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The Alpha's Toy

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Opening her eyes, she glared at him. “Tell you something personal about myself? Are you completely insane?” She pressed against his hand almost daring him to squeeze her neck tighter. Mary knew she would survive so much pressure just not a snapping of the neck, not that anyone would survive that. “You’ve got me as a fucking toy. Do you really expect me to let you know I was a twenty-five year old virgin?”

  The more she talked the more she hated the truth that was spilling from her lips.

  “You’re twenty-five years old?” he asked, smiling.

  His smile made her gasp as the menace disappeared and she saw what a handsome man he actually was.

  “Yes.” Looking past his shoulder, Mary couldn’t stop the curiosity from making her speak. “How old are you?”

  “I’m thirty-nine years old.”

  Fourteen years age difference. He didn’t look a day past thirty. There were no graying hairs or major wrinkles on his face. He looked good for his age, but most wolves looked good.

  “If you want to call this off then you can get off me and I’ll leave. I’ll take Jessica with me.”

  His hand moved from her neck down. He pinched her nipples, and she moaned at the harsh bite of his touch.

  Zeke clearly knew what to do with her body to make the pleasure morph into something deeper. She’d never known feelings like the ones he was awakening.

  “Do you really think I’m going to let you get away from me, baby? I’m housing Jessica, and I want a woman to fuck without denying me. You’re my toy, Mary and I’m not giving you up.” He leaned down, nuzzling her neck. “Besides, you’re a virgin no more. I can fuck you all I want to now.”

  Mary tensed as his nibbled on her neck. She felt the sharp point of his canines near her neck. Her pulse pounded, and if he was to strike she would be dead within minutes.

  “Please don’t kill me,” she said.

  He jerked back. His cock was still buried within her. “What kind of man do you fucking take me for?” he asked.

  The authority in his voice left her under no illusions of who was in control. The Alpha blood leaked out into his eyes. Her wolf responded, purring against the wall of her flesh.

  “I would never kill you. Regardless of any fucking rumor I do not take pleasure in unwilling women and fucking them dead, Mary. I love women who are warm, wet, and fucking begging me.” He growled at her harshly.

  Mary nodded, embarrassed by how hot she felt for him. Her body responded to him even though she wanted to run from him at the same time.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Now, I’m going to fuck you, Mary. Your virginity belongs to me, and there’s no way you’re going to take that away. You’re mine.” He took hold of her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Say it.”

  “I’m yours.”

  “Who does your pussy belong to?” he asked.


  “Who does this mouth belong to?” He pressed a thumb between her lips.


  Down his hand moved going underneath her body to cup her ass.

  “Who does this ass belong to?”


  Every part of her belonged to him, and she was more than willing to give him everything he demanded. The harshness of his voice did something between her thighs. Her pussy felt wet, and she couldn’t stop the contractions within.

  “I can feel your response to me, Mary. Your cunt is tightening around my dick, and I can tell you’re turned on. Your cum is gushing around me.”

  Turning her head away, Mary had never felt more embarrassed at his words. She experienced utter humiliation in giving herself over to a man she did not know, yet her body responded to him as if it did.

  “No, you look at me. Don’t you dare turn away from me.” He cupped her face giving her no choice but to look at him.

  She saw the heat in his eyes as he stared down at her.

  “When you’re with me, you’ll accept everything I ask of you. You do not argue.”

  “I know. I’m your toy.”

  “Good.” His hand turned to a stroking caress on her cheek. The sudden change within him startled her. The Alpha before her had a soft side. She didn’t doubt he would kill her if she posed a threat to his pack. “Now, I’m going to fuck you, and before the night is through you’re going to be begging me to.”

  With the way her body felt right at that moment she didn’t believe it.

  Zeke’s hands returned to her hips as his lips went to her breasts. She felt him suck her nipple into his mouth, first one nipple before moving onto the next. Mary tried to think about the pain, but with his lips creating havoc within her body she couldn’t even remember the pain.

