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The Alpha's Toy

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Parking the car he climbed out, going around to Mary. She was already opening her door and getting out. His night was looking up.

  Chapter Three

  Staring up at the house in front of her, Mary wondered how she was going to handle the coming month. Her job was secure as she had vacation time coming up. This man who owned her for the next month clearly had plenty of money to back his pack.

  He wiped out your pack.

  Jessica was safe. Mary could cope knowing she’d saved the young girl. What was she going to do when the month came to an end? With no pack she wasn’t welcome to just any pack. Several would hurt her at the very least, or even kill her. Crap. She didn’t even know if she wanted to join another pack. Life as a half breed was already hard seeing as she couldn’t talk with anyone about the problems she encountered, like the heat she suffered.

  Reaching out, she touched Zeke’s naked arm. His flesh was firm and hard to the touch. Taking her arm away, she felt like her fingers were on fire.

  He looked at his arm and then at her fingers, smirking. “Baby, I’m going to be buried balls deep inside you. You better get used to my touch, or you’re in big trouble.”

  She took a breath and looked him in the eye. Her cheeks felt hot from his words.

  “I’ve got no pack and nowhere else to run,” she said.

  Zeke raised a brow, staring at her.

  “Erm, I was wondering if you could teach me some of those skills to keep my wolf at bay.”

  He folded his arms, observing her.

  Mary started to squirm under his scrutiny.

  “Yeah, I’ll help you with one condition.”

  Rolling her eyes, she stared behind her wishing she could escape.

  “What’s the condition?” she asked.

  Zeke moved in closer, and she took a step back. He wrapped an arm around her back, drawing her back in close. “You tell me here and now, are you a virgin?”

  “That’s not a condition. You want an answer to a question.”

  “Either way, answer me.”

  What the hell was going on? Why did he want to know about her being a virgin? Shit, she was too embarrassed. Staring up and down the length of his body, she couldn’t bring herself to tell him the truth. He would have been with lots of women. Surely no one would notice a small little detail such as a hymen.

  “No, I’m not a virgin.” She lied to his face, and the moment the words left her lips, Mary wished she could take them back. He stared into her eyes, and she couldn’t say a word.

  “Good.” He led her toward the front door where Max stood.

  “Take her to the kitchen for food. Make sure she eats some food.” Zeke moved away, leaving her in the hands of Max.

  “Wait, what about Jessica? Is she safe?” Mary asked, concerned about the young girl.

  “She’s been fed, watered, and walked.”

  Jerking out of his arm she glared at him. “She’s not a dog.”

  Max chuckled. “I never said she was. Jessica, the blonde, is resting. It has been a long night for her.”

  They walked past several men. All of them inhaled as she passed.

  “Do I smell or something?” she asked.

  “Or something.” Max opened the far door where a woman was stood over a stove. Mary frowned.

  “I thought he said there were no women in his pack.” Mary was confused as the dark haired woman turned to smile at her.

  “Zeke doesn’t allow women into the pack. I’m Max’s half breed mate.” The woman moved toward Max with a smile. “I’m Jane.”

  Taking the woman’s hand, she smiled. “I’m Mary.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mary. I’m sure you’re hungry. Please, sit.” The woman had curves, which gave away her half breed status. Sitting at the table, Mary saw several men looking at them from the corner.

  A bowl with three chunks of bread was placed in front of her. “I’m allowed to stay because I’m a half breed, and I don’t want anything to do with the other men. Don’t get me wrong. They’re like family, but I love Max.”

  Max had left through the far door to the outside air. She saw Zeke through the glass window on the phone. Mary couldn’t hear a word they were saying to each other.

  “Why would other women be a problem?” she asked.

  “Haven’t you ever been to a pack with bitches trying to get your man? I tell you, in the human world men are the horn dogs, but in this world, women are the worst. They cannot leave a man alone. It’s fucking infuriating.” Jane sat opposite her, eating some food. “We visited a pack up north in the Rocky Mountains. I went with Max, and the women of the pack were trying to fuck him right in front of me.” Jane stopped eating and fisted her hand. “They think because we’re half breed we’re not worth the male’s time. Those women with their slender hips piss me off.”

  Mary smiled. “It was, erm, the men in the pack I was with didn’t like me. I was too fat.” Heat filled her cheeks at the sympathy in Jane’s eyes.

  “Honey, there are men out there who like a bit of meat on their women. Max doesn’t even allow me to go on a diet anymore. He banned diets and all healthy food from the house. Max considers his passions the best kind of exercise.”

  It was Jane’s turn to grow red in the face.

  Smiling, Mary found herself liking Max from Jane’s description.

  Glancing to the far wall she saw the men were still watching them. “Why are they staring?” she asked.

  “The men stare, Mary. When I tell you men like their women with meat, well, some of the men in Zeke’s pack are the ones who love us women with curves.” Jane started eating.

  Feeling their stares, Mary struggled to eat. With only half of it eaten she stood, finished.

  Jane stopped her. “Zeke has orders, and I’m not in the dark, Mary. Sit, eat, you need to keep your strength up.”

