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Love Me Always: A Romance Anthology

Page 5

by Peyton Banks

  Forcing her up against the door, he covered her mouth with his. Her gasps allowed his tongue to slip inside her mouth. He ignored the items in her hands, falling to the floor.

  He needed to feel and taste her at the moment.

  A protective need had ripped through him when Bill questioned him about Soraya.

  Her moan filled the air while she pushed his jacket off.

  Unable to stop, he bent down and lifted her. Her legs immediately wrapped around his waist while he carried her over to his desk.

  “I need you, Soraya,” he groaned. He set her down on the desk and undid his belt. He slid his pants down and watched as she tugged up the edge of her skirt, revealing her sexy panties that covered her pussy.

  “Take me,” she whimpered.

  Kincade pulled his cock out and lined it up to her slick opening. He ran the tip between her folds and found her drenched.

  “Fuck,” he exhaled, sinking deep inside her. He gripped her waist and held her still, thrusting hard again. “You’re not mad at me for not telling you about the promotion, are you?”

  Being balls deep in her wasn’t the ideal time to have this conversation, but he just had to know. He had kept this a secret from her because he knew she would have hesitated on the position. Kincade believed in her. She was going to do exceptionally well, and he saw big things in her future.

  “God, no,” she cried out.

  “Good,” he ground out.

  He snatched her from the desk and held her up and continued pounding into her. In this position, he was able to go deeper. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and she held on. Her knees tightened on his side, and he guided her up and down on him.

  This was a perfect celebration.

  “Do you accept your new position?” he gasped. A familiar sensation rippled its way through his body. His balls drew up close to him, and he knew his orgasm wasn’t going to wait on him.

  “I have to decide now?” she cried out. Her chest rose and fell hard. Her face was flushed with her desire.

  Kincade held her in place, his cock buried fully in her channel.

  Maybe this was the best time to bring it up.

  He wasn’t above playing low and dirty to get what he wanted.

  What Kincade Hamilton wanted, he got.

  He nipped her lips and molded his mouth to hers. Her walls clamped down on him, eliciting a moan from him. His tongue swept inside her mouth, teasing hers. He ripped his lips from hers.

  “I need an answer, Soraya.” He dropped a kiss on her chin and buried his face in the crook of her neck. He gently bit her skin and suckled it before pulling away from her.

  Her eyes were closed, and her breaths were coming fast.

  “I’m not just getting the promotion because of us, am I?” Her eyes opened and met his gaze.

  “Fuck no. You deserve it.”

  He walked them over to the couch in the seating area nearby. She tore off her suit jacket, leaving her in a thin silk camisole. Somehow, they made it to the furniture. He lowered her down on the pillows, not once disconnecting from her.

  She smiled and brought his head down to hers.

  “Then in that case, I accept.” One chaste kiss between them. “Then we will have a long talk about your planning things and not including me.”

  Kincade chuckled. He drew back and thrust forward hard. Her gasp and eyes rolling in the back of her head were just what he needed to distract her.

  “Whatever you say, darling.” He chuckled. He slid his hand underneath her shirt, pushing her bra out of the way. Her soft mound filled his hand perfectly.

  “And we can’t be late for lunch either.” She gasped. Her hips rotated and rose to meet his.

  “Honey, we have plenty of time.” Kincade leaned down and covered her mouth with his. His and her schedule were cleared for the morning.

  He had to start the orientation for his newly appointed Chief Investment Officer.


  “Oh my goodness,” Soraya murmured.

  Her feet slowed while Kincade chuckled alongside her. He took her hand and pulled her along.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  His sunglasses hid his eyes, but Soraya had spent enough time around him to know he was teasing her.

  They walked outside toward a massive private jet with ‘Hamilton’ splashed across it.

  “I’ve never been on a private jet before.” She giggled. She knew Kincade was worth billions, but she had never put two and two together when he traveled. Brenda took care of their travel, and Soraya would have to admit she’d always flown first class on airlines but was never offered the company jet.

  “Well, from now on, you fly private.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and guided her over to the jet.

  A stewardess stood beside the stairs of the plane.

  “Where are we going?” Soraya laughed. She leaned into Kincade. They were dressed in casual clothes. She had on a summer dress and sandals while he was relaxed in jeans and a button-down shirt. The sleeves folded were oh, so sexy.

  When did forearms become a thing for her?

  She had done as he’d requested. No luggage, just her passport.

  “I promise you will find out when we get settled on the plane.” Kincade squeezed her shoulders.

  He had been so secretive about the trip that it had driven her crazy. There was so much going on at the office that she would have preferred they hold off the vacation until after she’d started her new position, but Kincade would not hear of it.

  The office was buzzing about the meeting between Kincade and Bill Wallace. No one knew of the details, but it would seem that Mr. Wallace had just announced his plans for retirement a day later.

  “Welcome, Mr. Hamilton and Miss Stevens,” the stewardess greeted them. She had a warm smile. She was dressed in a uniform and waved for them to ascend the stairs.

  “Meg, how are you?” Kincade asked. He held out his hand and assisted Soraya up the first one.

  “Doing well, sir. No luggage?” Meg asked.

