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Love Me Always: A Romance Anthology

Page 4

by Peyton Banks

  If Kincade didn’t know better, he would think he was falling in love with Soraya.

  Each morning he went into the office, he looked forward to seeing her smile. He looked forward to her eyes lighting up when he dropped off her coffee to her.

  The days she wasn’t in the office, he couldn’t function. Soraya consumed his every thought. Like an obsession.

  “What are you thinking about?” she whispered.

  He turned his attention to her and found her warm brown eyes watching him curiously.

  “Just thinking about us,” he admitted. He was man enough to share his feelings with the woman he was coming to realize he wanted completely in his life.

  Every aspect of it.

  “What about us?” she questioned. She blinked a few times and adjusted the pillow beneath her.

  “If you haven’t figured out by now, Miss Stevens, I’m really into you.” He chuckled. He drew her closer, not wanting anything separating them.

  “I like you, too, Kincade. But I can’t risk my job. I love working for the company—”

  “You do know who you’re sleeping with, right?” He raised his eyebrows. He was dead serious. Didn’t she realize that it was his name on the building, the company? She worked directly for him.

  No one could fire her.

  “I know.” She sighed. She reached up and placed a kiss on his chin. “But people will talk.”

  “Let them.” He leaned down and kissed her still swollen lips. “Anyone comes at you with something smart or disrespecting, you send them to me.”

  “Yes, Mr. Hamilton.” She giggled.

  He rolled over on top of her. He was already hard and couldn’t wait any longer. Her legs opened to allow him to settle between them.

  “You know what?” He lined himself up with her folds, finding her already slick. He groaned as he surged forward. Her warm channel wrapped itself around him. She was just so damn tight and fit him like a glove.

  “What?” she moaned. Her legs wrapped around Kincade, drawing him closer. He eased back then thrust even deeper.

  “Call me Mr. Hamilton again. I like it.”


  Soraya was on cloud nine. A month had passed since the retirement party, which had started the formal relationship between her and Kincade.

  He had been the perfect boyfriend, attentive and protective of her. It was hard to draw the line at work with him. She stressed that she wanted to keep it low in the office because she wanted her work ethic to speak for itself.

  Not that she was sleeping with the boss.

  Even though that perk was undoubtedly a bonus.

  Her heels clicked down the hallway as she headed toward the boardroom. Today was the board of directors meeting, and she had been asked to attend with Kincade. It was the first time she had been invited. The last one the board had held, she was just starting out and was getting acclimated to her new role.

  As the executive assistant to the corporation’s CEO, she didn’t have any say so, but she was allowed to attend and was interested in what the topic would be today.

  “Soraya,” a deep voice called out behind her.

  She turned and found the other Mr. Hamilton striding toward her.

  Braxton, Kincade’s brother, had been out of the country for the past month. He and Kincade were very similar in looks. The younger Hamilton was about the same height and build as his sibling, but Braxton was a few pounds lighter. His hair was cut low like his Kincaid’s, and he was blessed with a set of dimples that appeared whenever he smiled.

  Both siblings were heart-stoppers, but it was Kincade who held her heart.

  The relationship with Kincade was moving fast, and there was no way Soraya was going to try to slow it down.

  This weekend, he was taking her on vacation. It was the first for her in almost two years. She had been working her butt off trying to move up in the company, and it had paid off once she’d accepted this new position.

  Even then, there was no time for fun.

  It was all work for Soraya.

  After hearing that, Kincade cleared both their schedules for two weeks and refused to tell her where they were going. She only had two instructions.

  Pack nothing and bring her passport.

  “Mr. Hamilton,” she greeted him. She paused and waited for him to catch up to her. Soraya held her tablet and pen to her chest and became nervous. Had Kincade updated him on their new relationship status?

  “From what I hear, we are on a first-name basis.” He grinned. He reached her side and slapped her on her shoulder playfully. “Call me Braxton or Brax.”

  That answered her question.

  “Well, Kincaid can be very persuasive.” She smiled shyly. She tucked her dark hair behind her ear.

  “Well, he certainly had a good reason to be.” He gave her a wink. He looked down the hallway, where a few other people milled around outside the boardroom. “Where is my dear older brother?”

  “I don’t know. Kincade wasn’t in the office when I left. He had a meeting with Mr. Atkinson before this one.” She glanced down at her phone and pulled up Kincade’s schedule. “He should be here soon. He sent me a reminder that he wanted me here.”

  “Well, then let’s go take a seat and grab a cup of coffee.” Braxton motioned for her to continue with him.

  They arrived at the door and entered.

  A massive wooden table was placed in the center of the room with high-backed chairs surrounding it. Nameplates lined it, denoting the seating assignments. The state-of-the-art room was surrounded by glass walls that allowed them to view the Dallas skyline. The latest technology was throughout with small televisions mounted on both ends of the room on stands.

  Braxton took his seat where his name was on the table. He was one of thirteen members of the board. One of the hostesses arrived by his side to take his order for coffee.

  Soraya went over to one of the chairs behind where Kincade’s name was and sat. She watched as others filed in and found their seats. She placed her phone on the table beside her.

