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Bearing it for the Outlaw

Page 10

by Jenika Snow

  She quickly took a shower, not knowing where Drevin was, but anxious to see him. Once out, dried and dressed in a pair of his oversized sweats and an equally oversized shirt, she left the bedroom and searched the house for him. It was a small place, and once she realized he wasn’t actually in the cabin she moved toward the living room window. There was a detached garage across from the cabin, and she could see Drevin working on a truck through the open bay door. Allie could hear the steady pump of music coming from the garage, but her sights were set on Drevin, the way his muscles bulged in his biceps as he leaned over the truck and worked on something under the hood. Although it was sunny out, they were in the mountains, and it was going on spring, so she knew there would be a chill in the air. A sweater hung on a coat rack by the door. She slipped it on, rolled up the long sleeves, and headed outside. The closer she got to the garage the louder the music came through. She breathed in deeply at the way Drevin was hunched over the hood of his truck in nothing but a pair of jeans, thick biker boots, and a dirty white t-shirt. She could see his big hands working on the guts of the vehicle, and trailed her gaze over his thickly veined and muscular forearms.

  He lifted his head and pierced her with his deep, dark eyes. Neither one of them said anything for a second, but it wouldn’t have mattered anyway because the music was too loud for them to hear each other. He moved out from under the hood and walked over to where an old school stereo sat on a dirty workbench. As he turned the dial the music instantly lowered. He faced her and started cleaning off his hands with one of the shop rags, this half smile on his face.

  “Hey baby,” he said the endearment in a deep, husky voice. His jeans were filthy with grease, like he’d been running his hands on the denim instead of the rag he held. He went over to the sink, washed his hands for what seemed like forever, and when he turned around he was grinning.

  “Hey.” She smiled and moved closer, needing him.

  The wide expanse of his chest was on full display, the muscles defined under the thin cotton of his shirt. His hard, muscular pecs were visible, and his tiny male nipples with the piercings were evident through the material as well. For the millionth time since being in his presence her pussy got wet and a tingling started in her belly. Her arousal was a continuous slow burn inside of her, but in moments such as this it reared its head violently. It was like her body was screaming at her to let this man have her over and over again, to let his powerful body slide between hers and control every aspect of her.

  “You should have woken me up,” she said on a breath and moved closer still.

  “You looked peaceful. I didn’t want to wake you.”

  She noticed the way his breathing changed, and she swore his bear flashed across his face. Was her arousal that obvious, because his clearly was? She opened her mouth to bring the focus onto something not so sexual, but Drevin pushed away from the counter and strode towards her. Allie couldn’t move as she watched him stop in front of her. He was just so big that his entire body took up her eyesight and blocked out everything else. With the scent of him filling her lungs, and the masculine sexuality he was throwing off, she was helpless to stop what he did next.

  He gripped her behind her neck and pulled her forward until her body slammed against his. Her breasts pressed against the hardness of his chest, and the air gushed out of her at the feel of his rock hard planes against her softness. For several long minutes all he did was search her face. Neither said anything, but she knew he could see her need. It felt like her body would explode if he didn’t touch more of her.

  “You are so fucking beautiful.” His words were spoken softly, and she couldn’t deny that having him give her the compliment along with the profanity drove her need higher. Drevin was rough around the edges, brutal in his strength, and didn’t apologize over these traits. She found it so damn attractive.

  He lifted his hand and ran his finger along her cheek. The scent of motor oil filled her senses, and she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. The growl that came from him had her opening her eyes and staring up at him.

  He started to lower his head to hers until his lips were a hairsbreadth away. “Your aroma invades my senses, and your closeness drives me up the fucking wall, Allie.” His warm breath slid along her face. “I’ll never get enough of you. My bear will never get enough. Do you hear me? Never.” He grabbed the back of her neck. Let me taste you, baby.” He didn’t say it like a question, and she knew he’d do it no matter. But she wanted to have his lips on hers.

