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Onyx: Unity

Page 13

by J. S. Lee

  “Any of you – all of you,” I gasped as CX sucked hard at my clit.

  I didn’t really know what I was asking for.




  All I knew was that I needed to be connected to them.

  It was CX who moved first, replacing his fingers with his cock. While he repeatedly told me he loved me, defaulting to Japanese – the first language we really spoke together with – he moved in and out of me, his steady rhythm gradually becoming faster.

  It was CX who came first, hot liquid exploding inside of me. Aside from the odd uncontrollable jerk, his movements all but stilled. “No,” I pouted as he slid out of me. He moved around the bed, urging MinMin out of the way so that he could lean down and kiss me. “I’m sorry,” he murmured.

  With his tongue distracting me, I didn’t notice that MinMin had moved to replace CX until he thrust into me. My cry was swallowed by CX. CX’s kisses were slow, deep and leisurely, unlike the pace MinMin was moving at.

  I finally had to push CX away, only through fear of biting him as I moved my hips in time with MinMin, desperate for my own release, but trying not to come: I wanted the three of them to come first.

  Suddenly, JongB’s cock was no longer in my hand. The next thing I knew, he was reaching for MinMin. I was expecting him to push him out of the way, but instead, he kissed him.

  My mouth dropped open in astonishment, only to widen as a cry escaped me. That kiss – and there was a whole lot of tongue involved in it – was enough to make MinMin orgasm and he gave me one last, hard thrust. He continued to slide inside of me, but his attention was on JongB, grabbing his shoulders and holding him tightly as he kissed him back just as fiercely as JongB was kissing him.

  “Damn,” I muttered.

  “Damn,” CX agreed.

  I slid my hand down my stomach, finding my clit. It was sensitive and I was close, and this was deliciously hot.

  And then, my hand was batted out of the way.

  “Oh come on!” I cried in frustration as MinMin pulled his cock out of me.

  MinMin stopped kissing JongB, moving back with the cutest grin on his face. I almost forgave him.

  Instead, I tried to return my hand but this time, JongB grabbed it and handed it over to CX. Before I could protest, he moved me around so that the tip of his cock was running over me, teasing at my entrance. My body arched towards him every time he ran over my clit. “Tell me what you want, Kate,” he said. The head of his cock dipped inside me.

  “You. All of you. Inside me,” I told him.

  “I can’t hear you,” he frowned, extracting himself.

  I wanted to kill him.

  “I need to come,” I yelled at him. “I need the three of you to make me come.”

  “Say it louder; I don’t think Sungmin heard you downstairs,” he smirked.

  “Fuck the bet and just fuck me,” I ground out. His cock slid over my clit. “Please,” I begged.

  Slowly. Painfully slowly, he slid into me. My body welcomed him like it had MinMin and CX, my insides contracting around him. He reached forward, placing his hands around my waist, lifting me upright, but not keeping me from taking him deeper. “Oh,” I groaned, appreciatively. This was what I was talking about.

  CX slid around the back of me, one hand resting on mine and JongB’s while the other went straight for my clit. I arched backwards against him, sticking my chest out. Unasked, but certainly wanted, JongB dipped his head, taking a nipple in his mouth. He sucked hard, biting as he did so.

  And then there was a hand on my other breast – MinMin. He moved behind JongB, pushing us all tighter together, as he leaned forward. His other hand pulled my head towards his, making me kiss him.

  Holy mother of the karma sutra. Whatever position this Onyx sandwich was, we were so tightly wrapped up in each other, that I almost felt like we were one.

  Just when I thought things couldn’t get any better, all the hands on my waist were suddenly lifting me, pulling me up JongB’s cock before letting gravity take over as I slid straight back down him.

  JongB’s mouth never left my nipple as he continued to suck and bite down. The other nipple was being rolled and teased by MinMin whose mouth was as attached to mine as I was to his. CX’s hand was working my clit while his mouth was alternating between sucking and kissing the side of my neck.

  MinMin’s kiss was barely letting me breathe. With all hands holding each other on my waist, I couldn’t have pushed him away if I wanted to.

  I didn’t want to.

  I was feeling lightheaded and my body felt like it was on fire.

  I had the mother of all orgasms. I would have screamed the house down if MinMin would have let me. Wave after wave hit me as none of them stopped what they were doing. It was a good thing I was wedged between them because they were the only reason that I was still upright and still riding JongB.

  Finally, JongB’s mouth released me and with a thrust that gave me a second orgasm as I was still enjoying the first, I felt him come.

  Before I passed out, MinMin stopped kissing me, panting as he rested his chin on JongB’s shoulder. The cold air was welcome in my lungs as I gasped for air.

  Weight shifted behind me, and then I was being lowered backwards, JongB still on me, in me. Everything felt like jelly. I was too exhausted, but equally, my body was tingling too much to care enough to extract ourselves properly.

  I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, I was being awoken by JongB removing himself from me. “I should clean up,” I murmured sleepily.

  I rolled off CX, shivering at the lack of body contact. Both he, and MinMin on the other side of JongB, were asleep. The room was still dark, but I wasn’t sure if it had been one of those three-minute naps which seem like a lifetime, or if I had been lying there for a while.

