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Mine (Trojans MC #5)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m not going to do anything to Beth.”

  Now Beth, she was causing him some serious problems, and he didn’t know what to do about that. She was twisting him up in knots, and making it hard for him to think clearly. The club whores had lost their appeal. At nighttime he struggled to forget about her. He’d try to use the club girls, but knowing Beth was somewhere close made it impossible for him to just sink into a willing cunt.

  “Good. I don’t want to have to deal with brothers fighting.”

  “We’re not fighting over the same girl.”

  “No, you’re fighting over his sister. You’ve got to show respect, Knuckles.”

  “I’m not going to hurt her. I’m not going to do anything that she doesn’t like.” Something had hurt Beth, and he was going to make sure that nothing ever touched her again. He couldn’t have her, but it didn’t mean that he couldn’t keep her safe.


  “You took long enough to call,” Beth said. “I already told Daisy I’m going to kick his ass. What’s your excuse?”

  Maria smiled, hearing the fire in her friend. It had been too long since she’d heard her friend be that concerned before.

  “You missing me?”

  “Stop evading the question.”

  “We only just got here, and Daisy is just getting something ready for lunch.” The scent coming from the kitchen was actually making her want to vomit. Daisy may have many good qualities, but cooking didn’t seem to be one of them.

  “Daisy’s cooking?”

  “I don’t know if that smell can be called cooking. He’s doing a science experiment in the kitchen.”

  “I’d keep the phone close in case he gives you food poisoning.” Beth started to laugh, and Maria simply enjoyed the sound of her friend finally loosening up.

  “How are you?” Maria asked.

  The laughter faded. “I’m doing okay.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes. You don’t need to worry about me. What you need to worry about is having a good time with my brother. Speaking of Daisy, is he being nice?”

  Rolling her eyes, Maria rested against the back of the bed. She was still completely naked, and she let out a sigh. “We’ve only been here a couple of minutes, not long enough to make an impression on each other.”

  “Be careful, Maria. I know you’ve been in love with Daisy for a long time. He’s not the falling in love kind of guy.”

  Maria nodded. “I know.”

  “I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  “What’s going on with you?”

  “Nothing. I was just talking with Knuckles. What do you think of him?”

  She had seen Knuckles watching Beth. He’d not been looking at her with hunger. When Knuckles looked at Beth, it was like her was trying to figure her out. Beth was a puzzle he needed to solve. “He seems like a nice guy.”

  “All of the guys are nice here.”

  They were all nice because Beth was Daisy’s sister, and he was part of the club. They were showing them some respect. She had no doubt that if they were just plain old party girls, they’d have been treated differently.

  Maria had taken the time to observe the club whores, and the old ladies. Without even knowing the proper lingo, she saw the difference in the two groups of women. The club whores were used. She’d seen men at parties grab women, bend them over a surface, and fuck them.

  Yes, she had sneaked out of her room to see what all the fuss was about. Hidden, she’d seen some of the men create a line behind one woman, and each man take her, spilling his cum into a condom, before another man took his place. The club did practice safe sex. She imagined that had to do with Crazy, and what happened to him. Crazy had been tricked by a club whore to the point that he’d gotten her pregnant, and ended up marrying her for the right to have the kid.

  When it came to the club whores, once the men had their pleasure, they left the women alone. No emotion, no affection, nothing. It was like the women didn’t exist. Now, the old ladies, that was completely different. They were not used in front of the club, and when they were close to their men, they couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. Each man found a way to touch his old lady, be it a kiss, a touch of the hand, pulling her against him. They all tried to do it. Duke tended to grab the back of Holly’s neck and kiss her. Maria always yearned for something like that, strong, possessive, and dominant. She had seen the way the men were with old ladies and the respect other men gave the women. Maria thought about Landon and Zoe. The two were friends, and Zoe belonged to Raoul. Even though Landon would tease Zoe, she’d seen the way he took care of her. No one could mess with an old lady and get away with it.

