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Goldilock's Misunderstood Billionaire

Page 6

by Laura Ann

  Once they were on the sidewalk, Finley took Goldie’s hand, causing her to jerk and look at him with wide eyes. Touching him sent an electric current through her and she had no desire to examine why his touch was so potent. “We aren’t in front of my brothers, we don’t have to pretend anything.”

  “Au contraire!” Finley said with a mischievous grin. “We are always on display.”

  Goldie’s brow furrowed and she looked around her quiet neighborhood. There were a few people taking advantage of the evening daylight, working in their yards, but none of them were paying any attention to Goldie and her companion. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure old Mr. Pendergast, over there fertilizing his lawn is really checking up on us,” Goldie said, sarcasm dripping from her tone.

  Finley chuckled. “So, your brothers were interesting.” He looked down at her with a raised eyebrow.

  Goldie grinned overly sweet. “I did warn you.”

  Finley snorted. “I wouldn’t call what you said exactly a ‘warning’.”

  Goldie shrugged and put her face forward again. “So... I don’t really understand why you’re doing this,” she said, stopping and turning towards him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, this whole dating thing. I get that it was necessary to get Victoria to back off, but why are we still doing it? Why did you want to swap this for donating to my art exhibit? Victoria wouldn’t think anything of it if she saw you with another woman next week.” Goldie winced as soon as she said it and saw Finley jerk back. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to be insulting, but that totally was.” She rubbed her forehead. “I’m not usually so uptight around people. Other than my crazy brothers, I get along with everybody.”

  Finley used his knuckle to lift her chin so she had to stare in his eyes. Wow... just wow... no wonder women fall all over themselves when he’s around.

  “Believe it or not, you’re not the only one who benefits from this... business transaction.” He waved a hand between the two of them.

  Oh. Okay... ouch. Well, at least I know where he stands. Everything he said at dinner was definitely for my brothers’ benefit, nothing more. Goldie mentally shook herself out of the pleasant daydreams she had been having of his eyes and straightened to her full height. “Oh really and just what’s in it for you?”

  Finley’s finger traced down her arm and he entwined their fingers once again.

  Goldie did her best to hold still, even as a trail of fire was being branded into her very being.

  “I know you thought donating to your exhibit would be enough to help my reputation, but the truth of the matter is, it will take more than that.” Finley shrugged as if he didn’t care, but Goldie could see a tightness at the corner of his eyes that belied his nonchalant attitude. “With so many women grouping together to paint me as a heartless villain, the only thing that can save me is to prove that I truly do have a heart.”

  “Won’t donating to a children’s group show you have a heart?”

  “A bit, but falling in love and sponsoring it as a boyfriend would look even better.” Finley’s grin was triumphant.

  Goldie scowled. “And what about when the show is over. Won’t that just leave you looking heartless again when we break up?”

  Finley smirked and leaned down into her space.

  Goldie held her breath so as not to breathe him in. He smells so good! All manly and- She cut herself off. Business! This is a business transaction!

  “Maybe you won’t want to break it off.”

  Of all the arrogant- “I don’t even have words for the ego behind that statement.” Goldie turned on her heel and began speed walking down the sidewalk, her anger evident in every step.

  Finley laughed and took a couple of long strides to catch up with her. “Whoa, whoa, whoa there, Sprite, I was just kidding.” He grabbed her shoulders and turned her towards him. “When the exhibit is over, we will do whatever you are comfortable with.”

  Goldie narrowed her eyes. “Even if it painted you in a bad light for the media?”

  Finley stuffed his hands in his pockets and shrugged. “I’ve lived through it before, I can live through it again.”

  The edges of Goldie’s heart softened. She really did feel sorry for him. He was hounded constantly by sensational news stories, many of which Goldie knew couldn’t be true. As arrogant as he is, I really haven’t found him to be cruel.

  FINLEY WATCHED GOLDIE out of the corner of his eye as she contemplated the situation.

