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Flint_Northern Grizzlies [Book 2]

Page 3

by M. Merin

  Looking between us as he promises her the world; she moves past me again, seemingly to check on Gunner.

  “What happened to the door, Boss?” Vice asks, just before I’m knocking him face first into the water heater.

  “Let me be very fucking clear. You don’t stare at her tits. You don’t stare at her ass.” Releasing the hold on the back of his neck, I start to follow her to the front room. “Hear me?”

  “Hey Boss,” Vice calls out, I turn and catch him smirking at me. “Good luck with that; about time.” I nod back to him, glad he’s easy going enough not to mind being manhandled.

  As I approach Bree and Gunner, they are laughing about something but fall silent as I near. I’m not as wary of Gunner with her as I was of Vice.

  Something’s been up with Gunner this year; he has never lacked an ongoing parade of female attention but he just doesn’t seem to care anymore. Before I left, word among the Girlies was he hadn’t been going to any of them for release. I didn’t think of it again until we were up in South Dakota and I saw him pushing aside women who would try to cozy up to him. The Brothers would give him shit then go after the women who were turned away – generally, a woman who goes after a 6’8” giant has a type that she’s going to keep trying for, but, their problem not mine.

  “Boss, it’s a standard sized door; I’ve got a spare one back at my shop that I can install for tonight. Then tomorrow I’ll hit Home Surplus and buy a door you can’t walk through.” He’s giving me the biggest shit eating grin I’ve ever seen. “Pretty Lady’ll feel safer that way, y’know?” Bastard turns on his heel and walks out.

  Looking to Bree, her head is again tilted to the side watching my reaction.

  “Not going to accost him?” She asks. I throw her a glare before walking over to the coffee table to get my glass and a generous refill.

  “Flint? I appreciate you calling in the cavalry but I can handle this. Considering the size of the town, I’m sure we’ll run into each other soon.” I ignore her as she dismisses me again. I sit back down on the couch, Ragnar walks over, jumps up, and puts his head on my lap. She glares at both of us but walks away.


  Flint is apparently not done trying to mark his territory and my Ragnar seems to be on his side. Rather than say anything, I turn to walk back to the bedroom; let him sit and stew while I’m back there with Vice.

  Vice is standing near the window checking something on an iPad; turning he starts talking about capacity, efficiency, and other considerations when buying a water heater. While reviewing the space savings of the tankless heater, I consider a larger bathroom project: stand-alone shower and tub. I have him order his preferred water heater then set an appointment for him to come back to discuss a remodel.

  “Ok, well, I’ll be by tomorrow with the water heater,” Vice says. “Um, he’s a good guy.”

  “What?” My head snaps around at the change in topic.

  “Flint? He’s a good guy. Single, too.” Vice grins back at me, his eyes darting quickly to the messy bed.

  I roll my eyes and turn to head back up front.

  Walking him out, he waves to Flint, and I realize I haven’t eaten since breakfast. Flint is watching me from the corner of his eyes while rubbing Ragnar’s belly. He is really very good looking; what’s the term? Silver fox? Though with more dark hair than silver, he will fit the bill in a few years, I think; wondering how old he is. Alex still had a full head of black hair when he was taken so I never got the chance to see my love that way.

  I walk to the kitchen to defrost more chicken and start chopping vegetables; I don’t think I’m eating alone. I work in silence, only to be interrupted by Gunner’s arrival with the temporary door. By then, I have 6 chicken breasts in the oven and plenty of veggies and rice, so I invite him to stay for the meal also. Flint glares at him from across the room but Gunner seems more interested in a home cooked meal than Flint’s displeasure. He accepts, moving towards the sink to wash up.

  “Can I help with anything?” He asks, looking around.

  “Nice of you to offer,” I reply, immediately annoying myself by being passive aggressive towards Flint. “I’ll have it up in a minute, why don’t you grab a drink? There’s beer in the fridge, or the bottle of whisky is over there.” I say shrugging towards the cabinet with glasses.

