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My Last First Kiss

Page 69

by Weston Parker

  “That he is. Ask most of the ladies here.” Luke kissed the side of my head as Finn glanced around the room.

  I noticed that something or someone had caught his eye and he kept them locked as he leaned in toward us. “I’ll leave you two love birds alone; I think I’ve found my next girlfriend.”

  He wasted no time crossing the room and Luke, and I laughed as he went straight for the girl in the white shirt who was now passing out drinks.

  “He’s a very interesting guy.” I tugged my collar to let in some air. The room was stuffy, and the crowd was growing thicker.

  “Let’s go upstairs?” Luke whispered in my ear sending a chill right through me.

  “To your bedroom?” My eyes met his, and I shook my head. “Shouldn’t you stay down here with your guests?”

  “Fine, let’s at least go sit on the porch. I need some air, and I want to be alone with you.” I nodded, and he led me out to the porch which was more of a small patio or lanai on the back of the house.

  I waved to Nora on my way out, and she was having a conversation with a few people, so I didn’t think anything of stepping out, and she wasn’t trying to stop me.

  He sat on a swing that hung from two beams and was surrounded by creeping vines of wisteria, the air around us was sweet, and a cool breeze blew our hair.

  “So I’m your girlfriend?” I nudged at him referring to the introduction he’d made at least five times.

  He brushed his hand across his beard as if to hide the smile that played around his lips. “Didn’t think you’d mind.” He pulled me in close for a long hot kiss that left me light headed as the heat blossomed between my legs.

  He shifted in his seat, and his hand fell across my breast, kneading and caressing. “We should have taken this upstairs.” He closed his mouth against mine again, and I held the back of his head, playing with his hair and mingling my tongue with his. I broke away and caught my breath.

  “We can’t keep doing this.” I felt the ache in my heart that was a clear warning sign. It could only lead to ruin.

  His thumb brushed over my bottom lip as he held my face and planted tender kisses along my neck. “Yes, we can. Stay the night with me, Harper.”

  “No, I can’t, we —

  The door flew open, and Nora rushed out looking like she’d seen a ghost. Her face was pale, but her expression reflected that she was full of rage. “He kissed me. That asshole strolled right up to me and kissed me like he owned me.”

  Luke released a breath of frustration as I got to my feet and straightened my clothes. He’d managed to get my blouse twisted, and I was sure my hair was mussed, and my lips were swollen with desire.

  Nora held up her palms to wave me off. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt anything; I just wanted you to know I’m going home. I won’t wait up.”

  I tried to stop her and catch up to go home too, but she insisted I stay and Luke encouraged it too. My only excuse for an escape wasn’t doing me any favors, so I sat back down with Luke.

  “I should probably go anyway.” His head was shaking, and he had me by the hand before I could make a move to do so.

  “No, you’re staying with me. And then I want you to go to church with me in the morning.” I wasn’t sure I’d heard him right at first, but then he shrugged. “I go every Sunday morning. I want you to go with me.”

  “I suppose we have committed an abundance of sins.” I shuddered as his cool hand slipped inside my blouse and cupped my breast.

  “Yeah, and lucky us, we still have plenty of time for more.” His mouth closed on mine, and his hand slipped down my front cupping my mound which was already on fire with an aching need.

  Chapter 10


  My mother had raised me in church, and even though I wasn’t the perfect practicing Christian, I still honored her memory by going every Sunday. I was especially excited to see Harper again even though she’d only left my bed hours before after spending the night beneath me and then in my arms. Well, to be fair, she hadn’t spent the entire time beneath me. She liked being on top too as much as I loved having her there. The blood flowed to my cock, and I knew I better cool my jets. Walking into church toting wood wasn’t going to fly.

  I rode the bike to her house, and I breathed a sigh of relief when she walked out in jeans. I’d warned her the night before that our small town church was a ‘come as you are’ type of place and since I rode my bike every Sunday, she’d better not wear a dress. She said she’d go and that her father was a pastor most of her life.

