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Mine (Trojans MC #5)

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  There was only one word that he thought about when he looked at Maria.



  Maria cried out as he sucked her clit into his mouth. He used his teeth, and she couldn’t pull away, nor did she want to. His hands opened her pussy lips, sucking, flicking, and licking her clit. The pleasure was instant, and in that moment, she wondered why she’d never done this before.

  No one is good enough.

  No one but Daisy.

  “You taste so fucking good, babe. I’m going to be sucking your clit a lot over the next couple of weeks. Actually, scrap that. I’m going to be sucking your clit for the rest of my life.” His tongue moved down, circling her entrance but not penetrating. Whenever his tongue moved toward her entrance, she tensed up expecting him to simply take her. “I told you I won’t be fucking this pretty pussy, baby. You’ve got to learn to trust me.”

  Her cheeks heated as he continued to tease her.

  This was what she wanted, what she craved.

  Daisy flicked his tongue back and forth over her clit, and she just couldn’t hold back her screams of pleasure.

  The orgasm started to build inside her, and there was no way for her to stop her release, or fight it. There, on Daisy’s kitchen table, she came, thrusting her pussy onto his face, and loving every second of his lips on her.

  He didn’t stop and kept on sucking her clit. The pleasure continued, taking her by surprise, and making her scream his name over and over. Finally, he slowed his strokes, and pulled away with a final kiss.

  “You’re fucking beautiful,” he said, kissing her clit.

  She took a deep breath and glanced down to find him licking his lips. Her cheeks heated from the hunger in his eyes.


  He stood up, and she caught sight of his erect cock. Daisy was rock hard, and the tip leaked his pre-cum.

  “Do you want me to take care of that?” she asked.

  “I’ll take care of this. I want you to stay exactly where you are so I can admire the view.” He wrapped his fingers around his dick, and worked from the base up to the tip.

  Lifting up on her elbows, she looked down to watch him masturbate. His cock looked so damn hard.

  “Does it hurt?” she asked.

  “No, it doesn’t hurt. It feels good. Just looking at you arouses me. Don’t get me wrong, I said I won’t fuck your pussy, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want to.” One of his hands rested on her knees, and she opened her thighs wider for him to see. “When I take you and make you mine, you’re not going to be in any doubt to how I feel about you.”

  “I want you, Daisy.”

  “You want me, but you’re not ready for me. I’m not a small guy, and I’ve got to get you ready. There’s a lot more to do, and have fun with than just going straight into fucking.” He slowed his movements on his cock.

  Maria tensed up as he placed his cock between the lips of her pussy, and started to move up and down. Each thrust of his hips had him bumping her clit. “What other things?” she asked.

  “Like this. I’m not fucking you, but I can tell you I’m getting a shitload of pleasure right now just by watching you. You’re driving me fucking crazy, baby.”

  He leaned over her, taking one of her nipples into his mouth and sucking hard. The pleasure and slight pain consumed her, making her arch up against him. The breast he wasn’t suckling, he started to pinch the nipple, teasing her body.

  Daisy pulled away, his thrusts growing more powerful as he grabbed her hips. He didn’t fuck her, but it was so damn close.

  “We’ve got a lot to explore together, to get to know each other. You’ve given me your trust, and it’s time for me to show you what I can give you.” He slammed his lips down on hers and grunted. She felt his cock pulse, followed by his cum spilling onto her stomach. Maria stared into Daisy’s eyes as he came. He looked different, more masculine somehow.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  “There’s a hell of a lot more for us to look forward to.” He pressed another kiss to her lips, and stood. “Come on, baby, it’s time for you to feed me.”

  He moved away, and she was about to get up when he came back with some tissues.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m cleaning you up.” He wiped away his semen and helped her off the table. Daisy wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her up. Her legs were weak from the pleasure. He kept holding her until she was steady, and then he released her.

  “I want to ask you a question,” he said.

