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My Last First Kiss

Page 71

by Weston Parker

  I put another board in place and hammered it in, missing the head of the nail more times than necessary. It didn’t matter. Nothing did anymore, and it would be a while before I felt differently.

  I’d done the right thing and taken her sweater to Nora. I figured she could get in touch with her better than I could. She’d seen the hurt in my eyes and asked me what happened. I probably shouldn’t have poured my heart out to the doctor, but she’d asked and once I started talking I couldn’t stop. Not until I’d told her everything shy of the details of our sex life.

  She was shocked that Harper had left without mentioning my offer. She’d known something had happened between us but didn’t think it was about her staying. I think she’d hated to see her go too.

  Once I had the board in place, I stepped back and looked at my handiwork. It would do, but I’d have to paint it later. It was time to go inside and get cleaned up. I’d burned away the day, and the mosquitos were looking for their dinner. It wasn’t going to be me. I walked to the house catching a glance at Nora’s place on the way. I could almost see Harper sitting there, sipping her coffee with her feet propped up. I looked away hoping to forget.

  I went inside and found Tanner having a heated conversation, and I kept going not wanting to know what it was about or who it was with. I needed to get upstairs and wash the stink of beer sweat that had evacuated my pores.

  I managed to get the shower going and undress without thinking of Harper, but as I stood there under the shower spray, I thought back to our last night together. We’d made love nice and slow, and then I’d picked her up and carried her to the shower. She was everywhere, and I couldn’t get the sight of her out of my head. I closed my eyes and picked up the thoughts right where I’d left off.

  Once I had her in the shower, I took my time lathering her up, taking special care with her breasts as I rubbed my cock between the cheeks of her ass. She moaned, writhing against me and then she’d placed both hands on the tile and spread her legs, glancing back as if giving me an invitation. I made sure we were rinsed and that she was ready for me. Her sweet pussy was still slick from round one, and I went down on my knees to service her. She rubbed her slick heat across my mouth and tongue, and I pushed my fingers deep as I gripped my cock with my free hand. It was ready to go, so I stood up and grabbed her hips, and aimed right for her sweet spot.

  It had felt so good thrusting deep inside her, and as I opened my eyes, I found myself alone, back in reality, standing under the steady spray of the shower head my cock hard in my hand.

  My erection wasn’t going to take care of itself and I’d apparently already been working on it without realizing. I leaned forward and rested my head against the tile and closed my eyes.

  I thought about her sitting in my lap, her soft curvy ass brushing against me. How I had wanted her so bad that very first time. She’d been so sure she’d refuse me only to come back. I knew what she’d wanted, and I’d given it to her, every single inch of it.

  I grabbed my balls and tugged gently, my heavy load aching as I worked my cock in long, steady strokes.

  In another flash she was laying back on the blanket in the meadow, the sun kissing her soft shoulders where I planted kisses while thrusting inside her. I had rolled her over, pulling her across me, her long legs straddling me. She had soaked my cock and screamed my name. God, the sound of it was so good on her lips as she came apart around me.

  I moaned and realized it wasn’t part of my memory. I had made the sound out loud, and more were bubbling from my throat. I felt my balls tighten and then I sped up, milking the release that spilled to the tile. It was the saddest thing I’d ever seen as I remembered Harper wiping her mouth, and the sensation of busting my nut in her throat. I pumped my cock until the last drop hit the tile and washed down the drain, and then I collapsed against the tile, falling until my ass hit the floor.

  How was I going to get through this? I couldn’t bear another moment without her. I had to do something. I let the water run until it went cold and then I dragged my ass up. I hadn’t ever felt so low before, not even when my wife left me. Even though I’d thought that was the end of the world, this was true hell and ten times worse in comparison. I got dressed and walked downstairs still contemplating a trip to New York.

  I couldn’t let myself do it. I wouldn’t run to her.

  Tanner was in the kitchen in a shitty mood. “Did you use all the hot water?”

