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Mine (Trojans MC #5)

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “So, are you going to marry this one?” Phil asked, coming to stand beside him. They both held a bottle of beer, and he glanced toward the house to see Lucinda and Maria talking.

  “I’m thinking about it.”

  “I see the look in your eye. It’s exactly the same one I feel every time I look at Lucinda.” Phil followed his gaze. “I love my wife, and she was more than happy to help me set up this crazy dream.”

  “This was always your dream?”

  “Yes. Lucinda worked in the city as a divorce attorney, and I was the CEO of a big ass company. I wasn’t happy, she wasn’t happy. Neither of us were happy, and we came to this exclusive nature resort as a way to try rekindle our love. The older couple was struggling to keep with the maintenance of this place. Lucinda and I were happy for once, and neither of us wanted to leave. We bought this place from them, and the rest is history.”

  Daisy watched Maria as she laughed along with Lucinda over something.

  “You love her?” Phil asked.

  “Yes.” He spoke the word without hesitation, and something calmed inside him. Daisy was in love with Maria, and had always been in love with her.

  You’ve not had sex with her yet.

  He’d not wanted to risk hurting her. What if he wasn’t gentle enough with her? What if he hurt her, and she never wanted him?

  For the first time in his life, he was actually afraid of losing her, and that didn’t sit well with him. He wanted her badly, and that wasn’t all. Daisy wanted her as his old lady, the love of his life, and the mother of his child.

  “It makes everything easier if you’re more than willing to admit how you feel.”

  “Is that what happened with Lucinda?”

  “Yes. I would die for that woman.”

  Daisy would do the same for his own woman.

  “What are you two lovebirds talking about?” Lucinda asked, coming out of the kitchen.

  “Women, love, and all in between.” Phil moved toward Lucinda’s side, pulling her in tight against him.

  “You were talking about love?” Maria asked.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in close. “Yeah, what were you two talking about?”

  “She was telling me about Laura.”

  “You don’t have to worry about her, baby. There’s no comparison, babe.” He tugged her in front of him, and rubbed his cock against her ass. “That’s what you do to me.”

  “Yeah right!”

  He heard the sarcasm in her voice. “Excuse me?”


  Turning her to face him, he tilted her head back to stare into her eyes. “There’s clearly something wrong with you.”

  “You’re aroused, but I bet any woman could take care of your problem. It’s not just me, and you and I know it.”

  Okay, she had just confused him.

  “I don’t follow. You’re the woman I’ve been talking about sharing my life with, and you’re telling me that you don’t think I want you.”

  She looked toward Lucinda and Phil before continuing. The couple was a little ways from them, offering some privacy. “We’ve not had sex, Daisy. You don’t want me, and that’s fine. Instead of stringing me along, just tell me you don’t want anything to do with me, and I’ll stop making a fool of myself.”

  He took hold of her hand and placed it over his cock. “I want you, and I want to fuck you for a long time. I’ve been waiting so that you’d feel more comfortable around me. This isn’t about me, babe. This is about you.”

  “Me? How is it about me?”

  “You’re a virgin, and I’m going to be your first time. Do you think I’m not aware of how painful it can be for you, or what I could do to hurt you? I’m taking my time with you.”

  “What?” she asked, looking confused.

  “You’re going to be the first woman I’ve been with who is a virgin. I’ve never claimed a woman’s cherry before, and never wanted to. When we have sex, I want you to be ready.”

  “I am ready.”


  “No, I’m ready, and this is about me. I’m more than ready to be yours, Daisy. This is what our time was about, right? Being away from the club, and unable to run from each other. One week has gone, and I’ve opened up to you, and you’ve yet to take things to the next level.”

  Daisy cupped her cheek. “Let’s enjoy some food with our friends, and then we’ll see what happens later tonight.”

  “Are you two lovebirds done talking?” Phil asked.

