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My Last First Kiss

Page 74

by Weston Parker

  His brow lifted. “Yeah? I’d like that. Better to be safe than sorry.” He shifted and put his feet on the floor and slowly stood. “I’ll show you to your room. You can get settled in. I know it’s getting late.”

  “My room?” I’d somehow assumed he’d suggest I stay with him and I was more than prepared to turn him down. But now that he was suggesting I stay elsewhere I was a little surprised and taken aback.

  “Yeah, I just assumed you wouldn’t want to stay in my bed, what with your distaste for me and all.” He gave a shrug and his tone wasn’t as accusing as it could have been.

  “Oh, of course.”

  He hesitated a minute then shook his head and led me down the hall to the room next door to his. “You should be comfortable here.” He swung the door open and switched on the light to reveal a gorgeous room that was adorned with so many butterflies, I felt like I was in a magical world. The last thing I’d expected to find in the bachelor’s mansion was a shabby chic room fully decked out in rich antique furnishings so lovely it was like I was looking at a page from a magazine.

  “This room is gorgeous!” I walked in with my mouth hung open and felt of the soft cotton duvet that dressed the foot of the bed which was layered with so many pillows and blankets that it had to feel like sleeping on a cloud. “It’s a bit feminine, but I love it.”

  “Luke and I did it to honor our mother. She loved antiques and used to drag us all over to shop. We never really appreciated it. She loved butterflies too and many of these things are what we’d bough her for her birthdays or Mother’s Day. It was always a huge contest to see who could find her the prettiest butterfly gift and she kept them and treasured them all. After her death, we couldn’t bear to part with them. No one else would appreciate them the way she did.”

  His eyes brightened when he spoke of his mother and it made me miss my own. We were both orphans in life, and if I could relate to him about anything it was that particular loss.

  “That’s so sweet that you did that.” I glanced beside the bed and spotted a picture of a beautiful young woman in a spring dress with two adorable little boys standing beside her. “You look like her. I look like my mother too.”

  “Yeah, I was always the baby—the mama’s boy. But that was okay by me.” He stared at the picture with a longing gaze and then he blinked. “So anyway, feel free to settle in. I’m right down the hall if you need me or you know if you want to check on me.”

  “I’ll be in when it’s time for your medicine. You shouldn’t take it just yet, but you should probably get back to bed. I’ll walk you.”

  “No, I’m good, get comfortable.” He stepped toward the door and hesitated like he had more to say but then he left me alone with my thoughts.

  I couldn’t believe he’d been so good about it, and surprised he didn’t try to get me into bed, but then again, the night was still young. I stepped behind a beautiful screen in the corner and changed into my yoga pants and a tank top that I liked to sleep in. It wasn’t the sexiest thing, but I wasn’t considering he’d see me in them when I grabbed them from home.

  I wondered if I should have brought something a little sexier, especially considering the things I’d found in that drawer. Looking around at the room it was hard to believe he was so kinky. I sat on the bed and glanced around. The room was such a tribute, and as I felt the soft fabric beneath me, I wondered if there was a softer side of Tanner that I hadn’t seen. Maybe I’d been wrong about him all along.

  But then I remember Meagan’s tears the day I confirmed she was pregnant. It was the same day she’d broken down and told me all about Tanner Daniels and how he broke her heart.

  On the wall beside the bed were two small handprints; I assume one is Luke and the other, the smaller of the two, for Tanner. I was so torn and wondered what I would have done if he’d invited me to stay with him in his room. I’d totally expected it and breathed a sigh of relief knowing I would have given in. Perhaps there was a gentleman inside him after all?

  Chapter 6


  Playing the gentleman all night was no easy task. Every time she came into the room to check on me and give me my meds, I had to fight my urge to pull her down across me and kiss her pretty mouth and strip her out of those tacky yoga pants which she made look sexy and the tank top that showed off her perky tits and hard nipples. It was all I could do to keep my eyes off them.

