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Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend)

Page 2

by Ancelli

  Chapter Two

  The ringing of the phone woke Kay up. “Hello.”

  “I’m sorry to wake you, Kay.” Mrs. Anderson was on the other line.

  She sounded like she was crying. “That’s okay Mom, what’s wrong?”

  “Jason’s grandfather had a heart attack, and they don’t think he’ll make it.”

  Kay jumped up and looked down at Jason, he was still sleeping. She got up, and walked toward the door. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I would like Jason to be there. He was really close to my dad. We’re at the airport about to board. I’m sorry I didn’t ask you, but Angel is with us. I just wanted my father to see her one more time, she always seem to lift his spirit.”

  “It’s okay. Angel loves her great-grandpa. We’ll be on the next flight there. I know how much Jason loves your dad. Be strong, we will be there with you soon.” Kay hung up the phone, and went into Jason’s office and logged onto the computer. She bought two plane tickets to Indiana, then called her boss and let her know what was going on with Jason’s grandfather. Her boss expressed her sympathy and told her to take as much time as she’d need. Kay had been promoted two years ago and was the marketing director at the firm. Lorraine’s comment that her team was capable of handling Kay’s absence reassured her. She walked back into their bedroom. How was she going to tell him? Kay knew how much his grandfather meant to him. She never personally met him, but talked to him over the phone throughout the years. She sat next to him. “Jason. Wake up, baby.”

  Kay stared at him as he slowly opened his eyes and smiled at her.

  “You’re ready for round three.” He leaned up to kiss her. She could tell he knew something was wrong. Tears ran down her cheeks. He sat up. “What’s wrong?”

  She took his hand. “We need to go to Indiana.”


  “It’s your grandfather, Jeremy. He had a heart attack.”

  He looked at her in shock. “What? How do you know? Who told you?”

  “Your parents are on their way, I got us tickets. We have to get ready, Jason. I’ll start packing our suitcases.”

  A tear rolled down his cheek. “I knew my grandfather was old, but I didn’t expect this.” He got up, and went into the bathroom without saying a word. She followed him, and hugged him from behind. He turned, and hugged her back. “I haven’t seen him in about two years. I should have made time Kay. You haven’t met him yet, he asked me to bring you, and I always said soon. Now it might be too late.”

  She took his face in her hands. “Angel is on her way there right now, and I’m going with you. It’s never too late.”

  He bent down, and kissed her. “Thank you.”

  As they started getting dressed, Jason called one of his partners from the law firm, told him what happened, and mentioned he would be taking some days off. He asked if Andrew could take over his cases, since John was on his honeymoon. By the time they headed to her car, it was eleven o’clock in the evening and their flight would be leaving just after one. He opened the driver’s side for her, always being a gentleman, before he got in. He was quiet the entire ride to the airport, and during the wait.

  They boarded the airplane. He held her hand in silence. He could feel her love and concern through her touch, and at that moment that’s all he needed. She fell asleep on his shoulders. He looked down at her, and kissed her forehead. She did all of this for him, he didn’t have to lift a finger, she arranged everything. He wondered, where would I be, if she weren’t in my life? He never wanted to find out, she was his lifeline.


  They landed in Indiana. There was a car waiting to take them to the hospital. They got into the car, he held her close to him the ride over to the hospital. They arrived at the hospital, and made their way to the ICU floor. When they stepped off the elevator his parents were in the waiting room. Mrs. Anderson looked up, and when she saw them she ran up to Jason and hugged him. He couldn’t hold it in anymore and broke down crying in his mother’s arms.

  Kay’s heart was breaking into million pieces. She’d never seen Jason this way before. She went over to Mr. Anderson and hugged him. Angel was asleep on the chair next to him. Kay bent down and kissed her cheek. Mr. Anderson took her hand and introduced her to Mrs. Anderson’s family. Something seemed out of place. Half of the people in the waiting area were African American or mixed. She smiled and kept her thoughts to herself. She went over to his Uncle Jack and Aunt Carol. She had spent time with them over the years. Jason would always visit his grandfather, because his grandfather didn’t fly. That’s why he wasn’t at their wedding. She was going to finally meet him in two months, but here she was now, they talked to his grandfather every week.