  “I figured we’d just buy things when we get there.” He jogged up the stairs behind Soraya.

  She paused at the entrance. A couple of other flight attendants were inside the aircraft and turned toward them.

  “Welcome aboard, please take a seat.” The man bowed his head.

  Soraya glanced at this nameplate and grinned.

  “Thanks, Pete,” she responded.

  Kincade guided her inside and over to a plush recliner. She glanced around in awe. The jet had everything a person would need. She wasn’t shocked that it had all the latest luxuries and technologies money could buy.

  Her man didn’t hesitate to purchase the finer things in life. Kincade took a seat across the aisle from her in another chair.

  “Seat belt,” he murmured. He removed his sunglasses and set them down on the table beside him.

  “Yes, sir.” She giggled.

  The flight attendants were busy bustling around the cabin, preparing them for takeoff. Meg walked over to them with a tray in her hand holding two flutes.

  “Thank you.” Soraya lifted one of the glasses then waited for Kincade to take his.

  Meg strode away toward the front of the plane. Soraya swiveled her chair around and glanced behind them.

  “What’s back there?” She nodded toward a hallway.

  “Our private sleeping quarters,” Kincade replied matter-of-factly.

  Sleeping quarters? How long were they going to be in the air?

  Kincade swiveled his chair and faced her. He held up his glass, and she did the same. He smiled at her, and her heart did a little pitter-patter. She was rapidly falling in love with this man. He was protective of her, attentive to her, believed in her, supported her, and ensured she was always pleased.

  “To us,” Kincade said.

  It was a simple toast, but perfect.

  “To us,” she echoed. She took a sip of the champagne. It was magnificent, just as she knew it was going
to be. “You are thoroughly spoiling me. You won’t be able to get rid of me,” she joked.

  Kincade focused his dark eyes on her and paused. He cocked his head to the side and studied her. “What if I don’t want you anywhere else but by my side?”

  Soraya grinned and took another sip. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she crossed her legs. “Well, Mr. Hamilton, you are going to get your wish.”

  “Mr. Hamilton, the pilot is ready for takeoff.” Meg handed him a folded paper.

  “Thank you, Meg.” Kincade proceeded to pass them to Soraya.

  Shocked, Soraya placed her flute down on the table next to her, and took them. She unfolded them and found it to be a large atlas. She shut it and looked at Kincade, confused.

  “What is this for?” she asked.

  “Where do you want to go?” he asked. He leaned back with a cocky grin and nodded to the front of the plane. “They are waiting for you to decide.”

  Soraya turned and found the flight attendants and one of the pilots standing with smiles on their faces.

  “Are you serious?” she gasped. She spun back to Kincade in disbelief.

  He barked a laugh and nodded. “Anywhere, and this jet will take us.”

  Soraya reopened the map. Her heart was beating erratically. There had always been a list of places she wanted to travel. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever think she would be able to put her finger on a map and be whisked off there.


  Kincade gave the nod to the pilot, and the crew walked away to finish preparing for their departure.

  Soraya unbuckled her belt and flew across the cabin and landed on Kincade’s lap.

  “You are an amazing man, Kincade,” she murmured, cupping his face.

  She ran her hand along his freshly shaven cheeks then laid them on his shoulders. His dark eyes softened as she leaned her head down to rest it on his forehead.

  She closed her eyes and blew out a deep breath. “I’m falling in love with you.”

  Kincade took her hand in his and brought it to his lips. She opened her eyes and found his dark ones boring into her.

  “Good, because I’m already in love with you.”

  Her lips curled into a wide grin. Kincade covered her lips in a deep, passionate kiss before pulling away.

  She sniffed, trying to hold back tears that threatened to fall.

  How did she get so lucky?

  “I can’t wait to show you how much I appreciate you,” she teased.

  “I’m going to hold you to it. Now go get back in your seat and strap in. We have a long flight ahead of us.”

  Soraya dropped a hard kiss on his lips and raced back to her chair. Snagging her flute, she knocked back the rest of the bubbly liquid.

  “I’m ready, Mr. Hamilton.” She smiled at Kincade.

  “Good. Now start thinking of where we’ll go after Greece.”

  Soraya blew her man a kiss and picked up the map.

  Where, oh where, would they go?

  After Greece, maybe Tahiti?

  About the Author

  Peyton Banks is the alter ego of a city girl who is a romantic at heart. Her mornings consist of coffee and daydreaming up the next steamy romance book ideas. She loves spinning romantic tales of hot alpha males and the women they love.

  Make sure you check her out!


  Sunsets & Sweet Kisses



  Josephina “Josie” Rivers is a fighter. A lifetime of doing whatever she had to do to put food on the table and keep social services at bay turned her into one. After holding three jobs while going to community college, she finally has her degree, custody of her siblings, and a job as a community activist.

  Lawrence “Law” Campbell is a winner. Born to prominent Chicago attorneys and educated at the best law school money could buy, he’s never had to struggle. When he’s hired to represent a billionaire property investor who wants to tear down three inner-city blocks to build luxury apartments, Law knows he can’t afford to lose.

