Brown, Aubrey - Hunger [Sequel to Ravenous] (Siren Publishing Allure)
Page 5
She would moan and repeat his name into the night as he slipped the garment from her. He would turn her delicious body around to his. His eyes would feast upon her delectable, bountiful breasts. They would quiver as she gasped her delight as he circled her nipples. Her glorious head with bouncing curls would tip back as he suckled a divine nipple into his mouth.
His fangs would scrap against her sensitive flesh, causing her to clasp his head and repeat his name.
William was hungry for her. He hungered for blood. He hungered for sex, and he hungered for her.
The pleasure she would receive from him would be partly exquisite and mostly wild, animal in nature. His cock would protrude from his breeches, with clear liquid escaping the tip. She would not be scared, but be intrigued by his massive size. She would beg to taste him as he tasted her now-wet breasts.
William shook as he imagined her descent to his ballocks. She would place her small delicate hand upon his erection through his breeches. His head would be thrown back in pleasure as she touched him with firm purpose.
Rose’s hand would sneak into his clothing to find his prick hard and hot and ready to pleasure her sweet, giving body.
Her mouth would replace her clever grasp, and she would lick cum from his tip and moan at the flavor of his cock. She would then firmly grasp him and swallow him as much as she possibly could.
The feel of her hot, wet mouth was enough to send him over the edge. However, he would hold his orgasm at bay. He wanted to feel her mouth and tongue, for as long as he could. It would be heaven for him to see her head bobbing back and forth over his cock. Her hair would cover his quivering thighs as she gave him the rapture he knew only she could give him.
He would be so close to coming that he would pull her body up to his and float over to her bed. He would lay her upon the sheets and worship her beckoning body. Her wet glistening pussy would call to him. He would feel and hear the blood gather to her sensitive tissues, readying her for his cock.
His fangs itched to sink his teeth into her thigh and drink the blood he knew would be the sweetest blood he had ever tasted. Instead, he would kiss and nibble her wet upper thigh. Her damp curls guarding her cunt would brush his face as he placed his tongue to her quivering clitoris.
She would muffle a scream against the bed’s pillow. It would not do for them to get caught.
He would thrust his tongue into her honeyed slit and find her warm and ready. He would milk her cunt until it wrought forth an orgasm so great she would be breathless.
As soon as she hit her peak, he would sink his fangs into her supple thigh and drink the rushing blood from her artery. Her blood would roll over his tongue in sweet rivers.
The orgasm would increase to point of which she would come harder and faster. Rose would wet the sheets under her body with a cum so sweet. He would quickly stop feeding from her thigh and forage from her pussy.
A door closed sharply in the distance, bringing William back to reality.
How long had he been standing there like a fool, imagining vivid sex with Rose? He had no idea, but he finally shook his head to clear the sinful thoughts and floated to her window as clear mist.
He stayed at the windowsill and peered into the room. Rose was indeed in bed and fast asleep. Her sheets had been kicked off her body as one of her legs was pulled up to her chest. The action pulled her virginal night rail up to her thigh, exposing the creamy flesh. The delicious limb he was only just imagining a moment ago.
Swallowing his lust, he knocked on her window and hoped she would awaken. He did not want to break into a gently bred woman’s bedchamber. And he was here for Gabriel, and he needed to remember that.
* * * *
Rose was fast asleep when she heard a small knock at her window. Sleepy and confused, she fumbled around the room in the dark. She reached the window and pulled the sheer drapes back. She then looked into the night and saw the tell-tale mist against the pain. It was one of three choices, her father or mother or William, and she knew her parents would never come to her this time of night, leaving Beth alone. So she rolled her eyes, cracked the window open, and whispered, “William, is that you?”
She felt his dark power weave through her mind. She allowed him entrance and listened. It is I, William. Let me in, I need to speak with you.
You may enter.
She walked away from the window to grab her woolly wrapper. She was not dressed decently, and she had no other garments at hand. She felt him enter the room and crawl along the floor boards until he materialized behind her.
“William, although I do appreciate you coming this evening, do you not think it is a tad inappropriate for you to visit me in my bed chamber?” she whispered.
She did not want to awaken her maid who slept not but a thin wall away.
Spine stiffening, he retorted, “You have become sarcastic and cheeky since you left Halverson castle.”
“I have not changed, William, just grown up and have become slightly world wary. What can I do for you? This is not exactly a proper visiting hour.”
Rose had changed, and his blood boiled for the new woman she was.
“I came because I tried to speak with you privately before the festivities. Since you had your dance card completely full, and Farnsworth had your undivided attention, I could not.”
“You mean Lord Shelton? I just met his lordship this evening, your grace,” she whispered with complete innocence.
He must have been feeling contrary for he stated, “Really? It seems to me that you had known each other for at least a few years, using his given name.”
