked for life.

  Thomas felt the bite and it pushed him to the edge at record speed. Before he could mentally process the feeling, he was coming in hard spirts, painting Lando’s firm abs with his seed. The action heightened his arousal rather than diminish it which boggled his mind completely. The orgasm was the precursor to the total event. He held onto Lando pressing his body closer demanding more and responding lusciously to Lando’s expert ministrations.

  Lando was surprised by Thomas’s eagerness but delighted at the same time. He moved back to place several open mouth kisses to Thomas’s throat before slipping his thick muscled thighs beneath Thomas’s elegant legs angling his lower body upwards and giving Lando a proper view of his prize.

  He watched Thomas touching himself and reaching out eagerly for Lando’s hard cock and it nearly had him coming before he ever got inside the lovely little man. Lando grabbed the lube from his side table and quickly covered his cock and began a rapid stretching of Thomas’s tight little entrance. He kept his eyes on Thomas and kept him on the edge of climax as he finished prepping him for Lando’s large cock.

  Thomas felt his eyes rolling back into his head when Lando inserted three of his large fingers into his now slippery channel. It was a feeling like no other, so sensitive and so full and the electric pulse of pleasure never stopped. Thomas frantically stroked his own cock in a desperate need for more but Lando knocked his hand away and took over as he pounded Thomas’s ass with his fingers.

  “Are you ready for me baby?” Lando whispered against Thomas’s ear and all he could manage to do was nod rapidly with his breath coming out in short rapid bursts. The anticipation of fulfillment was overwhelming. Lando moved closer raising Thomas’s ass even further before removing his fingers and replacing them with his hot, leaking cock.

  Thomas's breath caught in his throat as Lando bore down and pressed inside inch by inch filling and stretching him. "So good," Thomas repeated over and over as Lando thrust into him completely burying himself to the base.

  “You feel like heaven baby. Better than good, better than all things.” Lando mumbled and Thomas clutched at Lando’s shoulders holding him close and reveling in the sensations rocketing through his system.

  Lando began with a slow thrust and built a steady rhythm of plunging deep and pulling out until just the head remained and then plunging back inside. The rhythm began to accelerate as the climax began to build between them. Thomas could feel the momentum cresting and Lando slammed inside and held fast as his orgasm consumed him. Thomas felt the flood of hot seed fill his channel and seep out run down his crack it was amazing. At that moment Thomas exploded drenching them both in his essences once again.

  Lando dropped on top of Thomas and took him in a near crushing embrace. Thomas felt Lando’s sharp teeth graze his neck but Lando did not break the skin. In turn, Thomas’s teeth also dropped as his cat fought to claim its mate. Both men held onto each other as they came down from the heights of their ecstasy catching their breath and steadying their hearts.

  Lando came so hard he saw stars as he filled his beloved and put the first seal on his claim. His instinct was to bite and feed and in doing so complete his claim and their bond. But Thomas had asked for time and Lando had promised not to do anything that Thomas didn’t want to do, so he resisted. It took all of his resolve to keep from sinking his fangs into Thomas’s smooth white skin.

  He held him and together they settled as Lando gently slid free from Thomas’s tight embrace. “You make my blood burn, Thomas. Soon I will claim you and we will be one.” Lando pledged.

  He heard Thomas whimper and reach out to hold him, so he carefully slid off of him and settled himself at Thomas’s side still within the amazing little man’s embrace. “We will work this out Thomas, do not fear. You are mine and I am yours and that is all that matters.” Lando crooned into his ear as he reached down and pulled the comforter up to cover them both. They fell asleep in each other’s arms feeling both confident and worried.


  Thomas woke early having slept sporadically throughout the night. Although every time he woke he found himself bundled in the arms of his mate and that was the most wonderful thing to experience. Their lovemaking had been amazing but had left them both wanting more in regard to their bond.

  Lando’s words of last night kept ringing in his ears and filling his mind, ‘I am yours and you are mine’, they were truth, but could they ever be realized? He nuzzled his face against Lando’s bare chest and breathed in his scent which reminded Thomas of fresh air and pine needles. What was he to do?

  “Stop thinking so hard, baby. Relax and just let me hold you a while longer.” Lando’s sleepy tone washed over Thomas and he readily complied with his request. When next they woke, Lando was positioned up on one elbow looking down into Thomas’s face.

  “What are you looking at?” Thomas asked as he stretched feeling so comfortable and at home in this man’s arms.

  “The most charming shifter upon this earth," Lando stated and kissed him lightly. Thomas couldn't hold back the full-face smile that overcame him. Lando leaned back and his eyes traveled Thomas's face over and over.