  “I hope this will work.” She said holding out her arms. She had on tight jeans and a loose pink blouse with matching sandals, and her hair was tied back in a loose ponytail that would be even more windswept by the time we arrived. “I had to borrow something from my sister. It’s been years since I stepped foot inside a church.”

  “You look beautiful.” She did too, her skin was naturally flawless, and she still had a glow about her from the night before. Her lips were red and swollen, her face flushed, and her eyes seemed a bit brighter with the morning sun.

  “It’s amazing what caffeine does for a girl.” She gave me a peck on the lips, and I helped her on the bike.

  “What’s this?” She patted the saddlebag that I’d strapped on my bike as I climbed on.

  “That’s for after.” I wasn’t going to tell her my plans, and she glanced back to the bag as if it contained duct tape and a knife. “You’ll like it, I promise.”

  “After last night, I trust you.” I’d said the same things to her the night before, and she’d liked it after all.

  “You’re going to make me want to skip service if you keep talking about last night.” I was fending off my cock’s urge to swell with thoughts about my mom and sports as it was and I didn’t want to be distracted a second from her.

  “Oh no, you promised me repentance. And from what I recall, we both need it.” She took the helmet I offered and I decided the wind in my hair would do me good and keep me focused.

  We arrived at church just in time to make an entrance, and everyone offered welcoming smiles. Most hadn’t been at the party, but those who were had already met Harper as my girl and my chest swelled with pride with her beside me. I could get used to having her with me every Sunday. Lord knew my heathen brother would never shadow the doorstep and I could picture him bursting into flames if he ever tried.

  She sat through church listening to the words the pastor said and at one point wiping a stray tear. I hadn’t got her to open up about her life yet, and I could see in her eyes that something dark had happened. I wished I could chase it away and I felt guilty for a moment asking her to come. There was nothing like church to make you face your demons, and I should have considered that before my invitation.

  But then as we walked down the front steps and headed out toward the bike, she said something that surprised me. “Thanks for that. I think I really needed that message.”

  The pastor had talked about forgiving yourself and giving your worries to the Lord, and I wondered what worries weighed heaviest on her heart. “You know one day maybe you can tell me about it.”

  She met my eyes and lifted a shoulder. “Maybe.”

  My plan was revealed when we pulled into the local deli and ordered lunch. I had them wrap it to go and tucked it down into the saddlebag.

  “Are you taking me on a picnic?” Her eyes were as wide as the smile that touched them.

  “Yeah, there’s a place I’d like to show you.” I hopped back on the bike, and she climbed on behind me.

  “You mean you’re not taking me back to the creek?” She rested her chin against my shoulder.

  “No, you’ll see.” I cranked up the bike and drove us out to the hillside past an abandoned church and its old cemetery where the grass was as green as a grasshopper and wildflowers swayed in the breeze.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said as I killed my bike. I climbed off and offered her a hand.

  “It’s one of my favorite
places this time of year because it’s always breezy and the view is amazing.” Not to mention the grass would be soft beneath us.

  I gathered the thin blanket I’d rolled up and tucked into one of the saddlebags as she pulled out the bag of food from the other side. Then I walked to where the fumes from my bike wouldn’t offend her and spread out a soft place for us to lounge.

  I took the food as she settled beside me and we ate our lunch in quiet as she took in the view around us. She broke the silence looking at the old cemetery. “I bet there are some old markers out there.”

  “I used to do rubbings when I was younger. The old stones are more intricate than they are today.” Something in her eyes lit, and she laughed.

  “You don’t seem the type to collect cemetery rubbings.” She moved the remnants of paper from our meal into the bag and set it aside. I closed the distance between us and laid her back as she yelped in surprise. Her laughter filled my ears, and it occurred to me it was one of my favorite sounds.

  “What type do I seem like?”