Now she showed some spark of annoyance. “Surely you did not come here to lecture me on proper decorum, Edington. You may be family, but you are not my father. Lord Windborne is acting in his stead. So if you came here to be cross with me, you may leave. I am exhausted from this evening’s festivities.”
Seeming to count inside of his head and controlling his temper, he spoke to her in a much lower tone.
“I did not come here to lecture you. I came to ask what if anything you have done to procure a solicitor for Beth. I know your parents are worried about your progress.”
“As a matter of fact, I have an appointment with a lawyer tomorrow. I plan on leaving the home on the pretext of going shopping with a maid and a footman. The countess has an appointment of her own. Is that satisfactory, your grace?”
She knew she sounded contrite, but her annoyance was becoming a burden to control. He was acting strangely, and she wondered if she ever really knew William.
“That sounds more than satisfactory, my lady. With that I shall bid you a restful night.” He turned to leave the room as she waited to take off her woolly wrapper.
He stopped midway to the window and stated, “I will return tomorrow and hear of what you have learned, so I can report back to your father. I am staying in my town home for the season.”
Rose turned. “I shall be expecting you. I will make sure I am properly attired for our meeting. I bid you a good evening, your grace. I do hope you enjoy your nights here in London.”
William then transported himself from the room without further discussion. And she returned to bed to fall into a dead sleep.
* * * *
His grace Edington’s town home
As soon as he materialized into his study, he began to wear a path into his expensive carpet. He was shaking as if his fantasies had come true in her bedroom. Her obstinate behavior had his blood boiling. Her uncaring response to his being in her bedchamber at night, dressed as she had been was…disturbing. His emotions and sudden sexual interest in Rose left him confused and highly aroused.
What could have possibly changed since the night she had professed her love to him? Why the sudden lustful imaginings of Rose licking and suckling his hardened cock? He had never felt a twinge of desire for her, ever. He did not at any time imagine her in an explicit light. It was known that she had changed much since she left Halverson castle, but she was still little R
However, no matter how many times he told himself she was still a child for whom he had a filial feeling for, his semierect penis said differently.
He stared into the small hearth. His townhome was not nearly as large as his estate, but it was in the fashionable part of London. And close enough to Rose’s current chaperone that it would be seen as sensible for an old family friend to check in upon her a few times.
No matter his lustful feelings, he was here for Gabriel and Emma. He was nearby to help Rose secure an adoption for Beth. This meant he was not here to imagine Rose on her knees and him taking her hot, wet pussy from behind, having his ballocks slap against her arse, as he took her deeply and harshly.
He felt his teeth extend, and a calling came from the monster within. At that moment, he recalled that he had not taken any fresh human blood in over a week. Gabriel may have been able to ration himself to only every six months. William, on the other hand, needed fresh blood at least once a week. With that thought firmly in place, he left the home and went in search of his prey.
He floated through the air until he saw a prostitute waiting on a corner, seemingly to look for a patron. It was perfect for William to approach her as a paying nobleman, for a quick tumble in a seedy room around the corner.
He materialized from behind her, and coughed his presence. She turned suddenly, and a smile broadened her lips when William flipped a coin into the air. She met him halfway and escorted him into a doorway of an old rundown building. They walked through a small hallway and into a sparse room. There was a bed that looked soiled and a side table for washing.
When he followed her in, he immediately gathered his dark power around him, and spoke to her mind. It was easy enough to place her into a trance that awarded him her neck and the taste of her blood.
He fed from her and placed her on the bed, for she was asleep. He then left the coin in her hand and made sure her mind had been wiped clean of the incident.
He returned home, assuring himself it was the need to feed that caused his sexual hunger in Rose, and that tomorrow evening he would not be fantasizing about her, naked or otherwise.
Chapter Six
Rose had walked to the solicitor’s from the carriage with her maid and footman behind her. She stopped and spoke as she gave them both schillings and instructed them to buy her a few ribbons and to spend the rest on anything they desired, and to meet her back here within the hour.
Roselyn and Matthew were loath to leave their mistress. However, Rose was able to tell them she needed some time, and not to speak of this to anyone else and there would be extra money in their pay.
It seemed to work, and she was finally left alone, even though Roselyn gave her a look of reluctance.
She straightened her shoulders and walked into the office and sat to wait.
It seemed to Rose that she was made to wait forever. It came to her that it was a silly convention to make appointments with others when in the end, you waited much longer than your appointment time. It seemed to be the practice here in London. Appointments were made, and you were made to wait for the person in their offices or their parlors. Drinking tea and then having to seek a chamber pot as soon as you came home, for the tea was the only action one could partake in when waiting for the bloody host.
Just as Rose was about to have a tirade with her own mind, she was called into the solicitor’s office. She quit the room and walked swiftly into the other with annoyance removed from her face. She was a lady now on a mission to protect Beth.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, Miss Drake,” he said.
