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The Alpha's Toy

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  Fuck, his cock tightened at the thought of sinking into her tight, warm pussy.

  “Max, do you have the girl?” Zeke asked.


  “Good. Tie her together with this one. We’ll take them home when we’re done.”

  Zeke handed Mary over to his man turning toward the crowd. Rage consumed him, and he knew what he wanted to do to rid his life of the fuckers.

  “Wait, what are you doing?” Mary asked.

  “You asked to spare Jessica. Consider her spared. You never asked anything about the others. They’re going to die.” With them chained together it wasn’t going to be much fun.

  He watched Max wrap the silver chain around the woman. The steam rose from Max’s hands as he touched the silver. His man would need some care when they got back to Zeke’s house. Max’s wife would take care of him.

  “No, please, spare them as well.”

  “No, baby. Not even the pleasure of your ass for longer than a month would let me spare them.” The silver chain was wrapped around Jessica and then tied to one of the posts. There was no way the two women would escape. He didn’t know what he was going to do with Jessica, but he wouldn’t hurt her. Mary had seen to that, and he wasn’t a bastard who went back on his word. His word meant something to him. Maybe he was a bit old school, but he didn’t care. No one would ever say he would back out on his word.

  Turning away, he gave the nod to his men to release the chains. Once the silver was gone, the pack turned into wolf form and ran. A few of them didn’t waste time to turn and had started running. Before he took Mary to bed he needed to run off some of his energy. Otherwise he’d hurt her with the need to hurt that currently consumed him.

  He counted to three, taking time between each number. His men were already turning, waiting for the right time to strike. Smiling, he spoke the final word and allowed the change to happen. Howling up to the moon, he chased after the first person that wasn’t part of his pack. The night was going to run red with the blood of his enemies.

  Chapter Two

  “Why did you do that?” Jessica asked. This was the first time Mary had been close to the young girl. She always tried to keep to herself as she knew the disgust the other pack had for her. It wasn’t like her half breed blood was going to jump out and change the other members of the pack. She heard the sounds of the men and women as they ran for their lives. The pain coming from them in animal and human form scared the life out of her. She’d never heard anything so horrid as the sound of death.

  “Why did I do what?” Mary asked, glancing at the blonde. Jessica was slender, beautiful, and would be a wonderful wolf one day.

  “Ask them to spare me? You’ve given yourself to that monster in order to save my life. I don’t understand.” Jessica’s eyes were red and swollen from crying. She winced every time the noise of a fallen pack member echoed throughout the night.

  “I did what I had to. You don’t deserve to die when you’ve not even lived. Whatever problem this pack has with ours, they’re not going to think about who they kill.” Mary cried out as the silver worked under her shirt and banded around her waist. Why couldn’t she have developed a liking to silver rather than be allergic to it?

  “Try to stay still and it won’t itch,” Jessica said.

  Nodding, Mary stayed still to find the silver was uncomfortable but didn’t hurt anymore. “Thank you, and that is the reason why I had to spare you.”

  “Why? No one else would have. They act like nice people, but they wouldn’t have spared me.”

  “You’ve been nice to me, Jessica. I couldn’t let anyone hurt you. Put it down to me not being a full breed or blood or whatever it is you all call me.”

  They were silent once again. The sounds of their fallen pack were getting quieter and fewer. There wouldn’t be any left within a few minutes. “I’m sorry about the rest of your pack,” Mary said.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not. They probably deserved what is coming to them.” The anger in Jessica’s voice startled Mary.

  Within the hour Max and Zeke were back. Zeke was buttoning up his jeans. The action was purely male, and her pussy pounded as a shot of lust struck her hard. The intense feeling startled Mary making her tense.

  Jessica remained still, staring past Mary’s shoulder.

  “Are you okay to bring Jessica to the house?” Zeke asked.

  Max nodded working the silver chain from around them.

  “I’m going to take Mary. I’m sure we have much to discuss.”

  Her body was itching all over from the chains and also from the way Zeke was making her feel.