  “I don’t think you ever need to ask to taste.”

  “That’s right, baby. You want this, too.”

  Yeah, she did, but she couldn’t find the words to voice it. Fortunately his lips crashed against hers, taking her mouth in a bruising kiss that didn’t let her think of anything aside from the fact he wanted her with a desperation that rivaled her own.


  Allie’s mouth was hot and sweeter than anything he’d ever tasted. Drevin swept his tongue into the wet cavern and stroked it along hers, eliciting a moan from her. Sliding a hand over her back, he gripped an ass cheek and brought her closer to his erection. He still had a hold of her nape, and tilted his head to the side, deepening the kiss. His cock jerked at the feel of her softness. She slid her hands up his chest and wound them around his neck. They were as close as two people could get, yet it wasn’t enough. He walked them backward until the counter of his workstation stopped their movements. Moving his hand to her other ass cheek, he gripped her tighter and lifted her easily to set her on the counter. Her legs opened as if on their own, and he stepped between them, feeling the heat of her pussy right on his dick. Grinding himself into her, he grunted, and she gasped.

  “You want me between your legs, Allie baby? You want my cock in your pussy?” He kissed and nipped along her jaw and smiled against her neck when she tilted her head to give him better access. A gasp left her when he ran his tongue along her throat, and lower still to her mark … his mark.

  “Baby, I want you so fucking bad that I could take you right in this dirty garage.” He ground himself against her again. He wanted her desperately. Her nails dug into the back of his neck and he relished the sting it caused. He ran his tongue the rest of the way up her neck and to her mouth. He let his hands slide over her waist to the front of her sweats. He gave her a moment to stop him, but she didn’t. In fact, she moved to the edge of the table, giving him better access. A growl left him as he undid the drawstring of his sweats. Yes, he fucking loved she wore his clothes, and smelled liked him.

  Gripping the edge of her sweats he started pulling them down her legs. She lifted her ass to help, and when they were off, he stared at the fact she wasn’t wearing any panties. “Well fucking hell, baby. You’re full of surprises.” He kissed her again, their lips moving together more desperately. He tore her sweater and shirt off until she was so damn naked he could smell the soap she’d used not long ago. He quickly took off his clothes until he was just as nude as she was, then moved back between her thighs. Her pussy was wet, his cock sliding between the slick folds easily.

  “God, what are we doing out here, Drevin?” She murmured against his lips, and he could tell in her voice it wasn’t a literal question.

  “I’m going to fuck you.” He could have said it a little more gentlemanly, but he was not a gentle man in the least. Why sugarcoat what they were going to do in his grimy garage? Besides, it didn’t matter what he called it or how he said it. He was going to claim his mate, and they both were going to enjoy the hell out of it.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Drevin slipped his hands beneath their bodies and touched her pussy. She was wet and smelled so fucking good. Sliding his fingers through her slit, he gathered her cream and brought the digits to his mouth. “Look at me, Allie.” He watched as her throat worked when she swallowed. He brought his soaked fingers to his lips and sucked them off, cleaning the essence of her arousal for him off. Her eyes widened, and her lips parted.

mmm, baby.” When every ounce of her was cleaned from his fingers he took her mouth again, spearing his tongue between her lips so she could taste herself.

  “Oh, God.” Her head fell back, and her eyes slid shut when his fingers found her pussy again. He slid his middle finger into her pussy and thumbed her clit.

  “Fuck, baby, your tight pussy is gripping my finger.” He dragged his teeth back down her neck to where it met with her shoulder. Sinking his teeth into the supple flesh, he pumped his finger in and out of her, loving how her tight cunt sucked it back in. “My girl’s greedy for me, aren’t you, baby?”

  “Yes, you know I am.” Gasping for air, she lifted her head, speared her hand in his hair, and jerked her to him.

