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Rozalyn 6: The Finale

Page 23

by Shan

  I nodded and dried my eyes. I could feel Tamar’s phone vibrating in his pocket and he pulled it out and looked at the caller ID.

  “I gotta take this. I’ll be right back.”

  I got up from Tamar’s lap and walked over to Brian and Starr as he went outside. Starr said that she still wasn’t able to get any information and that they only told her that someone would be out to talk to her shortly.

  I guess now all we could do was wait.

  33: Tamar

  “What’s up?” I said the moment I walked outside. Big Ace handed me a cigarette and I fired it up as I walked and listened at everything Black was saying over the phone.

  “She didn’t take the private jet man. I’ve been sitting out here all muthafuckin’ day waiting on the broad to show up. I finally told the pilot he could burn off,” Black told me.

  “Okay so she had to take a regular flight then. The bitch had to have taken her ass back to Detroit and I want that hoe in front of me so she can explain herself my nigga for real.”

  “If she didn’t show up to the air strip then she knows that you on to her. She’s not gonna go back to Detroit. She’s too smart for that.”

  I hit the cigarette and blew the smoke out in the air. I stopped walking and started to think real hard. Keysha was a dirty bitch. I had found out that she had pulled a lot of strings to spring Kari from jail. These hoes had been working together for almost a damn year and I never even suspected no shit like that.

  I had found all kinds of exchanges between the two of them and between Keysha and that nigga Nino. Kari’s motive was to get Trina back and Keysha wanted to kill Rozalyn with the hopes that I would marry her and she could have access to my money and eventually take back what she felt I had stolen from her.

  I knew Keysha was trying to trap me with Taysan, but I never thought she would go as far as trying to get rid of Rozalyn. She didn’t even come off as the type to do no shit like this and I wanted to believe that I was all wrong, but the proof was all up and through Keysha’s phone. The last thing I needed was to have two crazy, scorned bitches plotting on me. I needed to get up with both of them as soon as possible.

  “Might be right about that. Hmmm, wonder where she done went to? Let me think about this shit for a minute and I’ll get up with you later,” I told Black before ending the call.

  I flicked the cigarette to the ground and headed back inside of the hospital. I looked around for Rozalyn but didn’t see her anywhere.

  “Where Rozalyn go?” I asked Brian.

  “She went upstairs to check on her brother. They finally came out and told Starr that Neek was out of surgery, but in critical condition. They let her go back to be with him because they don’t know if he’s gonna make it overnight.”

  “Damn,” I said and shook my head. I walked back over to my seat and shot Rozalyn a text message.

  Me: Hey, how long you gonna be up there? I don’t want you by yourself. Send.

  Rozalyn: I just want to sit with my brother for a little while. Just felt like I really needed to see him. Wait for me?

  Tamar: Going to the car to choke back on something. Tell King Kev I said hurry up and get out the bed cause he missing money right now. Send.

  Rozalyn: lol he love that King Kev shit. That’s why Kayla going crazy. She ain’t used to it and neither is he.

  Tamar: Kayla needs to sit her ass down and take care of them damn kids. I think I need to sit down and have a long talk with her. She can’t keep that man from taking care of his family the best way he knows how. Send.

  Rozalyn: That’s what I told her, but she don’t want to listen to nothing. She too mad about those babies that just popped up out of nowhere. Ain’t no reasoning with her.

  Tamar: Tell King Kev I’mma get in her ass and by time he get home he ain’t gonna have to worry about nothing. She’ll be sucking his dick for breakfast every morning and making sure she hit him off soon as he come home at night. Send

  Rozalyn: Nigga that’s my brother. Ewwww.

  Tamar: Shit that’s my cousin. You don’t think she sucks your brother’s dick. Send.

  Rozalyn: Bye Tae.

  Tamar: Thank you baby. Send

  Rozalyn: For what?

  Tamar: For coming back to me. I’mma make every minute feel worth it. Send.

  Rozalyn: Mmmh. How so?