“It is quite all right. I understand the constraints of your time, Mister Wimble. I am here to procure an adoption for my father’s ward, Elizabeth Susannah Greenleaf.” She leaned in closer even though they were alone in the room. However, one could not be too careful. “I also need complete discretion, and the utmost haste in the adoption,” she finished in a whisper.
The solicitor nodded his head. “My business is run on discretion. I am to suppose that the adoption might be contested, and that is the reason for the expedience?”
The man was very forthcoming and perceptive.
“As you say, can you help me?” she asked.
“This will take some time and cost more than the usual fee. I will have to ask for favors, and that will cost you.”
That was not a problem. Her father had more money than the Queen.
“That is not an issue, Mister Wimble. Do what you have to do. Lord Halverson wants this matter resolved by any means necessary.”
“I will endeavor not to disappoint his lordship. This will be dealt with the uttermost discretion. I will start right away. Come back in a fortnight, and we shall see where we are. If I have success or immediate failure, I will contact you discreetly. Where is your residence?” he asked.
“I am staying with the Viscount and countess of Windborne. However, any correspondence for my father must be sent to me.”
As she began to rattle off her address, an extreme calm fell over her. She had done it, and it would seem she could do a lot on her own. The solicitor did not seem poleaxed to help her, which gave Rose confidence in his ability to handle the task.
After she gave the man funds for his expenses, she walked outside, and into a shop, for she had a few minutes of time left to her. She looked around the establishment that was clearly for men. In her mind’s wondering, she misjudged the building for a cloth shop.
“Bugger,” she muttered.
However, the clerk saw her entrance and walked over to her. She waited to be berated for walking into a building that was clearly not for her, unattended. She was warned to be careful about these establishments. They were for men only.
“Can I help you, miss?” he asked.
“I actually happened in here by accident. However, I do have a family member that will have a birthday soon. He is a duke, and I am not sure as to what to purchase for him.”
It had been a tradition in her family that William spent his birthday with her family every year. Knowing that day would be here in a few weeks’ time, she wanted to make her purchase soon. The idea was immediate and welcoming.
“We have an array of choices here, my lady. Who is your family member, perhaps he has an account with us, and I may know of what he prefers,” he explained.
“The Duke of Edington, I am his niece.” It was not lie. William had made his intentions clear, and she had lost whatever feelings she harbored for the man.
“His grace, of course I know him. I may have just the thing for you, miss.”
He walked quickly from the room, and she was left to look around her. There were many things here that would garner any man’s attention. This reminded her that she also needed to send a token to her parents and Beth. Misses Greenleaf would perhaps enjoy a trinket of sorts.
Just as she began to walk the floor boards, the proprietor came out of the back room with handkerchiefs. They were snow white with delicate lace around the edges. Gold embroidering marked the fragile cloth.
“Here is a sample of handkerchiefs we can create for your uncle,” he suggested.
They were beautiful, yet simple enough to be safe. It was the perfect gift from a niece to her uncle.
“Indeed they are very proper. May I have his initials sewn into the fabric?”
“Aye, miss. I can have this done for you by next week. Will that be acceptable?”
“Aye, and I thank you, sir.”
She then paid for her purchase, and walked out into the street just as her maid and footman were approaching her.
* * * *
Mister Wimble’s office
He was seated behind his desk as a woman entered his locked office. “How did you gain entrance?”
“I have several talents that many find fascinating. I have a few questions for you,” she said, as her eyes turned the color of hellfire, and her teeth seemed to grow.
And that statement was the very last thing he could remember.
* * * *
A gambling Hell within London
The nobleman shuffled the cards as he felt her eyes upon him. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and he was drawn to her as he was never drawn to a woman before. She was petite, with black hair, and dark eyes, which seemed to hypnotize him. He had a mind to quit early this evening and go home to his new wife. However, this woman now claimed his attention. She was clearly a woman of well breeding, for she was not dressed as a doxy. Perhaps she was the wife of another nobleman of the ton.
Even though the large room was filled with smoke and the laughter drunken men, he could swear he smelled her perfume. Her smell was exotic in a sea of cigars and port. He had not had a reaction such as this since he married his wife the previous month. However, all was not well at home. He had taken to coming to the establishment since he felt unwelcome in his own home.
He tried to focus on his cards, when he felt something call to his mind to look to the enchanting woman once more.
He smiled as she winked toward him. He looked up yet again after he had dealt the cards and felt an immediate tug to stand and walk over to her.
He heard his mates at the table call to him, but he needed to be with this new woman. He needed to meet with her. It was a hunger inside of him that he must sedate. It was madness, but there even so.
“My lord, come with me now,” she said silkily.
Feeling as if his life was about to change he left with the gorgeous woman.
* * * *
Later that evening, William weaved his way through the streets of London. He fed well before meeting with Rose. If his hunger for blood was controlled, he believed his hunger for Rose would be as well. The two were always interconnected. When William lusted for flesh and hungered for blood, he could not control himself. He just hoped the same could be said that the hunger for flesh could be eliminated by no hunger for blood.