  I’d been thinking about her all morning since I’d woken up before her and decided to slip downstairs and cook us some breakfast.

  Her footsteps sounded on the stairs and I turned to see her approaching, still dressed in her night clothes, braless and all.

  “You’re supposed to be in bed,” she scolded.

  “I’m much better today. I think your diagnosis was a bit off. I might need a second opinion if I want to make practice later.”

  “You’ll be wise to listen to me. I was top of my class.” She came to stand beside me and eyed the skillet. “Is that gravy?”

  “Yeah, it’s and the biscuits are in the oven; homemade not from a can.” I held up my spatula to make my point.

  “It smells good, but doesn’t look healthy.”

  “Live a little, Doc. It’s comfort food; the only kind my mama taught me how to cook.” Her eyes lit with surprise.

  “She taught you how to cook?” She lifted a brow and then leaned down to peek in the oven. “Those biscuits are in an iron skillet. I’ve never done mine that way.”

  “I’ll tell you a little secret, that’s the only way to do it. Those are cathead biscuits.”

  Her nose crinkled as she curled her lip. “Cathead?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh and thought about fooling her a bit but decided against it. “They’re called that because of the shape, not the ingredients.”

  She let out a sigh. “Hey, one can’t be too careful. May I have a cup of coffee?” She waited for my nod and then helped herself. She brought the cup to the island bar and climbed up on a barstool.

  I waited until she was settled and sipping her coffee and then I turned off the fire and stepped toward her across the bar. “You should come out to see me at practice tonight.”

  She lifted a shoulder. “I don’t know. Things have been crazy at the office and I’ll be lucky to get done in time.”

  “I could use the support. I haven’t coached in ages.” I really just wanted an excuse to see her again. I couldn’t fake the extent of my headaches forever.

  “I’ll try but no promises. If I show I show, deal?” She stuck out her hand and I took it. She was so warm and just the feel of her hand had me thinking of all the ways I wanted her to touch me with it.

  The buzzer went off on the oven and I turned to check it out. “Do you want me to fix you a plate?” I looked up and she was beside me.

  “I’ll do it, I don’t mind.” We both reached for the butter knife I’d placed on the counter, and our hands met. She looked up into my eyes and licked her lips, so I took the opportunity to lean in closer. Kiss me, kiss me. I willed her to do so. I was still determined not to do it. The first move was up to her. I had just about given up and had already started to pull away when she rose up on her tiptoes and kissed me.

  She pulled away quickly, but I reached and held her neck, pulling her closer, back to my mouth. My lips were firm and moved with deliberate strokes against hers, pulling her bottom lip between them. She melted against me and I took her into my arms and pressed my hips into hers. My cock was hard and pressing against my pants and I ground against her showing her what I wanted. She pulled back and her face was flushed, her lips were swollen from the kiss.

  “I want you, Doc.” Her eyes flashed with what I could only comprehend as fear. “Tell me you want it and it’s all yours.” I needed her to know it was all up to her.

  “I.” She shook her head. “I don’t know what I want. I’ve never.” Her voice broke and then she went silent.

  All of my assumptions about her virginity had mostly been a dig, but I
was starting to think I’d been right all along. She was shaking like a leaf. I rubbed her arms, drawing her closer to comfort her and put her at ease. “Nora, have you ever been with a man?”

  She looked down to her feet and then back up at me. “No. Never.” She swallowed and then stepped away.

  Fuck. It all made sense now and it also made me want her even more. No wonder why she wasn’t like all the others. Most of the women I’d been with were all experienced, some having way more than they should, and though I knew she had to have some encounters with men and seen her fair share of the opposite sex, she seemed terribly nervous about us being close in an intimate way. Every time I touched her hand or waist, she’d tremble and though I’d thought it was an attraction, it might have been fear.

  “I’m sorry. God, you must think I’m awful.” I wanted to let go and step away but I couldn’t, not until she pushed me away. But she stood still and the only movement was her breathing.