  I sent Rozalyn a picture of some shit I picked up at the sex shop about a week or so ago. I had planned to wait and use it after we got married, but I was eager to try some shit out with my baby.

  Rozalyn: What the hell is that?

  Tamar: The one in that black box is the shit I’mma use to tie you down to the bed while I eat that pussy up. And that other shit, you just gotta wait to find out.

  Rozalyn: I don’t think I’mma be here too much longer.

  Tamar: Lol. I bet you won’t.

  Rozalyn: Love you.

  Tamar: Love you too Mrs. Andrews.

  34: Rozalyn

  “What got you over there smiling and shit?” Kevin asked me and I looked up from my phone.

  “Tamar’s crazy ass. Talking about he’s gonna get in Kayla’s ass so that she act right by time you get home.”

  “Chmmp, that shit is over with. I’m done with her baby sis for real. She disrespected my fuckin’ kids even after I got into that accident, Ambria brought Kiriana up here and Kayla sat over there in the corner with a fuckin’ attitude. She can stay miserable by her damn self because I’m not entertaining her ass no more.”

  “Damn, I was really hoping y’all could get it together. I know if me and Tamar can work it out then so can the two of you.”

  “Nah, I’m cooling on it. I’ll take care of K.J. and Kira and pick them up every chance I get. Fuck that I’m about to run the streets with my young nigga Gotti and get this money.”

  “That’s another thing Tamar said to hurry up and get out this bed cause you missing money.”

  Kevin chuckled. “Tell them to let me out. I was up walking around yesterday. I get tired after a while, but hell, give me a wheel chair and some crutches and I’m good.”

  “Whatever boy, you better stay up here as long as them doctors tell you to. That money ain’t going nowhere.”

  “I know. Shit, what they say about Neek?”

  “I just got a text from Brian saying they don’t think he’s gonna make it through the night. I’m a go home and check on the kids and then come back and sit with Starr through the night. I really don’t wanna leave the kids with that bitch running around, but I don’t wanna leave Starr by herself like this.”

  “Tamar will make sure them kids good. What’s that on your finger?”

  I held my ring finger up so that Kevin could get a look at my new engagement ring. It was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen in my life.

  “Tamar proposed, again.”

  “Nigga cashed out on that muthafucka. How much he pay for that?”

  “I don’t know. No more than a few thousand I’m sure.”

  “Few thousand. A few million maybe. Look at the cut. That gotta be at least 15-carats.”

  “Hell, I don’t know nothing about jewelry. I don’t really wear it, you know that.”

  “Be careful baby sis. Trust me I know. That’s a few meals sitting on your finger.”

  I looked down at my ring and then back up at Kevin. I didn’t see Tamar paying a few million dollars on my ring. He had the money to do so if he wanted, but Tamar didn’t believe in spending money in ways that wasn’t going to give him anything back in return.

  The only thing I had ever seen him spend lavishly on was the houses he bought and maybe even a few foreign cars that he hardly ever pushed. Other than that, he was more concerned with growing his earnings so that our kids would never have anything to worry about.

  I sat talking with my brother for another hour before kissing him and saying my goodbyes. I was headed to the restroom when my phone vibrated from a number that I didn’t recognize. I could see in the preview that someone had sent m
e a picture message.

  I was so into my phone that I wasn’t even watching where I was going and ended up bumping into a doctor on my way inside of the restroom.

  “Oh, God. I am so sorry,” I said with a light giggle. I walked in after them and inside of a stall closing and locking it behind me. It was picture message from Jaheim. I pulled the picture up and saw that he had taken a selfie and had a blunt hanging from his lip. I shook my head because it was obvious that he had hospital gown on, but instantly smiled because I now knew that he was okay.

  The caption on the picture read: Wish you were here. A nigga missing you ma <3

  Me: So glad that you are okay. I was so worried when I came to check on you and you were gone. Send.

  Jaheim: Pops flew me to a hospital in Dallas. Told him I was robbed but I know he don’t believe me because I haven’t talked to him since I been home.

  Me: I’m sorry. Send.

  Jaheim: Don’t be. I really wanted something with you.

