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Goldilock's Misunderstood Billionaire

Page 8

by Laura Ann

  Steve nodded to each. “Nice to meet you.” He looked back at Goldie and gave a self-deprecating grin. “You appear to be well taken care of.”

  “Ha!” Goldie blurted. “That’s an understatement. Is it alright if we continue the tour?”

  “Sure, follow me.”

  A COUPLE OF HOURS LATER, just as the evening was starting to set in Finley led Goldie out of the building and to her car. Her small fingers were entwined in his and he was reluctant to let them go. He almost grinned when he thought of when he had taken her hand earlier.

  While they had been following the owner of the building, Finley had slowly slid his hand down Goldie’s arm, loving her reactive shiver, and grabbed her hand. For a simple gesture, it had felt intimate and right, but he had wanted to laugh when he saw a muscle twitch in Goldie’s jaw. Having an audience made it the perfect time to take advantage of touching her, since she wouldn’t fight him on it, or else they would blow their cover.

  She had been so upset when he had showed up behind her at the beginning of the tour. But it was obvious to anyone who was watching that that Steve guy was trying to hit on her. And Goldie is simply too friendly for her own good. He mentally rolled his eyes. Guys take that kind of smile as an invitation.

  He was trying hard not to examine why the scene had bothered him so much. It’s just because we’re supposed to be together. No one will believe us if she flirts with everyone. But deep down, he knew that wasn’t the issue.

  After their kiss the other morning, Finley had sat out on his deck for hours, trying to figure out his life and what was happening to him. It had all boiled down to one thing. I’m falling for Goldie Lockwood. And she hates me.

  “Well,” Goldie said, letting go of his hand and pulling his mental wanderings back to the present. “Thanks for your help, but I better get going.”

  Finley smirked. “Need to go check in with your brothers?”

  Goldie rolled her eyes. “Sheesh, I was so grateful they left early.” She ran her fingers through her curls. “I mean, I love them and all, but whew, they can be a bit much.” She grinned mischievously. “Although, they don’t know it yet, but I plan to put their handyman skills to use. It will save me a ton of time to have them help with some of the jobs I need done.” She shrugged. “Plus, it will keep them out of trouble.”

  FInley leaned in, catching a whiff of her floral perfume. “What are you going to do to keep me out of trouble?” He gave her a crooked grin, one that he knew had charmed many a woman.

  Goldie narrowed her eyes.

  Huh, not the response I was going for.

  “It won’t work, Fin,” she said testily.

  “What?” Finley straightened up.

  “I won’t fall for your smarmy smile. I’ve already told you I don’t like fakes.”

  Finley pressed his lips together at the irony of that statement.

  Goldie closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. “And yes, I understand what that says about me. But it doesn’t change the fact that I don’t want anything to do with your practiced...” she waved her hand at him, “fake charm. I would never date a guy like that. I prefer people who are genuine.”

  Finley stepped up, leaving inches between them, secretly loving that she gasped at the move. “And what about our kiss? Was that genuine?” His voice had dropped and was huskier than normal.

  Goldie gulped as her eyes stared into his. “I...” She faltered as if unsure what to say. “I don’t know,” she finally whispered.

  Finley’s heart sank then perked back up. It’s not a no. Maybe there’s hope that I can help her see me as more than what she’s learned in the media.

  He nodded. “Fair enough.” He reached out just enough to touch her finger tips. The need to feel her was overwhelming, but if she wasn’t sure how she was feeling, he wasn’t going to push. “Have dinner with me?”

  “Wh-what?” Goldie stammered.

  She might not be sure, but she’s just as attracted to me as I am to her. “Have dinner with me. After all, we are fake dating.”

  Goldie stiffened and Finley wondered what he said wrong.

  “Yeah, I suppose we are.”

  “Is that a yes?” He asked hesitantly.

  Goldie’s shoulders slumped. “Sure.”

  Finley raised a brow. “Don’t sound so excited about it, I might get a big head.”

  Goldie grinned. “I think we’d notice, because if your head got any bigger it wouldn’t fit through the doorway.”

