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Mine (Trojans MC #5)

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  She turned to shut the door before facing him again. “This is it?”

  “What else did you think I had in mind?”

  “I don’t know … sex?”

  Knuckles laughed. “As much as I’d love to fuck you, Beth, you’re not ready. We’ll get to that soon enough. You know it’s there. Now, do you want to play?”

  Taking a seat beside him, she stared at the computer game, which looked like some kind of fighting game. She didn’t recognize it, but when Knuckles handed her the remote, she started to play.

  “Thank you,” she said, once several seconds had gone by.


  “You’re not rushing me, or forcing me.”

  “Time will come for that, baby. Right now, try and kick my ass.”

  She started to giggle as they attacked each other on the screen.


  “You want us to do what?” Pie asked from his position around the church table.

  Duke stared around at his brothers, the men he’d willingly die for, and who he trusted with his woman, Holly. “Matthew’s coming on as a Prospect. I want you to treat him worse than a Prospect.”

  He saw all the men glancing at each other. Raoul and Landon were smiling as if he was talking crazy. Pike and Crazy were the only two taking it seriously. Chip, Knuckles, Floss, Brass, Smash, and several others were not taking him seriously. He’d called a church meeting early in the morning as he wanted this shit dealt with.

  “You mean you’ve woke me up to tell me your son is going to be a Prospect?” Daisy asked. They had put him on speaker so they could all hear.

  “We can’t treat Matthew any differently than anyone else. That’s not how our deal works,” Knuckles said. “He gets given the same tests as everyone else.”

  Duke ran fingers through his hair, and let out a sigh. “I know what you’re saying, Knuckles, I really do, but we test Prospects over time. Matthew is still in high school. I’m asking as a personal favor to me. Matthew is not ready to take on the Trojans MC. He’s also not ready for the fact his dick gets hard, and he’s fucking girls left, right, and center. What I want is for him to wake the fuck up. He’s a man, and he’s not behaving like one. He figures because he’s getting his dick wet, it makes him a man.” He now had all of their attention, and they were all taking him seriously.

  Crazy was the first to speak up. “You want to give him a crash course in being a man?”

  “Yes. He doesn’t get any club pussy, and he doesn’t get any special treatment. He’s not my son.”

  “What does Holly know about this?” Russ, her father, asked.

  “She knows I’m going to be putting some pressure on my boy. Don’t get me wrong, this is going to hurt, but I need him to see his options here.”

  “I’ve spoken to Holly. She wants Matthew to go to college,” Pike said.

  “Wouldn’t you?” Duke asked.

  “What happens if he passes?” Raoul asked.

  Duke knew there was a risk of Matthew being able to handle what the club threw at him. What he hoped was for his son to have a wakeup call. “Matthew has grown up within this club. You’ve always had his back, and he figures it’s going to be an easy change from kid to patched in member. Everyone has to go through Prospecting. It’s a rite of passage into the club for everyone.”

  “He’s right. If Holly had been a boy, she’d have had to go through being a Prospect, and I’d expect you all to treat her like any other Prospect.”

  “Well, Holly’s not a guy, and never wanted to be part of the club.” His woman hadn’t hated the club life, but she’d never wanted to be an old lady. Duke had soon changed her mind about that. She still didn’t like the thought of Matthew going through the life, but he’d asked her to trust him about this.

  Matthew was a smart boy, and he’d see that college was the right way. There would always be a spot here for him, just not right now.

  “If he cries, you’re not going to kick our ass, right?” Knuckles asked.

  “He’s only seventeen. He doesn’t get to see the fun stuff, and tell the club whores to ignore him like any other Prospect. Matthew gets the cleaning shit, the driving, and getting everything that Prospects hate about the club.”

  Pike chuckled. “This is going to be fun.”

  Duke hoped so, and he hoped Matthew grew from the experience. It wouldn’t be long before he was eighteen, and he could make the decisions himself. Until that day came, Duke was the one in charge, and his kid would do what was right.

