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Nights of Sin (The Bad Boy Collection Book 3)

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by Sam Crescent

  “I know, and no, I’m not going to hurt her.” He wanted to play with her, to let her lose all of those reservations and the insecurity that seemed to be plaguing her whenever he saw her. Corey had been intrigued by her from the first moment he saw her. He figured once she saw him playing, she’d either stop going to the club, or she’d approach him. Alexa had done neither, instead just watching him.

  He found that interesting.

  No woman ever interested him, or gained his attention for longer than a couple of hours. Recently, no one had ever gained his attention. They had been a hole for him to use, and he wasn’t embarrassed by that.

  Corey flicked to the back, and started to read through the checklist of her fantasies, and what she liked. William liked to be thorough so he combined a checklist in BDSM contracts, but advanced on it, including fantasies and something more.

  He saw that Alexa had put a cross on many sex acts that she’d not done. Anal play, anal sex, sex toys, sex positions, toys, spanking, and pretty much anything that was exciting had been crossed out. She’d also placed a cross against voyeurism, exhibitionism, and several other elements that she’d proven to enjoy.

  “Why the fuck did she even come here?” Corey asked.

  “My guess is the guys she dated didn’t exactly have what it took to satisfy her.” William shrugged. “I’m not here to question why people do what they do, only that when they’re here, they don’t get forced to do what they don’t like.

  He finished going through some of her fantasies, and even as he read through, they seemed … false. What was she hiding?

  He memorized the address to the library, and closed the file. “That’s all I needed to know.”

  Chapter Two

  The library was pretty busy on a Friday as students were taking books out for the weekend, and the library also had afterschool activities for kids with their parents. They were trying to get the kids back to reading.

  Once she scanned several books, and there was a lull in dealing with customers, Alexa took one of the stands of books, and moved them around the library, placing the books back on the shelves. She was so annoyed with herself for the way she behaved last night. Nathan had never appealed to her, and if she was completely honest with herself, she’d not even noticed him before.

  It’s time to get over your weird obsession with a guy who doesn’t even know you exist.

  There, talking to herself was over, and now she needed to focus on actually working. She took the trolley back to the front desk, and she saw there was a trolley of books that had been scanned through that needed to go upstairs. The upstairs was the non-fiction section, and they closed a couple of hours before the rest of the library. Grabbing the trolley she let Laura know where she was going and to give her a shout if needed.

  She pulled the trolley toward the elevator, and made her way upstairs. The trolley was heavy as cookbooks, architecture books, historical books, and everything else were all a lot thicker, bigger, and heavier. She got to work returning all the used books back to the shelves. Alexa actually found this part of her job satisfying. To her, it showed that the library was not dead.

  Alexa hummed to herself as she worked.

  “So tell me how does a librarian end up at a sex club?”

  Releasing a little squeal, she turned around to find Corey leaning against one of the stacks.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Answer my question.”

  She’d never seen him outside of the club, and even now, he was just … wow. He wore a pair of jeans, and a white shirt that was tightened around his arms because of his thick muscles.

  “That’s none of your business.” She looked around the room hoping no one heard him.

  “No one is here. You’re perfectly safe.”

  “How did you get up here?”

  “It was really easy to do. Don’t worry, I checked the place out before you came up.”

  “How did you even know I was going to come up here?”

  “Lucky guess.”

  He really didn’t like giving anything away.

  “Have I broken some kind of rule or something? I don’t understand why you’re here.”

  “What rules could you have possibly broken? You don’t do anything.”

  “Are you being an ass on purpose?”

  Again, he smirked.

  Shaking her head, she turned back to putting books on the shelf, and he made her cry out as he moved right behind her, trapping her. He placed his hands on either side of her head, gripping the shelf. She tried to push him away, but he didn’t budge.

  “Do it again. Your ass is rubbing against my dick, and I do love it when I’m balls deep inside a woman’s ass.”

  She froze, shocked, ashamed, and aroused by what he was saying to her.

  “Let me go.”

  “No. It’s Friday night, and I want you at the club tonight.”

  “You’re insane.”

  “No, insane is waiting four weeks for a woman who has been staring at you to make her move. You’ve not made a move once, and I know you’ve been looking.”

  She rested her head on the shelf, and she shuddered as he moved some hair away from her shoulder, exposing her neck. His lips brushed against her neck, and her pussy grew slick.

  “Come tonight to the club. Wear a dress, no panties, and I’ll give you the time of your life.” He placed his hand on her stomach.

  “The club is supposed to stay at the club.”

  “Are you afraid of getting a little dirty, Alexa?” he asked.

  Gritting her teeth, she tried to find something witty to say, but nothing was forthcoming.

  “You want to play, and fuck at the club, then be there tonight. Do as I instruct, and we’ll see what happens.” His teeth grazed her neck, and she bit into her lip to stop herself from crying out. “Tonight, you will come to the club, and you don’t go wandering off with Nathan.”

  “What makes you think I’ll come?” she asked.