  Maria wanted that. She wanted to belong to someone, and to have the respect of the club to know she belonged to one man.

  “They’re not all nice,” Maria said. She was concerned about Beth, scared for her after what her friend went through.

  “I’m not going to be stupid, Maria. You don’t have to worry about me.”

  “I can’t help but worry about you.”

  Beth sighed. “I’m not going back.”

  “You’ve made your mind up?”

  “Yes. I’m not going back, and I’m going to call my parents up and tell them I’m staying here. I want to find something for myself.”

  Maria ran her fingers through her hair, trying to think of the best advice to give to her. Beth had been to hell and back, and she didn’t want to be a cause for her friend to deteriorate.

  “Benedict will pay one day, Maria. It won’t be today, or tomorrow. It probably won’t even be this year, but one day he will get what is coming to him,” Beth said, whispering the words.

  “Will there be justice for you?” Maria asked.

  “It doesn’t matter about me.”

  Tears sprang to Maria’s eyes. She’d been the one to find her friend that morning, and had tried to fight Benedict and his family. No one would take Beth’s word against the Mayor’s son. The town only knew what it wanted to know, not the truth. The truth the town was not able to cope with. Maria wondered what would happen if the Trojans turned up, and showed Benedict’s family they couldn’t be bought or silenced. It would never happen because Beth wouldn’t let her tell Daisy.

  “You’ve got to tell someone.”

  “You want me to tell my brother? Do you know what he’d do to him? I can’t let Daisy go to prison because of me. I love my brother.”

  Maria wasn’t an idiot. She knew the MC was a dangerous group of men, and Daisy had hurt people throughout his life, maybe even gone as far as killing them. If anyone in the world deserved Daisy’s kind of wrath, it was Benedict. The bastard was smug, getting away with everything, and that fucking angered her.

  “He loves you as well.”

  “I don’t want to talk about this, Maria. I want you to enjoy your time with my brother, and just have some fun. You’ve been craving his attention for a long time, and he’s finally given in.”

  “Fine, you won’t talk about it, and I can’t make you.”

  “I will phone you tomorrow to make sure you survive my brother’s food.” After saying goodbye, they hung up, and Maria stayed seated on the bed, staring down at the cell phone. She had been friends with Beth for as long as she could remember. They lived so close together that they had been inseparable. They even used walkie-talkies at night so they weren’t alone. The night Beth had gotten hurt, Maria had been bed-bound with sickness, and unable to help her friend.

  Wiping away the tears that had fallen, she got to her feet and made her way toward the kitchen. The stench of burnt food was already heavy in the air, and when she walked toward Daisy, she watched him jump back, cursing.

  “Fuck! This looks fucking easy on the TV. What the fuck am I doing wrong? Lying bastards.”

  “What’s wrong? Who lied?” Maria asked, doing her hardest not to laugh.

  “Bloody chefs on TV. They make food look easy.”

  “They’re supposed to. It’s food,
and it’s their careers. They would make anything look easy.”

  “Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to help me?” he asked.

  “Go, and sit.” She pointed at the chair near the kitchen. “You need to stay as far away from the kitchen as humanly possible. I mean, seriously, look at the mess of the kitchen.” She pulled the frying pan off the heat, and saw an egg, or what looked like an egg swimming in fat. Ew. It looked so gross, and her stomach turned.

  “I was trying to do the right thing.”

  “It’s nearly dinner.” She shook her head, completely amazed that anyone could destroy a fried egg.

  “I like fried eggs. I’ve watched Holly and Mary work.”

  She glanced toward him, seeing him pouting. “You’re just a big cuddly teddy bear, aren’t you?”


  “You’re pouting. Who knew a Trojan could pout? It’s kind of cute, and you’re supposed to be this badass biker. I’m not scared of you, Daisy.”

  “I don’t want you to be afraid of me, Maria. I want you to be turned on by me.”