  Dropping the gavel, he ended the call with Daisy, and watched his men file out of the room. Russ stayed behind just like he knew Russ would.

  “You all right?” Russ asked.

  They were alone, and Duke sagged in his chair.

  “Yes, no, and every fucking thing in between. Kids were not supposed to be easy.”

  Russ burst out laughing. “You’ve got two boys. One of which is old enough to wipe his own ass, and you’re thinking it’s hard? Try having a girl.”

  Duke tensed up, looking toward his father-in-law. “Girls are easy?”

  Another laugh came from Russ. “No, girls appear easy. They’re fucking hard work, Duke. Holly, she was always a sweet child, and she loved the club. Then she grew up, and her troubles started. I can tell you the first time she received her menstrual cycle, if it hadn’t been for Sheila I’d have had a breakdown. Not only was my baby growing up, I knew boys were going to notice that shit, too. The worst thing in the world is having a daughter, and knowing there were guys like yourself growing up. It makes you realize what an asshole you’d been.”

  “Fuck!” Duke didn’t even want to think of having a girl. “Pike’s got a girl.”

  “I know, and he doesn’t have a clue what is coming to him. Makes you feel sorry for the bastard, a little.”

  Duke smiled. “Seriously, Russ, do you think I’m doing the right thing?”

  Russ sighed. “Matthew’s a good kid, and like all good kids, they need a little guidance. You’re providing him that. Don’t let the shit go too far, and make sure he can come to you. You’ll be fine.”

  “He thinks the girls are going to fuck him.”

  “Then he’s going to get a fucking wakeup call.” Russ stood. “Trust your gut, Duke. It hasn’t done you wrong so far.”

  Nodding, he watched his father-in-law leave the church. He wasn’t surprised when Holly entered the room with Drake on her hip.

  “They’re in?”

  “They’re in, and you’ve got to trust me.”

  “I do trust you. I just hate that it has to happen.”

  “I know.” He got to his feet, and took Drake from her. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he tugged her close, rubbing his nose against hers. “I never want to have girls.”

  “Then you better tell your little swimmers to be good. I can’t control what we have.”

  She pressed her lips against his, and all of his concerns evaporated with her in his arms.

  He really did love this woman.

  Chapter Eight

  One week later

  Maria was losing her mind with all the pleasure Daisy was wreaking on her body. He wasn’t doing it right now, but it had been one long week of pleasure beneath his hands.

  You’re still a virgin.

  Yes, one week in Daisy’s bed, in his arms for the past twenty-four hours, over the last seven days, and she was still a virgin. It had to be some kind of record with this guy. She’d known Daisy a long time, and he was a highly sexed man. Even now, they were playing with each other, bringing each other to orgasm multiple times a day.

  She wanted sex, craved sex, needed sex, and that was just it—he wasn’t giving it.

  He was already awake this morning, and she saw the pastel blue summer dress with a lacy white bra. She loved the way he was always picking out her clothes.

  Biting her lip, she climbed out of bed, and looked down at her body.

  “Still a virgin!”

  Her breasts were a little s
ore and tender from Daisy’s lips and hands. Moving toward the mirror, she stared at her reflection, and wondered what she was going to do with him.

  “I want to have sex.” Shaking her head, she reached for her bra and started putting it on. Next, she went for the dress. Daisy never allowed her to wear panties, and she was nervous. Her menstrual cycle would be starting in two weeks. Did he know women went through that?

  Leaving the bedroom, she walked down the corridor, and paused when she saw Daisy speaking to Lucinda and Phil. They were in the sitting room of their cabin, and she forced a smile to her lips.

  Lucinda noticed her first.

  “Good morning,” Lucinda said.

  Daisy turned toward her, and he smiled. “Hey, baby. I was just going to come and wake you up.”

  He stood and moved toward her side, wrapping an arm around her waist.

  Still not having sex with me.

  Great, she was becoming obsessed with sex, and that was never a good thing.