  “No, don’t start treating me differently. God, I’m not a little girl. I’m a woman, I’ve had a little experience, but nothing that qualifies as losing my virginity, but I’m not some weird oddity.”

  “I don’t think you’re weird. I think you’re amazing.” I meant it with the utmost sincerity and to show her I brought my lips down against hers.

  She was stiff and stepped away. “What makes me amazing? A hymen?” Her tone was defensive and she turned her back on me.

  I stepped up behind her. “That’s not what I meant. I just think it’s impressive that you’ve had such control over your life. You haven’t given in to temptations and let your desires rule you. Not many women or men for that matter can say the same thing.”

  “It hasn’t always been my choice.” I couldn’t fathom anyone turning her away. She was the sexiest woman I’d ever met. “Try going through school with a lanky boyish figure.”

  “I did.” I’d been awkward in my day.

  “I just mean I wasn’t shaped like other girls. I was a waif and add in the awkward braces and thick glasses and I was a whole lot of ugly.”

  “You couldn’t have ever been ugly and if you still think that then you’re crazy.”

  “No, I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m not a goddess, but even I know I’ve grown into my own, however little there is of me.” She folded her arms across her chest and I tugged them down.

  “You know the effect you have on me. You felt it last night and all I wanted was to invite you to my bed, but I knew after that kiss at the party you’d probably turn me down again.”

  “I’m not sure I would have. But I’m also not sure where my head’s at. I’m scared what if I give in, will it change everything.” She raked her hand through her blond hair.

  “It might make things change for the best.” My words raised her head and our eyes met.

  She shook her head and turned to grab her coffee and pull it to her lips. “I’m not so sure about that.”

  “Then take me up on my offer. Come to practice and we’ll grab a bite to eat after and see where it goes from there.” I turned and grabbed two plates from the cabinet and handed her one.

  She took the plate and I stepped aside as she filled her plate. “No promises. I can’t give you promises right now.”

  Chapter 7


  After a long morning, I had gone into work late and luckily things weren’t too backed up. There were only two patients in the back and no one had waited more than twenty minutes. Things were going back to normal with many people hearing about the virus and opting to ride it out.

  I spent the day thinking about Tanner’s offer. I wasn’t sure if I could trust him. Sure hanging out would be fun, but if I had to admit my feelings I already had a huge crush. Spending more time with him would only lead to me falling even further and I wasn’t in a place in my life where I could handle a broken heart. It was a small town, and my practice had to come first.

  Not only that but he was my neighbor and my sister was in a serious relationship with his brother. Taking all of that into consideration it wasn’t like I’d be able to get away from him to heal when he obliterated my heart.

  I couldn’t help but think of Meagan and how devastated she had been that he wasn’t even interested in their child. I’d recommended her to an OB/GYN in the next town over and that was the last I saw of the poor girl. I’d heard through the local gossip in the office that she’d taken him to court. How could someone not even be interested in their own flesh and blood?

  What made it worse was his ability to not even seem like he cared, like he was some kind of sociopath whose kindness on the surface made it impossible to see the jerk on the inside. I didn’t want to be duped and taking a chance on him was giving him the ammunition he needed to do just that.

  Maybe if I knew more about him? But would that undo what he had done?

  I walked to the front of the office where Amy and Beth were chatting. As usual, when I walked into the room they straightened their posture to appear more alert, but they weren’t fooling me, the place was empty and I glanced at the clock and realized if I was going to see Tanner, I’d have to get a move on.

  I slumped as the wind left me. Hadn’t I just internalized all the reasons I shouldn’t be with Tanner Daniels? Ugh. And there I was contemplating ducking out early to go hang out with him. What’s wrong with me?

  About the time I’d pushed the thought out of my head, the door to the front entrance flew open and in walked Tanner carrying a little boy on his shoulders. The kid had a bandage tied around his leg and it was soaked through with bright red blood. His tear stained face was all smiles, but his little eyes were still ringed with red.