  A young woman arrived at her side. “Would you like some coffee or tea, Ms. Stevens?”

  “Can I just have water, please?” Soraya glanced at her.

  She offered a warm smile. “Of course. We have spring, mineral, or mountain glaciers. Any preference?”

  Soraya stared at her, truly not understanding the difference.

  “Surprise me,” she replied.

  “Yes, ma’am.” The hostess spun away and walked over to the refreshment station.

  What the hell was mountain glacier water?

  Soraya chuckled and shook her head. She crossed her legs and opened her tablet to the note section. Taking her stylus pencil from the leather case, she got prepared to write down notes from the meeting.

  The room was bustling with the hostesses making their way around serving everyone as they were seated. Kincade’s chair, along with Mr. Atkinson’s, remained vacant.

  “Here you are, Miss Stevens. The finest mountain glacier water chilled to perfection.” The woman set a white napkin on the table before placing a bottle of water with a gold emblem.

  “Thank you.” Soraya smiled her, but her attention was captivated by Kincade entering, chatting with Mr. Atkinson.

  He slapped the older man on the back then searched the room with his gaze. When their eyes met, his lips curled up into a slight smile.

  Her heart rate increased, watching him walk to her. She had grown intimately familiar with what was underneath that suit. She clenched her legs together, the ache appearing that only Kincade could soothe.

  The room chatter lowered slightly as the attendees settled in. Kincade took his seat in front of her. The same hostess arrived at his side and received his order. Once she moved away, Kincade twisted his chair around to face her.

  “How are you?” he asked.

  Soraya had to hold back a silly grin that threatened.

  As if he didn’t know how she was doing. This morning she had awaken
ed in his bed, and she had arrived at work later than she had wanted, thanks to their shared shower.

  “I’m doing well, Mr. Hamilton.” She cleared her throat, catching a few of the board members eyeing the two of them.

  “Any plans for lunch?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m meeting Paris later.” Her friend had been only too thrilled that she’d finally captured her man. Since she was being whisked away for two weeks to God only knew where, she had promised Paris they would go to her favorite restaurant across the street.

  “Any place good?” He raised his eyebrows.

  “The Easy Backyard. It’s a great barbeque place that we like.” She shrugged.

  One of the secretaries was handing out the agenda for the day, and Soraya suddenly grew uncomfortable as more glances came her way.

  “Why don’t me and Brax tag along. You mind?” Kincade asked.

  “Sure.” She smiled. Paris was going to have a heart attack having lunch with two handsome brothers. “Let me tell her now so she can adjust our reservation.”

  He nodded and turned back to face the room.

  She suddenly grew nauseated and was unsure why dread filled her. She snatched up her phone and sent a text to Paris, notifying her their plans were changing and they would have a company with them.

  Who’s coming? Paris immediately responded.

  Kincade and his brother Braxton. Soraya typed out. She waited and watched the three dots on her screen.

  Paris’ reply came. Oh shit. Um…okay. I’ll call over there now so we can get a bigger table.

  Soraya placed her phone down and reached for the water. She unscrewed the cap and took a sip.

  It was unlike anything she had ever tasted. She glanced down the label before looking for the hostess. The woman was watching her as if waiting for her response.

  Soraya gave her a thumbs-up. She had never heard of this brand and was sure it was something one couldn’t find in the regular grocery store.

  Setting the bottle down, she gave her attention back to the room.

  Not sure where this nervousness was coming from, she wrote it off. It was the first time she’d attended a board meeting and attributed it to that. Maybe people were eyeing her because she had never sat in on one before. She recognized some of the people sitting around the table.

  Trying to relax, she focused on the speaker for the moment.

  “We have been presented with a request to create a new position here at Hamilton Financial Corporation. The level of such a position requires a vote from the board of directors for approval,” Mr. Armstrong said, standing near one of the monitors. The screen held the official logo for the company on it.

  “I’ve met with Kincade this morning, and I agree that such a position is warranted,” Mr. Atkinson commented.

  “Thank you, Clark.” Kincade stood and walked over to where Mr. Armstrong stood. “I’ll take it from here, Raymond.”

  Soraya was captivated by Kincade’s demeanor and how he commanded the entire room. He reached for the remote and hit a button. The screen changed, and a title was revealed.

  Chief Investment Officer.

  “I’ve done much thinking this past year on how we can ensure that this organization continues to thrive, and this role will focus on our investments, liquidity, and alternative assets.”

  Soraya studied the three words and wrote them down. She wanted to take notes so she could review them later. Today was all about learning for her. She wanted to absorb as much information as she could.

  “But we currently have a team that does that,” a man with thick white hair and a bushy mustache commented. “Are you saying get rid of that team and only have one person?”

  “Actually the opposite, Ivan,” Kincade replied smoothly. “What I am suggesting is having one person over that department who will have the final say. I want someone who will report directly to me, who will act as a liaison with investors, avoid serious risks, and devise strategies for strong growth.”

  Murmurs went around the room.

  Kincade calmly answered questions. She sat with bated breath.

