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Nights of Sin (The Bad Boy Collection Book 3)

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Alexa was a mystery that he couldn’t wait to conquer.

  He was going to fuck her right out of his head.

  Chapter Three

  Let go.

  Don’t think.



  That bunch of words went around her head, over and over again as he pushed her to the bed. Alexa bit her lip, which she seemed to be doing a lot around him, as he opened her thighs, and started to stroke her pussy.

  “You’re already so wet.”

  This wasn’t like her. She never allowed a man to take over completely.

  Alexa hadn’t spoken to him.

  She hadn’t done anything other than respond.

  Take what you want.

  Stop being a wimp.

  Get what you want.

  Closing her eyes, she battled with herself, fighting against what she thought was proper, against what she actually wanted to do.

  Her whole life, she’d been unsatisfied in the bedroom. Within minutes of being with Corey, she’d been more aroused by him than by anyone else. She wasn’t going to pass on this opportunity. It may only be for one night, but she was going to make sure that the entire night counted.

  Opening her eyes, she went onto her elbows, and then slid one of her hands down her body, stroking her pussy.

  Corey looked up, smiling at her.

  “You’re finally going to play?”

  “Are you going to shut up and give me what I want?” she asked.

  “Baby, all you had to do was ask.”

  “I was more than happy to watch you.” She had been as well. She’d not expected him to come hunting for her. Alexa wasn’t going to complain. She’d seen him fucking other women, and yet, she didn’t feel jealous.

  He’s not yours.

  She was never going to fall for a man like Corey.

  One night, nothing else.

  “You’re the one who came hunting for me.”

  Alexa didn’t even have a clue what his full name was. She only knew him as Corey, and she didn’t need to know him as anything else.

  Sliding her fingers against her clit, she stared into his eyes as she fingered herself.

  “There are no rules here. Just pleasure.”

  He slapped her hand away. “Then let me show you exactly what kind of pleasure I have to offer.”

  She pulled her hand back, resting back on her elbows. He grabbed her waist, and tugged her back to the edge of the bed.

  “Keep these thighs open, and I will give you what you need.”

  Holding her legs open, she watched as he slid his tongue across her clit, and she couldn’t help but moan at that first touch. No man had ever given her oral sex before, and he was blowing her away with the smallest swipe of his tongue. He tongued her clit then slid down to fuck deep his tongue inside her pussy.

  “You taste so good,” he said. He bit her clit a little more, and then soothed out the pain by stroking her.

  His fingers slammed inside her, and she couldn’t focus. The pleasure was more intense than anything she’d ever experienced.

  Much to her shame, she came all over his face, screaming her pleasure. She didn’t call his name, but the orgasm had her collapsing to the bed.

  “Now that didn’t take long at all.” She opened her eyes, and watched as he grabbed a condom, sliding it on his dick. “We’ve got all night.” He moved between her thighs, and Alexa gasped out as he slammed every single inch of his dick inside her. He was long, wide, and it hurt to take him all in at once. “Fuck, I knew you’d be so damn tight. It has been too long for you, hasn’t it, baby? Don’t worry. By the time I’m done with you, your cunt is going to know who you belong to.”

  “I belong to no one.” She held onto his stomach, looking between their legs. The lips of her pussy touched him. His cock pulsed inside her, and there was a slight burn from how big he was.

  “How long has it been?” he asked.

  “A while.”

  “I can tell. Your pussy is not used to taking big cock.” He ran his hands up her sides to cup her breasts. “Don’t worry. I can wait for you to grow used to me being inside you.”

  He pinched her tits, and she groaned out, sinking back to the bed.

  Seconds passed, maybe even minutes before he started to move within her. Corey pulled out of her slowly only to ease back inside her, taking his time. She winced as she wasn’t ready for the sudden movement. He didn’t stop, taking his time and going slowly. He caressed her clit, and she stared into his eyes.

  “Your pussy is so damn tight, babe. It makes me wonder if you were a virgin.”

  “I wasn’t a virgin,” she said, glaring at him. “I’ve had sex before.”

  “Clearly not good sex. Good sex leaves a lasting impression.” He slammed inside her, and she cried out as he hit the hilt within her. “And no one has impressed you.”

  She was about to argue with him when he silenced her by pounding his dick inside her. He didn’t let up, and he stroked her clit at the same time as he fucked her. His cock touched nerve endings she didn’t even know that she had. He pushed her toward the edge, and kept her balanced, waiting to give her release.

  “Please,” she said, begging.

  “Now that I’ve got you where I want you, who do you belong to?” he asked.

  She frowned, confused by why he was so determined.

  The desire to fight him was strong, but she really wanted to come. It had been too long since she’d last had an orgasm, and she wanted one again.

  “All you’ve got to do, baby, is tell me who you belong to, and I’ll let you come.”

  “You, I belong to you,” she said. She didn’t want tonight to be a battle of wills, just pleasure, mind-numbing pleasure that was out of this world.

  “Good girl.” He fucked her harder than ever before, going to the hilt and stroking her clit.