  Jason came over, and sat next to her. “Were you introduced to the rest of mom’s family?”

  Kay stared at him. “Yes.” She gave him a confused look, but she decided to let it go.

  Mrs. Anderson came over. “Jason, Dad would like to see you.” She took his hand. “Everyone else has been in to see him. He’s been waiting to see you.”

  Jason got up, turned and offered his hand to Kay. “I want you to come with me, it’s time that he finally meets you.” She took his hand, and they walked over to his grandfather’s room.

  They walked into the hospital room. His grandfather looked pale and very weak. His eyes were blood shot red, his brown eyes looked drain when he looked over at them. He was skinny with silver gray kinky hair. At that moment Kay realized that his grandfather was African-American. She hadn’t known all these years. In all the pictures she’d seen, she assumed his grandfather was white, because of the color of his skin.

  He looked over at Jason, and said. “Come closer Jay.” He walked toward him. “You look good son.” His grandfather said reaching for him.

  Jason finally reached him, kissed and hugged him. “I love you grandpa.” A tear escaped, he pulled away. “Grandpa, there’s someone I want you to finally meet.” He took Kay’s hand. “This is the love of my life, Kay.”

  His grandfather smiled. “You’re the woman that put that smile on my boy’s face. You’re more beautiful in person, pictures don’t do you justice.” He said gently grabbing her hand with his weak, shaky hands. “My great granddaughter is beautiful, she looks like you. She’s always making me smile. Thank you.”

  She bent down, and kissed his cheek. “It’s so nice to finally meet you in person, you’re more handsome than your pictures.” She said making him smile. “You mean so much to Jason, he talks about you all the time. I wish we could’ve met under different circumstances.” she smiled, and squeezed his hand. She kissed him again. She looked up at Jason and said. “I’ll give you some time alone with your grandfather, I’ll be outside waiting.”

  She stepped outside.

  Jason sat next to his grandfather. “Grandpa, I’m so sorry I didn’t come more often. I hope you know how much I love you.”

  “Boy, I know you love me. We talk every week, and anytime I needed anything I could always count on you. I’m happy to finally meet your wonderful wife in person,” he said, looking at him. “The pictures don’t do her any justice. She’s beautiful, and short.” He giggled. “Her smile reminds me of Sophia, your late grandmother I miss her dearly.” He paused trying to catch his breath. “I think it’s finally time for me to reunite with her.” His breathing was getting shallow. “Always remember to tell your wife and daughter everyday how much you love them son, when things get tough, don’t ever give up on them, and fight for your happiness.” He was starting to have hard time breathing. “It’s time for me to let go, I’ve lived my life. I love you, Son.”

  Jason bent down, and gently kissed him. “I will always love you too, this isn’t goodbye grandpa.”

  The machines went off with a buzzing sound. The nurses and doctors rushed in, and told Jason to step outside. When he stepped out the room, Kay jumped into his arms, and hugged him. They both broke down in each other’s arms. “He’s gone Kay, he’s gone.” She hugged hi
m tighter. They could hear the cries of everyone in the waiting area. The first thing he thought about was Angel, and how she might be confused. He pulled away from Kay, grabbed her hand and walked over to his dad. He could tell by Angel’s expression that she was confused and scared. He picked her up and headed to the elevator. Kay rushed behind him, and the three of them got in. He turned to Kay, “I can’t stay here. I just can’t.”

  She grabbed his hand. “I understand.”

  He kissed Angel. “Daddy will explain what just happened, once we get to the hotel.”

  When they stepped off the elevator, Kay pulled her cell phone out of her purse, and called his Dad. She told him that Jason needed some time. His father understood and gave her the address to where they would be at tomorrow. They got into the car, and the driver drove them to the Hilton hotel.