  He grabs a beer from the fridge and joins Flint in the living space. The two speak in lowered voices as I finish up, getting the food on the table. “Come on if you’re coming.”

  The guys dig into the food like they hadn’t eaten in days. The meal is a quiet affair until we slowly come up for air. I walk to the freezer to get the ice cream out, letting it soften before serving. Rejoining the men at the table, I try for some semblance of a conversation.

  “Are you from here, Gunner?” I ask.

  “Yeah, grew up about a half hour from here. Was in the military, then came back and took a job at the garage till I could get my furniture business up and running. Flint and the guys helped make that possible.”

  “Wait till you see the furniture he builds,” Flint contributes with a nod in Gunner’s direction. “He didn’t need much help from us once word got out.”

  “Do you still have family here?” I ask Gunner.

  “Uh, kinda, I have some half-sisters. It was really just my Grandmother when I was growing up. She died while I was deployed.” He shrugs.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “She was real special to me,” He says sheepishly, getting a startled glance from Flint. “Did you, um, were you close to any of your grandparents?”

  “Only had one grandparent left by the time I showed up, she was closer to my brother.” I shrug right back at him and take the last bite of my dinner.

  “G’ma took me in when my ma left. My father was her son and no one knew he’d cheated on his wife until my ma got fed up being a single parent and dropped me at his mother’s house one night.” Flint’s eyebrows could not be any further up. I can only imagine Gunner doesn’t share very often so I offer the big guy a smile as he continues. “His wife stayed with him and their daughters were all a bit older than me, so I don’t really know them.”

  “I’m glad you had her, Gunner. She sounds like a good woman.” I reach over and squeeze his hand, surprising him and causing Flint to make a noise that sounds suspiciously like a growl.

  “So, what happened to the door anyway?” He flashes a grin to both Flint and me.

  “Flint,” I respond, raising an eyebrow in his direction, but hoping to leave the rest of the story out.

  “I’ll cover the bill for the repair and new door,” Flint replies, giving us both a hard look, “No discussion on that.”

  “You two aren’t going to tell the story are you?” Gunner asks, getting a glare from both of us; he laughs and looks at me. “Any chance you were in the shower when the water heater went out?” Perceptive asshole.

  I head to get bowls and spoons for the ice cream in a bid to hide my blush from him. Bringing the pints of ice cream and dishes to the table, Flint looks ready to clock him but in no actual fear for his safety, Gunner continues to chuckle while reaching for the ice cream.

  Flint turns the subject, asking if I’m working tonight; hesitant to answer, knowing he has no intention of leaving with Gunner. “No, after this I’ve got to take Ragnar for his walk, he’s getting lazy.” Even if he joins us, we at least won’t be closed in here.

  Finishing his ice cream, Gunner starts clearing the table; finally giving in to Flint’s non-verbal indications that he wants to be alone with me. Deciding to leave the dishes for later, I go for the leash; getting a very excited series of barks from my doggie. Both men compliment the meal as I indicate that we’re all leaving; Flint doesn’t look thrilled but isn’t saying anything in front of Gunner.

  Walking out past Rusty and some early patrons, we hit the parking lot together. Wishing them well I quickly split off to my truck and get Ragnar loaded onto the bench in the extended cab. Flint has come up behin
d me.

  “Let me take you to dinner tomorrow? “

  “No thanks, Flint” I try to shut this down, I could have softened it by saying it’s my night to work but I prefer not to give him any encouragement.

  “Then a drink when you get back from the park. I’ll be at the bar.” He walks back inside before I can turn him down again.

  I am not doing this. He made me feel incredible, yes; but I’m not his.

  Chapter 5


  She doesn’t know it yet, but she’s going to be mine.

  Sitting down, I wave off the Jameson that Rusty indicates and ask for coffee instead. Making sure no one is close enough to listen; I get her work schedule from him. They have extra help Fridays through Sundays until the winter but she is working tomorrow, so I know where I’ll be. She may have shut me down for dinner but I will be here on nights she’s working.