  She paused, and turned to look back at him. “What?” She had to have heard wrong, right? Daisy had never crossed that line with her, well, apart from being completely naked in front of her.

  He leaned back in his chair looking every part the sexy biker. “Tell me, Maria, is your pussy wet?”

  “You’re asking me this now, when we’ve got food to cook?”

  Daisy shrugged. “I’m a man who likes his food, and his pussy. You want to belong to me then you’ve got to be honest with me. Is your pussy soaking wet?”

  She stood before him naked, and he was asking her about her pussy. Daisy hadn’t put any clothing on, and as he sat back, he wrapped his fingers around his swelling cock.

  “This is all for you. Come here.”

  Food could wait. Any hunger she had disappeared as Daisy became her main focus. She took her time making her way over to him. His legs were partially open, and he slid them open a little more, waiting for her to step between them.

  “I love the fact you’re not embarrassed about being naked.”

  She hadn’t thought about being naked. Daisy made her lose focus of all of her insecurities, and her thoughts were on him. He invaded her mind, and the heat in his eyes left her in no doubt that he was attracted to her. She loved the way he stared at her. For the first time in her life, she felt empowered, in control, and ready for life.

  He placed his hands on her hips, and she couldn’t resist biting her lip. His touch alone had her aroused.

  “Your nipples have gotten hard, babe. You like my hands on you?”

  She didn’t bother to lie, and nodded her head whispering the word. “Yes.”

  Daisy ran his hands from her hips up to just under her breasts. She couldn’t help but take a breath in. His touch made it impossible for her to concentrate on anything else.

  Chapter Four

  “You know what I love about being here?” Daisy asked, rubbing his thumbs across the underside of her tits. Her nipples were rock hard, pushing up, and begging to be sucked. Her body was so damn curvy, and he just wanted to touch, caress, and arouse her.

  “No, I don’t.”

  “I can have you naked all day, every day.” He ran his thumbs across her nipples again, giving in to his pleasure. Just touching Maria was all it took for him to get aroused. His cock was straining to get inside her. He also loved how damn responsive she was. Maria didn’t hold anything back¸ opening herself up to his touch, and loving it. “No brother will see you.”

  “No one?”

  “No one. You’re all mine. I don’t like sharing, Maria.”

  She opened her eyes and stared at him. “You’re lying. I’ve seen you share.”


  “At the clubhouse. It’s not like there is a lock on my door keeping me out. I’ve left my room, and saw you fucking other women. One after the other the men use them.” She held onto his shoulders. “You’ve no problem with sharing then.”

  “There’s a huge difference.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “None of those women belonged to me. They’re club property. They fuck every single guy in the club, and they love doing it. You came to me, Maria.” She was old lady material, through and through. “No other man will ever know how damn big your tits are, or how your nipples pucker when you’re aroused.” Sliding one hand from her ribcage down her stomach, he cupped her between her thighs. “They’ll never know how soft your skin is, or how wet you can be.” He slid his finger between the lips of her pussy, and Maria tensed up. “No one touched you here before?”

  She shook her head.

  You’re the first man.

  There’s a chance for you to be the only man.

  Daisy filled with excitement at the prospect of being the only man to touch, explore, and eventually fuck Maria.

  Sliding his finger across her clit, he saw her shake, and her nails dug into his shoulders. “You’re not used to being touched, my little virgin.”

  Cupping her breast, he matched the strokes over her clit with her nipple. Maria closed her eyes, and he didn’t want that. He wanted her eyes on him all the time. “Look at me.”

  She opened her eyes, and the blue in her depths seemed a little deeper.

  Pulling his fingers away from her pussy, he held his finger up between them. “You’re soaking wet for me.” Grabbing her hips, he stood up. He was much taller than Maria, and her head only came to his chest. “I want you on the table.”

  He helped her onto the table, and pressed his fingers to her chest. “Lie back.”