  Finley put his hand to his chest in mock pain and leaned down until his face was just above hers. “Ouch, Darling. That hurt.”

  Goldie’s breathing had picked up and Finley knew he had won that round. Deciding not to push his luck he straightened up, stepped back slightly and offered his arm. “Italian sound good?”

  It took Goldie a moment to compose herself and Finley loved every minute of her struggle. “Yep. Sounds good,” she said, lightly putting her arm around his.

  Even that small connection sent warmth through Finley and he had to work hard to act unaffected. What is this woman doing to me? What makes her so different?

  As they walked down the street, the silence was peaceful and Finley found himself incredibly grateful that Goldie didn’t feel the need to chat his ear off. Once they reached the cafe he had in mind, he put his hand on her back and gently guided her inside.

  The atmosphere was cozy and smelled of yeast and butter.

  “Mmm...” Goldie put her nose in the air. “That smells so good.”

  “This place is one of my favorites,” Finley said softly.

  Goldie looked up at him. “Really? Mine too.” A bright smile broke across her face and Finley resisted the urge to run a finger down her lovely cheek. Instead, he chose to smile back before leading them to his usual booth.

  “Mr. Gruffman!” A booming voice called from across the busy room.

  “Antonio!” Finley answered back. Standing, he did a man-shake-slash-hug with the owner and head chef of the restaurant.

  Antonio was one of the biggest personalities Finley had ever met. After becoming addicted to the man’s dishes, Finley came back so frequently that the owner adopted him into his family and often came out to greet him personally when he arrived. The man was in his mid-fifties with a head full of dark hair and a large middle that was a visual testament of his love of food.

  “My, my, my, Finley.” Antonio slapped him on the back as he sat down. “I see you brought dessert with you tonight.” He grinned widely, then reached out his hand to Goldie. “And just who might you be, Dear?”

  Goldie smiled and put her hand in his. “I’m Goldie Lockwood. Pleased to meet you.”

  Antonio nodded before nudging Finley’s shoulder. “This one’s a keeper. Listen to how polite she is. She’s not like those other women with their noses in the air.”

  “Very true,” Finley agreed with a grin.

  Antonio turned back to a blushing Goldie. “Lockwood, huh? You don’t happen to have three brothers? Big, strapping and nearly identical?”

  Goldie grimaced. “What did they do this time?” She sighed.

  Antonio waved his hand. “Oh, nothing bad. I was just going to ask how you feed them all the time. They are some of the biggest eaters I’ve ever seen!” He laughed loudly. “I think the only ones I know who could out eat them are the Gruffman brothers themselves.”

  Goldie laughed lightly. “Oh, I get it. I feel like I’m feeding ten instead of three when I cook.”

  Antonio nodded. “Sounds about right. But! Enough. I need to let you two lovebirds have time to yourselves.” He pumped his eyebrows and Goldie’s blush shot up another notch. “Don’t worry about ordering, I will bring you a special dish tonight, okay?”

  “Sounds wonderful!” Goldie said with a smile.

  “Thanks, Antonio. I owe you one.” Finley grinned.

  Antonio leaned down to Finley’s ear. “You can pay me back by keeping this one close. I can tell she’s the real thing.”
r />   Finley looked at Goldie and nodded, but didn’t answer out loud.

  With another shoulder slap, Antonio headed back toward the kitchen.

  “What was that all about?” Goldie asked, her eyebrows furrowed together.

  “Nothing, just an inside joke,” Finley said lightly.

  “Mm, hm...” Goldie playfully narrowed her eyes at him. “So, have you decided what you want to do for your project yet?” She asked with a coy smile.

  It was Finley’s turn to glare. “I thought I made myself clear about doing crafts.”

  Goldie leaned onto her arms on the table. “It’s not crafts, it’s art! You can paint, sculpt, draw, weld, just about anything! Just create!”

  Finley matched her stance on the table. “I thought we created something quite nice the other morning.”

  Goldie’s blush immediately crept back up her neck and cheeks and she sat back, creating more distance between the two of them. “Stop distracting me. All the sponsors bring something. It’s for a good cause.”