  “We dropped in without an invitation. I’m surprised Daisy’s allowing us to keep living,” Phil said, laughing.

  “Well, you two can get away with it.” Daisy stroked her hip, and her body once again came alive. She couldn’t even talk to Beth about this. It would be too creepy talking to Daisy’s sister in the hope of finding out how to have sex with him. “Come on.”

  He eased her down to sit beside him, and she took a deep breath, smiling at the sweet couple.

  “So, Lucinda and I were extending an invitation to you to come eat dinner. Most of the tours have been done for the summer, and we’re winding down. We’re thinking a small barbeque, some music. What do you say?” Phil asked.

  “I’d love to. Maria and I will be here for another couple of weeks, and then we’ll be heading back to Vale Valley.” Daisy pressed a kiss to her head.

  Still not had sex, buddy.

  He was treating her—she didn’t even know how he was treating her, only that he was not having sex with her.

  “That reminds me. I just want to warn you that Laura has been asking after you.”

  “What?” Daisy asked, tensing up.

  Maria wasn’t too happy about it either. Laura, even though he didn’t love her, had been the first woman he’d been natural with. That woman had made him try to stop his own needs, and that pissed her off.

  “What has she been asking?”

  Lucinda looked at Phil. “You may as well tell him.”

  “She wants to know who you’re here with, and if you’re, erm, married? Just personal stuff.”

  “What have you said?” Daisy asked.

  “We don’t divulge personal information about our guests. You own this cabin, but you’re a personal friend, Daisy. We wouldn’t let anything personal go. I can promise you that.”

  He nodded. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

  Phil cleared his throat. “We better go.”

  “Yes. I’m sorry for invading your morning.” Lucina and Phil stood, and she stood beside Daisy’s side.

  You’re making plans with Daisy.

  Long term plans.

  No sex.

  Sex doesn’t matter.

  She hated the insecurity that was filling her. It sucked.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  Phil and Lucinda were walking away, and Maria shook her head.


  “Do you not want to go to their place for dinner?”

  “I’m looking forward to going to dinner with them.” She moved toward the kitchen, but Daisy stopped her, grabbing her hand, and pulling her toward him.

  “What is it? Don’t lie to me.”

  She stared into his eyes.

  No sex.

  No sex.

  No sex.

  It didn’t have to mean something, but it was going around and around in her head, and it was driving her crazy. She wasn’t used to being like this, and she hated it.

  “It’s nothing. I guess I don’t like Laura asking questions about you. Can I, erm, can I call Beth?” she asked.


  He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and handed it to her. “It means nothing.”


  “Laura. She means nothing to me, and the only person I care about is you. It’s never going to change.”

  She nodded. “I know. Do you want me to do breakfast?”

  He tilted his head, looking at her. “I’ll fix breakfast this morning. Tell Beth I miss her.” He stepped close to her, cupping her cheek, and pressing a kiss to her temple.

  No sex.

  Opening the door to the cabin, she stepped out and dialed Beth’s number. It rang several times, and when a masculine voiced answered, Maria frowned.

  “Who is it?” the guy said.

  “Erm, who are you? This is Beth’s phone.”

  “Shit, two seconds.” She heard scuffling, and then Beth’s name. “Someone’s on the phone.”

  “What?” Beth asked.

  Shit, what the hell was Beth doing in bed with someone? What was going on?

  “Hello,” Beth said.

  “Who the hell is that?” Maria asked.


  “Yeah, you better be damned happy it was me, otherwise Daisy would be losing it right now.” She looked through the window and saw Daisy staring at a packet. That man clearly didn’t know how to cook.

  “Shit!” More noise came from Beth’s end, and Maria winced, moving out of the way of the window so Daisy couldn’t see her. “Right, I’m alone. Morning, Maria.”

  “Oh no, oh hell no. You don’t get to do that shit to me, and then pretend that I’m not going to ask questions. Who was the man in your bed, and why are you acting all funny?” she asked.

  Beth sighed. “I was with Knuckles.”