  “Yeah, sorry.” I went to the fridge to grab another beer and hoped that if I got good and drunk, I’d stay off the highway.

  “You’ve drunk enough beer. Make that one the last.” Tanner walked over and opened the door to the fridge. He scanned the beer stock and slammed the door. “I’m cutting you off. Don’t make me have to lock the fridge.”

  I held up my middle finger and cracked open the top of my cold one.

  “Very nice. You look like hell. She really went home didn’t she?”

  “Yep, and there wasn’t a damned thing I could do to stop her. I even offered for her to move down and let me take care of her.” I shook my head. It was an idiotic thought. She was too independent for that. I remembered her telling me she wasn’t a girl; she was a woman; strong and able to care for herself. She didn’t need me. She’d gone back to the city where she was in charge of her life and her decisions. My stomach turned thinking about her being all alone there. Did she even have anyone besides her ex and her patients? I doubted it, and what did I have? A town full of people who adored me because I’d helped them out? I needed more than paid admiration.

  “Stop sitting around feeling sorry for yourself and go after her. Women like that shit.”

  “You sound like Finn. If you knew anything about women then why don’t you keep one longer than it takes to bust a nut? Why haven’t you marched over there and swept Nora off her feet.”

  “Stop throwing shit in my face and do what’s best for you for a change. Go get her. Hell, move her ass in, I don’t care if you marry her, just don’t let this one get away.” He pushed my shoulder. “Go.”

  “Who would look after you?” I nudged him back.

  “If I get into trouble Nora’s right next door.” He motioned in the direction of her house.

  “You know, if me leaving is what will make you go after Nora, then maybe I should.” I put the beer down and went for my keys.

  “I did go after Nora. All I did was piss her off.”

  “Yeah, well have you met her sister? What if the same thing happens? She can be just as stubborn.”

  “No one’s as stubborn as Nora. And don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine, and I’ll even do one better and promise you I’ll stay out of trouble.” That was a tall order for Tanner.

  “I want to head out as soon as possible. If I drive all night, I can make it there by morning.” I started to walk away, but he grabbed my arm.

  “Maybe you should get some rest first, catch a few hours of sleep and then head out.” I shook my head. I wouldn’t give myself time to talk my way out of it.

  “No, I’d never be able to sleep. I’m too wound up. I’ll be safe and stop if I need to. She won’t be expecting me, so I’m going to get Nora to tell me where she lives.”

  He patted my back. “Good luck, brother. Be safe.”

  I hurried upstairs knowing I wouldn’t slow down until I was with her again. I wasn’t coming back without her.

  Chapter 15


  I closed the door after my first patient of the morning left. There was an ache in the pit of my stomach, and I didn’t think I could take another minute at work. It was always the same, people in and out, and the level of their grief was so disheartening that I was finding it hard to lend a helpful ear. I wondered if it was the same all across the world or would it be any different in a smaller town.

  The thought of not giving them the proper care, of neglecting my duties was more than I could take. I’d seen what could happen. Maybe Kentucky is what I needed. I had almost had myself talk
ed into it the night before, but I had thought I’d give my job another shot. Maybe the break had done me good, and I could return and lose myself in other people’s problems.

  Not a chance. I sat behind my desk and dialed Nora. I’d made up my mind.

  She answered the phone, and before she could get past her hello all of my emotions came spilling out at once. “I’m coming back. I can’t do this here anymore. These people are sucking the life out of me, and I feel so guilty for feeling that way. Besides, Luke is the man for me. We both know it. Don’t you think?”

  There was a moment of silence, and then she gasped. “You really mean that?” Her voice rose an octave, and she gave a little squeal. Then her tone went serious again. “Have you heard from him?”

  “Who, Luke? No. Why?” There was no way he was going to call begging for me.

  “Oh, um I just wondered. Tanner is here. He fell and hit his head. I just stitched him up.” She didn’t sound a bit concerned.

  “Oh wow, is he okay?” A groan of frustration was my answer. “Nora?”