  “Maybe I like distracting you,” he murmured, never taking his eyes off her.

  Goldie stuck her chin in the air. “Probably because you’ll distract any female who happens to be nearby.”

  Finley fought a wince at her words, but knew he couldn’t blame her for them. It’s not like I have a good track record with long-term relationships. Except for Victoria.

  “Uh, oh, trouble in paradise?” A female voice, oozing fake sympathy, caused both Goldie and Finley to turn their heads.

  Speak of the she-devil. “Victoria. I thought I made myself perfectly clear about seeing you again.” Finley sat back and folded his arms over his chest.

  Victoria looked smug. “You did. But I know better than to believe you.” She stepped closer to his side of the table. “No one can deny how good we were together. Especially you.” Her eyes darted to Goldie’s and back. “I’m fully aware I hurt you and that you’re just playing with the peasants until-” When she started to walk her fingers up his shoulder, Finley had had enough.

  He pulled away, disgusted by her touch just as Goldie jumped up from her seat.

  “Listen, Sister,” Goldie started, “we’ve already told you once and someone as old as you-”

  Finley bit back a laugh as Victoria gasped.

  “-should be able to understand what was being said. I have elementary kids who listen better.” Goldie walked right up to Victoria and got in her face.

  The six inch difference between the tall, willowy Victoria and the short, curvy Goldie, couldn’t have been more evident. But the petite blonde stood coiled and strong, refusing to be intimidated by their height differences.

  “He doesn’t want you and he’s NOT available. Right now, this man is mine until he chooses otherwise and I’m not going to have the patience to watch your pathetic self,” she looked Victoria over from top to bottom, “keep come crawling and pawing at him as if your little act will win him back. I can’t tell you what the future will bring for our relationship, but if there comes a time when he’s single, and he wants to see you, then I’m sure he will let you know. Until then, go crawl back under whatever rock you came from and wait for your next victim like a good, little viper.”

  Laughter and gasps rang throughout the restaurant while Victoria stood gaping like a fish. Finley’s rumbling belly laugh was the loudest of them all and when Victoria noticed, her face began to turn an unbecoming shade of puce.

  Glancing around, Finley noticed several phones out recording the confrontation and knew it was time to bring this cat fight to a close. Reaching out, he grabbed Goldie around the waist and pulled her stiff body into his lap. Kissing her on the side of the head, he whispered in her ear. “You’re on camera, multiple ones in fact. Probably time to pull the claws back in.”

  Goldie turned toward him, her jaw still clenched tight as she tried to reign in her anger. “She’s has no right to walk in here and act like that. I can’t stand people who think they are above the law.”

  “It’s against the law to talk to me?” Finley grinned. She’s like a fierce, little kitten.

  Goldie huffed and rolled her eyes. “No, but it’s against the moral law to go after someone else’s boyfriend.”

  Finley’s smile got wider and he leaned his forehead against hers. Closing his eyes, he breathed deep, needing to soak in her essence.

  “It’s not like she knows it’s fake,” she whispered.

  The air left Finley’s lungs. What I feel isn’t fake. He admitted to himself. Is there any hope she could feel the same way too?

  “Is there a problem here, Mr. Gruffman?” Antonio’s voice was stern and when Finley looked up, he found the restaurant owner glaring at Victoria who was trying to melt Finley and Goldie with her eyes.

  “Ah, you know how it is Antonio. Sometimes the crowds don’t know how to respect a person’s privacy,” Finley said with a sarcastic grin at Victoria. He looked over Antonio. “Would you mind if we took our dinner to go? I promise to take the chaos with us.”

  Antonio nodded, but his shoulders drooped. “Of course. I’ll only be a couple more minutes.”

  As soon as Antonio was gone, Victoria opened her mouth.

  “Better watch what you say, Victoria. You’re on camera.” Finley tilted his head and pulled Goldie tighter against him. She snuggled into his chest and a feeling of rightness filled him. It was a sensation he hadn’t felt since he was a boy and his mother would be waiting with warm cookies and milk after school. Home. She feels like home.

