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My Last First Kiss

Page 73

by Weston Parker

  “Did you find it?”

  “Yeah, real cute. Quite an impressive collection you’ve got, but if you want that headache gone, you’ll tell me where I can find the medicine cabinet. Surely your brother has something for a headache around here?”

  He lifted his head and then a flash crossed his eyes. “Did you look in the gray bedside table?”

  I stopped a moment and realized I must not have looked in the right place. “No, I looked in the black thing.”

  His head fell back down to the sofa. “That’s the toy box, not the bedside table.”

  “Well, your fetishes are none of my concern, a lot of men like—

  “Whoa, no— Wait a minute. Those things are for me to use on others, not myself. The only thing that’s mine is the ring and the condoms.” He sat up and pinched his temples. “Do you think you could just get my medicine please and then leave me alone? I’ve got to be better tomorrow. I’ve got Little League.”

  I wanted to make another joke about his immaturity, but he wasn’t in a playful mood today. “Fine.” I ran back upstairs and on the other side of the bed, there was a tall, gray nightstand. Inside the top drawer, there was a bottle of what I was looking for. I hurried back down and went to the kitchen and got him some crackers and water.

  “Here. Eat a few crackers and then take these. I don’t want you popping anything on an empty stomach.” I wondered if he’d even eaten before the last dose.

  “It’s been long enough you can take these.” I handed him two pills and then grabbed the blanket off the back of the sofa. “Let’s get you nice and comfy.”

  “I’d rather go back upstairs to bed.” He stood up and carried the things to the stairs where he stopped and took a deep breath before going up to his room. I followed, wishing his staircase wasn’t so large. I was still panting from the last time and by the time I reached his room, I was out of breath. I couldn’t imagine how hard it had been for him, but he didn’t seem winded.

  He turned and took the crackers from me and put them on the nightstand. Then he climbed into his large bed and I put the throw from the sofa across his legs.

  “I’m surprised you’re not hitting on me since I’m up here in your bedroom.” I kept waiting for him to do some of the crazy things he’d tried in the past. Like at his party when he walked right up and kissed me without invitation or permission.

  “Maybe I’m not in the mood to be turned down. A man can only take so much, you know.”

  I pulled my lips in tight to avoid causing an argument and decided to change the subject. “I didn’t know you coached Little League. I thought that was your brother’s thing.”

  He let out a soft huff. “Yeah, it’s funny how no one knows a damned thing about me. Considering I’ve been around a lot longer than him and I’m the one who got him participating. He was a mess after his breakup, so I got him involved. Showed him there was more to life. He won the chili cook-off that year. We did lots of benefits back then, still do a few a year and attend charity auctions, but he’s the hero.” He shook his head. “Sorry, I don’t mean to sound bitter. Turns out Luke and the coach couldn’t be at practice, so I’m filling in. I played baseball in high school.”

  “Well, maybe it’s the bad boy reputation that puts people off.” I shrugged and leaned against his tall mattresses which hit me at the waist.

  “Bad boy? Maybe, but sometimes it’s easier to live the life you want and let people make their own assumptions. It’s amazing how many people listen to gossip around here.”

  “Especially when it’s true, huh?” I gave him a sideward glance. I’d heard all about his baby and how he’d abandoned its mother when she was pregnant.

  “And really sad when it’s not.” He got a faraway stare in his eyes and then he looked at me as if searching for something inside me, but then he shook his head. “Anyway, thanks for coming to check on me.”

  About that time, his phone rang and luckily he’d left it on his bedside table. I didn’t want to go back downstairs for it. I was seriously considering telling him he should put in an elevator.

  “It’s Luke. Will you excuse me?” He got up and went into the bathroom with his phone.

  I walked around the room and noticed a glass cabinet above a bar. Inside were all of his baseball trophies as well as some basketball and even one for a golf tournament. I had no idea he’d played anything other than women.

  A closer look and I realized that many of the games were from charity events. His bright smile in the picture spoke a whole different story, but then again, the pictures were taken long before his scandal.

  I couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to his story. Perhaps I’d stick around and find out. After all, he did need someone to stay with him through the night.

  Chapter 4


  I leaned against the counter in the bathroom and examined my cut as I said hello to my brother, Luke. “You have the worst timing. And by the way, thanks for ignoring your phone calls. Now I get to fill in for your buddy, Steve at Little League practice tomorrow.”

  “Hello to you too, Brother.” Luke’s amused tone sent a wave of annoyance over me. “I’m calling to check on you. Harper said you were at Nora’s office getting stitched up earlier. Are you okay?”

  I wanted to gripe that it took him four hours to check on me, but I had a feeling I knew what he’d been doing and I couldn’t blame him one bit. “Yeah, I fell changing the fucking light bulb in the kitchen. Do you know how high the ceilings are in this place? Next time I’m hiring someone. It would have been a hell of a lot cheaper.” My brother groaned on the other end of the phone. He’s never wanted us to hire in help and thought that two grown men should be able to manage the estate alone.

