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Flint_Northern Grizzlies [Book 2]

Page 4

by M. Merin

  That was a mistake. I obviously gave him a good reason to keep checking me out.

  Chapter 6


  She has a small pouch in the area she indicated. I’ve already seen all of her and definitely want to get to know her body much, much better. I throw her a wink to let her know what I’m thinking.

  Her cheeks flame red and I keep watching her as she’s determined to watch the coffee brew. The door opens and a few Brothers enter. They come over to pay their regards, Roy comes in last and gives me a shit eating grin, knowing I’m there to be close to Bree he steers the others over to a table. He’s Vice’s uncle and that fucker probably told him about the day before.

  The bar quickly fills up as people get off work, and I have the best seat in the house. Bree has a v-neck on and each time she leans in for ice, I perve out at the angle I have from my stool. She may not know everyone’s name, but she remembers either what they drink or some piece of trivia from their lives and I can see they all appreciate it.

  It’s also easy to see how much she’s enjoying herself but I notice she keeps the interactions very one-sided. Nothing more than the small grin she uses when acknowledging the patrons. She sasses back to everyone, making them laugh but skillfully deflects any attempt at their tries to find out about her.

  The point she made last night, about no one knowing she’s a widow coupled with my desire to further explore her body is suddenly replaced by sadness. She is vivacious and caring, but absolutely isolated.

  Bree is diligent about refilling my coffee but otherwise leaves me to myself although it’s easy to see that, when time permits, she chats with other patrons surrounding the bar. As requested, Probie shows up at half past eight with our dinner and I tap her bar-back, Randy, to stand in for her.

  Her eyes flash over to me but otherwise ignore me as she heads back to the stairs up to her apartment. I follow with the containers. Without a word, she sets out a single plate and utensils for me then grabs Ragnar’s leash and heads out with him. I’ve been dismissed.

  Twenty minutes later I hear her coming back upstairs so I remove the food from the oven and start plating it. Ragnar runs to me like a long-lost friend.

  “I thought you would’ve eaten. I’ve got to get back downstairs; you’re welcome to eat here if you’ll set the bottom lock when you come down?” Bree looks annoyed.

  “Sit down with me.” She’s already turned away and my tone causes her back to stiffen. For a moment I think she’ll turn and at least snap at me, although I really want her to just relent and join me. What she does is worse, she leaves without acknowledging me. Again.

  I stay upstairs, barely able to eat but too stubborn to go downstairs right away. Covering her plate and putting everything away, I go retake my seat at the bar. She’s already removed my coffee mug, so I simply reorder.

  I stay there drinking coffee until she’s ready to close, finally taking my mug away after the place clears out after last call, and she merely raises an eyebrow at me as she goes about straightening up.

  “Are you about ready? I’ve got to close out the books for the night,” She finally says.

  “I’ll stay till you’re done, make sure you’re safe. Let me know when the money’s locked up.” I turn on my stool to watch her put the chairs up.

  “Flint, I’ve been handling this just fine without a shadow,” She sighs. “Thanks for the thought but you can go.” I stare right back at her, not budging. She eventually gets the hint and completes her work; after the money is locked up, she points to the door and I find myself getting locked out. Without another touch from her.

  This becomes my routine over the next week. I’m there at the start of her every shift. I sit there, drinking coffee and watching her. Probie brings our dinner each night, mine are eaten upstairs with Ragnar while she picks at hers from behind the bar. I’ve gotten no further than finding out she doesn’t like fish, mushrooms, or people who try to hug her.

  By the end of the weekend, I’ve had enough. She’s closing alone again and I follow the last patron to the door then throw the lock.

  “Flint?” She says from right behind me.

  Turning, I lean against the door as I pull her into my arms. The spark when my mouth crashes down on hers is instantaneous. She trembles in my hold and lets me pull her closer, winding her arms up around my neck.

  Too soon she pulls back. “I’m tired, Flint.”

  “Stop it, Bree. Stop pushing me away and let me make you feel good.” I slide my hand under her skirt and almost lose my mind when I realize she isn’t wearing panties. That she was in front of me all night – and fuck, how many other nights? - like this!