  You’re his toy. You’re not here willingly.

  She tried to cut off all of her lustful thoughts about the man in front of her. Could her need for him have anything to do with her virgin state? Mary hoped not. She wasn’t ready to fall for a man she didn’t know.

  You’re going to be having sex with him by the end of the night. Virgin no longer.

  When she’d made the agreement to be with him, Mary hadn’t thought about that little hiccup. Shit, she hoped it didn’t hurt. There was no way she could stand for him to know he would be her first.

  Probably her last, too, seeing as she never trusted a male’s company.

  The silver moved up her skin creating a burning path of pain. Falling to her knees, she cried out as the pain got too much.

  Quickly the silver left her skin, and Mary gasped. “Silver is not supposed to be like that,” Zeke said, helping her to her feet.

  “I don’t suppose being allergic to silver as a human wouldn’t have helped.” She always had a severe reaction to silver jewelry and always had to go for gold or not bother at all.

  “As a wolf that pain would be magnified,” Zeke said.

  “I guess.” The silver fucking hurt.

  She watched Jessica being led away and started struggling within Zeke’s arms. “You’re not going to hurt her, are you?”

  “We have a deal. I keep my word.”

  “You’ve just slaughtered my entire pack. Forgive me if I don’t believe you.”

  Zeke threw his head back and laughed. The hand on her arm tightened. It didn’t hurt, but she knew there was no chance of escape. He would stop her from going anywhere.

  “It’s nice to know your bite hasn’t been taken from you.” He moved in close, inhaling her scent. “God, I can’t wait to see if your pussy is as tight as I imagine.”

  Crossing her legs, she glared at him.

  “Crossing your legs is not going to keep my dick from you. You’re going to have me everywhere.” His hand moved to her ass, gripping her flesh tight. “Your ass, mouth, cunt, and tits are all mine.”

  Don’t be turned on.

  She was a virgin, but she wasn’t immune to the lust. Since she’d been bitten, the sexual urges within her had grown strong. There was nothing she could do to stop the cravings. Those very same cravings had forced her to start buying porn movies in an attempt to find some kind of release with her own hand. In the last year alone she imagined she’d masturbated more than in the whole of her life. At twenty-five years old it was quite pitiful.

  “Ah, I see you like the sound of that.” Zeke leaned in close pressing his nose against the curve of her neck. If he was to bite her neck he’d kill her. Her pulse pounded, and she tried to calm down. If he was to take a chunk out of her neck he’d take a major artery, and being a half breed she wouldn’t be able to survive such an attack. She hoped he would take into account her more human side. “You want my dick, don’t you?”

  Licking her lips, she stared past his shoulder wishing there was something else she could be doing.

  “You’re not going to answer. I can live with that. I’ll have you begging soon enough.” Together they walked out into the night. The warm air washed over her, and she gasped. The scent of the night air called to her wolf, begging to be released. This was the first time she’d kept her change within her. The moment the full moon was high in the night sky she li
ked to change. The next three days were important to her as it kept the sickness at bay. When she hadn’t turned one month because she could no longer stand the treatment of the pack, she’d been ill for the entire month. Work had been horrid as she couldn’t stand the noises and scents. The only way she could keep focus was if she turned every full moon.

  “Your pack were assholes,” Zeke said, taking her away from the open land toward the tree line. She heard the sound of the flowing water of the river and waterfall she knew was there. The first time she’d found it, Mary hadn’t left the waterfall for the entire weekend of the full moon.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked, trying to keep up with his pace. He was well over six feet, and she was struggling to keep up with his long strides at her own five foot six.

  “There are ways and means to keep the wolf at bay. There are half breeds out there who cannot turn every full moon. They have ways and means to handle themselves. Running, working out, even taking a cold water bath can help with the cravings.”

  Mary hadn’t heard of other ways. Looking back none of the pack wanted to talk to her. Roger and Dani had been nice, but once she controlled the turning and knew what she was doing neither of her leaders offered any advice. In fact, besides Jessica, no one spoke to her at all. It was like she didn’t exist to anyone. They kept the small room at their house for her to stay in, but she felt more like a pet than a member of the pack.