  They gathered around the barbeque, and Daisy kept his hand on Maria’s waist, not wanting to let her go. He loved this woman, and he wouldn’t let anything happen to her. As the evening wore on he saw that both Lucinda and Phil liked her, and he loved that. They ate good food, drank a couple of beers, and talked about everything. Lucinda and Maria had a lot in common, and they had a love of nature. She also talked extensively to Phil about the latest television series.

  He actually had a lot of fun.

  By ten at night, he was more than ready to take his woman home, and he let his friends know it with a single look.

  Taking hold of her hand, they walked all the way back to their cabin. The stars were aglow in the night sky, and she rested her head against his shoulder.

  “I loved tonight,” Maria said.

  “Me too. Lucinda and Phil really do like you.”

  “I like them, too. I was thinking we could come here regularly to get away from it all.”

  “I like that idea. I want to bring you here so I can keep you naked all the time.”

  She chuckled. “You do like me naked.”

  “Daisy? Is that you?”

  Maria tensed in his arms, and Daisy grew angry that the woman was being pretty persistent.

  Holding onto his woman, he turned to face Laura. “What do you want?”

  Laura’s gaze wandered over Maria, and he held her just a little tighter.

  “Is she with you?”

  “Yes. Maria, I’d like you to meet Laura. Laura, this is my old lady, Maria.”

  “Old lady? That’s club speech.”

  “I belong to him,” Maria said. “In the eyes of the club I’m as good as married to him.”

  That’s right, my little firecracker.

  You belong to me, and I love you.

  “Daisy and I go way back,” Laura said.

  “Actually, Maria and I go way back.” He wasn’t about to let Laura think she had a spot in his life when it wasn’t true. “What do you want?”

  “I was wondering if you’d like to get a drink and catch up.”

  “I saw you here with your husband. Why on earth would you want to catch up with me? We don’t have anything to talk about.”

  Laura gave him a wicked smile and stepped close. She was about to place her finger against his chest, and Maria shocked him. Maria grabbed Laura’s hand tightly.

  “You’ve got nothing to talk about with my man, Laura.”

  “You don’t know Daisy at all, do you? He wouldn’t want his woman to do that. He wants her to accept him as the boss.”

  Daisy shook his head. “You never did understand me, did you?”

  “He doesn’t want your hands on him, nor does he want anything else of your skanky ass on him.” Maria shoved her away. “Don’t even think of coming after him or I will kick your ass.”

  Daisy laughed, holding on tight to his woman. “We’ve got nothing to discuss, so I suggest you back off.”

  They moved away from Laura, and he saw the anger in her eyes. He would bet every last cent of his money that her marriage was dull. It served the bitch right for what she did to him.

  “You were amazing,” he said, breathing in Maria’s scent. She smelled perfect, and his dick grew hard. He wanted inside her badly.


  Is she ready?

  I hate waiting.

  “That’s the woman who called you out on who you are?”


  “You shoul

dn’t listen to her. She’s probably regretting letting her go.”

  Kissing her neck, Daisy sighed. “It doesn’t matter. I was always destined to be with you. Always.”

  He fucking loved this woman, and even if she didn’t allow him to be himself, he’d still love her. Yes, he liked being in charge, and the man who would protect, and look after her, but he liked Maria more than he did that stuff.

  “I like you for who you are, Daisy. Don’t hold back with me, not once. If you hold back, you’re doing yourself a disservice,” she said.

  “I’m not going to hold back.”

  They got to their cabin without any more interference from anyone else. With each second that passed, he grew more aroused, wanting to be around her.

  Once they entered the cabin, Daisy grabbed her hand, closed the door, and pressed her up against it.

  “What you did tonight was fucking hot!”

  “You liked me stopping Laura from touching you?” she asked.

  He placed his hand between her thighs and started to rub her pussy. She released a moan, arching up against his hand.

  “I’m going to fuck you tonight, Maria. I’ve spent the past week letting you know what I like, and how I like it. Now, I’m going to fuck you, make you scream, and make you beg.”