  “You promise to sponsor the art exhibit? Meaning you will donate the money I need and let us use your name for promotional purposes?” She asked.

  Finley frowned. “If that’s what you want. What exactly is it, anyway?”

  Goldie’s face lit up and Finley worked to stay casual. Shoot, she’s even prettier when she gets all excited about something.

  “All of my seniors and juniors get to participate in it! Throughout the school year, they learn several mediums and figure out which one they like best. During the last quarter of school, they are given access to all the supplies at the school in order to create their very own masterpiece.” Her hands fluttered around her as she got more and more excited. “Then right before the end of the school year, we hold an exhibit! It’s open to the public and is basically a fundraiser! People have a chance to purchase the art if they want and help support a student. That’s why we have sponsors, so we don’t have to take money back from the purchases. Our goal every year is to fully sponsor the upfront costs and let the students keep any money they earn to go towards college, or the education of their choice.” Goldie’s eyes were wide and excited and the smile on her face lit up the evening.

  “Wow. That’s pretty ambitious. How long have you been holding it?”

  “This will be year number three. We’ve had good results, but we’re still really trying to get our feet under us. That’s why being a sponsor means we can use your name, because we are hoping to capitalize on other’s publicity in order to give us a boost.” She grinned mischievously. “The Gruffman name would be a big boost,” she said cheekily.

  Finley snorted but didn’t disagree. After a moment, he stuck out his hand. “I promise to donate and help sponsor your little, art thingy and you promise to pretend to be my girlfriend until at least after the gallery. Deal?”

  Goldie chewed her lip for a moment and Finley had the insane urge to do it for her. He still hadn’t been able to get their earlier kiss out of his head, but he cleared his throat and waited instead. She’d probably give me a black eye if I tried anything right now.

  “What all would I be required to do? I’m not staying at your house,” she shook her head forcefully. “I wouldn’t even do that with a real boyfriend.”

  Shock and respect ran through Finley. “That’s actually good to hear. I didn’t think many people were like that any more. But, uh,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “believe it or not, I wouldn’t ask you to, even if you were my real girlfriend.”

  Goldie gaped at him.

  Finley shrugged. “I told you you can’t believe everything you hear. Just because I’ve taken a lot of women out on dates doesn’t mean I took them home too.”

  “Huh, I suppose not. I just...” She sighed. “Doesn’t matter. I’m sorry I misjudged you. But you still haven’t answered my question.”

  “Well, girlfriend things, I suppose. Hold my hand, let me put my arm around you, accompany me on dates, worship the ground I walk on, rub my feet when I’ve had a hard day-” He stopped when Goldie started laughing. The sound rang through his chest and touched an organ he didn’t think worked any more. He rubbed the spot over his heart as if he could ease the sensation running through him.

  “I hate to break it to you, but if that’s what you’re looking for, you’ve got the wrong gal.” She cocked out her hip and put her hands on her waist. “I do my best to treat my boyfriend’s well, but I believe what you are looking for is a servant.”

  Finley grinned. “I don’t know, it might take all
those things to make me truly give up my bachelorhood.”

  Goldie rolled her eyes. “Then you will be a bachelor forever,” she teased.

  The words, although meant in fun, sent an ache through Finley. He rubbed his chest again. Dude! What is wrong with you? Maybe that spaghetti gave me heartburn?

  “How about if I promise to be a girlfriend in public, with normal things like hand holding and stuff?” Goldie suggested.

  “What about kisses?” Finley pumped his eyebrows up and down twice.

  “Only when absolutely necessary,” she replied primly.

  Aha! Finley watched a blush stain her cheeks and she couldn’t meet his eyes. She’s thinking about our kiss and I’d bet my new Porsche she liked it. “Deal,” Finley said with a grin, putting his hand back out.

  With a decisive nod, Goldie shook his hand. “Deal,” she said gleefully, rubbing her hands together when they were done.

  They both turned to go back to the house. “Now, we need to figure out what project you want to do,” Goldie said as they walked.

  Finley nearly stumbled. “Excuse me?”

