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No Looking Back: A Happy Endings Resort Novella

Page 6

by Krissy V

  I hold my head high and walk in to Luis’s office without knocking. He lifts his head from his desk and I almost vomit when I see his face. He’s so disfigured from the fire. It’s like his face melted off.

  “Now then, princess. I wondered if you were actually going to come.”

  “I only came for Jaden. Let him go. You can do whatever you want to me, but let him go.”

  He throws his head back and laughs. “Do you really think you’re in a position to bargain? You nearly killed me. You did kill Frederico. You disappear when I’m recovering and then you give me orders to let him go. Who do you think you are?”

  “I’m tougher than I was back then. Let him go and I’ll do whatever you want.”

  He stands from the desk and walks towards me. He moves slowly, like a lion stalking his pray. Seeing him up close is worse than at a distance. I can see where his skin melted, leaving his face droopy and tight. His eyes are huge where his bottom lids are pulled down his face.

  He sniffs me. “That’s a new smell. I like it.” He nuzzles my neck and I feel all the hairs on my body standing up. He walks around me, periodically sniffing me and moaning as he breathes in my scent.

  When he’s back standing in front of me, he grips my chin with his fingers and turns my face so that I’m looking straight at him. “Actually, I can’t smell anything. Someone left me in a fire and it burnt all the inside of my nose. I can’t smell a fucking thing now. Thanks to you.” His fingers squeeze tighter.

  I don’t say anything. I just let him continue his tirade.

  “Frederico was one of my best men and you killed him. You shot him and left him in the fire. You’re no better than I am, princess. If I’d known you were capable of shooting a man in cold blood then I would’ve trained you to join the cartel. At least you would’ve been useful for something. Your pussy wasn’t that good.”

  He’s riling me, but I won’t bite. “Let Jaden go, and I’ll do whatever you want.” My voice is calm. I need to prove I’m not scared of him. Inside I’m trembling, but outwardly I look together. I keep repeating myself, hoping he will let Jaden go.

  He laughs at me and releases my chin so that he can walk around me. “You aren’t in a position to bargain right now. You’ll do what the fuck I say and then I might let him live long enough to watch what happens to traitors. After everything I’ve given the two of you, you repaid me by trying to kill me.”

  “How did you get out alive? All the reports said there were two bodies pulled out.”

  He laughs. “One of my guards came to check on us when he smelt the smoke. When he shook me, I woke and killed him, took his clothes off and swapped them for mine. Then I ran as fast as I could.”

  “But surely when they did autopsies they knew it wasn’t you. They would have had to check your dental records.”

  “You forget, cara mia, when you have a lot of money you can pay anyone off. My money stretches even further than you think. Marco took over the business until I was ready to come back.”

  I don’t say anything. I know how far his money stretches; that’s how he found me. He bribed a few people on the way.

  “Now, let’s get everyone in here so we can decide what we’re going to do to you before I kill you in front of Jaden.”

  “Let him go, please. He won’t say anything.”

  “You don’t have any rights any more, Carla. Nor does he.”

  “He’s your son.”

  “He killed the only woman I loved. She died because of him!” he shouts.

  “No, he didn’t. She died due to complications. It wasn’t his fault.”

  “In my mind, he killed her, so it’s only fitting that I kill the woman who’s been a mother to him. That will make him tough enough that he’ll learn the business and work for me. Hopefully he takes after me where business is concerned. If he doesn’t then I’ll kill him too. There’s no room for weak people in my cartel.”

  He storms out of the room, leaving me on my own. I can’t believe I just turned up here without a plan. What was I thinking? Now I’m up the creek without a paddle.

  Why didn’t I discuss this with Carter? I wonder if he’s realized I’ve gone yet. I hope he’s not stupid enough to come after me. I don’t know what I’d do if he died in the process. I love him too much for him to get hurt.

  Oh my God. I love him and I didn’t get to tell him.

  What have I done?

  Chapter Eleven


  I’m just about to go into the house to talk to Kenzie to see if she wants to go to Chicago so we can find Jaden or whether she wants to wait here for him, when I get a call.