  Claiming her lips, Daisy plundered her mouth, taking the kiss he’d been begging for all afternoon.


  “This is fucking horseshit,” Matthew said, storming into Duke’s office. It was late Sunday night, and his son had been Prospecting for the past week. He still had school to deal with, but when he finished school, he had to come to the club. Until this was over, Duke was spending all of his spare time at the clubhouse rather than at home. While he was here with his son, Bass, Smash, and Knuckles were taking it turns to take care of his woman.

  Holly wasn’t happy with the arrangement, but she didn’t actually have a choice. This was to help with their son.

  “What’s horseshit?” Duke asked.

  “Dad, he’s—”

  Duke shook his head. “I’m not your dad right now. I’m Prez, Duke, or Sir.”

  “Duke, he can’t be serious. There’s no way I clean the toilets, and then empty the trash bins.”

  “Excuse me? Who are you accusing you of giving you jobs that are clearly beneath you?” Duke asked.

  “Pike, he’s ordered me to clean the shit out of the toilets, to go around each room, and empty the trash bins, gather laundry—”

  “Pike!” Duke yelled for his VP, and probably his favorite person in that moment.

  Pike sauntered into the room, smirking as he took in Matthew. There was none of the usual greeting for his son.

  “Landon!” Duke called the other brother as well. Landon was the most recent Prospect turned fully patched member.

  Both men were in the office, and the door was still wide enough that anyone close could hear.

  “We seem to have a problem. Prospect here seems to think he’s too good to clean the toilets, do the laundry, and empty out the trash. Pike, you give him these orders?”


  “Prospects don’t do this shit,” Matthew said.

  Landon burst out laughing. “We do, kid. Everyone does this kind of shit. I’m betting Prez and Pike each had to do their time as a Prospect.”

  “We did. You can’t do simple tasks, you’ve got no chance of making it as a patched in member. In fact, if this was Landon or any other Prospect, I’d take them out back to deal with this shit.” Pike stood up, advancing on Matthew.

  Duke had to give his son credit. Matthew looked like he was shitting bricks, but he didn’t cry, nor did he back down.

  “You think Prospecting is about handling a weapon, shooting the shit with the brothers, drinking, and whoring around.” Pike grabbed his gun out of the back of his pocket. “This is real shit, Matthew.” He pressed the barrel of the gun against his chest. “We’re a club, banded together to take care of each other. I know every single one of those fuckers out there would take a bullet for me, and wouldn’t even hesitate. Your own father has taken a couple of bullets. This is not some fucking game. This is real life, and you’ve got a choice, to fight or not to fight, because when it comes down to it, you’ve got to be ready.”

  The tension in the room mounted.

  Slowly, Pike withdrew his gun. “I will warn you, kid, you want to continue Prospecting with the club, I’m fine with that. It’ll make you become a man, but if I give you the job of protecting Mary and my little girl, and anything happens to them, I will kill you. I won’t care that I used to babysit you, or shoot hoops with you. I don’t even give a fuck that your father is my brother, my Prez, and that I will die for him. You’d be dead without me caring, that’s what you’ve got to be prepared to deal with, you got me?”

  Matthew nodded, and Duke dismissed the two men.

  Landon stopped near Matthew. “The parties, the women, the drink, the fun, it’s all part of it, but to get to that, you’ve got to be willing to lay down your life. I’m not here all the time, but I’ve done my fair share for the club. I would die for everyone in this club, and all the old ladies. You’ve got to be ready to do that before you become a Prospect.”

  Once they were alone, Duke went back to looking through the charts from the mechanic shop. They were doing well.


  He looked up to see Matthew shaking as he lowered himself into his chair.

  “I’m not—”

  “I know what you’re doing, Dad. You want me to take the options you didn’t have, and I get it. I’m going to go to college.” Tears filled Matthew’s eyes, and he ran a shaky hand down his face. “I wanted to be like you, and like Pike, all the guys. I figured if you could do it, then so could I.”