  Shaking her head, she kept up with Zeke’s paces.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said.

  “No, you wouldn’t.”

  She recognized where he was going as they walked up the incline of the forest. He was taking her to the top of the waterfall. Mary concentrated on climbing. Before long she felt out of breath. Zeke kept hold of her arm leading her up to the top.

  “I don’t trust your wolf, and it’s time for you to know how to control your wolf. Some of the half breeds can’t even wait to the full moon before turning.”

  When they got to the top she looked down at the water below. “Why are we here?” she asked.

  “It’s time for you to know how to handle yourself.”

  Before she could ask what he meant, he pushed her over the edge. Screaming, Mary panicked seconds before she plunged into the water below.


  Jumping over the edge, Zeke followed her down. He’d met a half breed in the city, and they’d become close. During their time together, Zeke asked the man how he’d stopped himself from the turning. The man had been bitten by a female wolf. She’d helped him through the change, but she’d been turned out by her pack for turning a mate.

  Zeke didn’t have a problem with half breeds, and he was friends with the young couple. They were not part of his pack as neither of them wanted to be part of a pack.

  The water surrounded him, and he pushed up to the surface, gasping for air. The rush was amazing, and he knew he’d be coming a lot more to jump over the edge. Mary screamed out, pushing the hair out of her eyes. Laughing, Zeke dipped down. The water wasn’t cold as it was turning out to be one of the hottest Augusts ever. He loved the heat as it meant not many clothes needed to be worn. The one thing he hated about life in the city was the fact he had to wear clothes to work. Zeke loved being naked, and even though he could afford not to go to work, he’d go insane if he wasn’t kept busy. Working in a busy office kept him driven and also challenged him with the noises and scents. He’d fucked plenty of women in his office, and he’d picked them out because of their response to him.

  The scent of a welcoming pussy drove him insane.

  “What the fuck were you thinking?” Mary asked, screaming.

  He swam over to her, wrapping his arms around her, laughing. “What a rush.”

  “I could have died.” She hit him hard. “I’m not some fucking rag doll you can test to see how much you can do until I break. I’m human!”

  Taking hold of her face, Zeke forced her to look at him. “Is your wolf begging to get out? Are you struggling to keep the little bitch contained?”

  She paused in fighting him.

  “See, she’s not there, is she? You can think without having to deal with her clawing her way out of you.” He stared into her eyes knowing what he said was the truth.

  “How? Only allowing the change has done that.” She was swimming with him without trying to get away.

  “You gave your body the same rush the wolf needs. You’ve put her to bed. I’m not saying it will last, and I wouldn’t advise jumping off a building onto concrete, but there are ways and means for you to survive without turning.”

  Mary ran her hand over her face pushing the loose strands of hair out of the way.

  Staring into her dark brown eyes, Zeke wanted to see those eyes begging him to fuck her. Taking hold of her arm, he moved toward the edge and climbed out, picking her up out of the water. The shirt she wore clung to her curves, showing off the hard buds of her nipples. What would she taste like?

  No, he wasn’t going to have a taste of her now. He scented her innocence, and taking her outside wouldn’t be the best idea he had.

  “It’s time for us to go.” He kept hold of her arm as he walked back to where his car was parked. Zeke had planned the attack long ago, and tonight he’d made sure to hide any scent of his approach with the fumes from the car. Wolves wouldn’t have suspected anything from cars. The fumes had given him and his pack the time to get close before they struck.

  Easing her into the passenger seat, he strapped her inside before going around to the other side.

  “You drove here in a car?” she asked.

  He didn’t answer her. Zeke felt the anticipation of what was to come.