  They checked into the hotel. They headed toward the elevator, and got off on the fifth floor. They walked toward their room, and Kay opened the room door.

  Jason laid Angel on the bed, and turned to Kay. He needed her now more than ever. They walked out the room and sat at the table. He looked at her. “I know you have questions, and I have answers, but just remember I never lied to you. I’ve never kept anything from you except for my grandfather’s half ethnicity, because it never mattered to me.”

  Kay took his hands in hers. “Jason, I was a little confused, but I don’t care about that. He was a part of your life. I know how much he meant to you.”

  He squeezed her hands. “Thank you,” he paused and sat her down on his lap. “Remember, I told you my mom was adopted when her parents passed away. She was only seven, and her parent’s family didn’t want her or her siblings. That’s when her mother’s best friend Mrs. Sophia and Grandpa Jeremy stepped in and adopted them, it was very hard with him being of a different race, but since no one else wanted them, the state decided why not, that meant they didn’t have to split or support them. They never had kids of their own. They treated them like they were their own flesh and blood. My mom never wanted for anything, it wasn’t easy, but they put them through college, he worked three jobs at one point. My mom is who she is because of Grandpa. Remember when I told you my mother wouldn’t care if Angel is mine or not. She would understand and still love her.”

  She kissed him. “Baby I know you never lied to me. I knew the story, I saw the pictures, but I assumed he was white. You know I don’t care about that, look at us.” She said grabbing his hands in hers, entwined their fingers so that he could see the difference in color. “Because of your family you are who you are my prince charming.” She leaned into him and gave him a gentle kiss.

  “You need to rest.” She grabbed his hand. “It’s been a long day and night. Angel is down for the rest of the morning.”

  He pulled her closer. “Kay, I need you.”

  They both got into the bed, and lay in each other’s arms. This is what he needed at that moment his wife, his best friend. She was the only one who understood him. He never had to ask her, she always knew what to do next. He caressed her face with his fingertips. “What would I do without you?”

  She turned up to face him. “You’ll never have to find out. I love you baby, and I will always be by your side.”

  He took her face in his hands, and kissed her lips. The kiss started soft, and soon turned passionate. He pulled away from her lips, with tears in his eyes. “Kay, am I crazy?”


  “I need to be inside you.”

  She kissed him. “No, you’re not crazy. I need you just as much.” She kissed him, he opened up for her, and she slowly sucked on his tongue. She pulled away and said. “I’ll always be here for you.”

  He settled between her legs, and pulled her nightshirt over her head. He took off his boxers and leaned into her gazing into her eyes. His eyes said, thank you. He kissed her neck, and they both moaned. He held his dick, and slid into her inch by inch. He was deep into her wet pussy. He took his time, showing her how much she meant to him, and how much he needed her. She moaned against his lips.

  He grabbed her breast, nibbled at them until she burst under his sensual touch. She whispered. “Jason, I’m all yours.”

  He felt her pussy pulsing at his dick, he couldn’t hold back, but before he exploded he said. “Thank you, Baby.”

  She grabbed his face, and looked into his eyes. “Thank you for always being my rock.” He rolled over, and she placed her ear over his heart. She loved the sound of his heart, and how it beat to the same tune as hers, she fell asleep listening to his natural music.

  He knew she was asleep by the change in her breathing. He couldn’t fall asleep. The memories of some of the times he shared with his grandfather attacked him, he remembered the last thing his grandfather said to him fight for your family. He thought about his family, and how he needed to let them know how much they meant to him.

  Kay felt something wet on the side of her face. When she opened her eyes, and looked up, her heart broke. She leaned up, and wiped Jason’s tears away. “You’re not alone baby, I’m here.” He grabbed her, and held her tight. She whispered. “He loved you. He’s in a better place now, and Mrs. Sophia is smiling with him by her side. I remember the love story you told me about how they met and fell in love, they’re finally reunited.” She kept talking about the stories he’d told her about his grandparents, she caressed him, and he fell asleep on her chest. She kissed him, and ran her fingers through his hair. You’ve always been there for me, now it’s my turn, she thought. She fell asleep holding the love of her life.


