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A Crown of Blood and Ashes

Page 14

by Elle Middaugh

  Numb. Completely fucking numb. That's how I felt as I watched him carry her from the room.

  It wasn't her fault. I knew how intense his aura was. But I still hated it with the flaming passion of a thousand suns. I could only hope she’d be able to fight it long enough to use Deidra’s potion.

  Yasmin waved her hand in front of my face.

  "Hello, vampire," she said with a cheeky smile. "Did you even hear me?"

  I blinked and refocused on her dark eyes. I could barely tell her iris from her pupil. It gave her a constantly aroused look that sent tiny jolts of desire straight to my cock.

  "Sorry," I said, apologizing and readjusting my dress pants.

  The subtle motion drew her gaze and she smirked.

  "I said," she continued, finally looking back up at me, "that the newlyweds look smitten. They couldn't even wait to share a dance before they got their rocks off."

  I resisted the urge to growl and completely ignored her stupid fucking statement. "I need a drink."

  She stood and straightened her dress. The movement jiggled her spectacular breasts. "Me too," she agreed.

  I held out my arm and led her to the bar.

  Be smooth, Darren, I reminded myself. Charismatic. Cocky. Sexy. Win this girl over and life will somehow get easier. You'll be able to survive that look in your woman's eye as she's gazing at someone else.

  "What'll you have?" I asked Yasmin with a sexy smirk.

  "You," she said, in a low voice.

  I blinked, feeling my blood heat up. "Come again?"

  "I'd love to."

  I stared at her for a few seconds, unsure of what to say or do.

  Then she laughed, revealing perfect teeth between those shiny plump lips.

  "I'm just fucking with you! You need to relax, vampire, or this is going to be a really rough night."

  "I hope it is," I said, matching her seductive tone from a second ago.

  Her eyes darted to mine and her playful smile faded into a smolder.

  "And I'm not fucking with you, though I do hope to be fucking you very soon."

  Her chest heaved with shallow breaths. I'd turned her on; I could hear the arousal singing in her blood. It was calling to me.

  "Now,” I said, getting back on track. “What would you like to drink?"

  "Tequila," she replied, no longer trying to dominate me.

  I knocked on the bar, and a tender rushed over. As second-in-command, I was a rather important person. Yasmin seemed impressed with my easy display of power.

  "A tray of shots," I said. "Tequila."

  "A whole tray?" she asked with raised brows. "Are you trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me?"

  I imagined Autumn drunk on Varek's aura. Him, milking it for every drop it was worth, taking ultimate pleasure in her body.

  I leaned in closer to Yasmin, and the scent of citrus and flowers touched my nose. "I don't need to get you drunk for that, Princess"—the use of Autumn's title did not elude me—"and trust me, I won't be taking anything; you'll be begging me for it."

  As soon as the bartender set down our shots, Yasmin grabbed one and threw it back.

  "Jesus fucking Christ, you're sexy, you know that?"

  I grinned. "I've been told that a time or two, yeah."

  "And that accent...." She shivered and her nipples poked out through her dress.

  My cock jumped at the sight, but my heart still wasn't in it. Autumn loved my accent too. It might've been easier to do what I was ordered to do if I wasn't so preoccupied with the woman who was currently in my maker's bed.

  I needed to get a fucking grip. I'd had sex countless times before her, and almost none of them had involved anything even close to love. I could easily get my dick up and fuck this Yasmin girl senseless, but it wasn't going to do anything to dull the pain coursing through my blood.

  Autumn was now Varek's wife. I still couldn't believe we'd let it happen.

  "So," I said, toying with my shot glass before downing it. "Tell me about you."

  She shrugged and grabbed another shot. "I'm a witch, specializing in potions. My parents actually own a huge brewery. It's how my kingdom came into so much wealth."

  Never accept a drink from this girl. Check.

  "A brewery, eh? Like, love potions and shit?"

  She grinned. "Especially love potions. That's our greatest claim to fame."

  I nodded, amused, then downed another shot.