  Sitting back down, Mary picked her spoon up like a scolded child.

  “She giving you trouble?” Zeke asked, entering the kitchen with Max behind him. Keeping her head bowed over her food, Mary tried to ignore the warmth his voice created in her body. No man should have that kind of power.

  “Not at all. I like her, Zeke. You better be keeping her.”

  Mary couldn’t believe they were talking about her as if she wasn’t there. Max seemed to take pity on her as he took Jane in his arms. “Stop matchmaking, woman. You’ve got me to take care of.”

  “Baby, I want others to find the kind of happiness that we have.”

  Max slapped Jane on the ass. “Come on, you can show me some lovin’.”

  The two disappeared out of the door. She noticed the men who’d been staring at her had disappeared as well.

  Zeke served himself some soup. Mary ate her own and was surprised as Zeke took two more bowls and ate a loaf of bread with his food.

  When he was finished, he stood, did the dishes, and then moved to her. She’d never known another man to be able to eat more than her.

  There’s not any man to compare it to.

  “Come on.” He took her hand and led her upstairs. Zeke stopped on the third floor, opening a door.

  One aspect of her turning was that she was now able to see in the dark well. Jessica lay on her side, fast asleep. “She’ll be cared for.”

  Nodding, she followed him upstairs. There were not many people around. “Where is everyone?”

  “After a run some stay behind until the morning. Others leave after a run. This is not a prison, Mary. This house is for my pack to run and be free.”

  Not saying anything she walked into his bedroom, which was dominated by a square bed at the far wall. She saw the four posts surrounded it and what had her gasping were the silk ties wrapped around each post. Mary had watched enough bondage videos to know what they were.

  Turning around, she jumped as the door shut and locked.

  “Take your clothes off,” Zeke said. He was leaning against the door. She watched him pocket the key. “You’re my toy, Mary. I think I’
ve been very nice, and now I want payment.”

  He took a step into the room.

  She moved back as he advanced toward her. There was nowhere for her to run. Facing him, Mary knew this was what she signed up for.

  Think about the need. The burning fire and the ache you’ve been having. Give in.

  For one month she could be his toy, and she’d be able to walk away.

  Tugging on the damp shirt, she pulled it over her head. Her thick stomach embarrassed her, and she covered her hand over it. Shit, how could she do this? He was a Greek god while she was a tubby half breed.


  Moving forward Zeke grabbed her hands, pushing them out of the way. He wasn’t going to give her chance to hide from him. All night he’d been holding this off, but he could wait no longer. She was his, and he intended to take full advantage of her body. Women were too slender in the packs he’d visited. He screwed them even though he found little to no satisfaction with them.

  Mary was all woman. Her curves were driving him crazy, and knowing the scent of innocence had nothing to do with her being a virgin, Zeke couldn’t wait to slam inside her.

  “You will not cover yourself up. I want to see every part of you.” He lifted her face up to see him with a finger underneath her chin. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” Tears shone in her eyes. She kept them at bay, pulling out of his arms.

  She unbuttoned the top button of her jeans, lowering the zipper.

  Zeke watched her wriggle out of her jeans. Holy fuck, look at those thighs. He couldn’t wait to have them wrapped around his hips. They were firm and fleshy. She would mark easily, as her skin was so pale.

  When she was stood in her underwear, Zeke pulled her into the center of the room. He circled around her body. The plain white cotton underwear did nothing for her figure. Zeke stood close inhaling her sweet, fresh fragrance. From her smell alone he was ready to come.

  “I like the way you smell,” he said, breathing her in.

  Her body shook. Reaching around, he placed his palm against her stomach. Her arousal was building even though she clearly didn’t want it to. The sounds in the room were from her deeply indrawn breaths. Pushing her hair out of the way, he laid kisses along the back of her neck. Drawing her back, he felt her skin next to his. He felt covered in loads of a little pulses as they touched.

  What was it about her that drew him in? He’d never responded to a woman the way he was to Mary. The half breed was infecting his mind.

  Fuck her, take her, claim her.

  The mantra was running through his mind as well as the need within his wolf. The dark black wolf was whining, begging to bite and fuck her.

  Down, boy.

  Stroking a finger down her arm, he kissed her neck feeling her melt against him. Her submission would be sweet. Her body would cave under his command.

  “I won’t hurt you,” he said. “When you leave here you’ll know what it’s like to be fucked, to be owned by an Alpha.”

  She gasped, and he turned her to face him.

  Keeping his hands around her back, he tore the bra from her body followed by her panties. Lifting the torn panties into the air, he showed them to her. They were covered in the scent of her arousal. “You want me, Mary.”

  “It doesn’t mean anything.” He made her move by stepping close. She backed away from him, collapsing onto the bed, just where he wanted her.

  “Move back and open your thighs. I want to see the pussy that I own and can play with when I want to.”

  Mary glared at him for several seconds but relented within moments. She leaned back opening her thighs giving him a perfect view of her plump pussy.

  Going to his jeans, he tore open the button, staring at the jewel of her clit, winking at him. He was going to eat her sweet pussy.