  “You’re having sex with Knuckles?”

  “No, I’m not having sex with Knuckles. We were playing a video game like we’ve been doing for the past couple of days, and time got away from me. That’s all.”

  “That’s all?”

  “Yes. Nothing has happened. Not like I’m guessing you’re getting it on with my brother, and I have to say that I’m totally grossed out right now. Like, seriously sick to the stomach just thinking about you two together. I’m happy for you though.”

  “That’s was a strange way of putting it.”

  “Daisy is my brother, which equals ew. You’re my best friend, and yeah, I’m happy for you.”

  “Well, you can be rest assured that you don’t have to worry about Daisy and me doing the ew.”


  “I’m still a virgin. A complete and total virgin. My hymen is still intact, and at this right, it’s going to get calcified.” She was never going to have sex, and playing with Daisy wasn’t helping. He was only increasing her need to be with him. They had taken the time to explore each other, and she’d sucked his cock, and he’d licked her pussy. Together they had many hours worth of play, and still, it hadn’t changed anything. Maria wanted Daisy, she craved him, and it was driving her crazy being close to him, and not being with him.

  “I don’t think your hymen can get calcified,” Beth said, laughing.

  “Stop laughing at me, okay? Have you known Daisy to take his time?”

  “You do realize you’re asking me how often Daisy sleeps with someone?”

  “Yes. This is not normal.”

  “Have you ever considered the fact that Daisy’s respecting you?” Beth asked.

  “Ugh, you’re not going to help me. So, why don’t we start talking about something else? Like, what is going on with you and Knuckles?”

  “Nothing is going on with me and Knuckles. We’re friends, and that’s all.”

  “Do you want something to be going on with him?” Maria asked. She was trying to be a good friend, right?

  “I’m not looking for something more. Knuckles knows this.”

  “You hope he knows this.”

  “I’m not going to tell hi
m about what happened. He’d kill him.”

  “Benedict needs to die,” Maria said.

  “I’m not liking this phone call anymore.”

  “You don’t like anything anymore.”

  Beth blew a raspberry, and Maria couldn’t help but laugh.

  “You know, you could just ask him.”

  “What?” Maria asked.

  “Ask Daisy. Tell that you want to have sex, and I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to oblige you. I can’t even believe I’m saying this to you.”

  “I know. It’s crazy, right?” Maria asked. “We’re going out tonight to a party. Hey, have you ever heard of a woman called Laura? She’s Daisy’s ex.”

  “I recall him dating someone called Laura, but that was about it. I didn’t spend all that much time around his girlfriends. Why?”

  “She’s here, and asking stuff about Daisy. I want to claw her eyes out.”

  “Are you worried about the competition?” Beth asked.

  “No, yes, I don’t know. He says it’s over, but it had been a week since he last saw her, and we’ve not had any sex. We’ve done a lot more stuff, and he does this thing with his tongue—”

  “Ew, brother remember. I don’t need to know what trick he does with his tongue or anything like that.”

  Maria laughed. “Oops, sorry.”

  “Look, Daisy’s not like anyone I know. He’s my brother, and he cares about you, Maria. He always asked after you when he called, and wanted to make sure you were okay. That has to count for something, right? Talk to him, trust him, and have some fun.”

  “I’m having fun. We’ve been talking about the future, and what we want from life.”

  “I’d love to have you as my sister. You’ve always been my sister, and you and Daisy were meant to be together.”

  “Thank you,” Maria said.

  “I’m going to go and hunt for breakfast.”

  “Be careful with Knuckles.”

  “There’s nothing going on. He’s actually a really nice guy, and it’s not just because of me being related to Daisy. I like him, Maria.”

  “You deserve to be happy. Just be warned, Daisy’s not going to like it.”


  Daisy looked out of Phil and Lucinda’s main garden that overlooked the entire vacation land. He saw his own cabin that was hidden mostly by trees, but he made it out. Phil would have had a field day if he’d been looking at his cabin.


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