  Me: Honestly I did too. Send.

  Jaheim: Would you believe me if I said that I was falling in love with you?

  I stood in the stall and thought about how to respond to that. I hadn’t known Jaheim very long, but I couldn’t lie and say that I didn’t feel anything for him. It was something special about him that had things gone a different route, I probably would’ve never tried to fix things with Tamar. I wasn’t nowhere in love with Jaheim, but I honestly did think that something more was going to come out of our relationship. I actually felt that he was someone that I could’ve fallen in love with. But I also knew that I was still in love with my husband and that it would never work.

  Jaheim: Y’all back together huh?

  Me: Yes. I really did care about you and still think about you though. That’s the truth. Send

  Jaheim: Damn. That hurts. But that nigga crazy about you and I know why. I would be the same damn way.

  Me: lol. Hope you find someone that truly takes care of your heart the way that you deserve. <3 Send.

  Jaheim: You gonna have me out here looking for girls name Rozalyn. With a Brooklyn accent. I need that in my life.

  Me: Lol crazy. Send.

  Jaheim: Take care baby. I’ll check up on you every now and then.

  Me: Okay you too. Send.

  I slid my phone in my purse and then took care of my business in the stall before stepping out to wash my hands. I placed my hands under the stream of water and then squirted the foam soap into my hands. I raised my head to check myself out in the mirror and was suddenly hit over the head by the doctor that I had ran into when I was coming in here.

  My body went crashing to the floor and I was kicked in my stomach before I could even hit the ground. I rolled up into the fetal position and covered my head with my hands when they kept kicking me over and over again.

  “When I’m done with you, I’m gonna make sure your face is unrecognizable so they gotta give you a closed casket,” she said as she kicked me in my nose causing blood to skeet out all over the floor. I recognized her voice immediately and knew this bitch Kari had gotten to me again. I should’ve known that this wasn’t some random attack. She was the only somebody crazy enough to dress up as a damn doctor just so she could get to me.

  The next time she brought her foot up to kick me, I reached out and grabbed her leg, and pushed her back. She staggered backwards into one of the stalls. I was hurting so fuckin’ bad, but got up off the floor as I quickly as I could. She came running back at me, and I swung and punched her in the face. I wasn’t no damn fighter like that, but this hoe wasn’t about to take me again. She had already caused too much pain and too much drama to let her make it.

  Kari grabbed at my hair and rammed me into the door, I used my fist and punched her on top of the head repeatedly and then pushed her forward in an attempt to get her to let my hair go.

  This freckled-face bitch fell to the floor taking a patch of my hair with her. I could feel it as it detached from my scalp and for that I kicked the bitch in her chin so hard I heard her shit crack.

  “Who’s gonna be unrecognizable now bitch? Huh?” I said as I kicked her again, and then again. I stopped kicking her when I thought she had enough. She lay there on the floor as still as a corpse. I rushed over to the sink to where I had dropped my purse and picked it up from the floor. I took a second to look at my face in the mirror before grabbing my cell phone to let Tamar know to come up here and get this bitch.

  The only thing I was able to type was Come before Kari’s ass had jumped up off the floor and charged at me like a fucking football player. This bitch had to be on steroids. She took my head and slammed it into the edge of the sink. This time, I could hear my bones cracking.

  “All I want is my damn baby and for you to die!” Kari screamed. “Just die! You took her from me and you didn’t even give her chance to know who her mother was.”

  My head was pounding something serious. I was kneeling over on the floor and so much blood and spewed down my face that it had gotten into my eyes and I could no longer see. I felt around on the floor for my purse, slid it to me when my fingers ran over it, and reached inside.

  Kari punched me into the back of the head and sent me completely down. I was dazed, but not enough to where I couldn’t grab the small handgun that I had taken from Tamar’s house after finding out that Kari was free. Starr never left home without her nine, and I was starting to think that maybe I should do the same thing. Somehow I knew that she would be back to try her hand at killing me again and I wasn’t wrong. I used the sleeve of my shirt to wipe my eyes, rolled over onto my back, and didn’t hesitate to pull back on the trigger.