  I can only guess she’s in her forties but it’s hard to tell. Rusty had mentioned she’d been on the road a while, so there’s no telling how long she’s been widowed; my money is a couple years.

  Sitting there for nearly an hour, I see the lights from her truck pulling in. Instead of parking in front, she pulls around back and while I understand not wanting to bring the dog through the bar with patrons present, I know she’s doing it to avoid talking to me. Fifteen minutes later, I decide to cut my losses and head to the clubhouse.

  The party is in full swing as the Brothers who missed the rally this year hang out to hear the stories from those who went. Vice has Betsy on his lap, while he plays cards against a couple others; catching my glance he thrusts his chin in Jasper’s direction. He’s in the back corner of the room, so I grab a bottle of whiskey and make my way over to him. Catching up on news from him, we keep our eyes out towards the room.

  Ol’ Ladies are present so the few Girlies that showed up are hanging to the shadows or sneaking off to backrooms with any takers they find.

  Not surprising, Deb is trying to wrap herself around Gunner at the bar. He’s having none of it but actually raises his voice while pushing her off. He used to at least face fuck her regularly before she tried to let on he was going make her his; he’s obviously at the end of his patience with her.

  Jasper nudges me. “What did he do at the rally?” Indicating Gunner, I know the question really is: ‘Did he do anyone at the rally?’

  “He’s got a chastity belt on, is all I can figure,” I say shaking my head. Even for a man of his size, and with a nose that had been broken a few times, a scar cutting down from his forehead to his ear, and a solid jaw; he never lacked for female company. Was smart about it from what I saw out here, even wrapping it up when getting blown.

  “I can’t help but think there’s going to trouble soon. I trust him more than most these men, but he’s got something coming that he won’t talk about and we aren’t the only ones who have noticed.” Jasper is shaking his head. “The other Girlies’ been busting Deb over it also, so she may become more of a problem.”

  “Ha. Let’s just thank fuck he didn’t claim her.” I add, truly relieved.

  Jasper shoots me a look. “Naw, I talked to him after I claimed Emma; he almost pissed himself laughing when he heard Deb had been hinting at that to the others. Speaking of Em, better get home to her.”

  “She’s a great lady but I don’t envy you living with pregnancy hormones!” I laugh at him. Thinking of all the challenges he’ll face when Emma gives birth to their twins; my ex-wife and I had a lot of sleepless nights with our oldest child, and they’ll have two to balance.

  “You should.” He chuckles, shooting me a wink. “They make her horny as hell.”

  Jasper claps me on the shoulder then heads out the back way. I’m happy for the kid, he had a shit hand growing up and I know how excited he and Emma are about starting their own family.

  Good a time as any for me to make my way to the room I keep here. Heading down the hall behind Frank who has a pissed off looking Deb in tow; I’m shaking my head at Jasper’s luck. My ex was a fucking roller coaster of emotion during all three pregnancies, would barely let me touch her.


  I shrug off the feeling of cowardice as I slink up the back stairs after getting back from the park. Getting him a small snack, I slip out of my pants and bra as I decide to binge on whatever is left on my DVR.

  Settling in with my dog and burrowing into the cushions, I momentarily feel the sadness tug me back down. Flint’s touch helped with one need but the longing to be held and loved again would not be put to bed so easily.

  Besides a large extended family, I was alone most of my life. I would date when I felt like it but dashed before sex with most of them. The days of still being able to have a child had approached and created a larger ache in me.

  When I met my Alex, I remember thinking: he’s amazing, he’ll be bored with me in a month. In a month, I knew I wasn’t going anywhere and he just kept surprising me every day. Once we dove in, the sex was explosive; and that never hurts. A couple years later, I needed an emergency hysterectomy; and when months of spontaneous crying at a lost dream didn’t chase him away, I agreed to marry him.

  The few years that followed were my happiest. Without children, we were free to travel and we did; making time with both of our careers. Then we added Ragnar and he really did become our baby; he would rough house with Alex, but come to me for cuddles.