  The grip on her hips tightened, and then she felt him sliding out of her body. Gasping, she saw he was looking down at her.

  “Watch me,” he said.

  Going to her elbows she glanced down in time to see his cock, slick with her juice, moving out of her. He didn’t pull all the way out of her. Licking her lips, she couldn’t believe his cock had been within her. For so long she’d been a burning mass of sensation with no help of finding any release.

  “No, fuck it,” he said, pulling out of her.

  Mary whimpered as he turned her so her back was flush against his chest. His hard cock was pressed against her ass. She felt the slickness from her own arousal covering his shaft.

  “I’m going to make you come before I fuck you. You need to know what you’re missing out on.”

  His hand delved between her thighs. Fingers, she didn’t know how many, plundered her core as his thumb pressed on her clit. She jerked in his arms. Mary had only felt the pleasure from her own fingers, and now she was feeling what Zeke could do for her. She didn’t know the pleasure could get any better than her own fingers. His thumb ran over her clit and around. His fingers pumped inside her.

  Closing her eyes, she felt his lips at her neck as he worked her body harder.

  “You’re going to come for me, baby. Then you’re going to take my cock in this tight little cunt. I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll be desperate for my cock.”

  Mary believed he was going to make her addicted to him.

  “No other wolf has touched you, has he?” he asked.

  She shook her head, burning within for the need to release.

  “You’re my little bitch in heat.”

  His words didn’t scare her. She felt like she was in heat. A virgin with the need to fuck. No, she wasn’t a virgin any longer. Zeke had already taken her virginity.

  They were still going to fuck.

  Bucking against his hands, Mary cried out, gripping the blanket as another wave of warmth flooded her.

  “Please,” she said, begging him.

  “Come for me, Mary.” His voice was firm. She knew she couldn’t disobey him. Zeke ran his thumb over her clit, and Mary couldn’t hold off her release. Pleasure crashed through her as her orgasm claimed her. She screamed aloud, the sounds she made echoing off the walls. Ever since she’d been turned Mary hadn’t felt any kind of peace. Her skin finally felt like her own. The wolf within her had been sated, and for that she was grateful.


  Zeke fingered her pussy feeling the warmth of her release flood his hands. He sensed the wolf inside her calm as her release ended. Soothing her with kisses and strokes, he withdrew his hand from between her thighs. He wondered how long she’d been dealing with the heat spiraling inside her. Zeke could not recall a woman dealing with heat without a male to help. Whatever she had done must have calmed the wolf inside her. He knew it wouldn’t have settled the wolf, but it surely calmed her enough to work.

  “Thank you,” she said, moaning. Did she hear the purring coming from her own body? She lay content in his arms.

  He wasn’t done with her. His cock was rock hard begging for his chance to explode inside her.


  The words rushed through his mind making him pause. No, he wouldn’t give his thoughts any
light at this moment. He needed to wait and be sure before he made any rash decisions like claiming a woman.

  Turning her to the bed, he opened her thighs. Mary didn’t fight him this time. Gazing down at the lips of her pussy he saw the dots of blood showcasing her virginity. He wanted to lean back and pound on his chest like a Neanderthal. Instead, he gripped the base of his shaft running the tip through her creamy essence. She cried out but didn’t close him out.

  Pushing the tip to her entrance, he let the tip just inside. Holding her hands in his own, he pressed them beside her head.

  Without saying a word he slammed inside, going to the hilt inside her.

  She screamed, crying out with pleasure.

  Her arousal deepened. He couldn’t smell any pain coming from her. Pulling out of her tight warmth he stopped when only the head remained inside. Zeke didn’t lose eye contact as he thrust in her once again. Her moans grew louder as he took his time to pull out and then slam in, taking her by surprise each time.

  Letting go of her hands, Zeke grabbed her hips and rammed inside her, roughly. He wanted to bury himself within her and never leave the warmth of her body.