  “He’s fine, but he bled a lot. Took twelve stitches— five in seven out. You know head wounds. He should be fine, and it didn’t damage his pretty face. So you’re really coming back?”

  “Yeah, I’m going to get things in order today. I know I need to call him, but I’m just so scared. What if he’s changed his mind? You know about his offer. If I do come back, I’m going to need a place to work. There isn’t anything for me there unless you need a receptionist.” I had run from him, and I couldn’t blame him if he never wanted to see me again or had come to his senses in my absence.

  “He’s not, trust me. I told you he was drinking himself stupid. Call me before you leave okay?” She seemed a little off if not overly concerned.

  She sounded just like mom. “I promise. I’ll let you know when to expect me. Take it easy on poor Tanner. He’s an idiot, and he tries too hard, but it could be worse, right? At least you know he’s crazy about you.”

  “No, I’m not sure it could be worse, but yeah, his infatuation is a bit crazy. I better write him a prescription for pain before he hits on my receptionist. Talk soon.” Her end of the phone went dead as my secretary, Susan, stuck her head inside my door.

  Her face had gone white. “There’s a gentleman here to see you. He doesn’t have an appointment, but he says you’ll want to see him. He said his name is Luke?” Her eyes were wide, and I had a feeling she wanted to know how I knew him. I stood to my feet, my eyes wide and my jaw on the floor. I must have looked terrified. “Would you like for me to send him away or call security?”

  I snapped to reality and found my voice. This was why Nora was acting so strange. She knew he would be arriving soon. He must have driven all night. Only she could tell him how to find me. “No, please send him in.”

  Susan stepped aside, and as I walked around the desk, Luke entered the room looking road weary. I froze unable to speak or move. His green eyes were shadowed with emotion, but as gorgeous as ever and I ached at the sight of him. His posture was stiff, and I didn’t know if it were nerves or the fact that he’d ridden that bike all that way.

  We stood for the longest time just staring at each other and then I offered him a seat. “Please sit. I know you’re tired. It’s quite a long drive isn’t it?” I pulled my lips in tight to stop my rambling.

  “I’m good, I’ve been sitting a long time, so I’d like to stand if it’s okay.” He didn’t seem as happy to see me as I had expected he’d be and I started to rethink my decision. He didn’t want me. That’s not what this was about.

  “Suit yourself.” I lifted a shoulder. “Nora asked if I’d spoken with you. I just got off the phone with her.” I remembered his brother and wondered if he knew what had happened. “Oh, and Tanner got stitches. He fell and hit his head? Did you know?”

  “Dammit. No, I didn’t. I swear he’s a grown man, and I can’t leave him alone for a day.” He shook his head, and a smile teased around his lips. “At least he’s in good hands. Did Nora tell you I was on my way?”

  “No, but now I know why she wanted me to call her before I headed back that way.”

  He took a step forward, shifting his weight. “You were heading back?” His brow lifted and he met my eyes dead on.

  “Yes. Unless you came here to tell me to stay away or to put me in my place.”

  He closed the distance between us and took me in his arms. “The only place you belong is with me, back home. Did you reconsider my offer? Is that why you’re coming back?” His hands felt so good against me that I locked my arms around his neck. Before I could answer his lips crushed against mine.

  After a moment he pulled away. “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes. If you’re absolutely sure you want me, big load of baggage and all?” I searched his eyes, and he brushed my hair back behind my ear. It was as if I was the most precious thing he’d ever held in his arms.

  He rested his forehead against mine. “Yeah, I’m sure. I should never have let you leave. It killed me to see you go. I couldn’t get you out of my head if I tried. Not that I’d want to.”

  “I’ll have to tie up some loose ends here before I go back for good, but you coming here saved me another trip back and forth.” I realized he’d be needed back home and my face fell.

  “What’s the matter?” He stroked my cheek with his thumb as he cradled my face in his palms.

  “I wish you could stay with me until I can leave, but I know you’ve got responsibilities. You’re friends and volunteer work, Little League. Those people need you just as much.”