  She was quiet a moment and then she lifted a shoulder. “You seem so alive, the kind of person that appreciates life and wants to make it better for everyone around you.”

  If she only knew how much I wanted to make her life better, to shoo away the storm cloud that hovered over her in quiet moments. “I’d like to do the same for you.”

  “You can’t fix everything with kindness and a helping hand. Some wounds are too deep, too dark.” She got that lost faraway look again, the kind that made me want to rescue her, even though she didn’t want saving.

  I decided I wasn’t getting anywhere with subtlety and it was time to be more direct. “What happened to you back in New York? Are you ever going to tell me?”

  “What does it matter, and besides, why do you automatically assume I’m the one who got hurt? Maybe I’m the one that did the hurting.” She rubbed her arm and kept her eyes distant as she gazed across the field not seeming to focus on anything in particular.

  “It’s hard to believe you could hurt anyone, Harper, at least not anyone who didn’t deserve it.” Her chest heaved with a deep breath, and she dug her palm into the blanket to shift her position.

  “That shows how little you know about me and if you don’t mind, I’d rather not talk about it.”

  “You can’t keep running from whatever it is. You said it yourself, you’re going back home soon, and I’m pretty sure whatever you’re running from is still waiting. Let me help you.” I ran my hand up her arm and leaned in to kiss her mouth. She responded with an eagerness that took me by surprise.

  “It’s true; I can’t run. It will all be there for me to deal with when the time comes, so why don’t you do the only thing you can and help me forget. Just for a little while.” She tugged my collar and pulled me down with her as she lay back against the soft covered grass.

  A shadow fell across us as the sun ducked behind a cloud and I knew that whatever had her running must have hung over her in the same way. How could I blame her for wanting to forget? To be lost in the moment and forget what waited. The only thing was I didn’t want to be a distraction, some temporary thing to pass the time. I’d rather pull her from the darkness and keep her where it was safe; by my side.

  There was only one way that would happen, and as she kissed me, our bodies moving together as we lost ourselves in passion, I wondered if she’d go for it or have something else to run from.


  Chapter 11


  I had to keep kissing him, or he would keep trying to say the words he thought would save me. The truth was, I was beyond it and content to resign myself back to my life in New York where I’d have to face what happened and take the responsibility head on.

  His hands slipped beneath the creamy blush-colored top and teased around my waist, where his fingertips grazed before sneaking up under my bra. He cupped my breast and pulled it free of its confines and planted a soft kiss on my nipple before tugging it with his lips.

  I looked to the sky and focused only on his hands and mouth as he trailed his other hand down to my waist and then between my legs. The seam of my jeans pressed against my clit and the feeling was so intense already that I quickly undid my pants and slipped them off. I didn’t want to waste another minute, and as if he had the same thing in mind, he dipped down, settling between my legs where he kissed my mound and spread my folds with his fingers then he dipped them into my center, pushing them deep and pumping his hand.

  Then he kissed me there once more and rose up, undoing his pants and slipping them down just enough to release his erection. I trailed my eyes down and watched as he stroked himself, and a fire lit in my core as he drew himself closer and nudged at my center. In one long thrust, he penetrated me, filling me up and making me moan out his name.

  He growled. “Say it again.”

  “Luke,” his name rolled off my tongue as he retreated only to thrust deeper.

  “I love my name on your lips especially when I have you panting and moaning.” He braced himself above me letting his hips work in a steady rhythm. “I want you to scream it when you come.” He whispered against my mouth and then his tongue darted into my mouth mingling with my own and I sucked his tongue and bottom lip hard.

  “Mm, I love it when you suck me.” His smile broadened, and then he rolled us over, my legs falling around his hips as I rose up to ride him. I flattened my hands on his chest, and then tugged up his shirt, pinching his nipple to make him growl. All of his sensual sounds were guttural and feral, and I loved that about him. That he sounded like a beast and as much as he wanted my name on his lips, I wanted to make him roar.