  “Go back to sleep,” JongB muttered as MinMin’s arms wrapped around him.

  It didn’t feel like much time had passed, and while the idea of going back to sleep for a while was tempting – the more awake I became, the more that I realized I really needed a shower. I shuffled off the bed and hurried into the small en suite bathroom.

  After quickly using the facilities and taking a shower, mostly with my eyelids half closed, I dried off and found a t-shirt on the floor. Not caring whose it was, I pulled it on and stumbled back into the bed in the gap between CX and JongB.






  I was all of the above.

  제 13 장


  Without a doubt, one of the best feelings to wake up to was to be squished between three really hot guys.

  Unless the hot guys were physically hot, as well as uber attractive, and you were stuck in a room with the heating on and no window open.

  A trickle of sweat ran down my neck and along my collarbone, the light tickle waking me. I was using CX as a pillow. His arm was wrapped around me, his hand tracing light circles on my side.

  JongB was sprawled over the top of both of us as he clung to my waist, leaving MinMin pressed up behind me.

  This room needed air conditioning and then it would be perfect.

  There was a knock at the door.

  OK, so maybe the room also needed a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign too.

  I let out a long sigh and started to rise, but CX’s arms wrapped around me. “Don’t,” he muttered with a slight plea.

  “We’re not at home. That could be Taeyoon,” I pointed out.


  MinMin’s hand clamped down over JongB’s mouth before I could react. “Did you not hear me say it could be Taeyoon?” I hissed at him in disbelief.

  “Kate?” a voice called through the door. I ignored JongB’s pointed look as I realized it was Xiao.

  “There’s no way you knew it was him.” I extracted myself from the pile of bodies and made my way over to the door. I opened it a
crack, just in case Xiao wasn’t alone, but when I saw it was just him, stepped back to let him in.

  The door was barely closed before he was kissing me. Finally, he pulled his lips away, but kept himself pressed up against me as he looked over at the bed. He turned back to me with an eyebrow arched. I just shrugged at him.

  “I’m guessing from the fact you guys are still in bed that none of you read the group message from Manager Sungmin?”

  At Xiao’s question, both CX and MinMin got off the bed, seeking out a pile of clothes that they could claim as their own, and their cellphones from inside them.

  “We have press interviews lined up before the show tonight. Given our past experience in Poland, Sungmin wants us to go to the venue first thing. After a group breakfast in ten minutes.” Xiao looked at me, arching his eyebrow once more. “Looks like you already had that.”

  I rolled my eyes, hoping the light in the room was still too dim for Xiao to realize my cheeks were turning pink. “Full and content,” I responded, dryly.

  “Want seconds?”

  “Really?” JongB asked, pulling a face.

  We both ignored him. “We only have ten minutes,” I pointed out.

  Xiao leaned forward, slipping a hand down to cup me between my legs. A hot finger slid along me. “I can make you come in three.”

  I gasped; I was still sensitive from the attention my body had had only hours previously. I was sure he could do it in less.

  With a willpower I didn’t know I had, I shook my head. “I’m going to want more than three.”

  Xiao glanced at the other guys who were in various states of dress. “I can believe that.”

  It hadn’t been what I had meant, but he wasn’t wrong.

  There was already a line when we arrived at the venue, despite the cold and rain the weather had chosen to greet us with. I was looking forward to sandy beaches and heat in South America.

  The crowd, although waving wildly, and calling each member’s name as they walked past, kept a respectful distance. I was impressed.

  Until a familiar face appeared at the front of the line.


  With Taeyoon and Dongjun heading up the front of the group, no one noticed her until we were right by her.

  The moment I saw her, my first reaction was a desire to punch her. She was the reason we had been in an accident; why Onyx was hurting in many different ways. But then, as Jiwon walked straight past her, refusing to acknowledge her, while my inner self was cheering him on, I realized she looked miserable. “Jiwon!” she cried, trying to get his attention.

  Jiwon walked through the door Taeyoon was holding open without looking back.

  The other members of Onyx walked past her, some nodding politely, others pointedly looking at the floor. Her expression fell further.

  I had no sympathy.

  However, I did notice that, unlike everyone else in the line, she was alone. It wasn’t just that she didn’t have a circle of friends with her, but the line was physically leaving a gap.

  Sungmin, who was just behind me, stepped forward. “You have no business being here,” he told her, coldly, in broken English. “You have been banned from all Onyx activities. Please leave before I have to ask security.” He waited only for her to miserably nod her head, before following the rest of the group inside.

  I followed after him, pausing only because movement from the corner of my eye caught my attention: a group of fans shoving her away, so roughly, she stumbled.

  Served her right.

  I didn’t look back as I walked into the venue.

  I waited until we were in the dressing room before I pulled my phone out to message Jiwon. There were too many people in there for me to feel comfortable talking to him directly. Are you OK?

  Jiwon glanced over at me before responding. Why wouldn’t I be?

  I wasn’t sure I expected a different response. Not, at least, while we were surrounded by people. She had been Jiwon’s fan.