  Growling, I lift her onto a table; pulling a chair up in front of her, I bury my face in her naked pussy. Her gasp of surprise quickly turns to a moan, the push of her hands changes to an urgent tugging.

  I fuck her core with my tongue; with a hand on her stomach, I gently guide her to lie back on the table. Unable to get enough of her rich honeyed taste, I finally relent and give in to her pleas; moving up to suck her clit in between my teeth. Trapping it in place, I flick it with my tongue until she shatters. Screaming, she clenches her thighs against my head.

  Sucking her through her orgasm, I don’t stop. I finally start to slide my finger into her; her tight, wet tunnel, that is still shuddering from her orgasm, draws it in further. I want to replace my finger with my dick so badly, but not tonight.

  Tonight is about making her come, about chipping away at her defenses. About her wanting me as much as I want her.

  Drawing my finger back, I add another finger to the first and slowly start to finger fuck her. Placing kisses around her clit, I watch her reaction and see it the first time I hit her G spot. Pulling them out then reaching my middle finger back in, I massage her blindly until I hit it again. Keeping the pad of my finger in place, I slowly rub it over and over; knowing she is a moment from coming a second time, I lower my mouth back to her clit.

  Attacking her two most sensitive nubs, she explodes in my mouth and crushes my finger in her passageway. She screams incoherently as I prolong her orgasm, never wanting to let up.

  “Flint. Please. I can’t.” Her voice sounds weak but sated and I pull my head back, slowly withdrawing my fingers, I lick her juices off each digit as she watches me through half closed eyes.

  Pulling her up into my arms, I cradle her on my lap, softly whispering, “I’ve got you, Doll.” Over and over. Eventually, she stretches her legs down to the floor, breaking my hold.

  Seeing the look on her face as she opens her mouth to speak, I lightly kiss her. “Don’t say anything, Bree; not tonight. I’ll go now, ok?”

  Looking away she nods and my feelings clash within me. I stand, helping her to her feet in the process. I gently cup her cheek and kiss her forehead. “Lock up behind me, ok?”


  I don’t know what the hell that was, but the word orgasm isn’t big enough to cover it.

  I watch Flint leave, then hear him knock at the door. “Let me hear this lock click, Bree.” He calls out and I move to follow his command, knowing I will beg him to stay if I see his face again tonight.

  On wobbly legs, I ignore the bookkeeping and simply head upstairs and crawl into bed; sleeping in my clothes. Completely spent.

  The next morning Ragnar wakes me with kisses all over my face; caring for him distracts me until I head out on my own walk. I’ve taken to hiking up to a scenic overlook about three miles from the bar; three miles doesn’t sound like much until you consider that this walk is up a really sharp incline.

  It’s the perfect way to keep my legs and middle-aged rear end in shape. This morning, the time usually spent reflecting on my life, is completely buzzing with thoughts of Flint. I cannot deny my loneliness nor his skill at making me come, and consider talking to him about an arrangement. A secret, non-emotional, lots of orgasms, type of arrangement. The kind I’ve never been any good at.

  Eventually, he’ll have enough
and stop staring at me from across the bar every shift I work.

  With this in mind, I push myself forward, quickly closing the distance to the observation point where I catch my breath before heading back down. At the break in the trees, I curve into the point and come face to face with Flint. With his back to the scenery, he’s sitting on the partial stone wall that curves around the outer edge of the lookout; with a couple bottles of water and a thermos beside him.

  “What…” I start.

  “Coffee or water, Doll?” It’s obvious that he’s been waiting for a little while.

  “How?” Complete sentences are beyond me just now.

  “Small town, Bree. Your walks haven’t gone unnoticed.” He smiles at me; holding his arms out indicating my beverage choices.

  “Do you have anything stronger?” My reply gets a surprised bark of laughter from Flint. I hope he doesn’t think I’m kidding, he’s kind of a lot to take.