  She felt his lips rise up in a smile. The hand on her stomach moved down to cup her between her thighs, and she tried to move away from him, which only nestled her ass against his cock. He was rock hard, and he groaned. “No matter how you fight me, I’m not going to give you a chance to deny what you want. You’ll come tonight without panties, and I’ll have you screaming my name as you come in my mouth, over my fingers. You’ll love every single second of what I do to you.” He moved his hand, sliding it down her jeans to actually touch her pussy. “This is what makes me believe that you’re going to come tonight. You’re already soaking wet, and I bet your pussy is begging for some hard cock.”

  This man was just beyond any words that she could think of. He was so sure of himself, and why shouldn’t he be? She was soaking wet. She wanted to have sex with him, and tonight she’d be there just to see what happened.

  He teased his fingers through her slit, going down to plunge inside her.

  “So, tell me what a little librarian is doing at a sex club?”

  “None of your business.”

  Corey chuckled. “Okay, I’ll get an answer out of you soon enough.” He bit her neck, and she whimpered, trying to keep her noises to a minimum. “Tonight, you’re not going to be able to stay quiet. I’m going to have you screaming. Your voice is going to be so hoarse with all the screaming you’re going to be doing.”

  Two fingers stroked over her clit, and he didn’t stop. His other hand unbuttoned her jeans, and he moved them until they were at her knees.

  “You’ve got to stop.”

  “Is that an order or a suggestion?” he asked.

  She didn’t know what it was.

  His hand slid into her panties, and he started to stroke her clit. She heard how wet she was as he teased her. He moved his fingers down to her entrance, and pushed two fingers up inside her. “See, you’re so wet, and ready for a nice hard cock. I bet it’s all you think about at times, right? You want a nice big cock fucking this tight pussy. How long has it
been since you’ve been with someone? You’re so tight. I’m not a small man, baby. You’re going to have to get used to my dick.”

  She started to thrust onto his fingers, and he pressed his thumb to her clit.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re a hot piece of ass, and you’re going to be so good to play with.”

  Alexa shook from the pleasure of being surrounded by him.

  It had been so long since she’d been with anyone, and Corey was invading every single one of her senses.

  He built her arousal inside her, and she panted, wanting everything he was giving to her. Suddenly, he stopped, pressing a kiss to her neck.

  “Come to the club tonight without panties, and I’ll finish what we just started.”

  Corey removed his hand, lifted her jeans, and when she turned around, he was moving away from her while licking his fingers. He was licking her cream from those fingers, and she couldn’t help but blush.

  With shaking fingers, she finished placing the books on the shelf, and argued with herself about actually going to the club tonight. She didn’t want to go.

  You do.

  He’d found her at her work, and she didn’t know how he’d done that. She’d put it on her application but that had been private. Crap. Maybe he just liked reading. She didn’t know anything about him other than the fact he liked to have a lot of sex.

  Once she finished putting the books on the shelves, she made her way back down toward the main room. She couldn’t help but look out for him, but Corey was nowhere to be seen. At six o’clock the library was closed, and she walked with Laura toward their parked cars.

  Climbing inside, she checked her cell phone to find a text from Becca. Her best friend was away for the summer in Italy. She had left after that party that she’d taken her to.

  Becca: what r u up 2?

  Alexa sent a quick response saying that she was heading home, and would chat some time tomorrow, and she gripped the steering wheel tightly.

  “I shouldn’t go. I really shouldn’t go.”

  The biggest problem she had was the fact she wanted to go. She wanted to go and explore this fascination she had with Corey. He’d touched her, played with her, and she wanted more.

  Even as she made it home, she didn’t have a clue if she was going to go or not.


  Corey waited by the bar, and he sipped a beer as he watched, and waited. Several women had approached him, and he’d sent them on their way. There was only one woman who was going to satisfy his dick, and she’d be coming through that door at any minute.

  Alexa hadn’t been to the club on a Friday before. She only ever visited on really quiet days. He wanted it to be seen that he was taking her himself. Alexa always watched. She never played. He knew some of the men had wanted to play with her but he’d told them to stay away.

  “What are you doing here?” Nathan asked.

  “Fuck off!” Corey watched the door, and his cock just got bigger as he grew aroused. Tonight he was finally going to show her what a good time really was.

  “She never comes on a Friday.”

  Tonight she was going to come. He’d teased her on purpose so that she’d have no choice but to come to him.

  “What is it about her?” Nathan asked. “You never pay any attention to the women who want you.”

  “There’s always time for a change.” There she was, wearing a figure hugging red dress that highlighted her curves. He loved the way her tits bounced with every step that she took. Corey was going to have her bouncing on his cock, and those tits swinging free.

  Alexa was in for a wild ride tonight, and with how tight her cunt had been, he guessed he was going to be the first real man she’d been with in a while.

  She walked to the bar and stayed far away from him. He couldn’t look away as she signaled the bartender for a drink. Turning around, he watched as she touched her neck where he’d nibbled earlier in the day. Tonight he was going to do a hell of a lot more than kiss her neck.

  Leaving Nathan alone, he made his way toward Alexa’s side. He moved his chair closer to hers, and caressed the inside of her thigh.

  “Hello, beautiful.”