  I rode him steadily, leaning back to position his cock against my most sensitive spot and then all at once, the world stopped as I broke apart around him, my release soaking his cock as his name ripped from my throat. My aftershocks milked him, and I stayed put until they stopped, riding him slowly.

  Then I lifted my hips and slipped off his erection, and he closed his hand on my arm as if to stop me from leaving. “Relax, let me take what I want.” Another sound vibrated in his throat and turned into a softer moan as I slipped down and took him into my mouth.

  “Take it all,” he hissed through his teeth. I relaxed my throat and took him as far as I could manage, and he pushed a bit deeper still. I sucked and pulled and nursed as he moaned, running his fingers through my hair.

  After a moment he stilled and held my head, then he thrust his hips, pumping into my mouth before he let me go. I pulled away sensing he was close, and he cursed as I grazed my teeth along his shaft and then tongued his broad head. I glanced up, and he was watching me closely, his green eyes locked in on mine, wild and hungry.

  I took him back deep and tight-lipped his cock as I stroked his base, milking him with each stroke. The taste of salt hit my throat, and I braced for more, pulling hard with my mouth. Another two strokes and he held my head and lifted his hips, but I kept him where I wanted him as steady pulses of his release pumped into my mouth. I gulped them down and nursed until the last drop spilled.

  “You’re so damned amazing.” He rose on his elbows and then reached out and stroked my hair as I wiped my mouth.

  “You say that now.” I giggled to keep it together, but inside I was dying as the reality of my situation came crashing down. I raked my hands through my hair and then righted myself on the blanket. “You’ll not even miss me when I’m gone.”

  “That’s bullshit.” His eyes and tone shadowed with anger.

  “Maybe a touch, but you’ll see I’m right.” He could only see the good in me now, but I didn’t know if I could have happiness without always wanting more, without sabotaging what I had. Luke seemed like the kind of man that I could be with forever, but I didn’t think I could face the rejection if he decided one day he’d had enough. Or worse, how could I hurt him if suddenly I became not enough. You’d think a man with his means could never come up short, but money didn’t buy happiness
, and it didn’t make a man perfect. I’d had everything a woman could ask for with Peter, but it hadn’t been enough for me obviously. I’d even failed in my career the moment my patient decided a bullet was his only option. I’d failed them both. I couldn’t bear to fail Luke too.

  I took a deep breath and gathered my clothes, as he tugged his pants up. I put myself back together though I was falling apart. Once I had my clothes in place, I sat there a moment. Did I really want to run from him?

  A voice inside told me there was no other way. I had messed up things so much already, and I hadn’t dealt with them. How could I drag him down with me? He was a nice guy, and he deserved better.

  He was the town hero for crying out loud and there I was like some villain with a dark side, a deceiver who’d killed all the good in her life and only met him because she was too chicken shit to face it.

  It wasn’t the first thing I’d run from in my life. I’d had a long string of things I couldn’t deal with including my parent’s death. I was unfit to be in practice, and I couldn’t even be a good sister. Three years proved that. I’d stayed away deliberately so I wouldn’t have to look at my sister and fear losing her too.

  My life was one big mess, and Luke deserved someone who could complement him, not make him look bad. All those people he’d been proud to introduce me to; like we were in some fairy tale romance instead of the gratuitous relationship that was based on nothing but quenching our thirst for lust.

  It was terrible how fast I could go from feeling special in his arms to feeling like a user, and I wondered what was going on in his head as he tugged on his boots. I wouldn’t ask though; I was afraid of what he might say.

  “Please take me home.” I covered my face as tears threatened to spill.

  He pounded his fist against the ground. “Dammit, Harper. Open up to me. Tell me what the hell is the matter, and I’ll try to help. Whatever it is, you don’t have to carry it alone.”

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about.” I snapped back so fast he actually flinched.


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