  But when a fiery Afro-Dominican woman storms through his office door demanding he drop the case; he knows he’s in trouble. What he doesn’t yet know is how much that trouble will change his life and open his eyes to what matters.


  “Finally.” Lawrence “Law” Campbell couldn’t lock the doors fast enough when the final staff member left. He hadn’t had time to celebrate his new powerhouse client yet. The office had been aflutter with activity all day. His father’s firm housed the city’s most prominent team of sought-after attorneys. They were hired by the who’s who of clients. They only hired the best. Law wasn’t yet among them. He would be soon if his petition to buy a stretch of property along 3rd Avenue for his new client went as planned.

  After a slew of lackluster cases, Law knew he’d nabbed a winner. The cash-strapped neighborhood where the property sat needed improvements, and who better to improve it than a billionaire?

  This case was a slam dunk. The client wanted a local attorney to advocate on his behalf. Since Law was born and bred in the city, and everyone knew who he was, he figured he’d have no problem. He’d finally earn his father’s respect.

  Law made a beeline for the wine cabinet in the corner. He pulled out the first bottle he could find, then panicked when he realized he had no glassware in his office. A lot of good that would do.

  “That’s perfect.” He searched through the desk drawers. “I land a billion-dollar account, and no one is here to see it. And I can’t find one lousy glass. Some high-powered attorney I turned out to be,” he mused. “You’re a real superstar. I’m sure they’ll put your name on the door someday.”

  After a desperate search and a few choice words, he drank straight from the bottle. “You could take the boy out of the…” He let the words trail off because he’d grown up with privilege. He’d had the best of everything. He was a rich, sometimes rebellious kid, who had to work twice as hard to prove he wasn’t out of touch.

  A loud banging on the front office door made him jump. Red wine splashed on his crisp white shirt. “Unbelievable!” He reached for a box of tissue paper he kept in his desk, but the box was empty. “Are you kidding me?”

  The banging on the front door came to a sudden stop, soon replaced with a rattling of the doorknob. “I know you’re in there. You will hear what I have to say,” a woman yelled from the other side of the door.

  “Hold on!” he called out, believing it was one of the staff members. “I’ll be right there.” He unbuttoned his shirt with one hand as he opened the door with the other. He didn’t look to see who was at the door.

  “Are you Campbell?” The woman’s angry tone caught him off guard.

  He stopped fiddling with his shirt and looked up to find the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. A brunette with eyes the color of honey rendered him unable to speak.

  A sweet scent of flowers wafted through the room as she took a step toward him. “Yes or no?” she asked. “Are you Campbell?” He stepped back. “Look, mister, I don’t have time for games. Are you him or not?” She flipped long strands of curls out of her face. “You know what? I don’t care.” She grabbed her hair with one hand and fanned her face with the other. “I can’t believe I have to do this again.”

  He arched a brow. “I’m sorry, miss, but I don’t think we’ve met.”

  She let her hair fall to her shoulders as she locked eyes with him. “When did I say we had?”

  He stood with his mouth open.

  She tilted her head as she crossed her arms in front of her. She moved closer and sniffed the air. “Is that… wait, are you drunk?” She twisted her head to read the name on the front door placard. “This is Campbell and Associates Law Offices, right?”

  Her full, heart-shaped lips mesmerized him. He had to force himself to look away.

  She wasn’t a patient woman. She took the awkward silence as an opportunity to commandeer his father’s office and sat behind
his desk. “Where is it?”

  “Where is what?” Law asked as he rushed in to stop her. “There is nothing here for you.”

  She pulled a drawer open. “How would you know? I haven’t even told you what I want.”

  He nodded. “I’m afraid to ask you what you want.” He laughed a nervous laugh. “Here’s what I know. This is my father’s office. His files are none of our business. And I don’t have to tell you anything. Shall I escort you to the door?”

  She grinned as she shook her head. “No, that won’t work for me.” She leaned forward and placed her elbows on top of the desk blotter. “Someone in this office has a case file and a fat check in it. I want them.” She rolled her eyes. “Not the check. I don’t need blood money. You can donate that instead, but the case file has to go.” She pushed the chair back and slid into the windows behind her.

  “Watch yourself.” He ran around the desk and pulled the chair away from the row of windows. “Do I need to call security?”

  “And tell them what?” she challenged. “How do you think I got in here?” She smiled. “I bet you don’t even know. You’re too busy hanging out with billionaires to notice regular people. People like me who don’t have fancy offices and expensive suits.” Her gaze fell on the wine stains. “If I had expensive suits, I’d take better care of them.”

  He glanced down at the front of his shirt. “This? I didn’t do this on purpose.” He wiped at the stains. “This was an accident. I wanted to celebrate with a glass of wine and…” His words trailed off because she wasn’t listening. “What do you think you’re doing?” He slammed the top desk drawer shut. “I told you there’s nothing in here for you. And I don’t know where you got this idea. No attorney worth his or her salt would hand their case files to a stranger.”

  She pushed herself to her feet. “I’m not a stranger. My name is Josie Rivers, and I’m your worst nightmare.” She straightened her back and walked toward the door. “I’ll see you in court.”


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