  Her eyes were dilated, and Zeke loved the submissive look as she kept her hands beside her head as he fucked her hard. Looking down, he saw where they were connected. His naked dick was slick with her release.

  His balls tingled as the beginnings of his orgasm started. Her body called to him. Tightening his grip on her hips, he leaned down to claim her lips. She opened up, and he plundered her mouth with his tongue.

  “Kiss me back,” he said.

  Her tongue stroked his. Leaving her lips, he sank one hand into her hair, holding her close, and he gripped her ass with his other. He deepened the kiss, and their teeth clashed with the depth.

  Biting into her lip, he pounded away inside her, holding his orgasm off. Tightening his hold on her ass, Zeke kissed down to her neck, licking the spot where her pulse pounded against her flesh.

  “Please,” she said.

  He didn’t know what she was begging for, and at that moment he didn’t care. Slamming inside her, Zeke growled as his orgasm crashed into him. Every part of his body felt aflame with the need to claim her. Removing his lips from her body, he pressed his head into the pillow, which muffled the sound of his growling.

  His seed soaked her womb, and he stayed still inside her for several minutes after his orgasm finished.

  The only noise to be heard in the four walls of his room was the sounds of their breathing.

  “Zeke?” she asked.

  He was conscious of the fact it was the first time she used his name. Closing his eyes he counted to three before moving off her. He pulled out of her body, shaken to the core by the pleasure she’d given him.

  “Zeke?” she said his name again. Didn’t the woman know he wanted silence?

  “Go to sleep,” he said, standing up.

  She didn’t argue or make any move to follow him. Leaving the room, he went to his bathroom, slamming the door closed behind him.

  Staring at his reflection Zeke wondered why he couldn’t see a change at who was looking at him. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he left the bathroom by the other door leading out into the hallway. His pack knew not to disturb him in his own space. Going down to the second floor he knocked on Max’s door. He heard Jane moan and Max apologize. Zeke waited as Max grabbed a robe from the chair and seconds later opened the door.

  “Alpha, how can I help you?”

  Max bowed his head, and Zeke wondered why the formality.

  “What are you doing?” Zeke never demanded submission from his pack. He commanded respect as he gave it as much as received it.

  “Your eyes, Zeke. They’re burning.” Max opened the door. Zeke saw Jane had the blanket up to her chin as she stared at him.

  Glancing in the mirror Zeke saw the eyes of his wolf glaring back at him. “Shit.” Rubbing a hand down his face, Zeke paced his friend’s room until he felt in control once again.

  “Alpha?” Max asked.

  Opening his eyes he stared at his friend. “Find everything that you can about Mary. I want to know everything. In the morning go back to the pack’s house and retrieve her things. I’ll give you some clothing to scent her.”

  “Yes, Alpha,” Max said.

  Zeke needed to know why he was feeling this way. She was different, and he recalled her scent before. No, he’d been too late, and he couldn’t think about the other woman.

  They took her.

  “Find out everything. I want to know where she lived. I want her whole fucking past.” Storming out of the room, he went back to his bathroom. Closing the door he turned the shower on and stood underneath. The pack he killed had been responsible for the disappearance of his sister. His father had asked for his help seeing as he lived close to the other pack. Zeke had known Roger and Dani for some time. They’d shared a few meals together as a sign of friendship. In all that time he’d never thought it was possible for them to be in the market for capturing females and selling them to the highest bidder. His sister was still missing. She’d been running with his father’s pack when she went missing. The hunt had started the moment they realized she’d gone missing. The problem they faced was telling the local police force. They couldn’t tell them a wolf had gone missing, so they had handled her disappearance personally. Not that it had led to anything other than Roger and Dani’s pack seeming to be the culprit.