  Sitting back in his chair, he stared at his son. For the first time in many months, he truly believed he’d gotten through to him.

  “The Trojans will have your back all the time. You’re my son, but you’ve got to earn their respect. They all want what is best for you.”

  “I just thought I’d get some good sex, and some fun. Holly wants me to go to college, doesn’t she?”

  “She wants you to have a life that’s not bound by the club. You can Prospect in time. You’re not ready for this life, Matthew, not yet. You’re seventeen. If you don’t finish college, then you don’t finish college. There will always be a place for you here. You’re my son, and I love you.”

  “Won’t they think I’m a wimp?”

  Duke shook his head. “We don’t allow anyone to Prospect before they’re eighteen. I needed you to see what you were getting into. Being a Prospect is no easy feat. When you’re ready, there will be no stopping them.”

  “I’m ready to head home.”

  “Good. I want to actually sleep next to my wife.” He packed away the files, locking them up.

  “Do the Prospects only get to clean up the trash?” Matthew asked.

  Duke hadn’t allowed his son to see what the Prospects went through. For the most part, it was because Matthew was too fucking young. Dyje may be the Prez of the Trojans MC, but there was no way he was going to force the club on his son. Also, there were parts of the club that only a Prospect could see when he had taken a vow to serve and be loyal. Matthew hadn’t done that yet.

  “Not only do the Prospects not get a chance with the pussy available, they have to watch the club members screw the club women, and they can’t join. You’ll have to clean the mess up afterward.”

  Matthew screwed his nose up. “You mean I’d have to clean away their jizz?”

  Laughing, Duke nodded. “Yep, and some of them are dirty bastards, and get it everywhere.”

  They made their way out to his car, and he nodded at several members letting them know their job was done.

  Once they were in the car, and he was pulling out of the parking lot, Matthew started talking.

  “I do bag my dick up, Dad.”



  Duke tensed. “What is it?”

  “Before I started Prospecting, I met this girl at school. She’s in the same year as me, and one thing led to another.”

  Duke was getting angry. “What happened?”

  “The, er, the condom broke, Dad.”

  Those words he’d hoped to never have to hear.

  “The condom broke.”

  “Yeah. I’m waiting to hear back from her. Her name is Luna Daniels. What do I do?”

  Gripping the steering wheel tightly, Duke counted to ten. What advice should he give his son?

  “We’re going home, and we’re going to talk to Holly about this.”

  “Luna’s not like the other girls, Dad.”

  No, he didn’t imagine she was.

  “I’ve not caught you with her?”

  “No. She’s not the kind of girl you bang in the car.”

  “We’ll talk to Holly.”

  “What if I knocked her up?”

  “Then we’ll handle it.”

  Duke would handle everything. Damn, he was too young to be a grandfather. Whatever happened, he’d stand by his son, and this girl. He couldn’t even picture her, but if she wasn’t the kind of girl to screw in the car, he probably hadn’t seen her before.

  Chapter Nine

  Maria moaned as Daisy tore her clothes from her body. There was no way she was going to be able to repair the dress. The straps didn’t survive Daisy’s strength as he removed them from her body. He tore the bra off, and she was naked before him. Kicking off the shoes, she tugged on his shirt.

  “I’m going to fuck you so damn hard tonight, Maria. Once I’ve taken your cherry, I’m not going to be able to keep my hands from you. You’re so fucking beautiful, and you make me want you so badly.”

  “Yes, please, Daisy, I need your cock inside me. Fuck me, take me, make me yours.”

  She’d been waiting long enough, and she needed him.

  He wrapped his arms around her, stopping her from removing his jeans. Daisy bent forward, caught her up in his arms, and carried her through the cabin.

  “What are you doing? Put me down. You’re going to hurt yourself.” She giggled as he sucked her nipple into his mouth, biting down on the tip. “Ah, that’s so good.” He moved onto the next nipple, sucking hard before letting her go, and dropping her to the bed.


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