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No Looking Back: A Happy Endings Resort Novella

Page 5

by Krissy V

  “You’re scaring me now, Carter.”

  “Nothing for you to be worried about, Rory. I promise. I know you’ll look after them for me.”

  “I will.”

  Jumping back in my car, I race over to the house. I need to make some phone calls in private. I need to find out what is happening in Chicago and whether it’s spilling over to the Happy Endings Resort.

  I dial a number I haven’t dialed for a couple of years. Frank answers after three rings.

  “Hey. Long time no hear, buddy. What’s happening? Are you bored from everyone sleeping out there?”

  “You could say that. I wish I was back in Chicago, that’s for sure. I want to ask you about Luis Mendoza.”

  “Why do you want to know about him? He’s dead.”

  “Is he really, Frank? Are you one hundred percent sure he’s not alive somewhere?”

  “I saw his body. So did you.”

  “I know, but he was badly burned. We could only distinguish him from his belongings.”

  “What are you trying to say?”

  “Is there any activity with the Mendoza cartel?”

  “Well, there’ve been rumblings recently. A court appointed official, Tom someone or other, was murdered a week or so ago. There was nothing that tied him to the Mendozas except he was protecting Carla before she went into witness protection. Shit, do you think he’s alive and looking for her? Why are you asking these questions when you’re out in Sleepyville?”

  “I know where Carla Mendoza is and strange things have been happening to her. I think he’s back, and if it’s not him, it’s Marco. She has been tortured by him, that’s for sure.”

  “What’s been going on? You need to fill us in.”

  Chapter Nine


  We had a good day with Rory. She didn’t ask any awkward questions, so that was good. When Carter finished work, he met us at the cabin where he told me to pack our suitcases.

  “I have ‘go bags’,” I say as I grab them from the closet by the front door.

  He looks at me and his eyes darken. “You’re not on a time restraint here, Kenzie. You can pack all your clothes and bring them. I’ll help you.”

  I pack my clothes and Carter packs Jaden’s then we leave. As I throw my bags in the trunk, I look back at the cabin and hope that I’ll come back soon. This will blow over and it’s probably just an opportunist and not Marco or Luis. Here’s hoping.

  “Come on. I’ll show you to your room, Jaden.” We follow Carter as he takes Jaden’s bag with him.

  “Are we having a sleepover?” he asks.

  Carter ruffles his hair. “Just for a couple of nights, hopefully, and it will be quicker for you to get to school. It’s only down the street.”

  “Yay, so much fun.” Jaden runs and jumps on the double bed in the spare room. “This is huge. It’s like the one I had back home.”

  “Don’t get used to it.” I laugh. “Thanks again,” I say to Carter who is leaning against the door jamb.

  He smiles at me and walks away. I kiss Jaden and close the door when I walk back into the lounge. I throw myself down on the couch with a big sigh.

  Carter sits down beside me with a glass of wine. “Here.”

  “Thanks.” I take it from him and take a couple of sips. “It’s been a hell of a day.”

  “It sure has.” He rests his hand on my leg. “It’ll get better now, I promise. I spoke to some friends in Chicago and they told me that…” He stops mid-sentence. “What was the name of the guy who brought you here?”

  “Tom. Why?”

  “Unfortunately Tom was found dead the other night.”

  “What?” Standing up, I pace up and down. “I need to get out of here, Carter. I can’t stay. You’re in danger.” Before I can walk out of the room to wake Jaden up for us to leave, Carter grabs my arm, and as I turn to shout at him, he pulls me flush to his body.

  “I’m not going to let anyone hurt you, Kenzie. I promise. You’re safer here than in the cabin.”

  “You’re not safe though, Carter. What if they come after you? I’d never forgive myself.”

  “They won’t. And if they do, then I’m ready for them. I have my friends in Chicago trying to find out what’s going on. They’ll tell me as soon as they hear anything.”

  I go limp in his arms and fall against him. Sobbing, my tears wet his shirt. He lifts me up by putting his hands behind my knees and back and then he carries me to a bedroom. I assume it’s his because when I look around I can see it’s lived in and homely. He lays me down on the bed. “You need to rest, Kenzie. Everything will be better in the morning. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  “No, Carter. Don’t. Stay with me. I won’t sleep if you’re not here. I’m scared.” I hate feeling like a weak woman, but after what happened last night, I don’t want to think about someone coming into my room during the night.

  He smiles at me and climbs into bed beside me. We are both still dressed and there is nothing sexual about us sharing the bed. This is about me being scared of being on my own and a man who would do anything to protect me.

  “Come here,” he says, pulling me closer to him. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here and I’ll protect you, Kenzie. Always.”

  He wraps himself around me and suddenly I feel secure and my whole body relaxes.

  “What’s going to happen now, Carter?” I whisper into the dark.

  “Nothing. Life is going to go on as normal. Jaden is going to start school on Monday and I’m going to keep an eye on what’s happening in Chicago.” I stiffen at that word.

  “What if he’s still alive? What if…”

  “Shh. Stop that. Nothing’s going to happen. You’re safe with me.”

  I’m mentally exhausted, so I accept what he says and fall asleep.