  “You’re the perfect woman, Bree!” He says, crossing over to where he parked his motorcycle off to the side.

  “I’ve often thought so.” I dryly reply, getting another low chuckle from him.

  Digging a flask out of a saddlebag, he pours first some coffee then some of the contents of the flask into a cup. Gently swirling it together, he hands that to me before duplicating it for himself.

  “Sit with me?” He asks, indicating the bench between us.

  We sit beside each other, taking in the view of the surrounding mountains and lake; taking a moment to gather my thoughts I sit there and pull strength from my spiked coffee.

  “I want to see you, Doll. Regularly, see what this is.” Flint begins. “Dating isn’t something I’ve done, not since my ex-wife, and I was just over twenty when we married.”

  “Yeah, the others talk about ‘free and easy snatch’ at the clubhouse.” I contribute, getting major side-eye from him. “Town girls aren’t worth the hassle of getting rid of afterwards, or so I’ve overheard.”

  “Fuck, Bree.” He runs his hand through his beard. “I’m asking for a goddamn chance here, not for you to be a quickie. I don’t touch those girls anymore, not for a long while.”


  “Are you going to listen to me or have you already decided my case?” His voice is getting quieter, so I stay silent to listen. “Those girls all fall between eighteen up to my daughters’ ages. That shit just isn’t cool with me, Bree. I know it doesn’t bother most but…”

  “Yeah, that is a bit skeevy. So, I fall in the appropriate age bracket for you?” I toss a small grin his way as I finish my drink.

  “I haven’t quite pinned your age bracket down but even so, it’s more than that with you. It’s more than anything I’ve felt in a long fucking time.” He lets out a long sigh.

  “I won’t go out with you, Flint,” I start then quickly hold up my hand to stop him from interrupting. I rush to get my idea verbalized before I chicken out. “But I’m open to enjoying each other, with conditions.”


  “We aren’t dating, just sex when we’re up for it. Exclusively and discreetly.” I hazard a glance over at him and catch him glaring at me.

  “Funny, Bree, I want more from you than to be my personal ‘free and easy snatch’.” He growls, standing he walks to the stone wall with his back to me, hands fisted and his shoulders tense.

  My eyes flood with tears and I quickly flip my sunglasses down to cover them. Getting up, I leave to finish my walk. Moments of self-flagellation pass before I hear his bike start up; he must be heading the opposite way as he doesn’t pass me by.

  I was never cut out for casual sex anyway so feel twice as humiliated, asking for it.


  After my Brothers started noticing me camping out at Rusty’s on Bree’s work nights, Gunner and Roy started dropping in to join me. Gunner’s self-imposed blue balls have made him a target with women around the clubhouse, so while he’s intent on escaping their attempts, I don’t mind the company.

  Gunner’s never been talkative under the best of circumstances but as a wingman, he’s pretty impressive. Somehow he’s convinced Bree to let him take Ragnar on his evening walks, which is great because it gives her more time to give me the stink eye as we eat dinner across the bar from each other.

  “Bree, I’ll bring the food upstairs tonight. Got you ginger chicken, no mushrooms, extra spicy.” I call out to her one evening. To my surprise, she immediately asks Randy to cover the bar and follows me with Gunner in tow.

  Her dog greets us excitedly as we get upstairs together; Gunner quickly leashes and takes him out. I’m happy when she’s sitting at the table with me, rather than floating in the background.

  She speaks up a few bites into her meal. “This has to stop, Flint.”

  “What’s that, Doll?”

  “This. Sitting at the bar and watching me. It’s like you’ve staked some medieval claim on me and I’ve had enough. I take back my, my…offer.”

  “Good, I’m glad we’ve got that settled. You’re off tomorrow, come for a ride with me. Rusty or Gunner can take care of Ragnar.” Glad to pretend she understands my intent. I want more from her than sex and am still pissed she won’t give this a chance.

  “Flint, I’m not from this world of yours; and really, at this point I just want you to back off.”

  “World of mine?” I raise an eyebrow at her.

  “You know, this whole thing.” She indicates my cut, holding my glare.