  Maria tensed up, knowing it was going to be about Beth. She didn’t know why she knew it was going to be about Beth, only that he sounded different when he was talking about her sister. “I can’t tell you.”

  “Is it something I can help with?” he asked.

  He looked torn, and so damn upset that she almost told him.

  “Please don’t put me in this position. Beth’s my best friend, and you’re … I don’t know what you are.”

  Daisy sighed, looking like he wanted to argue.

  “You’re my woman, Maria. Don’t forget that. I’ll keep asking Beth, but I won’t put you in the position that it’ll call your friendship into question.” He pressed a kiss to her head and stepped back.

  “Go and make us some dinner. I’ve got a couple of calls to make.”

  Maria stood watching him as he walked away. He picked up his jeans, sliding them on. Daisy grabbed the cell phone and walked out of the cabin. She saw him on the cell phone in the next instant.

  Why can’t you trust him, Beth?

  Beth’s secrets were not hers, but she had a feeling if she didn’t tell Daisy soon, it could cost her a relationship with him.

  Chapter Five

  “I’m sick and tired of this bullshit, Dad. What happened to Beth?” Daisy asked. He didn’t want to put Maria in a difficult position, but he also needed to know what the hell was going on.

  “Son, we asked you not to ask questions. Beth is getting better. She’s even called us about her staying there indefinitely—”

  “And you’re happy with that? I remember when Beth wanted to go out of town to a college. You lost your shit. You didn’t even want the club coming near her. The Trojans are the best kind of men, and now you’re more than happy with her being around me all the time?” Daisy was really starting to get confused.

  No one knew anything.

  Go to the source?

  What if he was to go to the town where his parents were? Take a couple of the guys, and just get a feel of the place? Even as he thought of it, he looked through the window and saw Maria standing at the stove. Her ass swayed, and from the sounds coming outside, she’d put some music on.


  He’d have to do something when he got back home. This was his one chance with Maria, and he wasn’t going to screw it up.

  “Daisy, you need to stop talking about this. It’s not your business, and Beth doesn’t need that kind of shit here.”

  “You’re kidding me right? Not my kind of business? My sister is a shell of her former self, and you don’t think I need to know shit like that?” Daisy started to pace up and down, getting angrier with every passing second. This entire situation was starting to piss him off. No, it wasn’t starting to. He was pissed off.

  “Do you love Beth?”

  “You know I do. She’s my sister. I’d die protecting her.”

  “Then accept that she doesn’t want anything to happen. She’s happy with the Trojans, and you. Please, for her, control yourself.”

  Daisy closed his eyes and counted to ten. His anger was one of his problems. Once he started, it was hard for him to keep it under control. He’d never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it. He hadn’t hurt a woman before, either. There was a time when he was concerned that he wouldn’t be good for women.

  No woman had inspired him to kill. He’d witnessed that emotion in Crazy and Duke. Daisy had only seen Duke actually kill a woman, not that he c
ould blame him. Duke’s ex had almost killed Holly.

  “I’ve spoken to Beth. She’s said you’re courting Maria?”

  Daisy chuckled. “You’re trying to change the subject?”

  “Maria’s always been in love with you. When you’re around, there’s a sparkle in her eyes. I’ve never seen that girl react to anyone the way she does to you.”

  He thought about the time he’d been with Maria. When she was younger, he’d tried to avoid her. He’d noticed her sidelong looks, and the way she stared at him. Daisy had always assumed she’d not liked him, being Beth’s rebel brother.

  How wrong he’d been.

  Looking through the window, he saw Maria singing into a wooden spoon, swinging her hips from side to side. She really was something. He loved how she wasn’t embarrassed to be naked around him.

  You were naked as well.

  He doubted she’d have willingly gone without clothes if he’d not gotten naked as well.

  His cock started to thicken once again, and he moved away from the window.

  “Be careful with her, Daisy.”


  “No, Maria. She’s got a fire inside her that makes her seem strong, but I’d bet every cent I have that she’s vulnerable, breakable.”