  Snapping her mouth shut, Victoria looked around, realizing that Finley was right. She pinched her lips into a thin, white line while she paused for a moment. Finally, her eyes came back to the couple in front of her. They were blazing with barely controlled anger. “This isn’t over,” she hissed before stalking out of the restaurant.

  Goldie rolled her eyes and shook her head. “So, cliche. Couldn’t she think of anything more sinister to say?”

  Finley closed his eyes and chuckled, bouncing Goldie against the rumbling of his chest. He kissed the side of her head again and spoke into her hair. “Put a smile on, Sassy Pants, people haven’t put their cameras away just yet. I think they’re hoping you’ll put on another show.”

  “Maybe I will,” she leaned back and smiled sweetly at Finley.

  “Wait a minute,” Finley began trying to dig into his pockets.

  Goldie followed his movements, her brows furrowed. “What are you doing?”

  Finley paused. “Trying to find my phone. If you’re going to go off again I want a recording of it, too.”

  “Stinker,” Goldie giggled before jumping off his lap.

  Finley tried not to be disappointed at the loss of her warmth, but the feeling was so sharp, there was no ignoring it.

  “Here you go, Mr. Gruffman. I apologize sincerely for the interruption, earlier.” Antonio brought a couple of bags to their table with an apologetic frown.

  Goldie stood and hugged the older man. “Please don’t apologize, Antonio. None of this is your fault. I’m sorry I made the situation worse. I should have just kept my big mouth shut.”

  “No. Victoria needed to be put in her place.” Antonio smiled and cupped Goldie’s cheek. “I never liked her, and I’m glad Finley finally got his head on straight.”

  Goldie’s cheeks burst into a fiery red and Finley couldn’t pull his eyes away. It was suddenly all completely clear. I’m in love with Goldie. All the signs were there, but his thick head had taken a while to allow it to sink in. He’d spent so much time chasing after women that meant nothing to him that he hadn’t recognized the real thing when he found it. But all that changes now.

  Taking Goldie’s hand, he led her out of the restaurant and to her car. “I’ll meet you at my house,” He said before kissing her cheek.

  Hurrying across the street to his own vehicle he began to formulate a plan to woo his fake girlfriend.


  Nervous energy vibrated through Goldie’s body as she
flipped pancakes on Saturday morning. Ever since eating dinner with Finley and her subsequent fight with Victoria, she had been on edge. Finley has changed. He’s been sweet, attentive and caring. Where is the sarcasm and ego maniac I first met?

  She couldn’t figure out his sudden change of heart. “And now he’s coming over to make his art project and I’m not sure how to act around him.” She scrunched her nose and wiggled it around.

  “Why the angry face?” Harlan asked as he yawned and plopped himself down at the table.

  “Oh!” Goldie spun around, spatula in hand. “Geez, I wasn’t expecting you guys to wake up quite yet.”

  “Don’t worry,” he chuckled. “It’s just me. The others are still sawing logs.”

  Goldie grinned. “You all snore like grizzly bears.”

  Harlan glared at her. “No, I don’t.”

  Goldie tilted her chin down and raised an eyebrow. “Really? Have you heard the other two? You’re identical, you dolt.”

  “You have no proof,” Harlan said smugly.

  “I hear you. That’s all the proof I need,” Goldie responded with a smile.

  “Whatever. And you never answered my question.”

  “What question was that?” Goldie turned back to the griddle.

  “Why were you making an angry face?” He stood and grabbed a plate out of the cupboard before stealing a couple of the warm pancakes. “Does it have anything to do with your little catfight the other day?”

  Goldie felt her cheeks heat. “Ha. Saw that did you?”

  Harlan laughed. “I think everyone saw it. It was close to going viral when it ran across my feed.”

  “Ooohhh...” Goldie groaned and hung her head.

  “Hey, if you didn’t want attention, you shouldn’t be dating a Gruffman.” Harlan shrugged, stuffed a bite of breakfast into his mouth and sat back down. “If you didn’t think we were getting up, why are you cooking?”


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