  Kari’s eyes grew big as she reached for her shoulder. She attempted to come into my direction again and I fired a warning shot that made her back off.

  “Bitch make one more muthafuckin move and I swear to God, I will blow your fuckin’ brains out!” I screamed.

  “Do it! Kill me! Shoot me you coward bitch!” she yelled before she ran at me and I squeezed the trigger again this time shooting her in the leg. I wasn’t going to kill this hoe. As much satisfaction that it would give me to know that she was dead and I would never have to worry about her again, I wouldn’t do it. It would be too easy for her and besides I didn’t want this hoe haunting me the same way that Latoya and her mom had been haunting me. I couldn’t have this shit on my brain on a daily as well.

  By now, I could hear the alarms blaring overhead. I was assuming that someone heard the shots and had warned someone that something was up. Finally, I grabbed my cell phone again and sent Tamar that message.

  Me: 911. 5th floor restroom now before I kill this bitch. Send.

  Being that there were several restrooms on the floor, I kept the gun trained on Kari as I backed up towards the door and tried to open it. It would even open and then is when I realized that this hoe had locked us in here. I twisted the lock and pulled the door open. I was so damn dizzy that I had to hold onto the wall to keep from falling.

  By the time I made it out of the restroom, there was not a body in site. Everyone had cleared off the floor and I prayed that they didn’t have shit blocked off where Tamar couldn’t get up here. I looked to my left and to my right several times.

  I had taken my eyes off Kari a little too long that I didn’t realize that she was sliding her way out of the bathroom and towards me. I kept the gun on her as I backed away. I was doing my best not to shoot her again and she was doing her best trying to make me pull the trigger.


  I looked over my shoulder and Tamar was in a full sprint in my direction. He snatched the pistol so fast from my hand that I didn’t get a chance to protest before he had squeezed back on the trigger and popped Kari in her stomach.

  “Nooooo!” I screamed. “Don’t kill that hoe! I want that bitch to suffer. Don’t give her the easy way out, Tamar.”

  Tamar looked at me like I was crazy but to me there was no greater way to make a person pay than making them have to
deal with their miserable lives on a day by day basis. I wanted Kari to wake up pissed every morning at the fact that that no matter how many times she tried, she still couldn’t beat me.

  Tamar picked me up into his arms and carried me away from Kari. I looked over my shoulder as Big Ace walked over to her and picked her up off the floor.

  “Tamar, don’t let him kill her. Make her suffer.”

  “I got you,” he responded and I just hoped that he meant it.

  “I just wanna go home and kiss on my babies,” was the last thing I said before I became so dizzy that all I could do was close my eyes until I could no longer feel or hear anything.

  35: Starr

  9 months later…

  “Are y’all ready?” I screamed out to the crowd of women that filled the room.

  “Yasss bitch yasss! I know it’s a girl though. I know my bestie,” Brian screamed out and I cracked up laughing at his ass.

  “I think it’s a girl, too,” another chick yelled whom I didn’t know.

  “Nah, it’s a boy,” Kim said.

  I waved my hand in the air so that they could all shut up. It was time to make the big reveal. I pulled the white cover from over the stencil board that held a blown up picture of a sonogram.

  “It’s a girl!”

  Everybody that was right began to cheer and say their I told you so’s. I laughed and handed out the prizes that they had won for guessing the sex.

  “Congratulations bestie. I knew that I was right,” Brian said.

  “Thank you!” Rozalyn told him as she stood up and did a little dance.

  “Aye, man chill with that before you go into labor or some shit,” Tamar said as he peeked his head into the room causing Rozalyn to immediately stop dancing and lick her tongue out at him. Even though she already had Trina, she was finally having a girl that was biologically her own. I couldn’t wait until she got here because I knew she was going to be just as beautiful as her mama.

  “You want me to fix you something to eat?” I asked Rozalyn as she sat back down in the chair. Maybe Tamar was right about her doing all that dancing cause her ass looked like she was ready to pop. She shook her head yes and looked at me with pleading eyes.


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