  “So, Nora’s over? How’s that going?” My brother knew more than anyone how my record with Nora Adams was. I’d struck out more times than I could count and even been slapped. I thought about the past few hours on my knees and praying to the porcelain god and decided I liked it much better when she hit me.

  “She’s as cold as ever and her bedside manner is dismal. If I’m lucky I’ll get her to give me something for the pain that doesn’t poison me. I’ve been sick for the last four hours from whatever concoction she fed me earlier.”

  “You probably can’t have codeine. I can’t either and we can both thank our mother for that one.”

  “Well, at least I know who to blame. Thanks, Mom. So when are you coming back home or am I going to have to invest in a shirt that says, ’Coach’?”

  “We’re looking at a week or so. I’ll call Steve and find out what’s going on with him and how long he’ll be out. I should be back before our first game. Thanks for pitching in. Those kids are going to love you.” I had heard my brother talk about his team and knew he had a group of decent kids.

  “No problem, but thank me tomorrow. I have to make it through the night first.” I cleared my throat. “So, you and Harper, huh? Does this mean she’s moving in?” I didn’t have a problem with my brother having his girlfriend move in, but I wanted to know how serious things were.

  “Yeah, I think she’s going to stay with Nora for a month or two and make a slower transition, but that’s the plan. We can talk about it some more if you’d like later, but we’re about to go to dinner.”

  “Sure, but I’m good with it. At least one of us hit it off with the sisters. You got the sane one.” I chuckled and glanced over my shoulder knowing she was just on the other side of the door.

  The very thought of it made my cock stand at attention and take notice. God, I wanted inside her. I wanted her to want it too. I never thought she’d darken my doorstep again and there she was in my bedroom. I thought about walking in there and taking her in my arms and kissing her good and hard, but then she’d pelted me the last time I’d been so bold. Nora needed a different style, a much gentler hand, but I wasn’t sure I could give it. It wasn’t my style with women.

  Luke cleared his throat. “She’s a good girl, that No
ra. I hope it works out for you.” He and Nora had a wonderful friendship and the two would probably be much better for each other but thank God she’d had a sister. I’d been jealous of my brother winning her smiles and attention before Harper came along. And it had led to a pretty ugly fight with him finally telling me what an idiot I was and that he didn’t have any romantic feelings for her.

  “Thanks, man.” I hope so too, but I wasn’t dealing with a normal woman. Nora was different. Special. Impossible.

  We said our goodbyes and when I walked out of the bathroom, I found Nora looking at my trophy case. I’d had it specially built to hold all of my awards and achievements.

  I left my phone on the dresser and then made my way toward her.

  She gazed into the case and then peeked over her shoulder. “Are things okay with the lovebirds?”

  She took a deep breath and turned as I closed the distance between us. I was so close I could smell her hair and the slight scent of flowers. “Yeah.” She glanced over her shoulder back at the trophies, but I kept my eyes hard on hers. “You like my collection?”

  “It’s a beautiful display, you must be very proud of your accomplishments.” She gulped and took another step back but she hit the case. I couldn’t say I had her right where I wanted her, but I was off to a good start.

  “I am. It’s amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it. You of all people should know that. Look at all you’ve accomplished.” I was referring to the massive erection between my legs, but she wasn’t paying attention. Her eyes were set on mine and the tension in the air between us was so thick it was practically smothering.

  She lifted a brow. “You should lie down.”

  “You should tuck me in.” I stumbled back and she reached for me, pulling me toward her. I took the chance to press close to her.

  She glanced down and her cheeks flared red, but then she lifted her chin. Even though I was about five inches taller than her she seemed to glare down her nose at me. “I should go and get you something else from the pharmacy.”

  “I’m feeling better already now that you’re here.” I slipped my hand around her waist and she responded by placing one hand on my chest and the other on my arm. “Will you stay with me?”

  “Of course. I’ll make sure you’re okay before I leave. I’m right next door and only a phone call away if you need me. I’ll just go and get your medicine and be right back.”

  “You should probably stay all night.” I glanced down at her breasts which were heaving inside her blouse. They weren’t more than a handful but they were perky and turned me on. She was slim and petite and desire coiled in my gut as I thought of all the ways I could manhandle her. I could lift and kiss her so easily. It was all I could do not to kiss her. But I’d made that mistake before. No, next time she’d kiss me.

  “I’m your doctor, I don’t think I should. It could be seen as an abuse of power.” Her voice cracked earning a smile. There was no way I was going let her go home for the night. As loopy as I was I had to have her.

  “So, you’re going to leave me?” I stepped back and sure enough, her gaze trailed down to my hips and more specifically my cock which bulged against my shorts.

  “I’m sure I know what’s best and you need to rest. I’ll check on you.” She pushed past me and went to the door. “You hop into bed and I’ll be back in a bit with your new prescription.”

  “I don’t think I can make it.” I held on to the case and held my head. Dizzy spells were easy to fake. She gave me a knowing glance and rolled her eyes. I fought to keep the smile off my face but the damned thing played around my lips enough that she rolled her eyes.