  Roger and Dani hadn’t even mentioned a half breed in their pack. Pressing his palm to the tiled wall, Zeke let the warm water cascade down his skin. Mary’s pack had despised her. None of them cared about her at all. In the few meals he’d shared with Roger and Dani, Zeke had never sensed an evil streak or the true scent that clung to them this night. They had to have used something that masked the horrid scent.

  It still amazed him how dangerous the other couple was, and yet they let the half breed live. Where had they found her?

  Several years ago Zeke had been sitting behind his desk when he scented the most incredible smell outside. Leaving his office, he’d gone searching to find the woman responsible for leaving the scent. In the chaos of the office with so many other smells, he’d lost her. Walking the dark alleys for protection, he’d changed into that of a wolf and gone hunting. While he’d been taking a breather, her scent had drifted toward him.

  He remembered biting the woman, but for the life of him he couldn’t remember what she looked like and he’d never been able to locate her after that night.

  Jerking his head, Zeke turned off the water, grabbed a towel and headed into the bedroom. Mary was asleep on the bed. He saw the track marks of her tears as she slept. Reaching out, he stroked a finger down her cheek.

  She’d been attacked in the city and bitten. Could it be a coincidence that his mate was the half breed before him? Why would Roger and Dani take her in? He didn’t know any of the answers to his questions, and there was no way of finding out. He’d killed both for taking his sister, and yet he was no closer to his sister or to the woman he’d been searching for.

  Zeke was determined to find both women. He wouldn’t settle until he gave his father back his sister. The woman destined to be his mate was out there. Looking into Mary’s face, he felt his wolf pound against his skin, jolting him.

  Pulling away, he dried the damp from his skin and threw the towel into the laundry basket.

  He climbed into bed beside her, wrapping an arm around her waist. Her scent was different from what he remembered in the city.

  No, it couldn’t be Mary. Could it?

  Shit, Zeke didn’t know what he was going to do. His cock thickened as Mary moaned in her sleep. Until Max got his information Zeke was going to take full advantage of his toy.

  Chapter Five

  Opening her eyes, Mary glared at the bright light of the sun shining down on her. Last night she hadn’t been facing the window. Recalling the night before she blushed as other body parts protested in the morning light.
She moved and became aware of the heavy male arm across her stomach. Turning her head, she found Zeke behind her, sleeping.

  He was still there. The last thing she remembered of him was ordering her to sleep before he stormed away. Pain stabbed her deeply at the way he treated her. Biting her lip she tried to pull away from him. His arm tightened around her.

  Moving again, Zeke kept her in place.

  “You can keep fighting me all you want. I’m not letting you go until you ask nicely,” he said, muttering against her back.

  “I need to use the bathroom.” His hand moved down, sliding between her thighs. She gasped even as another flood of arousal swamped her. Mary wished her body wouldn’t betray her with his touch. She didn’t want to like him at all.

  Fingers opened the folds of her sex, opening her up.

  “Are you sore?” he asked.

  He’d fucked her and abandoned her last night. Why did he care at all about if she was sore?

  “Answer me?”

  Staring out the window Mary tensed at his searching fingers. When he plunged inside her, she cried out. “Yes, I’m sore.”

  Still, he didn’t release her. His fingers awakened the passions inside her, and even though she was sore Mary knew she wouldn’t deny him.

  All too soon, he removed his hand and left the bed. She squealed as he picked her up, carrying her through to his bathroom. He dumped her on top of the toilet.

  “Do your business,” he said, going toward the shower.

  She stared down the length of his body. His cock was thick and stood out in front of him. He didn’t pay it any attention as he turned on the water.

  Doing her business, she flushed the toilet and washed her hands.

  Zeke took her hand, pressing her inside the shower. Standing under the warm water, she faced the cascade letting the water wash away the sleep from her face.

  He spun her around and pushed her down onto a seat.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. She’d never sat down in the shower.

  He crouched down in front of her without answering. His hands went to her thighs, and he opened her legs wide.


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