  Alexa cried out as another orgasm washed over her body, and she tightened around his cock.

  Corey didn’t let up, and he continued to work his cock inside her throughout her orgasm, finally thrusting within her, and grunting out his climax. His cock seemed to pulse for a long time, filling the condom with his cum.

  He urged her up the bed with his dick still inside her. “Now, that is what I call a proper fuck.”

  She eased up the bed, and glanced down to see his pelvis nestled between her thighs.

  “You don’t talk a lot, do you?” he asked.

  Alexa released a sigh. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “What did I tell you? Don’t think. What’s the point of being in a sex club if you’re not going to use the facilities?” he asked.

  Tilting her head to the side, she sighed. “How did you know where I worked?”

  “I have my ways.”

  “You don’t know me. You’ve never spoken to me, and yet, you’re the one that turned up at the library where I work.”

  He sighed. “You’re a persistent little thing.”

  “I take care of my privacy, and I want to know how you found out that private information.”

  “I got it from this club because I wanted it. I’m not going to share this information.”

  “You shouldn’t have done that.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, a charity is going to get a lot of money.”

  She didn’t like it, and she had to wonder why he was being strange about all of this. Not once had any guy taken the effort to find her, not even boyfriends who were supposed to care.

  Alexa would deal with it another time.

  He pulled out of her, and she rolled over, getting to her feet. Corey had left his mark on her body that she imagined she’d remember for a good couple of days.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked.

  He got to his feet, throwing the condom in the trash bin and wiping the excess cum off his cock.

  “I was going to get dressed and leave.”

  “I told you I was going to need more time with you. Tonight
is mine, babe. You’re not going anywhere.” He tugged the dress out of her hands and threw it to the floor. She didn’t have time to think before he was touching her again. One of his hands cupped her breast, while the other went between her thighs, stroking her clit. “You’re wet, Alexa. Tell me, do you have any fantasies?”

  She wasn’t about to tell him her fantasies. Even when she had been filling in that paperwork, she’d not been completely honest with all of her fantasies.

  “Okay, you’re not going to be very forthcoming. You know, most women can’t shut up.”

  “And some men need to learn not to annoy the women in their bedroom by comparing them to other women,” she said, turning her head to look at him.

  “You know, I’m starting to think you’re shy, my little librarian. So tell me, how does a librarian end up in a sex club?” he asked.

  “You asked me that today.”

  “There’s a hell of a lot more to you than jeans and shirts. I bet some of the men who go to the library struggle not to ask you out.”

  She laughed. “No one at the library asks me out.”

  “I bet they’re more than happy to watch you bend over. They’ll get a good view of those tits.”

  He dragged the finger that had been between her thighs, up her body, to circle her nipple.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I don’t? I know I’m a guy, and I know I love it when I find a woman that makes my dick hard. What I also love is being able to see that woman naked, and in ways that make me think of fucking her. Believe me, Alexa, there are men out there thinking of bending you over and taking your sweet pussy.”


  Alexa was proving to be unlike a lot of women he’d been with. Most women that Corey knew loved it when a man made the effort to go to their workplace, but not Alexa. She looked pissed. He’d have to let William know that Alexa may have a few choice words to say to him. Not only that, she wasn’t very forthcoming about anything.

  He was used to having a woman begging him for whatever he could do. Alexa gave nothing away. If it wasn’t for her responsive body, he wouldn’t have a single clue what she was thinking. He had to read her body in order to know if he was doing something right.

  What he had discovered about Alexa was her response to pain. She had gotten more aroused even as he pounded inside her. Her pussy was tight, tighter than anything he’d ever been inside.

  There were secret desires that she kept hidden from everyone. He was going to find out what they were, and play them out. Corey wondered if any of her desires would take him to the dungeon with her.

  “I know that’s exactly what I want to do, and what I’ve been wanting to do from the moment you walked into the main club with Becca.”

  “You know her?”


  “Have you fucked her?”

  “No. She never appealed to me.” Becca was one of those women that didn’t do anything for him. She wasn’t shy, nor had she shown any interest in him. They tended to avoid each other when they were at the club.

  “Seriously? You do know she’s blonde, sexy, and pretty much what every guy wants?”

  The doubt in her voice didn’t sit well with him. He didn’t like it.

  Cupping her cheek, he forced her to look at him. “Is that what men were like? The ones you’ve dated? They were more interested in your friends than in you?”


  “I’m not like those assholes you’ve dated. When I’m with a woman, I devote myself to her.”

  “For as long as it takes you to get off?”

  He saw there was no judging in her eyes. She really didn’t care about the women he’d been with. What was he going to do to get more of a response out of her?

  Why do you want a response out of her?

  You don’t know anything about her.

  She’s just a woman like all the others.

  Then why was he struggling right now?

  “I’m here with you, and I’ve gotten off.”

  “You want to get off again. Believe me, Corey, I know I’m not anything special.” She touched his stomach, her hand sliding down to cup his already erect cock. “So don’t try to make out this is anything more than it is.”

  “Why are you angry about me knowing where you work?”