  “Fine, let me help you.” She came back across the room and I held out my hand. She took my arm instead and led me to the bed and pulled back the covers. “Climb in. I’ll get you tucked in and then I’m going to try and hit the pharmacy. Is there anything else you need while I’m out? Could I bring you something to eat?”

  There was only one thing I was craving but I knew my best bet would be to keep that to myself. “No, just hurry back. You know, because I’m not supposed to be alone at all.” I pursed my lips as I settled into my bed and then I placed my hand atop hers as she pulled the covers up over my chest. “Thanks for taking such good care of me.” I let my eyes smolder on hers, and the look she gave me in return made me feel like there might be more on her mind than my healing.

  “I’ll be right back.” She headed for the door again and this time hesitated before she left, peeking back over her shoulder at me. “You probably shouldn’t get up until I get back.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  Chapter 5


  Tanner Daniels must have thought I’d been born yesterday and graduated medical school an hour ago. His poor attempt at faking dizzy spells was amusing but he was crazy if he thought I was going to spend the night.

  As I walked downstairs and passed through his kitchen to the side door that would be closer to my house, I noticed how high that lightbulb was in the kitchen and just how far he fell. A little voice inside kept telling me all the way to the pharmacy that maybe I should stay the night.

  As if the little voice wasn’t enough encouragement my phone rang and it was Harper to further persuade me. “How’s your patient? Has he showed you his penis yet?”

  “Don’t be crass. It is bad enough I’ve got him faking dizzy spells to get close to me. Not to mention he’s asked me to spend the night.”

  “You should. He’s not all that terrible and let’s face it, those Daniels’ men are super-hot.” I had a feeling she was looking at her man as she spoke.

  “Don’t let Luke hear you telling me to spend the night with Tanner. It’s weird enough I’m his friend. I don’t want him thinking about me screwing his brother.”

  “Please. You need to loosen up. I know you’ve never been with anyone, but don’t you think it’s time you stop that losing streak and find out what you’re missing?”

  “I’ve been in situations with men before like him and all they care about is getting their rocks off. I want someone who cares about me, who will leave me with more than a sore jaw.”

  “That’s because you’re starting off at the wrong end. Make them earn that.” I’d only done it a few times and that was just to show I wasn’t completely square. In the end, I’d given him the release he was after and he never called me again. Tanner Daniels was the same type of animal.

  “Whatever.” I pulled into the pharmacy parking lot and pulled into the nearest spot.

  “You’re thinking about it, aren’t you? That’s why you’re copping such an attitude.” She gave a little giggle.

  “So, what if I am? God, I don’t need you encouraging me one minute and then teasing me the next. Did you need something? I’m about to go into the pharmacy.”

  “I just wanted to check on you and give you a little push.”

  “Thanks. I’ll let you know later if it worked.” I shut off my phone and stuffed it in my purse, then I grabbed my keys from the ignition and carried went inside.

  “Hello, Dr. Adams,” said the girl behind the counter. She was a beautiful girl and to her gain, she looked more like her mother than her father, the pharmacist. “What can I do for you?”

  I reached in my bag for my prescription pad and a pen. “I’m going to order a prescription for Tanner Daniels.” I jotted down the medication and then tore the paper off and passed it to her.

  “Yeah, the poor guy was in here earlier. He seemed a bit confused.” The pharmacist shook her head but she was blushing making me think he’d no doubt flirted with the young girl. Or perhaps she just had a crush on him. Probably both. Who could blame her?

  “Do you know Mr. Daniels?” I asked, suspecting she did. Tanner made himself known to everyone.

  “Who doesn’t?” She giggled. “He helped me go to cheer camp a few years back by making a huge donation to the squad. He found out the football players had gotten a free trip to a ski lodge after t
heir season was over and didn’t think it was fair that they get everything handed to them while we had to do all the fundraising, so he paid our way.”

  “Are you sure that wasn’t Luke Daniels? You know the bigger one who rides the motorcycle.” They were easily confused in some aspects.

  “No, it was Tanner. He didn’t want anyone to know but our cheer captain told us. Besides, I’ve always thought he was the hottest of the two.” She giggled and headed to the back with a blush in her cheeks. The comment gave me a tinge of jealousy. There was no short supply of women who thought he was hot, but I wondered how many others appreciated his generosity. Could it be possible that there was a whole other side to him?

  The best perk of being a doctor was that no one ever made me wait in line at the pharmacy and in no time, I was headed back to Tanner’s house with his new meds in hand. I parked at home and grabbed a few things for overnight and then decided to walk over to his house. It would make things easier for me later and the extra steps would be good for me. I hoped that on the way I’d come to my senses.

  He was asleep when I went up to his room and stuck my head in the door. He lay beneath the blankets which were pulled up just far enough to give me a peek at his toned abs. Everything about him was fit and as I tiptoed in to put his medicine on the nightstand he opened his eyes.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you. I just wanted to leave this.”

  He sat up in bed with a lazy grin. “Thanks.” Somehow, I was seeing him in a different way as if the glimpse at him from another’s opinion had cleared away the sins of his past.

  “I was thinking, maybe I should stay after all.” I held up my bag.


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