  "So what do your parents hope to gain from our would-be union?"

  Her head tipped back as she laughed. "More wealth, I suppose. I think they're hoping they can cross over into the vampire market. Selling potions to a whole new group of people."

  "That's a hell of a concept, isn't it? I wonder if it'll work."

  She took her second shot, then shook her head distastefully. "I don't know. But it seems like your maker is shattering the old ways and ushering in a new era for supernaturals everywhere. So it seems more possible now than it ever has."

  My teeth gnashed. My maker was doing what I should have done. Autumn and I were supposed to be the lovers responsible for the revolution, not that prick.

  I did a double shot, then shook my head. "Wanna dance?"

  I needed a fucking break from my thoughts.

  She put her hand in mine. "I'd absolutely love to."

  In the morning, I stared at Princess Yasmin as she slept in my bed.

  I hadn't fucked her. I couldn't bring myself to do it. Not when the sting of losing Autumn was so fresh. She had tried valiantly to get into my pants, but when I carefully refused, she’d closed her eyes and passed out cold.

  Hopefully Varek wouldn't be too pissed off. I doubted he would be. In fact, I had a feeling he'd be in quite the pleasant mood all day.

  Jealousy flared, and I forced myself out of bed. I needed a cold shower, a nice jerk session, and a tall glass of the red stuff. I was never going to make it through the day otherwise.

  When I was cleaned up, cooled off, and ready to start the evening, Princess Yasmin was gone. I had no idea what that meant. Hopefully she didn't remember much from the night before, and wasn't offended by me turning her down. Maybe she'd think I was being chivalrous or something?

  I opened my bedroom door just as Jared was about to knock.

  "What's up, mate?" I asked him, as I pushed through the doorway into the hall.

  "Varek wants to see you," he said simply.

  I crossed my arms and squeezed my fists tightly. "Yeah? Is he pissed?"

  Jared shrugged. "I have no idea, bruv. He was completely emotionless."


  "Thanks, mate." I patted his shoulder and walked away.

  "Wait!" he shouted, catching up to me. "How'd last night go?"

  I scoffed. "Not good."

  "Yeah? What'd you do, blow it early?"

  "Ha ha. More like not at all."

  His eyes widened. "You went limp? That's downright embarrassing, mate."

  I punched his arm. "I didn't have it off with her, mate. I couldn't."

  He shook his head. "Please tell me this has nothing to do with the newly instated Mrs. Wells...."

  "Don't ever fucking call her that again," I growled. "Of course it has to do with her."

  Jared shook his head. "I'm going to tell you like I told her, bruv. Either you do something about this, or you cut ties and move on. This is crazy."

  I stopped at the foot of the stairs and whipped around.

  "What do you propose I do, exactly?" Then it clicked. "You want me to give her up, don't you?"

  He tried to smile. "Only because I think it'd be best. You're gonna get yourselves killed."

  "Darren!" Varek called from his office at the end of the hall. "Just the man I wanted to see. Get in here."

  "Good luck," Jared muttered before patting my shoulder and continuing on without me.


  I drained my face of all emotion and took on the hardened edge my maker was accustomed to seeing. With forced composure, I str
olled down the hall like I owned the place. Once inside his office, I shut the door behind me.

  Varek sat up straight with his hands folded on the desk—the total opposite of his typical casual demeanor. It set me even further on edge.

  "How'd you enjoy the wedding?" he asked me.

  Not exactly the question I was expecting, but I had a feeling he'd get to the point sooner rather than later.

  "It was a beautiful ceremony, sir."

  "It was, wasn't it? How was the reception? I was a little preoccupied elsewhere and I missed it."

  I took a deep, calming breath. "It was a great party. I'm pretty sure everyone was smashed by the end."

  Varek finally chuckled. "Good. I'm glad. I hear you and Princess Yasmin hit it off pretty well."

  I nodded.

  "I spoke to her mother on the phone this evening," he said, eyeing me intently. It was like he wanted to make me sweat. "The deal is on. Yasmin is staying at the manor and the wedding will be held within the next few days. Possibly even tomorrow, if we can swing it."