  “That information is private, and I expected it to be kept that way. It wasn’t.” She stroked her thumb across the tip of his cock. “So why don’t we follow your rules, and stop making this out to be something it’s not.”

  With that, she sank down on the floor before him, and took his cock into her mouth. He closed his eyes, moaning as her warm, wet lips surrounded the tip of his cock. Her tongue flicked the tip, taking away his pre-cum, before sliding down each hard ridge of his cock.

  “Fuck, baby, your lips are fucking amazing.” He’d had a lot of women going down on him, but Alexa was the best. Sinking his fingers into her hair, he wrapped the strands around his wrist and started to pump into her mouth. “You’re going to learn a lot with me, Alexa. Your mouth may be on my cock, but you’re going to let go of all of those secrets, and I’m going to find out what makes you tick.” He started to thrust into her mouth, only letting the tip of his cock touch the back of her throat before he pulled back. “There’s something about you, and I’m going to find out what it is.”

  Both of her hands gripped his hips as she took him deep into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat, and she pulled back up, glancing up his body.

  She gave him a wicked smile, then went back for more.

  Her tongue aroused, and he grew even harder within her mouth.

  He hissed, moaning as she refused to stop even as he tugged on the strands of her hair.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re going to have to stop or I’m going to spunk in your mouth.”In answer, she moaned, and the vibration traveled up his cock, and he had no choice but to let go. He watched her as he slammed his hips over and over again.

  “Yes, baby, fuck. You’re such a good little cock sucker, aren’t you? I bet no one knows what a little slut you can be.” He bet she was the perfect woman. The outside world saw her as the lady that she was, but in the bedroom, she knew how to let go.

  I want that.

  He pushed the thoughts aside, and focused on her lips around him, her tongue licking his cock, and relishing the feel of just being with her.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, feeling his orgasm building.

  She didn’t stop, and he pumped into her mouth twice more, groaning as his cum spilled out of his cock. Alexa swallowed him down, and she didn’t stop until she had milked every last drop of cum out of his cock.

  When he wouldn’t give her anymore, she released him and sat back on her haunches, leaving him to drop to the bed.

  Alexa licked her lips. “That shut you up.”

  He cupped her cheek, running his thumb across her bottom lip. “Get on the bed.”

  “You really think you’re ready to go again after that? I think I emptied you out.” One of her brows rose up.

  “I didn’t say I was going to fuck you right away. I want you on the bed, kneeling, with your ass up in the air.”

  She moved to the bed, kneeling, and doing exactly what he wanted so that her rounded ass was flashing him.

  His cock twitched, but nothing was happening just yet. Corey knew it wouldn’t be long before he was able to fuck her. Getting to his feet, he slipped his fingers between her thighs, feeling her slippery cunt.

  “You’re soaking wet, baby. Did you like sucking my cock, and swallowing me?” he asked.


  “Honestly, I have to say I was expecting you to maybe lie a little.”

  “There’s no point in lying when we’re only going to be here one night.”

  She was pretty determined that it was only going to be one night. He wasn’t going to be satisfied with just one night, not by a long shot. Plunging two fingers inside her tight cunt, he spread his fin
gers open, watching her pussy squeeze his fingers even as he tried to spread her open.

  “What’s your darkest desire?” he asked.

  “I’m living it.”

  “No, you’re not.” He pulled his fingers from her pussy and teased her clit. She whimpered, and when she made to pull away from him, he slapped her ass. “Don’t fight me tonight, baby.” Her pale ass turned red with his handprint. “Now that is one pretty sight.” With his free hand, he stroked over her curvy ass. He played with her clit, teasing it between his two fingers, and she gasped out. “Do you like that?”

  With his other hand, he plunged a finger inside her, coating his digit with her cream. Drawing his finger back, he pressed it against her ass, and she tensed up.

  “Have a little trust. No one has touched this ass, and don’t you worry, I’ll take my time with you.” He pushed his finger against her tight ring of muscles, and at first she fought him, which he expected. Teasing her clit, he didn’t give up on her ass, and she took his finger to the knuckle. The moment his finger slid inside her, she cried out, screaming his name.

  It was a small victory, but it wasn’t going to be the only one he had tonight.

  Moving his fingers into her pussy, he started to work both fingers inside her, one in her cunt, and the other in her ass.

  “You’re so tight, baby,” he said.

  He added a second finger to her ass, and his cock had started to swell. Releasing her body, he grabbed a condom, sliding it over his cock. He was more than ready to fuck her again.

  Chapter Four

  The clock on the nightstand read four-thirty in the morning, and Alexa sneaked around his room, quickly tugging on her clothes as she silently moved about. Corey was passed out cold on the bed, and she kept checking to make sure he was still sound asleep. Her heart was pounding, and she just wanted to get out of the room and make her way home. She’d never expected to stay this long, but she’d never expected to spend the night with Corey.

  This had been an awakening, but a one time only deal.

  Reaching into his jeans, she pulled out his key, unlocking the door. Closing it quietly behind her, she made her way back to the main part of the club. She didn’t encounter anyone, and she was tempted to just leave it.


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