  He kept working his finger in and out of her, his thumb pressing tight circles on her clit. She devoured his mouth, her tongue stroking his, and he gave her this moment to take control. Allie used her teeth to pull at his bottom lip, her tongue sliding over it. He quickly grabbed his cock and placed it at her entrance. But it seemed Allie was the one who was letting an animal out. She pushed his hand out of the way and grabbed his dick, stroking him from root to tip. Drevin let out a hiss when her hand wrapped around his cock.

  “God, you’re so big.”

  Taking hold of her ass again, he pulled her even further to the edge of the counter so that she was forced to let go of him and wrap her hands around his shoulders for stabilization.

  “Put your heels on the counter, baby.” The fact she did what he said without any hesitation, submitting to him and his animal, had everything inside of him tightening, coming alive, and wanting to pound into her until neither of them could walk. He took a step back, his hands on her knees, and pushed her thighs apart. A gasp left her, but he kept his gaze on the pink pussy on display. Her wetness glistened under the overhead lights, and her clit was so engorged it stuck out from the hood at the top of her mound. He wanted to taste her so fucking badly, wanted to devour her until he couldn’t breathe any longer. Dropping onto his haunches, he let his hands slide down her inner thighs until his thumbs brushed against her labia. He spread her open and saw the darker pink of her inner lips. Latching his mouth on her, he closed his eyes and grunted at the taste of her. The flavor was sweet and musky, and so very addictive. He ate her out until she came against his lips, until she writhed for him, tugged at his hair, and begged for more. Her hands in his hair tugged at the strands, pulling him closer as she ground herself on him. He couldn’t take it anymore. He needed to be inside of her, needed to come inside of her like a real Grizzly male did with his female. Standing, he took himself in hand and placed it at her entrance.

  “I want you, all of you, Allie. I need to feel you without anything between us.” He kissed her neck. “I’m clean, baby, and I can sense you’re not ovulating. Let me feel you.”

  She gasped out. Her hand was suddenly on his forearm, her nails in his flesh. “God, yes, Drevin. Just be with me already.”

  He cursed internally. He didn’t want any barrier between him and his mate. He wanted his seed in her so that she smelled like him, so that any male that was a shifter scented her would know she was his. When he was once against at her entrance, he gripped her waist and sank into her in one fluid, smooth move. Wet, hot, tightness immediately engulfed him when he was buried to the hilt.


  The way she said his name, all breathy, had him rearing his hips back and slamming into her again. She braced her hands behind her, and he started really fucking her. Harder and faster he pumped not her until sweat started to trickle down his back and he felt his beast growling and snapping for more. Always more. Her tits bounced, unrestrained and so fucking gorgeous. “That’s it, baby.” The workbench slammed against the wall as he rocked in and out of her, louder and with more violence. “Squeeze that pussy around my cock. Squeeze it, Allie.”

  Ours! She’s ours, and no one will ever take her away from us.

  Curling his fingers around her waist, he stared at where their bodies were joined. The sight of his shaft moving in and out of her was the most erotic thing he’d ever seen. Her pussy lips were stretched around his cock, and her wetness coated his length. “Mine, Allie baby. You. Are. Mine.” His voice was distorted, his bear breaking free. The feeling of her inner walls tightening around him told of her imminent orgasm. He started rubbing her clit with his thumb and pumped faster into her with his dick. She cried out as she came around him. Throwing his head back he let his climax rise to the surface. Roaring out in ecstasy, he didn’t know if the loud rumble was inside his head or if it had come out of his mouth, but the pleasure that was coursing had him not caring.

  “Drevin…” Her long, drawn out cry, and his name from her lips, had him lifting his head and watching her orgasm again as it washed across her face in a visual climax. She was so beautiful when she came, so fucking gorgeous when she let go and just surrendered.

  He slowed his pace until the ache in his balls was sated and his cock was softening, and her breathing was returning to normal. He pulled out with a grunt, and immediately looked down to where his dick had just been. She was wet and swollen, and his cum slipped from her body, slid down the crease of her ass, and fell to the floor. God, that was so fucking hot. Drevin pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He breathed in her scent, loved that the aroma that was him and his bear covered her, and couldn’t help but smile.