  “Do you trust me?”


  “Then trust me when I say lie back.”

  Maria sighed, and slowly lowered her body to the table. Standing at the head of the table, for the first time, Daisy felt like the king of his castle. Maria had always been his woman, and he’d been fighting it for so long. The moment she came to the clubhouse with his sister, he should have claimed her as his own. Instead, he’d waited. She was younger than he was by ten years, but he wouldn’t ever stop her from living life. She was nineteen, ready for college, and everything else that the world could offer her. He wanted her to have everything her heart desired, including him.

  Would you give her up if she wanted a man without the club?

  Daisy gripped her hips, and pulled her to the edge of the table. She didn’t want what other people wanted. Maria, herself, had told him that. She wanted him, to belong to him. There had to be a way that they could both find what the other wanted.

  I’ve got some time.

  His sister wasn’t going anywhere. She’d already told him that she didn’t want to leave Vale Valley. He hadn’t questioned the reason behind his sister’s decision. If Knuckles had anything to do with it, he honestly didn’t know what to do. On the one hand, he wanted to thank Knuckles for keeping his sister close to him. Then of course, on the other hand, he wanted to kill Knuckles for even trying to encourage Beth. It was a two edged sword.

  “You’ve been wearing those pretty little dresses all summer to tease me, to taunt me with what I can’t have,” he said, caressing his fingers down to her pussy. He opened her pussy lips and saw her swollen clit. She was so wet and creamy. He wanted a taste of her. The scent of her arousal was heady in the air. His cock strained up, and even though all he wanted to do was pound inside her, he held back. “The truth is, babe, this has always belonged to me.”


  He smiled. “Any man tried to kiss what belongs to me?”


  “Do I need to kick someone’s ass for touching my woman?”

  “No. I’m yours, Daisy, all yours.”

  “I like that, baby. You’re giving me something I’ve only ever dreamed about.” He had his own virgin to train exactly how he wanted her. Daisy wouldn’t hurt Maria. Sliding his fingers through her slit, he stroked over her clit, around,
across, and over. She started to breathe long and deep. Her cheeks grew flushed as she stared back at him. “You’re growing wetter.”

  “Are you going to—” She bit her lip, stopping what she was about to say.

  “You’ve got to say the words, babe. I’m not going to even try to guess what you’re going to say.”

  “Are you going to … fuck me?”

  Damn, those words had his cock thickening even more. She didn’t have any clue how damn sexy and hot she sounded, and it was driving him crazy with need.

  “One day, I will. Today, tonight, it’s not going to happen.”

  He wanted to get it so that she was so lost with her desire to fuck him that she was begging him every chance she got. Daisy was going to spend his time showing her how good it could be between the two of them.

  You want to keep her.

  That wasn’t just it. His feelings for Maria were a lot deeper than that.

  “You see, little Maria, there’s a lot more fun to be had. I don’t just have to fuck you, and get it over with. I can do a lot more than that.” Using both of his hands, he placed both his thumbs on either side of her clit, and started to caress her. She arched up, moaning as he stroked her sweet pussy.

  “Do you see what I mean, babe?”

  “Daisy!” She screamed his name, sitting up on the table. Releasing her clit, he gripped her hair tightly, and slammed his lips down on hers, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth. He was ravenous, and the only person he wanted to taste was right in front of him. Her perfect body called to him, begging for him to take, to fuck, to love.

  “You’re mine,” he said, growling the words against her lips, deepening the kiss further.

  She gripped his shoulders, gasping out his name, and he devoured her mouth, needing to consume every part of her.

  He let go of her hair, and started to glide his hands down her body, cupping her tits, then down even more.

  “I’ve changed my mind. It’s time for a taste of this creamy cunt,” he said.

  Taking a seat in his chair, he leaned forward, and slid his tongue across her clit, circling the bud, then gliding down to hover over her virgin entrance. He was going to claim that pussy, and mark every single part of her.


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