  Damn, he loved how she blushed. Her lips were so full and ripe. They’d look good wrapped around his cock.

  She pressed her thighs together, which only served to make him smile. Sliding his hand up her leg, he touched her naked pussy. “Good girl.”

  “I don’t understand what is going on here.”

  “Then don’t understand it. You ever let your body take control for once?”

  Alexa shook her head.

  “Then while you’re at the club, don’t think, don’t try to understand anything. Let whatever is going to happen, happen. You ever done that?”

  Again, her head moved from side to side.

  “This place is not supposed to be about overthinking. There’s no judging. There’s no need to think or to worry about what others think. This is a free place.”

  “It’s not exactly free.”

  “We pay for the pleasure of getting what we want. Open your thighs.”

  She stared into his eyes, and after a few seconds passed, she opened her thighs.

  “Move to the edge of the chair.” She did as he asked, and he filled her tight cunt with two fingers. She was incredibly tight, the tightest woman he’d ever felt. “Tell me, Alexa, are you a virgin?”


  “No one has taken your ass?”


  “That’s something I’m going to be changing.” Enjoying everything that Alexa had to offer was going to take more than a night. She was the kind of woman to be savored rather than rushed. Her body demanded attention, and he was more than happy to give her what she needed. “You see, Alexa, in this club nothing matters other than pleasure, and finding that buzz no one else can provide. Let yourself go. Stop thinking about what everyone else is thinking, and worry about yourself.”

  He pumped in and out of her pussy, watching her reaction. Her cheeks were bright red, and he slid his fingers out, tasting her creamy cunt. “Nice.”

  She averted her gaze once again.

  Tilting his head to the side, Corey debated on how the night would go. She was tense, nervous, and aroused. He’d take her easily out in the open, but something was telling him that he needed to take her somewhere private, at least to start off with.

  Without waiting for him to talk himself out of it, he took her hand, and made his way out of the main club.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  He felt the stares of the people he’d come to know by his frequent visits to the club. Not once had he taken a woman away from the main club, especially not to the private rooms, which was where he was going. He wanted to explore Alexa privately without anyone looking, and especially not that bastard Nathan.

  What the fuck is wrong with you?

  He didn’t screw women in private. Corey preferred to have the eyes of the club on him when he fucked.

  Taking the elevator, he clicked the door closed, shoved her up against the wall, and claimed her lips. He just couldn’t go another second without having his hands on her. She was a hot piece of ass, and he fucking needed her. His dick pressed against his jeans causing him pain from the pressure.

  She gasped out, giving him the perfect access to her mouth. Sliding his tongue inside, she released a moan, and it turned him the fuck on. He’d never had such a hot woman in his arms, especially one who kept her need hidden. Corey was determined to be the one to unleash that inner wild woman.

  Alexa had some secrets locked away inside her head, and he was determined to find out what they were.

  Holding her hips, he pressed his dick against her stomach, letting her know exactly how damn happy he was to be against her.

  The elevator opened, and he released her, taking hold of her hand.

  He didn’t speak, instead going to the room that he always had reserved within the large mansion
. Corey paid extra to keep a private room on hand for whenever he wanted to crash. He never thought he’d actually be taking a woman to his room, but he wasn’t about to question himself.

  Grabbing his key out of his pocket, he tugged her inside, locking the door once again. Flicking on the light, he placed the key on the dresser, and removed his shirt.

  “What the hell is going on?”

  “Do you want the first time I fuck you to be in front of everyone?”

  “I don’t actually have a clue what is going on. How did you find out where I worked? Why did you ask me to come like this?” She pointed at her pussy, and he smiled.

  “You came, didn’t you?”

  “I never come on a Friday.”

  “Babe, I’m about to make your night.” He unbuckled his belt and shoved his jeans to the floor. His cock sprang forward, and he wrapped his fingers around the length. He let go of his cock, walking toward her. Cupping her face, he slammed his lips against hers, loving how soft she was against him. She was a fuller woman, but damn, she drove him crazy. “Open those lips for me.”

  She opened, and he slid his tongue inside her mouth, tasting her. He moved his hands down to the thin straps of her dress. She didn’t fight him as he wriggled the dress down. Her tits were confined by a lacy red bra. Once the dress spilled down on the floor, he moved her aside, and kicked it away.

  Running his hands down her body, he cupped her ass, drawing her closer. Within seconds he flicked the catch on her bra, exposing those full tits. Throwing the bra aside, he cupped her tits, running his thumb across each nipple.

  “These are fucking beautiful. I’ve been wanting to see these from the first moment I saw you.”


  “Babe, I’ve come many times thinking about what my cum would look like across these.” Leaning forward, he took one of her nipples into his mouth, flicking one bud, then the other. Her nipples were large and red. He never had favorites when it came to a woman’s body. Corey found he loved the whole body. “Stop thinking, babe. This is not a place for you to think. Enjoy your body, Alexa. Enjoy what I’m doing to you.”

  Moving her toward the bed, he eased her down on the sheets, and spread her legs open. Four weeks he’d been waiting for this woman to make her move, and instead, he had to make his move. He didn’t like it, nor was he used to having to do the chasing.


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