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Brown, Aubrey - Hunger [Sequel to Ravenous] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 4

by Aubrey Brown

  It was pure madness to her, but she also felt a woman for the first time in her young life. Her dresses were bold in color and cut in the latest fashion. She looked every inch the eligible wife that was readied for marriage to a nobleman. This was the look she needed to be taken seriously at a lawyer’s office.

  She also had been to a hairdresser who helped put lemon in her hair to lighten her dull blonde. After the treatment, her hair had been cut, so her natural curls were thicker and bounced as she walked. It was now soft and flowing down her back, cascading around her shoulders, similar to a lover’s hand.

  Christina showed her how to apply the slightest amount of facial painting to bring out her cheek’s bone and to make her eyes sparkle. She smelled of her namesake, roses, and a touch of vanilla. She absolutely loved applying the creams and decorating her hair with adornments.

  As she had been pulled and pinned together, she thought of William only once, to think of the fact that she had not thought of him up until now. The initial night of his rejection faded from her mind, as if it were a dream, which she knew it wasn’t, but perhaps William was right. Her love for him was youthful. Alternatively, so she would like to believe, for she surely felt a woman today. Even though it had been only a week, she could honestly say she was looking forward to the attention that would be given to her by other gentlemen.

  While she was in town, she kept a sharp eye out for a solicitor’s office. She had seen a few and noted their location. She would have to come and take an appointment with them soon. Rose had been so busy. She could not think to go to a lawyer’s office until Christina had her firmly placed together. Her coming-out party was scheduled to take place on the night of her eighteenth birthday. This was only one week away.

  Last minute parties were normal among the ton, and even looked upon as the soiree to attend. The cream of society was invited to the new mystery girl’s debut. The invitations had been quickly sent out, and almost everyone had replied.

  As the evening of her birthday drew nearer, Rose began to feel giddy with excitement. Her life was about to change forever.

  Most of her dresses were still being sewn, but her delicious coming-out gown was done, and ready to have a final fitting. The dress was Turkey red to benefit her coloring. It turned her skin to peaches and cream. It was said to Rose that white and soft colors were usually worn by young ladies. However, deep colors drew the eyes. Her shoulders were bared, and a fair amount of her bosom was on display. Since she had taken to eating sauced and rich foods, she’d gained flesh in all the proper areas.

  The dress fit snuggly at her breasts and then flowed around her hips to her feet. Little puffed sleeves were capped off by elbow-length gloves. Before she was dressed, she was stuffed into a knee-length chemise, pulled tight with a corset, and then folded into petticoats.

  She felt like a frosted cake with bold trimmings. Her hair was placed with ruby clips, and left to cascade down her back. Most young girls would have their hair pleated up and let ringlets bob at the sides of their face.

  Christina wanted her to stand out from the other young ladies, and she most certainly did. She looked a woman. She felt like a bold and daring female, who could take the season by storm.

  Rose took in a deep fortifying breath of air, and awaited a footman and her maid to escort her to the ballroom.

  * * * *

  William awoke to the knowledge this was the evening of Rose’s coming-out ball. He received an invite from the countess to attend a week ago. He had spoken with Gabriel and Emma about the event, and they, with heartache, declined to go. They needed secrecy, and Beth was in a state over her grandmother’s appearance. They told William to express to Rose that they loved her, and missed her, and would come to visit soon.

  He felt the couple’s reasoning was carefully thought out. Beth was at a tender stage and needed close family around her. And Rose needed to be accepted among the ton.

  William materialized his dress clothing with care. It had been almost a full year since he had been to London, save the missive they sent to the Trentons. He now wore a starched white linen shirt, a burgundy double-breasted waist coat, and over that a dark cloak. A thick, well-tied cravat capped his throat, and his legs were clad in tight-fitting black breeches. He forwent the hat that was favored by men.

  With his gift for Rose secured in his pocket, he transported himself to a safe place among the trees, as to not be seen materializing. He had thought he would have time to see Rose before the festivities, perhaps ask her some personal questions about the solicitor. However, there were carriages already lined along the drive.

  “Bugger,” he murmured.

  He would have to seek her out later, and find a chance to speak with her privately. Which would not be easy since this was her birthday and coming-out party.

  He walked slowly to the gate and walked quickly through next to a carriage, as to not create suspicion.

  William came to a stop at the door and was escorted into the fray. As a usual party for the season, it was indeed a crush. Everyone who was anyone was in attendance.

  He sighed internally, for the smells and conversation flowing through the home was two-fold terrible for him. He tried to close off his preternatural senses and wait for Rose’s entrance. They should be announcing her shortly.

  A few moments passed of mundane talk when the doors opened and Viscount Windborne announced Rose.

  “Hello friends, family, and guests, we have been given the rare treat of hosting a family friend’s daughter’s coming-out ball. As you know, since our own daughter’s marriage, my poor wife has been at loose ends. And she is relishing the season thus far, with Rose at her side. She is a lovely girl, who coincidentally is celebrating her eighteenth year tonight. So without further distraction, may I present to you Lady Rose Penelope Drake, daughter to the Earl and Countess of Halverson.”