  “All sponsors put their own project in as well and the proceeds go towards supplies for our Art classes,” Goldie stated. “Did I forget to mention that?” She said with saccharine sweet smile.

  “Uh, yes. Yes, you did. And I’m pretty darn sure you did it on purpose,” Finley growled. “I don’t do artsy stuff.”

  Goldie kept walking, but glanced up at him out of the corner of her eye. “We’ll see about that,” she said.

  Finley ground his teeth, but didn’t speak again until they got to the house.

  “Thank you for the walk and dinner, but I think it’s best if I head home now,” he said as they reached her driveway. He reached out and took her hand, pulling her towards him. Her eyes widened and Finley tried to keep from grinning. He leaned and put his mouth to her ear. “Your brothers,” he whispered quickly, before planting a soft kiss on her cheek.

  Her soft skin and flowery smell were intoxicating, but Finley and his brothers hadn’t kept a multimillion dollar company afloat without having impeccable self control. Reluctantly, Finley pulled back and started walking toward his car.

  Pulling his sunglasses out of his pocket, he put them on and flashed Goldie his most famous smile. “See ya soon, Doll.” Then slipping into the seat of his car, he took off down the road.

  In his rearview mirror, he could see Goldie watching his retreat, her hand on her cheek. Closing his eyes momentarily, he inhaled deeply, still able to smell her. “Hold it together, Gruffman. She’s good for your image, but definitely not good for your heart.”


  Goldie sat in her car, in the dark, early morning hours and took a few deep breaths. Her heart was pounding and her underarms felt damp. She gripped and re-gripped her fists, trying to ease the tension in her body. After her chat with Finley the other night, she had decided she would tackle this project like she did everything else in her life. With both feet in.

  She couldn’t help the nervous giggle that escaped. He might actually regret taking me on after he really gets to know me.

  It was early on a Saturday morning and Goldie had had the idea to get Finley up and take him on a nature walk to help spark some creative ideas for his project. She had charmed her way through the security gate in his neighborhood and now sat in his driveway.

  It had been obvious the other night that the idea of doing art was foreign to him. Which totally makes sense considering there were three boys in his household. Arts and crafts probably wasn’t high on the priority list.

  “Okay, girl, here we go.” Goldie got out of her car, shutting the door as quietly as possible, so as not to disturb the neighbors and walked with determined steps toward the large front door. “Whew, if nothing else, these Gruffman boys know how to pick real estate.” Goldie’s eyes trailed over all the fine details on the house and particularly around his large, double wooden door.

  She let her fingers trail over the scroll work around the edges with a low whistle. After a second, she bit her lip and looked over her shoulder. Someone is gonna think I’m a creeper. Turning back to the door, she gave a firm, but not overly loud knock. “No sense in waking the whole neighborhood.”

  Goldie shifted from foot to foot. She couldn’t hear any movement inside so after a moment, she knocked a bit harder. Still nothing. Goldie twisted her lips from side to side. Her eyes shot to the doorknob. What are the odds? Glancing over her shoulder one more time, she put her hand on the knob and gave a small twist. The knob gave under her touch. Goldie gave a smirk and shook her head. Who the heck sleeps in a house this fancy and leaves the door wide open?

  Once inside, she quietly shut the door and looked around. The foyer was dark but moonlight streamed through the large windows, giving her just enough light to navigate by. Slowly, she walked into the room, gripping her fingers behind her back to stop from touching everything.

  The foyer led into a large gathering room and Goldie chuckled that the decorating looked more like a bachelor pad than a high end mansion. Rich leather sofas surrounded large stone fireplace. A television screen larger than her car sat above the mantle. Goldie snorted. “Typical.”

  I really should go find Finley, not wander around his house in the dark. She thought even as she allowed her fingers to rub the edges of the beautiful leather furniture. She pinched her lips and tilted her head from side to side. Ah, who am I kidding? I can’t lose a chance like this!