  “Now you’ll have stitches just like me. We keep this up and we’ll have to form a club.” Tanner lifted the boy off his shoulders with little effort and sat him in one of the chairs.

  I walked out and met him at the front sign in. “What happened?”

  Tanner let out a long breath. “That’s Jimmy. His mother is on the way. He was climbing up on the dugout to get his glove and the fence got him on his way down.

  I glanced at the boy who was now looking at the TV which I always kept on cartoons for the children. “What was his glove up on the dugout for?”

  Tanner shrugged. “His buddy tossed it to him and it landed up there.”

  I walked over to kneel in front of the kid and looked up at Tanner. “Let’s hope your friend tosses a ball better than he does a glove.” For the most part, his scratch was much larger than the gashed opening. “You’ll get about four stitches, Jimmy. Why don’t you go with Nurse Beth and she’ll get you ready?” Beth had already come around the counter and was standing in the doorway with her clipboard.

  “Come on, Jimmy. I’ll show you where we hid the good candy while we wait for your mother.”

  Jimmy got to his feet and high-fived Tanner. “Do you think they have chocolate?”

  “It’s hard to say, buddy. I tell you what though, I’ll buy you and the whole team ice cream after your next game and you can get any flavor you want.” He patted the kid’s shoulder as he looked up at Tanner and smiled.

  “Awesome!” Jimmy hurried back with Beth and Tanner turned to face me folding his arms.

  “So, I guess you weren’t going to come see me at practice. Guess you got held up with patients, right?” He glanced around the empty waiting room and then put his hands in the pockets of his loose fit jeans.

  I closed my eyes a moment and took a deep breath as I tried to think of a gentle way to explain, but then Jimmy’s mother rushed in looking worried and frazzled.

  “How is he?” She walked up and placed her hand on Tanner’s and he shifted on his feet away from me to put his hand on her shoulder.

  “He’s fine, Katy, I got the bleeding stopped and he just needs a few stitches. The fence got him, but the good doctor here is going to patch him up and I’ve already taken care of the bill, so you stop your worrying.” He turned and gave me a wink to play along.

��Yes, ma’am, he’s right in the back and already all smiles thanks to Mr. Daniels here.” She didn’t seem put off by him paying for her and didn’t even try to deny the gift, even though in fairness he hadn’t left her much room to argue. These two had a past.

  Her face screwed with emotion. “Oh, thank you, Tanner.” She threw her arms around his neck and he stroked her hair like she was someone important to him.

  “No problem.”

  Katy leaned back and pushed his hair back. “Looks like you’re leading by example.”

  “Yeah, I was in here yesterday so I gave him the lowdown. He’s going to be fine. I better get back to the other kids. I left a parent volunteer in charge and I’m not sure he’s ever held a baseball.” Katy gave him a soft smile and stepped away as I led her to the back, but Tanner wasn’t finished with me.

  “I’ll see you later, Nora?” He had a hopeful look in his eye and gave him a nod and hurried back with Jimmy’s mother.

  As we walked down the hall I caught up with Katy who gave me a knowing smile. “Are you two dating?”

  “No.” I shook my head, but the blush on my cheeks was probably a dead giveaway that I’d at least kissed him.

  She gave me a sideward glance. “He’s a great guy. He was an amazing boyfriend.”

  “You dated?” I stopped in my tracks and felt as if she’d just thrown a bucket of ice water in my face.

  “Yes. It was a long time ago when we were young.” She let out a little sigh and gave me a warm bittersweet smile.

  “Let me guess, he broke your heart?” We stopped just outside of triage where Beth was still marking things down in his chart.

  Katy shook her head and her look was suddenly one of regret. “No, I broke his. I left him for my ex, Jimmy’s dad. Boy could I kick myself sometimes, but he’s been great about things and I have my son, so I suppose it all worked out in the end. We’re friends and sometimes that’s better.”

  “So, you don’t ever. . .” My eyes drifted to the ceiling. “See each other?”


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