  “Carter here.”

  “Carter, it’s Brice. Someone’s stolen my car. It’s new.”

  “Calm down, Brice. I’ll file a report and see if we can drive around and find it. It’s probably just someone joy rider. We’ll find it.”

  “You’d better.” He hangs up. I know his car is precious to him.

  Walking into the house, the first thing I notice is it’s quiet. Like, really quiet. There’s no TV or radio on. “Kenzie, where are you?” She must be asleep because there’s not a solitary noise.

  In the lounge, I see her phone on the table so she must be in bed. But when I go to the bedroom she’s not there and she’s not in any of the other rooms either.

  Her phone is flashing with messages and the cop in me reaches out to read them. I don’t care if I’m invading her privacy. Today is not a normal day.

  Unknown: You know where I am. The ball’s in your court, cara mia.

  Kenzie: You fucking asshole. I’m coming for you

  Unknown: Love you too. I know you missed me, but now we can be a family again. See you soon

  Unknown: I assume you’re on your way, looking forward to a reunion.

  Unknown: I hope you like the welcoming committee I have for you.

  Unknown: Say goodbye to any of your friends, you’ll see them again in hell!

  Fuck. What did she do? It then clicks into place that she stole Brice’s car.

  I panic and keep looking around for her just in case she’s still here, but I know it’s futile. I know in my core that she’s stolen the car and gone to Chicago to rescue Jaden. On her own. She probably didn’t want to involve me, but she means the world to me and I won’t let anyone take away the woman I love.

  I realise that I do love her and I never told her so. Shit. Turning around, I jump into my car and call Frank.

  “Hey, buddy. I think you’ve got a thing for me.”

  “Frank, shut the fuck up. Carla’s left. She stole a Dodge and is on her way to the club. She’s going to rescue the kid, but she hasn’t thought this through. He won’t let either of them go. We need to find her. Can you put an APB out for the Dodge? I’ll get you the license plate in a minute. I’ll text it through to you. I’m on my way to Chicago now.”

  “I never thought I’d see the day you’d come back here.”

  “This isn’t any old day. Luis Mendoza has my woman and I’m bringing her and her brother back home where they belong.”

  “Wow, you got it bad, buddy. I’ll sort that out now. Send me the license plate and I’ll do it. I’ve got men sitting out the front and men inside, so if they find anything suspicious, they’ll let me know. I’ll tell them to look out for the Dodge. See you soon.”

  “Yeah, soon.”

  I hang up and text him the license plate number then drive as fast as I can to Chicago with my blue lights flashing and my siren blaring.

  I need to find them before it’s too late. I can’t let myself think about what will happen to them if I don’t get there. I will get there. I have to.

  Frank calls me when I’m twenty minutes away from the center of the city. “She’s been spotted, Carter. She’s just gone into the car park. She’s on her own. I have to say, she’s got some balls.”

  “Yeah, she does. Don’t go in there until I get there unless the guys on the inside hear gunshots or anything. He won’t kill her
yet. He wants to toy with her first.”

  “Is she able to handle him?”

  “She’s one tough woman, Frank. Listen, I love her and I won’t let him kill her. He’ll have to kill me first.”

  “Wow, I never thought I’d hear you say that. You got it. I’m behind you all the way and so is the Chicago PD. Whatever you need, you got it.”

  “Thanks, Frank.”

  I hang up. I’m angry with Kenzie for stealing a car and going on her own, but I know she wouldn’t want me going with her. She’s protecting me and I love her even more for it, but I’m going to give her a piece of my mind when we get out of this mess. She has to trust me. She has to know that I would never do anything to put her in harm’s way.

  As I’m about ten minutes away, Frank calls me again. “Where are you, Carter? There’s been gunfire. We have to go in. The undercover guys are running downstairs to find out what’s going on.”

  “I’m ten minutes away. Make that five.” I put my foot down and speed through the traffic. When I get there, I see the police cars are empty and there’s more gunfire. Shit, I hope I’m not too late. I want to kill Luis myself this time.