  In his element, he was so damn sexy that she was two seconds from canceling her lunch date with Paris so she could show him how much he was turning her on.

  He calmly answered everything that was thrown his way.

  “Are we looking to promote from within or hire from outside?” someone asked.

  Soraya leaned forward and eyed his nameplate. Bill Wallace.

  Unsure of who he was, she jotted his name down. She had seen him a few times in meetings they had attended together but had never been formally introduced.

  “Why not promote from within? I already have the candidate in mind.” Kincade slid his hands into his pants pockets.

  The board shared a look amongst them. Soraya’s curiosity piqued. She ran down in her mind some of the department heads and wondered who they would choose.

  “And who would that be?” Mr. Wallace asked.

  “The person I’ve had my eye on has been with our company for some time. Has made their way up fast and has been dedicated to the corporation. Clients trust this person and have invested with us heavily because of the relationship they have built with them.” Kincade paused again. He eyed each member who sat around the table. “But first, I need a vote on the position.”

  Soraya watched as each member reached forward and pressed a button on a small device located in front of them. Kincade strode forward and did the same on the one near his seat. He tossed her a wink before turning his attention back to the room.

  “Are all votes in?” he asked.

  Nods went around the table.

  He clicked a button on the screen, and the votes were tallied.

  Twelve votes yea.

  One vote nay.

  “It would seem like the position of Chief Investment Officer will be formed,” Mr. Armstrong announced. “I’m interested in seeing this person you have in mind to help us with our continued growth. I know my trust is in you, Kincade. Since you and Braxton have taken over, this corporation has made leaps and bounds.”

  “We thank you for trusting us.” Braxton nodded. “I’m sure whoever my brother has in mind for this newly created position will be the perfect fit.”

  “Now that we got that out of the way, who do you have in mind?” Mr. Atkinson chuckled. “I couldn’t get it out of him when we met this morning. Go ahead, spill it.”

  Kincade blew out a deep breath and met her gaze.

  “Soraya Stevens.”

  She blinked. Her hearing had to be going on her. Did Kincade just recommend her for such an esteemed position?

  “Wait, what?” she said, glancing around, confused.

  “Seriously, your assistant?” Mr. Wallace snorted. He leaned back in his chair and shook his head. “Look, I’ll go ahead and admit that no was me. I think we are just fine the way we are. Plus, I’ve heard a few things—”

  “Heard things?” Kincade’s voice cut through the air.

  Goosebumps appeared on her forearms at the sharp response. His voice hardened, and it was the first time she had ever heard him speak in such a tone.

  The room grew so silent a pin would be heard falling to the floor.

  Bill grew visibly uncomfortable as Kincade strode toward him.

  “Please, Bill. Be so kind as to tell me what you’ve heard? I wasn’t aware that a man of your stature listened to water cooler gossip,” Kincade snapped. His hands rested in his pockets, but Bill Wallace would be pushing up daisies if looks could kill.

  “You know what. If this is what the board has decided and you feel Miss Stevens is a good fit for the position, you won’t hear any objections from me,” Mr. Wallace said gruffly. He reached for his water and took a sip.

  “Any objections to my recommendation? I will have her CV on all of your desks within the hour. This position will directly report to me, and I will be the person hiring.” Kincade glanced around.

  No one commented.

ll, even Soraya wasn’t going to fight him on this.

  If he believed her to be the best person for the job, she would try her best.

  “This meeting is adjourned,” Kincade announced.

  Soraya grabbed her things and her expensive bottle of water. She was not leaving that behind. She nodded to the board members before scurrying out of the room after Kincade.


  Kincade stalked down the hallway, enraged.

  How dare Bill try to bring up gossip in front of the other members. It took everything Kincade had not to punch the man in the face.

  Soraya’s expression at the mention of him hearing things pissed him off. She had shared with him that she wanted to keep their relationship on the down-low because of a fear she had.

  He respected that she wanted her work to speak for itself.

  He got it.

  The promotion was because of her work ethic. She needed to be more than an executive assistant. She wouldn’t be the first person to be promoted from such a position.

  Instead of hanging around for idle conversation with the members, Kincade had to leave.

  He wouldn’t deal with anyone talking about his woman.

  He pushed open the glass doorway to his office, and his secretary looked up in shock.

  “I want a meeting with Bill Wallace this afternoon at three. This is mandatory.” He didn’t pause at all. He and Bill were nowhere near finished with their conversation.

  “Yes, sir,” Brenda said without missing a beat.

  He strode down the hall and went past Soraya’s office. It was then he realized he had left her behind.

  “Shit.” He spun around on his heel and froze in place.

  Soraya stood at the end of the hall near Brenda’s desk.

  She walked toward him with her eyes wide. He instantly melted, the anger pouring out of him.

  “Soraya,” he sighed.

  “What just happened back there?” she asked. She held her tablet and phone close to her. A bottle of water dangled from her free hand.

  “Come into my office.” He held the door and motioned for her to enter first.

  She glided past him. He followed behind her and shut the door. She turned to him, and he grabbed her.


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