  "Wedding, sir? If I absolutely have to be betrothed, can't I at least get used to the engagement before the marriage?"

  "Don't be such a pussy, Darren. You will marry Yasmin by the end of the week. You can spend the rest of eternity getting to know her if you want, but it's not going to change a damn thing. We need this union in order to prosper. You are going to make sure that happens."

  "Yes, sir."

  He gestured to the door. "That's all."

  I bowed my head and backed away until his door was closed behind me.

  I needed to find Autumn. The first place I looked was Varek’s room, then her room, but there was no answer at either door. Unease settled into my stomach, mixing with hunger. So while I tried to figure out the mystery of her absence, I went to the kitchen to grab a quick drink. Miracle of miracles, Lyra stood cooking something at the stove. Probably for Autumn.

  "Where's your lady?" I asked from the doorway.

  Her shoulders tensed and she stopped stirring the pot. "Why would I tell you?"

  I took a step inside. "Because I could literally drain you dry, right here, right now. I’m awfully thirsty."

  "But you won't. It would upset her."

  "Honestly, I can live with that."

  "But if you drain me dry, you won't know where she is. That's what you really wanted, right? To find her?"

  I nodded.

  "How about this, you tell me something, and I'll tell you something in return. Deal?"

  I shook my head and stepped even closer. "No. You tell me where Autumn is, and I'll let you live. Deal?"

  "No. I'll tell you where Autumn is, if you tell me how to escape this place."

  I literally laughed out loud. "Are you insane? There is no escaping Wells Manor. Not unless Varek allows you to go. Why? Did you suddenly realize how unwelcome you are?"

  She rolled her eyes. "Maybe. Or maybe I just need to know the exits in case I have to use them soon."

  "I'll tell you what, if you want to leave, I'll personally vouch for your dismissal."

  "It's not about me."

  I paused. "Autumn wants to leave?"

  She sighed and went back to stirring. "No. But she should. The shit she's willing to risk for you is unspeakable. She needs to go home where she's actually safe."

  My blood pressure seemed to be rising by the second. You know, if that were a thing for a vampire.

  "What do you mean she's not safe here?"

  Lyra slammed the spoon down on the countertop. "Do we have a deal or not, vampire? Or are you just as callous as your maker?"

  I had no idea what she was talking about, but it was making me nervous as hell. Had Varek done something to Autumn last night? I mean, other than trying to coax her into his bed? Had he succeeded? Had he threatened her? Hurt her? So help me....

  "If you leave with Autumn, he'll hunt you down,” I said quietly. “It'll be a full-fledged war between vampires and witches."

  She sneered. "So you won't help me?"

  "That said," I added, ignoring her question, "there's a passage in the old library in the west wing."

  She wouldn’t figure it out without my help, but I wasn’t about to tell her that.

  She nodded. "Thank you."

  "Now tell me where she is."

  Lyra sighed. "She's in my room, taking a hot bath. She needed some time alone."


  "She won't say. But I'd bet money it's because of her night with her new husband."

  She threw me her room key and got back to stirring.

  "Thank you, Lyra."

  "Ha!” she scoffed. “Never thought I'd hear that out of your mouth."

  But I was already gone.



  The bath water swelled as I entered, threatening to spill over the top. I sighed, enjoying the moment’s peace as I sank down to my chin in bubbles.

  Lyra had gotten the wrong impression of last night—or, I guess, the right one, considering this was all a sham—and she’d taken pity on me, offering me her room as a safe escape for an hour or two. But she didn’t know what had really happened.

  When Varek had carried me from the reception hall and up to his room, it had given his aura a chance to chill, which in turn had given me a chance to screw my head back on tightly. I’d desperately wanted to ignite my powers and cover myself in magical protection, but there was no way to do it without him seeing. I’d been forced to rely solely on the little potion bottle Darren had given me earlier.

  Ever prepared, Varek had left a bottle of champagne chilling on ice by the bed.


  “I’d like to propose a toast,” I said.