  “I’ll call in a few favors, and the assistant coach can handle the kids. You’re all that’s important to me, and besides, I made myself a promise.”

  “You did? What kind of promise?” I narrowed my eyes as that sly smile spread across his lips.

  “I promised myself I wouldn’t leave New York without you, even if I had to bring you back to Kentucky kicking and screaming.” He released a soft chuckle.

  “So you would have kidnapped me, huh?” I stepped closer and pressed my hip against his crotch. “Maybe later you can show me how you’d have tied me up?”

  “Only if you promise to scream my name.” His mouth moved to my breasts, and after a moment I stepped away to lock the door.

  “You know I hoped you’d do that.” He took my hand as I offered it and led him to the sofa near the window.

  “Wow, what a view. Are you sure you want to leave all this for me and a little Kentucky hillside?”

  “I’m sure. Are you sure you want to help me? I know you made your offer hoping I’d stay, but if you’ve reconsidered, I’d need to know. I have to find work so I can support myself.”

  “We’ll figure it out, but you know, I can take care of you, Harper. I know you’re an independent woman and all that, but you’re my girl, and I want to.” He gazed deep into my eyes. “What you think about that?”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying I love you. Let me take care of you. You can take your time getting back to work, no hurry and no pressure. I’d like me and you to take a bit of time off together.” I could hear what he was saying, but most of the words had garbled after he’d said he loved me. He gave me a nudge. “Well, what do you think?”

  “I love you too, and we’ll figure the rest out and take it as it comes. Together.”

  His smile lit up his eyes, and he took me into his arms. “That’s my girl.”

  He pressed himself against me, and as a soft heat blossomed at my core, I gave myself to him, body, mind, and soul.

  The End

  Author Note: You got to see a little bit of Tanner and Nora in that last one. We gave them their own story and included it for you. Enjoy.

  Tanner and Nora

  Chapter 1


  Most days as a small-town doctor are slow paced but for some reason, the gods weren’t smiling on me the day Tanner Daniels came in with a head wound. I had already seen three oth
ers in need of stitches, four cases of the flu, ten others with whatever mutant crud was going around the school system, on top of the regular patients with checkups. The place was a mad house and there were more arriving by the minute.

  “We’re running out of rooms again,” warned Amy, from the front desk. She and Lucinda had been running the front end while Beth and I tended to the patients as fast as we could.

  I walked out from seeing another kid with a case of the flu and while I made my stop by the supply closet to grab more gloves because everyone else was too busy dealing with the madhouse, I heard his grating voice above the others.

  “I’m bleeding. Are any of these other people bleeding?”

  “Please, Mr. Daniels. Have a seat in the lobby and we’ll be with you as soon as we have a place to put you.”

  “A place to put me? How about this, sweet cheeks.” I watched through a crack in the door that lined up with a window as he took the sign in log and held it up. “I’ll pay for all of these people’s visits if you let me cut in line.”

  The crowd behind him seemed to like the sound of that, but I couldn’t let that happen. It wasn’t right. I walked out front and stood behind the counter with my hands in my pockets. “What seems to be the problem?” Tanner held a bloody rag to his head.

  He went wide-eyed as if my question was the most ridiculous one he’d ever heard. “Isn’t it painfully obvious? I mean, it’s painful for me. Do you not see the bloody rag to my head?”

  “I see the rag and a man so full of energy that he drove all this way and has managed to stay on his feet.”

  “That’s because I had a nice long nap when I fell and busted my head open.” He pulled the rag away and there was a dark patch of hair and an inch-long gash just before his hairline.

  “You lost consciousness?” Paying a bit more attention to the drama queen, I noticed the droop in his eyes and the drag in his speech. I turned to Lucinda. “Send him into the infant room and bring a blood pressure cuff.” I had a special room set up that was reserved for newborns. It was a smaller area with a chair for mothers, a baby scale, and a much smaller bed with rails where I could perform exams. There was also a tiny vanity and sink in the corner with basic supplies. It would have to do.


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