  “You okay, baby?” He felt her nod against his chest, and he kissed her on the top of head.

  “That was some intense garage sex, Drevin.”

  He chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, it was, Allie, and so good.” Pulling away slightly, he leaned down and kissed her softer this time, savoring the moment. He helped her off of the workbench, pulled her in for a hug, and just soaked in this moment.

  “Drevin?” She said his name softly, almost hesitantly.

  “Yeah, sweetheart?” He held her close still, not wanting to relinquish her.

  “I love you.”

  He stilled, just froze right there as her words played around them. Pulling back slightly, he looked down at her, feeling emotion clog his throat.

  “I love you, too, Allie.” And he did, fuck did he love her.

  “Yeah?” she said and smiled.

  He grinned, smoothed his finger down her cheek, and knew that although he was this outlaw biker that had done a lot of messed up shit in his life, this was one of the good things that had happened. This was one of those moments that defined a man into a good person, and Allie had done that for him … to him.

  “Yeah, baby, I really fucking love you.” He pulled her in for another hug, and knew that this was where his life was meant to go. This was who he was meant to be with, and damn did it feel good to finally have everything in his life.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Six months later

  Drevin turned off his Harley, dismounted, and stared at his house he shared with his woman, Allie. She’d moved in a few months ago, and to say it felt right having her so close to him all the time was an understatement. He headed up the front steps, and once inside the silence stretched out.

  “Allie?” He called out her name, listened for her to respond, and when he didn’t hear anything he knitted his brows. Her car was in the driveway, and he scented her presence, yet she wasn’t answering. He moved into the living room, glanced around, and when he didn’t see any sign of her he moved into the kitchen. He continued searching for her, and once at the closed bedroom door he reached out and grabbed the handle. Turning it and pushing it open he saw her on the bed, a piece of paper in her hand, and her focus on it.

  “Allie baby? Are you okay?” He sensed her confusion, her shock and uncertainty.

  She slowly lifted her head, her green eyes wide, almost scared in appearance. He was over to her seconds later, kneeling in front of her and staring into her face.

  “Baby, what’s wrong? Did someone hurt you?” Of course that was his conclusion to anything these days, because his b
ear had taken ownership of their mate, and anyone that dared put this kind of fear in her, this uncertainty that things wouldn’t be okay, he’d kill them.

  “No, no one hurt me,” she said in a soft voice.

  He wracked his brain for what could be the matter, then breathed out slowly. “Do you need to talk to someone?” He didn’t need to elaborate on what he meant. She might have been clean for over a year and a half, talked to others that had been in her situation, but she was strong. Even though he knew she was right where she wanted and needed in her life, he wanted to be supportive if she was having desires to go back to the life she’d led before. He knew all too well the temptation of drugs, of losing the world around them and just floating away. He’d done his fair share of the toxic shit that polluted bodies and killed lives.

  She shook her head. “I have never been stronger in my life, Drevin … I’m scared.”

  He cupped the back of her head and kissed her forehead. “You have nothing to be afraid of. I’m here to protect you, Allie.” He pulled back so he could look in her face again. She lifted the piece of paper she held and handed it to him. He grabbed it, looked down at the black and white image, and fell onto his ass. He knew what this was, what it meant. Looking up at her with what he knew was wide eyes, he was speechless, knew he probably looked stunned. Hell, he was.

  “Tawny went with me because I didn’t know where to go. She said I should make sure before I said anything.” She swallowed, her voice strained, as if she were afraid of his reaction.

  He stared at the ultrasound picture, of the fact there was a bean shaped image in the center. “You’re pregnant.” He looked at her, elation filling him. “You’re going to carry my baby.”

  “Babies,” she said and slowly smiled.

  “Babies?” he said, even more stunned at what he just heard.


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