  The next morning she woke up alone in bed. She slip out of bed, and walked into the bathroom. She used the bathroom, brushed her teeth, took a shower and walked out the room. Jason was at the table eating breakfast with Angel. He was explaining to her what happened to his grandfather. She heard him say. “My grandpa is in heaven now. He is in the clouds smiling down on us right now, and that’s why everyone was sad at the hospital, because he left us to be in heaven with God.”

  Angel got up from her chair and climbed on his lap, grabbing his face. “Daddy don’t cry he is happy.” She hugged him. He looked up, and saw Kay.

  A tear ran down Kay’s cheek. Even with the pain he was feeling, he still found the time to sit and try to explain to his daughter where his grandfather was, but she knew he also needed Angel’s kisses and hugs.


  They drove up to his grandfather’s home it was huge. His mother had bought the house for her adoptive parents when she got her first commission check selling a multi-million home. They never wanted for anything. His uncle Jack was an Officer in the Navy, his aunt Carol was a dentist and his mom was a very successful realtor before she retired. They all took care of the Johnsons, the way they’d been taken care of when they were adopted.

  He got out of the car opened the door for Kay, and unhooked the buster seat for Angel. Angel ran up to her grandma. Mrs. Anderson grabbed, kissed and hugged her. They went inside, Jason introduced everyone to his Kay. The family sat down, and started telling stories about the Johnsons. His uncle Jack looked at Jason’s mom and Aunt.

  “You guys remember when we were kids and Momma made us join the choir in church?”

  Mrs. Anderson chuckled. “Yes, I remember how awful your singing was, but dad always said it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that we were praising Him.”

  His Aunt Carol took hold of Mrs. Anderson’s hand and said, “I’m going to miss him.”

  “What do you think he would’ve wanted?” Jack asked them.

  “He was a simple man. He would like something simple,” Mrs. Anderson answered.

  Kay cleared the table, and walked into the kitchen. There was a tall man looking out the window, she placed the dishes in the sink, he turned and looked at her. He was stunning. He had brown radiant skin, standing at about six feet two. He walked over to Kay, extended his hand. “Hi, I’m Kevin. I was Jeremy’s nephew. I’ve never seen you before, are you
related to us?”

  She shook his hand. “I’m Kay, Jason’s wife.”

  He released her hand. “Oh, you’re one of them.”

  She felt a little offended. “Excuse me, what do you mean by one of them?” She put her hand on her hip with a little attitude.

  He turned, not looking at her. “I meant to say that part of the family. I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just that it seemed like he loved them more than his own family.”

  She walked over to him. “I don’t know what you might have against them, but they were his family too. The Johnsons helped them when no one else would. He loved them like they were his own flesh and blood, because that’s how he felt. If they were a different skin color would we be having this conversation? Kay took a deep breath before speaking. “Gosh, Kevin, I’m not sure what to say. You seem so upset. Your Uncle never wanted for anything. You should thank them for giving your uncle a reason to smile. My mother-in-law always found time to come and visit him. You need to go out there with your family, and celebrate your uncle.”

  He turned to her. “You’re right.” He looked her over from head to toe. “If you ever get tired of my little cousin…”

  Before he could finish his sentence, Kay stepped back. “Now you’re over stepping. I will never get tired of Jason.”

  Jason walked into the kitchen. He’d heard the entire conversation, but remained silent. He walked up behind Kay, kissed her neck. “Is everything okay?”

  She turned in his arms. “Yes, just talking to your cousin Kevin.” she kissed his lips.

  Kevin excused himself and left the kitchen.

  Jason removed a strand of hair from her face. “Thank you for those kind words.”

  She smiled. “You heard.”

  He smiled back. “Yes.” They walked back out to the living room where the rest of the family was now laughing and celebrating the life of Mr. Jeremy Johnson.


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