  Alex was taken from me suddenly. After months of dealing with the aftermath, I sold everything and ran. Criss-crossing the country, returning home once for time with my nieces and nephews but otherwise staying in touch via text.

  Driving through Rowansville at the beginning of summer, I fell in love with it. Nestled near the mountains, I spent the first few days meandering through town and the more touristy spots. Until I happened upon Rusty’s Bar. I always liked to brag that I have a fantastic instinct for great bars. I just need to pass one by and I know if I’ll like it or not. I had gotten lost early in the day I first saw it, something about it hit my radar. After getting Ragnar settled into our room that night, I drove back out to it.

  Sitting at the bar, I watched the locals interacting and tried to get Rusty to talk when he wasn’t busy. He was keeping me at arm’s length, with a “you’re an outsider” look, but I knew we were going to be friends. I kept coming back until he started speaking to me, by then I was determined to buy in to this town.

  I hadn’t bartended in nearly twenty years, but before either of us thought too much; I owned the property and was renovating the bar as I moved in upstairs. Some of the MC members can be a bit much to take, but that’s pretty much true of people from all walks of life. I had gotten to know people around town and was really enjoying the laid-back lifestyle.

  I still look at men, and who doesn’t have a secret craving for a bad boy? Being as sarcastic as I am, I’ve had some great back and forth with the locals at the bar; some mindless flirting, I’m bartending so that nearly makes harmless flirting part of the job description. But overall, I have an “I’m not interested” vibe I’m putting out.

  A few guys, like that idiot officer in town, I’ve had to be a little more verbally aggressive with when they wouldn’t back off. And I’m certainly not chasing after anyone in their thirties, I had looked around town and liked the fact there wasn’t anyone I was interested in that way.

  I just wasn’t prepared for Flint.

  I had heard his name from Rusty and some of the others in passing conversations but I didn’t think anything of it. His short, wavy hair and beard are lightly sprinkled with silver; his skin is tan from what I imagine to be years of riding but it’s his strength that calls to me.

  He’s beyond the age of washboard abs, but even the slight curve of his stomach on his large frame does nothing to hide the strength of his body. More than the physical, there is no doubt that this is a man who has led men; the source of his strength radiates from inside him.

  Giving up on pretending to watch whatever show I turned o
n, I click the remote and head to the bedroom. Ragnar starts to follow, but I hold my hand up for him to stay. I’m gonna indulge in some self-loving tonight, so he’s stuck on the couch.


  With the exception of caring for Ragnar, I spend most of the next day in bed. Finally dragging myself out to face the day, I get first myself then the bar ready for the night. Unlocking the door and turning around, I’m surprised to hear it pulled open immediately. Looking over my shoulder, I stumble when I see Flint walking in.

  I’m quick to catch myself against a bar stool but still annoyed at my reaction.

  “Is this early for you, or just the norm?” There’s no reason for my jab but I can’t see to help it.

  He lets out a low chuckle. “Consider it the new normal, Bree.”

  “What are you drinking?”

  “Coffee. What time do you take your dinner break, Bree?” My jaw drops, he can’t mean?

  “I’ll have to brew a pot, I don’t usually put it on until later.”

  “Keep it coming. You didn’t answer my question.” He replies as he settles into a seat near the beer taps and ice well. Right near where I’ll spend a good portion of my night.

  “I just grab leftovers and take Ragnar out,” I reply, hoping he’ll drop it.

  “I asked what time, Bree. Food’s being brought over, need to know when we’re eating.”

  “Flint, thanks for the thought. And about yesterday, that was nice but we’re adults and I’m not looking for anything.”

  Nice? Did I really just say nice? He looks pissed. He should look pissed; it was a hell of a lot more than ‘nice’! Shit, Bree, keep it together. And stop talking to yourself for fuck’s sake.

  “I know you aren’t a vegan, any other food issues?” He won’t let up.

  “I have food prepared, you’re welcome to eat yours at the bar.” He just raises his eyebrow again. “A whole slew of things I won’t eat; isn’t it great I can feed myself?” I try again, casting a hand across the few extra pounds I carry around my midsection.


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