  Daisy didn’t doubt it, and he wouldn’t bet his small fortune either. Maria was vulnerable, and if she let him into her heart, and he broke it, it would shatter her. She was a strong woman in everything, but when it came to her heart, she was a kitten.

  “I won’t hurt her.”

  “Before you make her your old lady, or whatever you call it, make sure you’re sure. I don’t want you to get hurt, and to inadvertently hurt her either,” his father said.


  Daisy looked toward the door as Maria peered out. “Food is ready.”

  He nodded. “I’ve got to go.”

  “Think about what I’ve talked about.”

  Thinking about it wasn’t the problem. What his father was trying not to say was don’t act on what he’d said. Growing up Daisy had gotten into more trouble because he acted on his own thoughts.

  Daisy wasn’t a stupid man, and he knew the best way to deal with problems was to wait for them to go cold. If you reacted in the heat of the moment, there was no chance to enjoy the chaos that would come after. Daisy liked to enjoy taking down his problems, screwing them over and over again. There was nothing like prolonging the moment.

  He hung up the phone, walking toward Maria. She looked so damn gorgeous—and naked. He quickly removed his jeans so that he was naked once again.

  “Who were you talking to?” she asked.

  “My dad.”

  “You were asking about Beth again, right?”


  She sighed. “You’re not going to let it go?”

  “Would you, if it were your sister?”

  “No. I wouldn’t. You’re a good brother, Daisy.”

  Taking hold of her hand, he tugged her toward him. He loved the way she melted against him, trusting him. “Have you always thought that?”


  Cupping her cheek, he ran his thumb across her bottom lip. “You know, there was a time I thought you couldn’t stand me.”

  Maria shook her head, sighing. “It just goes to show men don’t know what they’re talking about. You confused me. When I was younger, you always made me nervous, and I wasn’t ready for what I wanted.”

  “Which is what?”

  “You. You’re not an easy person to ignore, Daisy. You’ve got a presence around you, and it’s hard to just turn away. When you were around, my body seemed to have a mind of its own.”

  He tilted her head back. “You got turned on by me, baby?”

  She smiled. “Yes. Dinner is ready.”

  “Let’s go and eat.”

  Taking hold of her hand, he led the way back into the room. She followed without fighting him. He half expected her to fight him on something. She was a little firecracker to the core.

  Two plates were on either side of the table, and he didn’t like it.

  Taking hold of one plate, he put it next to his. “I want you to sit beside me.”

  She took a seat next to him, shivering. “It’s a little cold.”

  He burst out laughing.

  “I don’t know if this will be better than Holly and Mary’s food.”

  “I don’t compare, baby.”

  She winced. “That’s not good, is it?”

  “Do you want to know if your food is awful?”

  “Yes. If things go well together, won’t you want me to cook for you?” she asked.

  Didn’t she realize that even if her cooking was shit, he’d eat it anyway? Reaching out, he tugged some of her hair behind her ear.

  What was it about her?




  Maria had always made him think about who he was as a man. Was this what Duke, Pike, Raoul, and Crazy had gone through? All four brothers had recently found their old ladies. Holly, Mary, Zoe, and Leanna were amazing women. Maria, she was a wonderful woman, and she’d fit right in with the old ladies. The club would support and love her if something happened to him.

  He trusted the club more than anything.

  “Then I better have a taste.” Finally looking down at the plate he saw there was some fettucine with marinara sauce.

  “I used the spicy Italian sausage I saw in the fridge. There was a jar of marinara sauce, and I mixed it all together. I hope that’s okay.”

  “It’s fine, babe.” It smelled amazing. The garlic, herbs, and spices from the sausage were making his mouth water. He stuck his fork in the center, and gave it a twirl. Once his fork was full, he took a large bite, and flavor exploded inside his mouth.

  Now, Holly and Mary were damn good cooks. Leanna had the best lasagna, but he’d scored a woman who could cook, too.