  Abandoning the car, I run inside the club and make my way downstairs towards the shots. Frank holds me back. “Carter, stay there. Don’t go any further.”

  “Why the fuck not? I need to find her.”

  “We know where she is, buddy. Just stay…”

  I move forward. No-one’s telling me to stay away from Kenzie. Not ever.

  As I move in front of Frank, I see Jaden on the ground, bleeding, but that’s not what startles me the most. Kenzie is in front of Luis. She’s battered and bruised. Blood is running out of a gash on her face. She’s shivering and shaking, with tears running down her face. Her clothes are disheveled and he has his arm around her, using her as a shield for his body.

  “Kenzie, it’s going to be okay,” I say. “I’m here now. I’ll protect you.”

  “Carter! Why did you come?” she sobs. “I didn’t want you to get involved.”

  “I know, baby…”

  “Baby? So you’re fucking a cop now? You fucking traitor.” Luis raises his arm to strike Kenzie with his gun, but I shoot his arm to stop him. He grabs his arm and Kenzie runs, but stops when she comes to Jaden.

  “Kenzie, pick him up and take him. There’ll be an ambulance outside. They’ll look after him. Get yourself looked at too.”

  “Carter, I don’t want to leave you.”

  “Jaden’s more important. You’re safe. That’s all I want.”

  “Excuse me for breaking up this happy reunion, but you’re not going anywhere, cara mia.” Luis takes aim and shoots Kenzie. I don’t see where he shoots her but I can only watch as she falls down on top of Jaden. Then I see red. Frank runs in and scoops the two of them off the floor while I shoot Luis, time and time again. I can’t stop. I need to know he’s dead.

  Marco is in the corner of the room, slumped against a wall. “He’ll come back, just like he did last time.”

  “No, he won’t. I won’t leave him until he’s taken his last breath of air.” I shoot Luis again as he slumps to the floor.

  I don’t see Marco aiming his gun at me, not until I hear the gun firing and the bullet hitting me in the arm.

  Shit. Not again. My adrenaline spikes and I don’t feel the pain. I need to make sure these two guys are dead once and for all.

  Without turning to face Marco, I aim my gun at him and shoot. I know I’ve hit him when I hear him slump to the floor.

  Luis is still alive; the bastard just won’t die. “She’s not worth it. Find another woman who’ll fuck you every night. She’s a traitor.”

  “She’s an amazing woman but you didn’t see it. I hope you rot in hell.”

  I shoot him right between the eyes and I know this is the final shot. I slide to the floor in front of him and check his pulse just in case. But his pulse has gone. He’s dead. Getting up, I do the same to Marco, who I also shot between the eyes. Yes, he’s dead too.

  Turning, I run out of the room to go find Kenzie and Jaden. Frank nods when I run past and I hear more gunshots as they take down the rest of his cartel.

  I need to hold my woman. Now.

  Chapter Twelve


  I can hear sirens. It brings me back to consciousness. I must have lost it when Luis shot me. The whole side of my body fucking hurts, but then I remember Jaden and I look around to see if I can find him. He’s on the trolley next to mine. I try to reach out my hand to touch him, but it won’t move. There’s a drip in my arm and his.

  “Jaden,” I croak, my mouth dry. “Jaden.”

  He turns his head to look at me with tears in his eyes. “Kenzie.”

  That’s all I needed. Just to hear him speak. He’ll be all right, I know it. He has to be. He has his whole life in front of him.

  The paramedic hears me and comes up to my end of the trolley. “Hey, welcome back. We thought you were gone there for a while. You’ve been shot in the side. You’re going to need surgery and we’re taking you both to Northwestern Memorial Hospital. The emergency team is waiting for both of you.”

  “Were there any other casualties? Any cops hurt?”

  “There were multiple deaths at the scene, I’m afraid. Some of them were cops. It’s the biggest shoot out this city has seen.”

  Oh my God. What if Carter’s dead? It would all be my fault. I’m scared to ask the question. “Was one of them Carter?”