  Not just a fan, but a fan site. A person who was dedicated enough to fly around the world and take his photograph for free.

  She was also somewhere on the batshit crazy scale…

  Jiwon was swept up into makeup, sticking his phone back in his pocket in the process.

  With the group occupied, I stepped out and made my way to the stage, scoping out the lighting. The venue was one of the larger European venues. I had flagged over our translator to help me talk to the lighting crew when Taeyoon and Dongjun joined me. “The fan meet will take place on the stage. Same with the group photographs,” Dongjun informed me, his tone curt.

  I ran my tongue over by upper teeth but didn’t say anything. It wasn’t worth it.

  “Dongjun will be taking the group photographs and fan meet photographs from the stage. You will take them from the floor,” Taeyoon was quick to point out.

  Once more I held my tongue. As the Assistant Manager, he was in a more senior position to me. He was also older than me: both things which, in Korean culture, dictated that he was to be treated with respect. It was very similar to Japan where I’d studied and lived. I wasn’t against it, but I was the person who thought everyone should be treated with respect until that respect was lost – age and seniority shouldn’t come into it.

  However, the thing Taeyoon was missing was that I was in charge when it came to the photography and it was my call as to who was taking what shots.

  Instead of disagreeing, I nodded.

  Although I knew he didn’t approve of my relationship with Onyx, I also knew he was doing what he could to protect us, and something as simple as making sure I wasn’t too close to them would probably go a long way. His instruction made sense.

  It just irked me that he had said it rather than giving me that opportunity.

  The morning flew by, and I was kept busy. Having had the experience at the other shows, I was coordinating the fan meet part of the show with the venue manager and Taeyoon to make sure it would run smoothly, fans would be happy, Onyx would be safe, and we would get the best lighting for photographs.

  Dongjun had remained with Sungmin and Onyx to take photographs while they were being interviewed, and I didn’t see them until their soundcheck.

  It wasn’t until I saw them pick up their mics that I realized just how much they had missed it. They sound checked two songs and it took nearly twenty minutes for each with Youngbin stopping and correcting something with either the light or the sound: he was anxious and wanted perfection.

  For five of them, it was like they had never left the stage. Even in two songs I could see MinMin was struggling. He was the main dancer, but there were moments when even Youngbin was showing as stronger.

  “Stop pushing yourself,” I whispered to him. I was standing to the side in front of the stage, so there was no way he would be able to hear me, but I couldn’t stop the words leaving my mouth. “You’ve just finished with rehab.”

  Judging from the way CX, one of the other dancers, hurried over to him after they had finished, I had a suspicion the maknae was telling him the same thing.

  “Kate,” Sungmin called before I could head backstage and check on him. “The doors will be opening soon. Would you be able to go outside and get some photographs of the line?”

  I shot another glance after MinMin’s retreating back, glad I couldn’t see a limp, and then nodded at Sungmin. Even if he was in pain, MinMin would do all he could to make sure he went on the stage. At least Holly had told him there would be a chair on the stage and he wouldn’t be dancing to some of their more ambitious routines. He’d not objected because Holly was the Vice Chairwoman, after all, but I knew it was going to kill him, just like it had after he’d been hurt in Canada.

  Outside, it was still raining. The venue offered no shelter for those standing in line, but most people had an umbrella and were huddling together to create one giant umbrella.

  Using one lent to me by the venue to keep my camera dry, I wandered up and down the line, taking photos of Gems who we
re happy and excited to pose for me with their handmade signs.

  It wasn’t until I was returning to the door that I noticed Anita, and it was only because someone yelled something that I realized they were shouting at her. It was in Polish and I had no idea what it meant, but when Anita looked up and met my gaze, there were tears in her eyes.

  The girls next to me, either not knowing who I was, or not recognizing me with the darker hair, yelled the same words again. When I looked back to where Anita had been, she was gone.


  I walked back inside, handing the umbrella back to the person who had lent it me, and then walked into the main room. “Kate? Where have you been?” Dongjun demanded, as I walked towards the stage.

  “Sungmin wanted photographs of the lines,” I told him.

  “They’re opening the doors for the VIPs now,” Dongjun informed me. “You need to stay down here.”

  I folded my arms, arching an eyebrow, but my actions went unnoticed as Dongjun walked off. “Let it go,” I muttered, trying to find my inner Elsa.

  There was a strong possibility I had left her in Seoul.

  The show was uneventful – in a good way. Everything ran smoothly, the crowd was amazing, cheering Onyx on – especially when they apologized for missing the last show.

  I had been a little bit worried about that. I’d been on social media when we’d announced the show was being postponed because of the flight issues, and even though it had been out of our control, there had been some hateful comments on there.

  By the time it finished, and people were filing out, I was tired and ready for my bed. Annoyingly, I knew that wasn't likely to happen anytime soon - photos needed editing, and I’d be damned if I was going to let Dongjun submit his before I submitted mine.


  The word, or words, were Polish and I didn’t understand it. But it was what had been said to Anita earlier. I turned around, finding two girls huddled together, staring at the phone in one of their hands. From what I could tell, the girl who had spoken was dictating something for the other girl to type.


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