  When Kenzie is asleep, I slowly unwrap myself from her gorgeous body and go into the lounge to get my phone. I ring Frank to find out if he has any news.

  “Hey, buddy. Twice in one day!”

  “Just wanted to know if you found anything out since we spoke. I’ve moved Carla out of the cabin so they won’t find her. She’s going to keep low for a while.”

  “I’ve got a few men over at the club watching to see who comes and goes. If there’s any sign of Luis or Marco leaving then we’ll tail them. I’ll let you know when there’s any movement.”

  “Thanks, Frank. Stay safe.”

  “Back at ya, Carter.” He hangs up.

  My mind is working overtime. I can’t believe someone got into her cabin without waking her or Jaden. What if they’d gone into her room? Would they have killed her? Or raped her? The anger boils in my body and I know I need to exercise to get it out of my system. I have a small gym in the house so I go there and lift some weights for a while.

  When I come back in, I have a shower then climb into bed behind Kenzie and pull her close to me. I can hear her moan when she touches my body and there’s nothing I want to do more right now than fuck her, but there’s a time and a place for that. I’m just grateful she’s in my arms. It’s where she belongs.

  Jaden started school three days ago and he loves it. He and Kenzie are still in my house, and although we’ve shared the same bed every night, nothing has happened between us more than a few kisses. She’s not in the right head space for anything else and I want her to be safe and for her to know one hundred percent that she’s ready for a relationship with me. I want her fully committed.

  Kenzie has been staying in the house all day and is bored. She leaves to collect Jaden from the bus stop but that’s all. It’s not safe for her to be walking around; we just don’t know who is hanging around.

  Nothing strange has happened in the Happy Endings Resort since Kenzie left her cabin which is a good sign, but it just reaffirms that it was something to do with her.

  I get a text.

  Kenzie: I’m going to collect Jaden then I want to go to the shops and get some food for dinner tonight.

>   Carter: Are you sure?

  Kenzie: I’m sick of being locked up in the house. I need to start living again or I need to move away from here.

  No fucking way is that happening.

  Carter: Okay, if you’re sure.

  Kenzie: I am. Text me later and let me know what time you’ll be home.

  Carter: Will do.

  My phone rings around four o’clock and it’s Frank. “Hey, buddy. Marco left the club around an hour ago, but we lost him.”

  “Where was he headed?”

  “Don’t know. He went north, then south. It’s like he knew he was being followed. Then we lost sight of him.”

  “Shit. Do you think he’s on his way here?”

  “Can’t tell. Sorry, Carter.”

  “No worries.”

  “Oh, Carter. There’s something else.”

  “What?” I ask warily.

  “There was someone in the back of the car. We didn’t see him get in there so we don’t know who it is.”

  “Fuck. Thanks for the warning.”

  “No worries. If you need anything, just shout.”

  “Will do.”

  After hanging up, I thump the desk a few times, frustrated that they lost him. Is he coming here? Well, I’m ready for him if he does.

  My phone rings then and it’s Kenzie.


  “Carter… Carter…” She’s sobbing hysterically. I stand and walk out of the police station. I need to get to her.

  “Kenzie, what is it?”

  “It’s Jaden. He’s not on the bus. I need to go to the school to see if he was delayed.”

  “I’m on my way. I’ll be there in two minutes. We can go together.”

  “Please hurry.”

  By the time she hangs up, I’m right beside her at the bus stop. Leaning across, I shout, “Kenzie, get in.”

  She climbs in and she’s sobbing. I put my hand on her leg and she jumps. “It’s okay. We’ll find him. He was probably just late and missed the bus. He’s probably waiting for the next one.”

  “No, I can feel it. It’s him. He’s found us. I just know it.” She’s rubbing her hands together anxiously.

  We pull up to the bus stop outside the school and Jaden isn’t there. I drive into the school and we get out to go and find the principal.

  “Come in,” she says. “What can I do for you?”

  “Where’s Jaden? He wasn’t on the school bus,” Kenzie says hysterically.

  “I’m sorry. Let me go and find out if he got on the bus.” She leaves the room for a couple of minutes, during which I take Kenzie’s hand and squeeze it.

  It seems like hours before she comes back in. Kenzie is breathing heavily and I know she’s on the brink of losing control.

  “I’ve checked the register and it looks like Jaden left earlier today.”

  “Why? How? I didn’t collect him.”

  “It looks like his father collected him.”

  “His…. His…” Kenzie goes pale before standing up and running out of the principal’s office.

  “I’m sorry. There’s some family stuff going on at the moment. We’ll be in touch.” I follow Kenzie out of the office and find her leaning up against my car.

  “He… he… he took him, didn’t he? He must be still alive. Oh my God. No.”

  “I’ll make some phone calls when we get back. It’s not safe for you to be exposed like this.” I open the door for her to get in the car, and when she’s safely inside, I close the door and go around to my own side.

  She’s silent the whole way home except for her heavy breathing. I’m worried about her. Maybe I need to call the doctor to come and sedate her.

  “I need to find him, Carter. He’s my whole life.”

  “I know, Kenzie. I know. I’ll call Frank in Chicago and see if there has been any sighting of him.”