  William centered his thoughts and turned to try to see Rose walk through the door. However, the room was stuffed so full of people he had difficulty seeing her.

  Cursing that he could not use his preternatural senses to see her, he waited. She would stand and wait for each person in the room to make her acquaintance, which would make for a long evening.

  He quickly went to stand in the rapidly forming line. However, it would seem the countess was moving people through rather hastily. It was clear she was husband hunting for Rose.

  William looked up the line and saw a dainty hand shake various hands of all shapes and sizes. It seemed an eternity until he could see the skirts of her dress. The coloring was a magnificent red shade. He could not recall seeing Rose in anything but a simple day dress.

  With curiosity, he waited a few more moments. When he came to be the next person in line, William blinked his eyes not once, but twice. Rose? She was dressed in a beautiful creation that left her shoulders bare and her cleavage out. Her hair was down around her shoulder and back, held on to by some sort of ruby clips that women favored. His eyes narrowed upon the coloring of her hair. It was lighter somehow, with streaks of gold interwoven with white clouds of ringlets.

  Her neck was adorned with a dainty ruby on a silver string, and her ears had small rubies attached to the lobes. The dress flowed over her body as if it were water. Her breasts looked bountiful and her waist tiny. The evening frock seemed to be missing the usual pastel colors and lacy trimmings favored by young ladies. It was a stunning effect.

  “Your grace is anything amiss?” someone asked.

  William shook his head and bowed before Rose’s hand. He stood and peered into her eyes, and saw…nothing. She was neither upset nor happy to see him. It would seem she did not even care that he came this evening.

  “May I introduce His Grace William Arthur Huntington, the Duke of Edington,” the countess said.

  “Indeed, my lady, I know of his grace. He is an old friend of my father’s. It is good to see you once more, your grace. Thank you for coming.” And with that said, she dismissed him.

  Feeling bereft a
nd shaken, he titled his head and walked towards the buffet table to gather his jumbled thoughts.

  * * * *

  Rose watched as William walked toward the tables and took in another breath. She had lived through seeing the man that had broken her heart, and she was…still alive and untouched by emotion.

  It was as if she had never carried a love for him. It had only been a few weeks since she had proclaimed her love to him and her intention to marry and raise children with his grace, but she felt as if now it was all a dream, woven inside a crumbling castle with a man whom she idolized. She did not feel the familial love that he felt for her, but she no longer could say that William held her heart.

  As the throng of noblemen and women passed by her, she smiled and noted each of their names. Rose had always been talented at remembering faces and names. It was a blessing she was only just realizing was going to be very useful to her for this season.

  When the line finally ended, she moved through the room, and the party commenced with some music, punch, cake, and gossip. It was as if she were in another world, watching other ladies and learning their movements and speech. Rose felt confidence build within her, as many men remarked on her stunning evening dress and the beauty of her hair. It was enough to send a woman into vapors.

  She kept a blind eye on William, who was standing in a corner, avoiding the mothers of young misses seeking husbands for their daughters. Rose laughed internally and thought he must be having a time of it. His undead senses must be overwhelmed by the crush of people in one room.

  With her dance card almost full, she felt a tap upon her naked shoulder and turned to find William’s blue eyes intent on her own.

  “Aye, your grace?” she asked.

  “May I have a dance, my lady?” he asked.

  Rose hesitated for but a moment and cleared her mind. He was a safe enough partner.

  “Of course, your grace, I have a waltz and a quadrille left, which would you prefer?” she asked. “Oh, Rose, dear, Lord Shelton has claimed your waltz,” Christina stated with glee.

  Lord Shelton was known as this season’s most eligible bachelor. He was actively seeking a wife, and he was a marquis. Rose was aghast with silent pleasure at the pronouncement.

  She then looked to William. “It would seem my waltz has been taken. We can dance the quadrille, your grace.”

  William saw Rose rapidly write down his name in the waltz column, and he could hardly breathe. It was as if he had no idea who this enchanting woman was. She was still Rose, but at the same time not Rose. It would seem overnight she had bloomed and grown into a beautiful flower. She seemed to exude confidence. Her eyes sparkled with genuine mirth. She was a dazzling woman who managed to capture his interest.

  Shocked by the movement of his thoughts, he bowed before the countess and Rose. “Until the quadrille, my lady.”

  With that he set in to watch Rose dance with every eligible lord in the room. It would seem Rose was the hit of the party and a new favorite among the married and unmarried men of the ton.

  An hour into her birthday party, William was becoming less than gentleman and more the monster he was. As he watched Rose swing into other suitors’ arms, he felt his blood begin to boil. His dead heart seemed to beat rapidly inside of his chest. He had no explanation for his feelings, save he wanted to believe he was in a fatherly position and concerned for her welfare.

  He had almost talked himself into the presumption when he heard the waltz end, and the band began the quadrille. It was finally to be his turn.

  William stood and made his way out onto the dance floor to claim Rose. Just as he approached Lord Shelton and the woman in question, he was almost stopped by the beauty of her. He felt a pull at his cock and cursed. He was as good as her uncle, or so he had told her. That breathless feeling inside of him had nothing to do with the fact that Rose was all grown up.