  With a quiet squeal, she ran over and plopped herself on one of the side chairs. “Whoa! Are you kidding me?” She wiggled around, trying to get comfortable, but it was obvious there was no getting around it. This chair is waaayyy too hard.

  With a huff, she stood up and scowled at the chair before sticking her tongue out at it. “Shame on you for being so deceiving.”

  Looking around the room, she decided to head to something that looked a little more worn in. In a direct line from the TV, a section of the sofa looked well loved and Goldie walked over. Closing her eyes, she sighed and let herself fall back into the cushions. Good grief! “How the heck am I going to get out? Sheesh, this spot is a little too well loved.”

  Goldie tried to throw her weight forward to get out of the seat, but she had sunk so deep she couldn’t quite make it. With an exasperated huff, she twisted sideways and used the rest of the sofa to leverage herself out of the seat.

  When she was finally standing, she put her hands on her hips and surveyed the area. “There is no way he lives in a house this fancy and there is no comfortable seating!” Her eyes landed on a recliner with a soft throw over the back. Narrowing her eyes she walked over and gave it a once over. “Third time’s a charm, right?”

  Gingerly, she sat down. “Oh yeah...” She sighed as she scooted back and closed her eyes. “This is how a seat should feel. Mmmm...” After a few moments of bliss, Goldie opened her eyes. “Oh, shoot.” The room was starting to lighten. “I gotta grab Finley if we’re going to see the sunrise.”

  Jumping out of the seats, she paused before leaving to give it a fond look. “You, are perfect. I’ll be back.”

  Walking out of the room, Goldie headed toward the curved staircase that dominated one side of the house. Delicately, she put her hand on the smooth banister and started to climb. Her heart pounded harder with each step. Hopefully, Finley doesn’t sleep in the buff! Her cheeks heated as she thought of seeing his broad, muscular chest without a shirt on. “Knock it off, girl, you should be more worried that he sleeps with a gun,” she quietly scolded herself.

  At the top of the landing, she glanced down the hallway at the line up of doors. She put her hands on her hips. “Dang, which one?” She shrugged and reached for the first door.

  Opening the door, she stuck her head inside. It was obvious, the room was empty. Cool, musty air hit her face, giving her the courage to step more fully into the room. The room was large, but fairly sparse. Only a bed and dresser stood in the room. Goldie walked over
and ran her hand over the bedspread. Oooh, so soft. Turning, she sat down on the edge of the bed.

  “Oof!” Standing back up, she glared at the bed. Apparently, the bedspread is the only thing soft about that bed.

  With a shake of her head, she walked out and closed the door. With a deep breath, she grabbed the next doorknob and poked her head in. “Oh for two,” she grumbled. Walking in, she put her hands on her hips. “He must not have people sleep over very often,” she mumbled into the dark. Walking over, she pushed her hand on the bed and almost fell over.

  “Shoot. If you fell into that, you’d never get out!” With a tsk of her tongue, she marched right back out.

  Only one more door awaited her along the hallway. This door was set sideways to the other two and Goldie rolled her eyes. “Duh, of course he’d be sleeping in the master,” she whispered.

  Suddenly, Goldie was hit with momentary doubt. “What are you doing?” She mumbled. “You practically broke into his house.” She bit her lip. “You’ll be lucky if he doesn’t send you to jail.”

  She paused, debating whether to just leave before Finley realizes she’s there. She glanced down into the sitting area she had come from, which was getting lighter by the moment. Gritting her teeth, she looked back at his door. “No, you’ve come this far, might as well finish it. That spoiled man needs someone to shake him up a bit.”

  Stepping forward, she grabbed the knob and shoved the door open. She winced when it banged against the wall.

  “What the-?” A large shadow jumped from the bed and the growl in the voice caused a quiver to shoot down Goldie’s spine.

  “Good morning, Finley.” Goldie prayed her voice wouldn’t crack.

  “Goldie?” The large body that had been stalking toward the door stopped. “What the heck are you doing?” Slowly, he finished his walk to her and Goldie nearly choked on her tongue.


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