  “I’ve heard it many times over the past year as my friends have found their beloved, that nothing compares to knowing your beloved and finally holding them in your arms. At the time I indulged them with feigned understanding but today I understand, truly understand the feelings they were trying to communicate and lacked the words to do so.” Lando trailed his fingers down the side of Thomas’s face and Thomas leaned into his touch.

  “I adore you Thomas and nothing on this earth will ever keep me from you.” Lando kissed him again and this time pricked his plump bottom lip with his fang and tasted his beloved once again. The heady flavor exploded in his mind and strengthened his resolve. He felt Thomas moan and wrap his arms around him pulling him down upon him.

  It was not a shock when he felt Thomas's fangs scrap across his shoulder followed by a slight sting. Thomas had not claimed him, but he had marked him and that was splendid. Step by step they were drawing closer and their bond was becoming stronger.

  He knew why Thomas needed to go slow, it was his apprehension regarding the witch. Thomas feared making a claim that he
would be forced to leave. But even with that hanging over Thomas’s head, the little man could not resist marking his mate.

  Thomas might not be ready but Lando was fulling recognizing the fact that Thomas’s cat was ready and anxious to complete their bond. The massive black jaguar purred and whined for attention whenever Lando was close. “I love it when you purr.” Lando breathed the words against Thomas's throat where he was nuzzling, licking and kissing the open temptation. The throbbing vein in Thomas's throat was calling to him like mad.

  "My cat has never cared enough about anyone to purr in their presence," Thomas admitted. "He is at home, just as I am." They began to rub against each other, petting and kissing as their desire pushed them when Lando's cell began to ring. It was the tone he set for Master Hadden so ignoring it was not an option.

  “I have to answer.” He said regrettably and rolled over to grab his phone from the side table. He abhorred letting go of Thomas so kept one hand on hip as he answered the phone. “Yes, sir.” He said, and it was Andrew on the phone informing him that the meeting was being rescheduled for three o’clock.

  That was good news. Now he had time to feed his beloved and they could still spend a few more minutes in bed enjoying each other’s bodies.


  Josef and Nik sat in the conference room with the three guards from the Club, Ruby Light. The Ruby Light was also completely owned and operated by the Hadden coven but no one outside of the coven itself was aware of that fact. Nik liked to have eyes and ears everywhere and the nondescript little club had always been a great source of useful information. They even hired a few non-paranormal employees in order to look average and unassuming to other paranormal groups.

  The three guards Daniel, Vincent, and Leo took care of all the security needs of the smaller club. Master Hadden called this meeting when news of a particular subject began to run through the workforce of the Ruby Light.

  “Who started the rumors?” Nik asked.

  “A member of the service staff. Wilfred Blanc is a server at the club and he began the story that a black jaguar was at the coven and that darkness was to befall all that lived and worked at the Imperial.” Daniel answered.

  “Where did it go from there?” Nik continued.

  "It began last night and traveled fast through the service staff to the management and was being picked up by a few customers before we recognized the threat. We cleared the thoughts of everyone at the club before they left the premises as a precaution." Daniel stood straight and gave Master Hadden his complete attention. Daniel led the security detail for the Ruby Light with Vincent and Leo as his subordinates.

  "Tell me what you know of Wilfred Blanc," Nik questioned further even though he'd already gotten the report filed by Daniel which had been the cause for this meeting. Nik had also requested Wilfred's personnel file as it related to his employment and his file of membership in the Hadden Coven. These men worked with Wilfred Blanc, not closely but they saw him regularly and they would have a clearer impression of the man than those of cold dead files.

  Their descriptions of Wilfred Blanc were well thought out and carefully delivered. It was obvious that they did not want to cause more grief than was earned, but Nik had no time for half stepping. He leaned forward and pierced them with a stare that physically hurt.

  “Tell me who he is and why he is running his mouth in my establishment about a person I brought into the coven.” The ‘I’ was annunciated clearly and with considerable force. He was not wasting time with niceties. Vincent and Leo cast their eyes down in silence and respect and Daniel took the floor.

  “Yes, sir.” He said, sharp and to the point.

  “Wilfred stated that he heard the rumor that a jaguar shifter was coming to the coven last night while picking up stock from the Imperial storeroom. He gave no names because he said it was talk among many. He knew the myth connected to this beast and ran with it once he returned to the Ruby. When told to stop he did not until the situation at the Ruby Light got out of hand. The workers were fearful of having the jaguar in their midst and panic went through the staff like wildfire until we were able to clear the place and restore some sense. Wilfred has a mouth that runs non-stop but never has he deliberately fanned dissent until now.” Daniel stood silent and waiting for Master Hadden’s orders.

  Nik looked at the other two guards. “Do you have anything to add?”

  “No, sir.” They both said, aware that Master Hadden had the ability to see their minds and know that for himself.