  “Thanks.” She closes her eyes.

  When we get back to the house, she walks inside and throws herself on the couch. “I’m going to make some phone calls and then we can talk about what we need to do.” I lean down and kiss the top of her head.

  “Okay. But, Carter, I need to find him quickly. If Luis or Marco has him then that’s not good news. They’ll use him as bait for me.”

  “That won’t happen. I promise.”

  I won’t let anything happen to her or Jaden. They mean a lot to me.

  Leaving her in the lounge, I go into the station and call Frank to find out what has been going on since we last spoke only a couple of hours ago.

  “Carter, I was just going to call you.”

  “Yeah, why?’

  “There’s been some movement. The car came back and there was no one in the back. We still don’t know who it was, but we have some undercover agents going into the club to see what they can figure out.”

  “Thanks. Keep in touch. Kenzie’s brother has gone missing, so she’s frantic.”

  “No problem.”

  He hangs up. I stare at the computer and vow that, even if it’s the last thing I do, I’m going to find Jaden and bring him home to Kenzie.

  Even if I get killed in the process.

  Chapter Ten


  Carter’s gone to the station to find out what’s going on. I can’t just sit here not knowing how Jaden is. He’s probably scared and I can imagine him crying. He’s always hated Luis, even though he’s his father. My mom and Luis got together when I was three and he treated her like a queen. When she was pregnant with a boy, he was delighted. He doted on me, but when Jaden came along he dropped me, especially after Mom died during childbirth. I had to raise Jaden as my own and Luis resented him for killing Mom.

  When I was eighteen, he came to my room one night and made me have sex with him, even though Mom was pregnant with Jaden. When she died, he raped me every night. Forced me to do unspeakable things. He was punishing my body for Mom dying. When Jaden was a year old and I was nineteen, he made me marry him.

  I hated him, but when I slept with him, it took the heat off Jaden.

  A year ago, everything changed. Luis stopped sleeping with me and would come home from the club smelling of cheap perfume. I was delighted because he wasn’t touching me. But he had other plans for me and he let Frederico, his second in command, force himself on me instead. Frederico was Luis’ right hand man, and he and Marco were brothers. If I thought Luis was rough then I was mistaken. Frederico found it funny when I fought him so he would stub his cigarettes out on my body, nowhere anyone could see, but enough that I could feel them and the scars they became.

  Frederico would pull my hair and punish me in any way he could find. One night, they both wanted a go together. I couldn’t do that. I’d had enough, and then they told me they were going to make Jaden watch. I lost all sense. That was when I lashed out and Luis fell to the ground and hit his head on the fireplace. I shot Frederico in the stomach with the gun I had stashed away under my pillow.

  I set fire to the house. I didn’t want to stay there any longer; we needed to get away. I also knew it was going to be the fastest way someone would come and help us.

  We ran and didn’t stop until we got to the police station.

  I then heard that there were two bodies brought out of the fire and they were so badly burnt that they could only recognize them by their belongings.

  I don’t know how Luis made it out, but I know for sure now that he did.

  While I’m pacing, trying to work out what to do next, my phone pings with a message.

  Unknown: You know where I am. The ball’s in your court, cara mia.

  Luis. He was the only one who called me cara mia.

  Kenzie: You fucking asshole. I’m coming for you

  Unknown: Love you too. I know you missed me, but now we can be a family again. See you soon

  The anger is building in my body. I’m tense all over and I feel like I’m going to explode. My adrenaline is spiking and I can feel the shakes washing over me.

  I know what I nee
d to do. Leaving my phone on the table, I walk out of the front of Carter’s house and look up and down the street. I find what I’m looking for and walk up to a black Dodge Charger. I know it’s fast and I’ll get there quicker. I don’t care that I have to steal it because Jaden’s life is on the line. Luis can kill me if he wants, but not Jaden. He has too much to live for.

  After opening the door and hot wiring the car, the engine starts and I look behind me to check that no one is watching then I roar down the street.

  I don’t think about Carter and how angry he’s going to be when he finds I’ve gone. I’m doing this for Jaden and him alone. He is my life.

  It takes me an hour to get to Chicago, and every mile I get closer, my heart rate increases.

  Am I nervous? Hell, yeah. Am I scared? Of course. Am I doing the right thing? Absolutely.

  I drive around the streets until I find the underground car park to the club. I can feel my pulse beating in my ears.

  Opening the back door, one of Luis’s goons is standing there. He looks at me and smiles. “He’s expecting you, princess.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Maybe later after everyone else has,” he sneers.

  I turn away from him and walk down the corridor to Luis’s office. I can hear Jaden crying as I pass a room, but when I try to open the door, it’s locked.

  “Jaden, it’s me. I’m here, baby. I’ll save you and make this better. I promise.”

  “Kenzie, don’t. He’s going to hurt you. He told me. He’s going to make me watch while they kill you.”

  “It’s okay. If he wants to kill me then he’ll have to let you go first. Find your way to the police station and ask them to contact Carter. He’ll come for you and he’ll look after you. I promise. I love you. Don’t ever forget that.”

  “Kenzie,” he sobs. “I love you too.”


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