  “I don’t know. I was busy working on you two. Someone will be in to see you soon and then you’ll find out what you need to know. I’m going to give you something to sedate you. Your heartbeat is racing and your blood pressure is rising.”

  I reach out and grab her arm. “No, I need to know if Carter is okay.” My eyes get heavy and I drift into blackness.

  When I wake up, I’m in a ward and there are machines beeping around me. “Jaden! Carter!” I shout. I try to sit up but it hurts.

  “Hey,” a voice says from beside me. It hurts to turn my head, but she moves into my view. It’s a nurse.

  “Where’s my son?”

  “He’s around here somewhere. He came to visit you earlier but you were still sleeping.”

  “He’s okay?” The tears run out of my eyes.

  “Yes, he is. He came with his father. Well, I assume it’s his father because he wouldn’t let him go.” She winks. “You’re a lucky lady. You have two men who dote on you. They’ve been so worried they slept here when they were given the all clear by the doctors for their own injuries.”


  “Yes. They’ve slept here the last couple of nights. They wouldn’t leave you. I sent them for some food and it won’t be long before they come back.”

  I relax back into my bed and cry. My whole body heaves and the nurse looks worried. “Are you in pain? Shall I increase your pain relief?”

  “No.” I shake my head. “These are happy tears. It’s all over and I can live my life and be free.”

  “You sure are.” I don’t need to look to know who it is. His voice does something to me every time I hear it.

  “Mom,” Jaden says as he throws himself at the bed. “You saved me. I love you so much. I was worried he’d killed you. You were so heavy on top of me.”

  I laugh. “Thanks, buddy. You called me Mom.” The tears are flowing down my face.

  “Yeah. You’re the only mom I’ve known. Is it okay to call you that?”

  “Of course it is.”

  “Well, why are you crying?”

  “I’m so happy, that’s all. Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

  “Yeah. I needed stitches and a sling. I’ll be okay in a couple of weeks. I’ll have so much to tell my friends when I go back to school.”

  I smile, although we don’t have to go back to Ending now. We can start over here in Chicago if we want.

  Carter comes into my view. He has a smile on his face. Leaning down, he kisses me on the cheek. “Hey, baby.
You scared me there for a while.”

  “Just tell me, is he dead?”

  He nods.

  “And Marco?”

  He nods again. “And most of his cartel. No one is going to hurt you again. You’re free to do whatever you want, wherever you want, and with whomever you want.”

  I lay my head down and close my eyes. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. To be my own person. To be able to walk down the street without anyone staring at me or pointing, or without worrying that someone is spying on me.

  “Are you okay, Carter?”

  “I’ll be fine. He shot me in the arm. It didn’t hurt as much as my leg, but it was worth it to know that you were safe.” Leaning over me, he kisses me on the lips softly, almost hesitantly, as if he’s not sure I want him to kiss me.

  I can’t lift my arms because I’m too sore, but I lift my head closer to his and push my tongue into his mouth.

  “Ew,” Jaden says, laughing.

  Carter smiles and puts his hands behind my head, pulls me closer, and devours me.

  When he pulls away, he rests his forehead on mine. “Will you both come back to Ending with me?” His eyes show his uncertainty. “I love you both so much and I nearly lost my life with worry when you’d gone.”

  “You love me?”

  “I do, so much. I didn’t want to push you before because you had all these problems with Luis and Marco, but I want you in my life, in my house, and in my bed.”

  “I love you too. I didn’t tell you I was going because I knew you’d want to come and you would get hurt.”

  “Surely you knew I’d come for you both regardless? There was no way I was staying behind and waiting for news. I’ve been offered a job back here in Chicago in a special taskforce if I want it. I didn’t give them an answer because I wanted to talk to you first.”

  “That’s great, Carter. I know the sleepy town of Ending isn’t exciting enough for you.”

  “Usually that’s true, but after the excitement of the last week, I’m not sure I could do that every day.”

  “I’m glad. I couldn’t let you go to work and not know if you’ll be coming home at night. But if it’s what you want to do then I’m behind you every step of the way.”


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