  “Come for a ride with me, maybe you’ll learn something.”

  “Jesus Christ!” She gets up and tosses her plate in the sink. “You said you aren’t getting any at your little clubhouse but… What? Should we screw again so you feel better? Then you can go back and laugh it off with your friends and I can get back to my life?”

  My temper has been ready to snap since she started talking and I hold it tighter as I shove back from the table and push her up against the counter; my mouth covering hers.

  Holy. Shit.

  The fucking chemistry between us just grows each time we touch. She only hesitates a second before opening her mouth to mine and wrapping her arms around my neck. I haven’t been, nor have I, kissed like this since I was a teenager.

  She reaches down to wrestle my cock out of my jeans and as pissed as I am at her words, I just keep thinking I can make her feel what I do; to make her need me, like I need her. Once free of my jeans, I turn her to face the counter and get even harder when I find out that she’s commando again.

  “Jesus Christ, Bree,” I huff out. “You’re killing me with this!” Roughly grabbing her naked ass cheeks, one in each hand, gets her groaning before I slip a finger into her. I’m fit to burst at how slick she is; pulling that digit back I quickly replace it with my cock and thrust all the way up to her cervix.

  Her scream is primal, and without thinking, I lean forward and bite her shoulder. Pounding her harder and harder, I know this is as close to a punishment fuck as I’ve ever had; but she is matching my every thrust, pushing back onto me.

  Pulling her hair back, I catch her chin to turn her and cover her mouth with mine; swallowing each other’s cries as we come together. I lean onto her back, holding her tightly in my arms as we both try to catch our breath.

  Finally, she reaches up for a dishrag to wipe up our juices as my spent cock recedes from the warmth of her pussy. I kiss the bite mark I left on her, before resting my head on her shoulder again.

  Tossing the rag aside she turns back to me and eases her skirt back down into position.

  “I’m not yours, Flint, there’s no us.” She gives me a steely gaze.

  “There could be. You know how right this feels.” The look she gives me isn’t angry but filled with sadness. I want to taste every bit of her, to make her feel me everywhere but her angry words of moments ago are still ringing in my ears.

  I get my dick back into my pants a moment before Gunner lets her dog back in. There’s no mistaking the smell of sex in the air and h
is eyes go wide as he takes in her messy hair and my untucked shirt. He quickly turns to head back down to the bar without a word.

  “I’ll pick you up at ten tomorrow morning, jeans and boots would be best.” I caress her cheek and kiss her forehead before I turn to head out.

  Passing Roy and Gunner at the bar, I say my goodnights and toss some cash up next to my mug. Best not to push my luck.


  That was too much.

  I can feel him everywhere and want nothing more than a night spent in his arms. To feel safe and protected as I haven’t in so long.

  As hard as I try to focus the rest of the night, I screw up orders right and left. Gunner and Roy are trying really hard not to notice but every time I think of Flint fucking me, my neck flames red again. Now I just have to figure out a way of not going out on the ride with him tomorrow.

  I’m losing my mind. But having hot, angry sex with Flint one more time surely can’t hurt? I just need to get him out of my system and move on.

  Chapter 7


  The next morning, I secure Ragnar on his lead line with enough water and shade, then I shower and shave my legs. I’m in a light cotton robe and my hair is still damp when Flint knocks and the butterflies that have taken up residence in my stomach go into overdrive.

  He takes one look at me as I open the door and his greeting dies on his lips. I close the door behind him and taking his hand, I lead him to my bedroom.

  “What are we doing here, Bree?”

  “Kick your boots off, Flint; I’m sure you can figure it out from there.” I crawl onto the bed, telling myself it doesn’t mean anything over and over.

  To say that Flint is watching me like a hawk is the understatement of the year. He’s studying my every move, looking for something in my face. When I take the chance to make eye contact, I can see that his eyes have shut down and he looks furious again.

  “You don’t seem to understand what it is I want from you, Bree.” He reaches down, drawing a finger across my shin. “Think you’re going to take me for another test drive, then I’ll let you kick me out again?”


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