  I walked over to the glasses and put my back to him. As I poured, I dumped a few drops of Deidra’s potion into his glass, then tucked it back into my breasts.

  Handing him the drink, I raised mine into the air.

  “To an eternity of bliss and steaming hot sex.”

  He chuckled, even as his eyes grew heavy with lust. I could feel his aura burning away at my skin.

  “And multiple orgasms every time,” he added with a wink. God, he was good at getting me hot. I needed to get this over with before I lost control.

  I quickly downed my glass, watching with eager eyes as he drank his too....

  The memory faded as I realized my bath was getting cold. With a toe, I added more scalding hot water. After a while, I shut the valve, and as soon as the loud rush of water halted, I immediately heard a rapping at the door.

  My heart thumped erratically. Who was it, and how long had they been knocking?

  Suddenly, the lock clicked and the knob turned.

  Other than Lyra, who would have a key? The leader of the coven, that's who. I had a sneaking suspicion about what he’d be after.

  I leapt from the tub, sending a wave of water over the side and onto the stone floor, soaking my clothes. Riffling through my garments, I quickly snatched the vial Deidra had given to Darren. I had no idea how I was planning on using it, but it seemed like a good idea to have it nonetheless. Grabbing a towel, I quickly wrapped myself up. Then, before anyone could see, I doused myself in magical protection.

  By the time Darren walked around the corner, I was on the verge of a panic attack.

  "Jesus!" he shouted, looking at me like I was feral.

  "It's you!" I cried in return, rushing over to him.

  He wrapped me in his muscular arms and squeezed me tight. I buried my face in his chest and breathed deeply, welcoming his familiar scent.

  "What the fuck, Autumn? Are you okay?"

  I nodded. "Yes, I just thought you were Varek. Why the hell did you have the key to Lyra's room?"

  "She gave it to me."

  I pulled back a bit and looked up at him. "That seems highly unlikely."

  "I gave her something in return."

  Stepping back, I crossed my arms over my breasts. "And what was that?"

  His eyes twinkled as
he laughed. "Not any sexual favors, Princess Jealousy. A way out."

  Why the hell would Lyra need a way out? Was she planning on running away? My parents would find her and kill her if they knew she'd deserted me. Unless she was planning on dragging me with her when she left? But, again, why?

  I shook my head. "That's... odd."

  Darren shrugged. "She won’t figure it out without me. And I got what I wanted—I found you. But back to the point: why were you so afraid I was Varek? Did he...." His beautiful hazel eyes glazed over. "Did he hurt you last night?"

  That thought was absolutely laughable. In fact, I did laugh.

  Darren continued looking at me like I was half mad.

  "Sorry," I said, as I opened up my palm. “I used this.”

  Darren raised an anxious brow. "Yeah? The potion actually worked, then?"

  "He blissfully passed out to visions of us getting it on all night long. And when he woke up this morning, he was none the wiser."

  "Brilliant! So then, why the terror that I was Varek?"

  I raised a brow, dropped the towel, and gestured to my naked body. "If you were my husband—"

  "Which I should've been."

  "—and you walked in on your naked wife in the bath, what would you have done?"

  His eyes darkened as he stealthily approached. "You're right. I should've jumped you by now."

  I chuckled, rewrapping my arms around his neck. "I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get to the vial in time, or that I'd have no decent excuse for why we needed a quick drink first."

  "Well, thank God it was me, then. The only drink I need is from your neck."

  He picked me up and carried me into my servant’s tiny room, laying me down carefully onto the twin-size bed.

  "You can't jump me in Lyra's bed," I hissed. "We can't do that to her."

  "I'm not doing anything to her, I'm doing it to you. And she can piss off until we're finished."

  He nipped my neck, sending waves of pleasure rippling across my skin.

  There was no denying that I desperately wanted what he was offering. I'd dreamt about it all night. It was almost as pathetic as Varek's situation had been. More than once, I thought of sneaking into Darren's room, but I knew he was with Yasmin. The thought burned a hole through my chest.


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