  Glancing toward her, he saw she was nibbling her lip and staring at him waiting. “If you don’t like it, I’ll go and cook something else.”

  “I love it, baby. This is fucking tasty.”

  “It’s something Beth always liked as well.”

  “You cooked for Beth?” He didn’t like the hit of jealousy that struck him.


  Get over yourself. She’s been with Beth for years.

  Taking her hand, he locked their fingers together and started eating once again.

  “I like cooking for you,” she said.

  Tightening his hold around her, he smiled. He liked her cooking for him as well.


  “What’s the matter, baby?” Holly asked, walking up behind him. They were out at their ranch, and Duke had just found Matthew sexting with a girl from high school. Sexting? What the fuck was sexting? Yeah, talking sex while texting, and he’d had enough with this shit with regards to his son. He got about growing up, but there was ways to do it. Duke didn’t want Holly finding out what was going on, but his son seemed determined to make it known.

  “It’s about Matthew.”

  “What about him? He’s doing his homework, right?” Holly asked, looking toward the dining room.

  “He is.”

  “Are you going to talk to him about college? I don’t want him to go away, but if it will give him the best possible start in life, I’d have to live with that.”

  This was what he loved about Holly. She was caring to the very core. Matthew was not her son, and yet she loved him as if he was.

  “He’s having sex.” There, he’d said it.

  Holly laughed. “So? What’s the problem?”

  Duke frowned. “Matthew. I caught him having sex.”

  “The kid’s seventeen. He’s your son, and I take it the girls he’s with are the same age.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “Matthew is a good kid, and he’s not stupid either. I saw his stash of porn months ago. In fact, when we first moved in together, I saw it.”

“Excuse me?”

  “I thought you knew.” She kissed his cheek and ruffled his head. “I’m going to go and take care of Drake. He’s growing up so fast.”

  Three years had gone by so fast, and as he watched Holly walk out of his office, which he kept at the ranch, he wondered what had happened to the woman who would have been pissed off.

  “Hey, Dad,” Matthew said. “Now that you can see that Holly’s got no issues, are you going to give me my phone back?” Matthew folded his arms across his chest, and smirked.

  Duke sighed. “What happened to that little boy that was happy with a train set?”

  Matthew rolled his eyes. “No one can stay young forever, Dad. I bet you were like this growing up.”

  Grabbing Matthew’s cell phone from inside his desk, he walked around, flipping the phone between his fingers, and catching it. “You know, when I was your age, I didn’t have this kind of technology, didn’t even give a shit about it. Sexting wasn’t a thing. I had a real woman in my hands, and I fucked her until she couldn’t remember her own name.”

  Matthew held his hand out to take the phone. “I know what I’m doing.”

  “I’m going to let you have this phone with the agreement that you will take one year going to the college of Holly’s choice.”

  “What?” Matthew frowned. “I want to prospect with the club. I want to be like you.”

  “Yet if given the option I’d have gone to college. The club life is in my blood, but I didn’t have any other choice. You’ve got a chance to be something more.”

  “Suits don’t get you the pussy.”

  Duke shook his head. Staring down at his son’s phone, Duke didn’t want to do what he was about to, but there was no choice. Matthew was showing a side to himself that wasn’t going to go down well at the club, or in the world. He loved his son, and he was going to give him a harsh reality check.

  Fisting the phone, he threw it with all of his force toward the wall. The phone shattered, dropping down to the floor.

  “What the fuck, Dad?”

  “You think you’re being a smartass, but all you’re doing is showing you’re a kid with a dick that can get hard. Let me tell you something, Son, that hard dick will answer to the law. You knock up one of those girls, that will fall on you. You don’t bag your shit, and someone’s infected, you’ve got to live with that all your life.” Duke laughed. “You want to have a shot at being a prospect, well congrats, kid, you’ve just been initiated.” Duke would get his son a new phone, but he didn’t see any other way in getting through to Matthew other than letting the harsh realities of prospecting speak for him.


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