  She stayed silent, sitting back to look out of the window. The scent of her innocence was distracting him. Having a wolf’s scent was not always accurate. At the moment he couldn’t smell if Mary had been with another man. Usually women carried the scent of their partner for a long time. Mary had no other scent beside her own, and it was what drew him to her as well. She could be innocent because of how different she smelled from the rest of her pack, or she could even be a virgin. Shit, he hoped she wasn’t a virgin. What he wanted to do with her was not for a virgin to know.

  “Is there a man waiting for you back home?” he asked. It wouldn’t be the first time a woman had fucked him when there was a man waiting for them.

  “If I had a man I wouldn’t have agreed to be your toy.” She folded her arms, showing him she was pissed.

  “You’d be surprised how many women would have fucked me and then gone back to a human male,” he said.

  “I’m not one of them. I would never cheat on a man in my life, ever.” She was silent for several seconds. “How could I even have a man with my … condition?”

  “Plenty of women are still out there enjoying men who have the … condition.” He smiled thinking about his own condition. There was nothing wrong with being a wolf. Zeke found being a shifter helped him in his life. The sense of smell helped and also the fact he could hold his own in a fair fight. He’d lived with being a wolf his whole life as he was born into it.

  His family had come from a long line of wolves. Zeke hoped to pass it on like his sisters would when they had children. Thinking about his sisters made him somber and reminded him of why he was taking out the other pack.

  “Either way, I wouldn’t have agreed to be your toy if there was a man waiting for me.” She spoke the truth, and he admired her for it.

  Zeke still wasn’t closer to finding out if she was virgin or not.

  “How many partners have you had?” he asked.

  She turned and glared at him. “It’s none of your business.”

  He moved his way around the road working past a bend. Zeke wondered what Max had done with Jessica. He wasn’t worried about the other man hurting Jessica. They were not monsters, and the girl would be protected.

  “Will I be allowed to use a phone when we get to wherever you’re taking
me?” she asked.

  “Yes. If you think to call the police on me then I’ll kill you.”

  Mary burst out laughing. “What would I say? ‘Hey, police officer, I’ve been kidnapped and held against my will because I wanted to protect a woman from being killed. Also, I’m part wolf and this is all pack business.’”

  Zeke smiled even though he didn’t want to.

  “I may be a half breed, but I know the laws. I cannot bring humans into this.” She turned to look out the window. “I’m alone in this.”

  “Do you know who bit you?” he asked, changing the subject. He knew she wouldn’t phone the police. There was no use for the law, and no human would win against a wolf.

  She shook her head. “No. I was coming out of work, and there was this dark black dog. At least, I thought it was a dog, and I didn’t think much of it until I collapsed on the pavement within minutes of the bite. I thought I was burning from the inside out.”

  Zeke listened as she talked. He liked the sound of her voice and knew he could listen to her all day without a problem. Pulling toward the gate where he and his pack lived during the days of the full moon, he turned to look at her.

  “Where are we?” she asked.

  “I come from a long line of wolves. Over time we’ve bought property to help build our packs. This is mine. You’ll meet some of my pack. Be warned, they’re all men. I can’t stand bitches around me during the moon.”

  Climbing out of the car he heard her mutter, “sexist pig”. Smiling, Zeke loved the bark within her. Taming her would be a challenge he looked forward to.

  Pressing the intercom button he asked who was there.

  “It’s Dave, sir.”

  “Dave, let me in. Has Max settled the girl?” he asked.

  “Yes. She’s been fed and walked as well.”

  Chuckling, Zeke headed back to the car. The electric gates opened, and he drove through. His home was his pride and joy. It had once belonged to his great grandfather and now it belonged to him. Alphas who were born into a pack had the option of staying and learning to submit to the current Alpha. They could fight for the position, but then a problem occurred if the pack didn’t agree with you or you could leave the pack as a friend and start your own. Zeke had gone for the latter. He’d never been the kind of man to take orders. His father had prepared him to leave the pack at an early age. Zeke could never fight his father, who was still the Alpha. This way helped keep the packs strong. When the time was right, his father would step down and the pack would vote for a new alpha, but until that time, his father stood as the leader.


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