  He was bearing down on the couple when the marquis bowed to Rose and grasped her gloved hand. She twittered towards him, and he placed a kiss upon her glove.

  The half breathless feeling left his body and was replaced by a low guttural growl. How dare the man be so forward? The vampire inside of him bellowed out to be heard and to let his immortal soul kill the young pup. It was common knowledge among the matchmaking mothers that Lord Shelton was seeking his marchioness.

  “Excuse me, Farnsworth, I believe this is my dance. Rose?” William ended on a question.

  “Oh, yes, so it is. Lord Shelton, you must know his grace, the Duke of Edington? William this is Nigel Peter Farnsworth, the marquis of Shelton.”

  “Indeed. Pleasure to see you again, your grace,” Nigel replied.

  The men shook hands. “I remember you, Lord Shelton. Good to see you again. However, as I stated before, this is my dance, so if you will excuse us.”

  Just as he made the statement the band struck up, and he was whirling Rose away from a slightly bemused marquis.

  William felt her shoulders shaking slightly and thought she was upset. However, when he looked into her eyes, all he saw was mirth.

  “What has you smiling in such a way, Rose?”

  “The way you walked over poor Nigel just now.”

  “Nigel? Are you using your Christian name with Farnsworth then?” he asked. The thought was not a pleasant one, so he pushed it aside.

  William watched as Rose’s spine stiffened in pronounced retort. However, when he was about to smooth her ill temper, she relaxed slightly.

  “I appreciate your concern, William, but I have everything in hand. I am not acting overtly forward, and have kept conversations neutral. Nigel was just so charming I could not help but become instant friends with him.”

  Charming? The insolent pup was now charming? His guts churned at her statement.

  “I see, Rose. I just want you to understand, some men’s affections can be false and lascivious. I do not want you to find yourself in a spot of bother.”

  Perhaps if he said it enough out loud, he would start to believe himself.

  “As I stated before, your grace, I will take your concerns into consideration.”

  That meant she was going to ignore his wishes. He began to speak again when their dance ended.

  She curtsied from his arms and said, “Thank you, your grace.”

  With that she quit the dance floor in favor of a chair near the countess, rightly to rest her aching feet, he was sure.

  With an internal sigh, he stared at little Rose, who was not so little anymore. William shook his head and decided a good tumble with a willing wench would alleviate his sexual desire. He had not bedded a woman for over a year now. Affairs had begun to bore him, all women, whether a light skirt, mistress, or a noblewoman looking for a distraction, left him feeling empty and hungry for more. He hungered for something he could not say or examine too closely.

  He subsequently noticed Rose stand and walk over to the table of gifts, and then felt his cock pulse, his blood race, and his mouth water.

  Dear God! He wanted Rose. What was he to do now?

  Chapter Five

  Rose made her way to the table that held a gigantic amount of gifts from strangers. The experience of dancing with William was pleasant, except for his tendency to act as her father. She now knew that her job of finding a husband here was going to be strenuous. Luckily, she had an appointment with a solicitor, Mister Wimble, tomorrow. She had sent her maid before the party with a missive requesting a visit, and she had brought back an answer of yes. With the situation of Beth taken care of, for the moment, she sat upon a chair and was given presents to open.

  Gift after gift was opened, and she smiled and said, “Thank you.”

  Finally, she came to a small black box that had the distinct scrawl of William’s hand. She flipped the lid, and saw he had given her a brooch. It was a beautiful, intricate, full-bloomed rose. She let her fingers roll over the lovely pattern and knew immediately that his secretary must have picked it out. She knew a lot about William, and one of the things that sh
e knew was that William was not a shopper.

  The hardship of being Rose was that she always remembered their conversations, and he let it slip that he never shopped. If she had been the same young woman who was still enamored with him, she would have looked at him dreamy-eyed and fallen even more deeply in love with him.

  So instead she looked toward him and said, “Thank you, your grace.” She then placed the box with the other presents and stood.

  The evening winded down quickly from that point, and Rose was glad for it. She was bone tired. By the time she turned over her sheet, she laid her head upon the pillow and closed her eyes.

  * * * *

  William left the party as everyone else did, but made a detour into the trees to wait as mist for everyone to retire to bed, which was shortly after the candle was extinguished in Rose’s bedroom. His thoughts were in a whirl, as he watched her graceful fingers open gifts this evening. He had imagined how those digits would feel against his bare skin, and those thoughts led to even more sinful thoughts.

  Rose would welcome him into her bedchamber where it would be dark, and he would have to use his preternatural hearing and touch to relieve her of her clothing. Of course, he could melt the clothing off of her supple newly plumped body, but he preferred to strip her bare below his seeking eyes.

  The small row of buttons down the back of her dress would bear her slowly to him. The cool air of the room would hit her spine, and she would gasp as his finger deliberately touched her skin. Goose pimples would appear, and he could soothe them from her pink flesh. She was not wearing a chemise or corset favored by her peers. She would be naked under her dress, save for silk stockings attached to wicked garters.


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