  “I want names of everyone who voiced a problem with having Thomas here with us. Do not try to hide anyone.” The order was clear and firm. Josef took them from the room and assisted in compiling the list. Every name was called upon and each person was brought before Master Nikolas Hadden for assessment.

  It was a rough and emotional few hours. No one was banished but many were put on social restrictions. Wilfred Blanc and two of his cohorts were demoted from service staff to janitorial duties of the lowest rank.


  Lando had ordered lunch from the kitchen to be delivered to his quarters. He and Thomas had stayed in bed till eleven before getting up and showering. He would have loved to have showered with his beloved, but he knew it would be an unbearable temptation.

  Thomas needed to relax and prepare himself for the meeting with Master Hadden. Lando knew it was worrying him and therefore didn’t want to push him farther than he was comfortable. Although keeping his hands off his beloved proved to be impossible. He seemed to thrive on Lando’s closeness just as Lando derived strength from Thomas. It was a two-way street formulated by Fate where both were made better by the presence of the other.

  The first shock of the day came when Andrew stopped by to inform them that Edward had requested that he be moved to reside with a group of cat shifters in Meadowlands, a suburb of Pittsburgh. It threw Thomas for a few seconds, but he pushed down his disappointment masterfully and maintained an expression of stoic steel.

  “He said that he loves you but that you need to take the next leg of this journey alone. He won’t be leaving for about another hour and he wants you to come talk to him.” Andrew said picking up on the hurt that his words inflicted but not drawing attention to it.

  Thomas shook his head. “No, he has to do what he believes is right. He brought me this far in life and I will be forever grateful for that.” Lando could see that Thomas had a tenuous hold on his emotions. He’d seen this before. The years of hiding had taught Thomas to hold in his emotions, to not let himself feel. Lando knew that Thomas had to let go and process all that he was feeling.

  Lando finally had to say something as Thomas’s eyes became liquid but not a single tear fell. “Get mad Thomas, it’s okay.” He urged and took a step towards him just to have Thomas take a hasty step back. His chest began to rise and fall rapidly as his eyes turned completely black and the golden glow encircled them. The shift was about to occur.

  Lando pushed Andrew out the door and stood in front of it when Thomas tore through his clothing leaving shreds upon the floor while his cat took over. In less than a second, the giant jaguar filled the room standing straight and tall but with its head pressed against Lando’s hand. The grief Thomas had been denying erupted and his cat took over. It wasn’t there to terrorize or destroy, it was there to channel the uncontrollable pain into energy.

  "I'm your home now." Lando rubbed his hands over Thomas's head and placed a kiss there. "You're mine and I will never abandon you. If you want, when things are settled I will help you search for your birth family." Thomas slowly shifted back as Lando caressed and soothed the large cat. The shift was instant as before and Thomas fell into Lando's arms crying and clinging to him. "It's okay, baby." He kept saying until finally, Thomas heard him.

  Lando led him over to the sofa and they sat down together. He reached behind him and pulled the throw off the back and wrapped it around Thomas on the off chance that someone might come into the room and see him naked. He then pulled
Thomas back into his arms.

  “I’m okay.” He reassured Lando who was clearly looking ready to find Edward and kick his ass. Lando tried to hide his resentment knowing that Edward must have a good reason for all of this.

  “You will be, baby, you will be.” Lando paused and then continued. “The man has raised you since you were a kitten. There has to be something more here. Go talk to him.”

  Lando could see Thomas shutting down and resisting. "Hear him out, Thomas. Don't leave things unsaid."

  After lunch arrived, they ate, and Thomas got dressed. Thomas agreed to go see Edward and say goodbye. Luckily Lando had asked to have Thomas and Edwards' things brought to the coven last night. He thought Thomas would appreciate having his own things around him but was surprised when only a very small bag was delivered to him.

  Thomas had few clothes and even fewer personal items. Lando wasn't sure if it was a choice or due to circumstances but he planned on ordering Thomas a new wardrobe and he would have to accept because it was a gift from his mate. Thomas deserved to dress and be seen as the majestic cat and gentleman that he is.

  “Why don’t you try and rest for a while after you talk to Edward. You didn’t get much sleep last night.” He suggested to Thomas. “I need to check in with my boss and I will be back to escort you to the meeting at three.”

  He came up to Thomas and pulled him close for a deep and searing kiss. “I love the way you taste baby.” He smiled, and Thomas blushed. “I won’t be long.”


  Thomas knocked on Edward’s door and waited. He wasn’t sure what he was going to say. How do you say goodbye to the person who saved you and raised you? How do you put all those feelings and memories into words?

  Edward answered the door with his usual broad smile. “I’m glad you came.”

  “How can you just leave? After everything, how can you just leave me and go live with another clan?” Thomas held back his tears. He was mad and he didn’t want to cry.


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