  Pushing his jeans down, he gripped his shaft, stepping out of the jeans. Her gaze went to his cock. He saw her eyes widen at his length.

  Zeke was used to the reaction. Plenty of women were surprised by his large length. He’d been blessed in many areas, especially with a big dick.

  “Don’ you worry, baby. I’ll fit inside you.”

  Her widened eyes shot daggers at him as she glared back.

  Fisting his length, he smeared his pre-cum around the tip. His foreskin was pulled back with the force of his arousal.

  She licked her lips, and he inhaled the fragrance of her heat in the air. Mary had been suffering for a long time. The needs of a bitch in heat would be gripping her. She was ready to find a mate, and, taking a deep breath, Zeke knew she was fertile.

  Something pure and animalistic rolled over him, filling him from the center outwards with the need to claim her.

  Kneeling on the bed he chuckled as she slid back. Gripping her ankle he tugged her close. “You’re not going to escape me,” he said, smiling. He was directly above her pussy. Mary started struggling. Holding her thighs down, Zeke returned his attention to her greedy cunt. She was desperate for a hard fucking.

  He closed the distance and sucked her pearl into his mouth. Mary cried out, Her body tensing as he sucked her clit into his mouth. Her cream leaked out of her pussy. Circling her cunt, he felt her essence soaking his fingers.

  Releasing her clit, he slid his tongue down to lick her before moving back up to nibble on her clit. Her hands were fisted in the bed.

  “Oh God,” she said, screaming out.

  Her body was on fire. Tasting her need Zeke wondered how she had survived so long without a male. He couldn’t smell another man on or within her body.

  Lifting up, he looked into her eyes. The once dark brown depths were a deep amber as she looked at him. Her wolf was begging for some action as much as the woman.


  The word whispered through his mind. Zeke felt an answering awareness inside him. Their wolves liked each other. Mary closed her eyes, and when she opened them seconds later they were a dark brown once again.

  “How long has it been since you’ve had a man?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m going to fuck you either way.” No man was keeping him from her.

  “No man,” she said, gasping. Touching her skin he felt the heat radiating off her.

  “I’ll take care of you.”

  Flicking her clit, he felt her come apart within seconds. She screamed, jerking off the bed as her orgasm claimed her. Smiling, he stroked her bud with his fingers as he slid between her thighs. Gripping his cock, he pressed the length between her folds, coating his cock with her cum.

  Her hand went to his arm resting by her waist. He bent down, claiming her lips. She moaned, opening up to his kiss. Zeke teased her lips with his tongue, wanting her to open up. Mary gave him entry, and he plundered her mouth, meeting her tongue with his.

  Leaving his cock, he grabbed her hand, pressing them to the bed above her head. Locking their fingers together, Zeke deepened the kiss. Fucking left his mind as he took the kiss she gave him.

  She moaned, pressing up against him. His shaft bumped her clit, and she cried out. Slowly, he pumped his hips, bumping her clit with every thrust.

  Mary’s legs opened wide, giving him the space he needed.

  Breaking from her lips, he kissed down to her neck, biting on her pulse. Zeke didn’t break her skin even though he wanted to more than anything. Instead, he sucked on her neck, marking her skin.

  Was a month going to be enough?

  Leaving one of her hands, he gripped his shaft, needing to be inside her more than anything else. He guided his cock to her entrance.

  Sucking on her neck, he felt her writhe underneath him. She looked consumed by pleasure.

  With the tip inside her cunt, he gripped her hip and slammed inside her in one hard thrust.

  Mary tensed underneath him, and Zeke felt the small tender piece of skin break, letting him know what happened. Anger filled him at her lies.

  His cock was deep within her pulsing at the feel of her tight, vi
rginal cunt, which wasn’t a virgin anymore.

  Glaring down at her, Zeke saw the tears leak out of her eyes and track down the corners to the bed.

  “Why did you lie to me?” he asked, growling the words at her. Zeke didn’t withdraw from her tight heat.

  Her nails sank into the flesh of his arms, marking his skin with her scent. Did she even know what she was doing?

  No, he doubted she had a single clue what was happening, and he’d just roughly taken her virginity. There was no turning back now. Mary, the half breed wolf who’d agreed to be his toy, was not going anywhere.

  Chapter Four

  Mary thought they all lied about the pain. Sex was supposed to be natural between everyone. A man and woman fit together like peas in pods or sweetcorn in a husk. She’d never expected the pain. His cock felt large as he stayed still within her.

  Biting her lip she stared up into his angry expression. Nothing he said or did would make her feel any better or any worse. She really thought she’d be able to get away with it. At twenty-five years old she assumed she wouldn’t feel a thing. Being on the fuller side she didn’t think it was possible to feel much pain.

  Stupid fool.

  His hand moved up her body to grip her neck. The menace on his face scared her. Her heart pounded against her chest as she looked at him, begging for him not to hurt her. “Why did you lie to me?” he asked.

  Closing her eyes, she took several deep breaths trying to gain control of her rioting nerves.

  “Answer me and don’t think to lie. The scent of innocence is all over you, and I can smell your fucking blood.” He snarled the words in her face.


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