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Double Magick in the Falls

Page 11

by April Hollingworth


  We reach the next town just before dawn, but Victor carries on driving through it. We pass through Bandon without stopping, and turn off at the next exit on the left by Innishannon where we finally stop. George is snoring happily in the back, and Jasmine’s resting. Every now and again, she’ll shift ever so gently, or lift her head up to see where we are. At a nod from me she stretches and gives George a gentle nudge to wake him up. He wakes with a start and looks like he’s about to pee himself and throw up.

  “It’s okay, George, you’re safe,” I murmur quietly, so as not to frighten him any further.

  “We’re letting you out here,” Victor informs George in a matter-of-fact voice.

  “I don’t understand. Where am I, and why can’t I stay with you guys?” whines George in a petulant voice.

  “We’re in Innishannon. You’ll be safe here, and you can go wherever you want to. I can’t take you where we’re going, and I would advise you not go back to Paradise Falls any time soon, as it’s apparently not safe for you there,” replies Victor. He hands George a wad of money.

  “There’s a hotel a bit farther down the street, and a bus stop in front of it. I have to take care of the demon, and I don’t fancy the police wanting to know what’s in the boot if she starts banging on it again. George, you’ll be fine, you’re safe.”

  After five more minutes, George finally gets out of the car, slamming the door closed. He glares at us, with his arms crossed as if to change our minds about leaving him behind. Victor puts the car in gear and drives off.

  I see him glance at me out of the corner of his eye, as if wondering if I will say anything about leaving George behind. Victor’s right, we can’t get caught with a demon who looks like an old lady in the boot. As for taking George with us, I don’t even know where we’re going, but, I agree, George isn’t safe in Paradise Falls, our ultimate destination. In answer to his silent question, I give him a slight smile of understanding and close my eyes to rest.

  As dawn approaches, the sky pales and starts to brighten with shades of gold and red mingling with blue. The birds wake and start their morning chorus, and my jaw cracks with an enormous yawn. It has been a long twenty-four hours, and I’m knackered. Victor gives me a smile as he glances in my direction.

  “We’re almost there,” he whispers.

  I don’t know where almost there is, but I’m surprised at how much it doesn’t bother me. I trust Victor, end of story, so the details don’t matter.


  Ten minutes later, we arrive at our destination. Where it is I still have no idea, but it is beautiful. Trees, with cherry blossoms surround us, and give off a wonderful scent. We drive through an orchard and pass some ash trees, and then all hell breaks loose in the boot. Screaming and banging, you’d swear my grandmother’s impersonator was being tortured.

  “What the hell is going on?” I demand in shock.

  “Ash trees.” At my question mark of an expression he elaborates further. “She’s a demon, and their weakness is ash trees. Not sure why, but they can’t travel through them, so this is the most secure place to keep her,” Victor finishes with a shrug.

  I glance wearily at my boot, wondering if the demon woman is going to break out of it.

  During the start of the commotion, Jasmine had crawled off the back seat and onto the floor of the car, keeping as far as possible from the boot. If I had been driving, we would have landed in a hedge the moment the ruckus had started.

  With a wary eye on the boot, both Jasmine and I sit stiffly for the rest of the short journey down the lane and toward a garage. Victor reverses into it, so the boot of my car is at the back. Finally, Victor turns off the engine. I fling open my door and scramble out of the car as if it has turned into some bizarre terrifying creature that is about to attack me. Jasmine, I notice squeezes through the gap between the front seats and follows me out of the car.

  “We won’t be staying long,” Victor gently reassures us as we move further away.

  “Thank God,” I mutter in relief, as I give the boot another wary look as the ruckus increases.


  I have just taken a look around and am surprised at how large it actually is. It’s a double garage with a huge workbench at the back, with a bright red toolbox sitting neatly on the right hand side of the bench, and an old red toolbox on the left hand side. What surprises me the most is the height of the ceiling. It’s at least 14 feet high, and so are the doors. Why hadn’t I spotted that earlier?

  Suddenly, a very large man appears beside Victor between one breath and the next, making me jump. Seriously, he is huge, at least seven feet tall and built like a brick shit house, with hands like sledgehammers. I would not want to mess with him!

  A voice like gravel erupts from him in a language I don’t understand, until my brain realizes he’s speaking English, but with his words together. What he said was, “What did you bring them here for?” but what I heard was “Whatdidyoubringthemherefor?” And with a low gravel rumble, I thank my lucky stars I managed to decipher his words at all.

  “They’re friends, Little Michael. They’re okay; it’s the demon in the boot that’s the problem. Is your father here to give us a hand?” Victor smiles as if to sooth a frightened child and let him know all is all right in the world, as the demon in the trunk screams bloody murder and hammers on my boot.

  I give him a weary look at hearing his name. Is this some kind of joke?

  “He’scomingnow,” rumbles Little Michael.

  I’d just managed to break up the words, “He’s coming now,” when it feels like a mini earthquake is shaking gently under our feet.

  “It’s okay, ladies. It’s just Big Michael, Little Michael’s dad coming,” soothes Victor with a reassuring smile.

  Jasmine and I take a superstitious step backwards toward the back of the garage, and at the same time a step closer to each other, just as Big Michael enters.

  At thirteen feet, Big Michael is humongous. His body is half his height, but packed with bulging muscles, and his arms look like tree trunks. He swings his round bald head around to take in the situation. As his eyes land on Jasmine, he acknowledges her with a polite “Shifter.” When his round silver eyes land on me, he pauses, his big eyes grow larger, and the silver of them grows much brighter, until they look like quicksilver swirling in his eye sockets.

  “We’ve waited a long time for you, Double Magick Woman,” Big Michael rumbles at me with a slight smile. “Have you read the prophecy yet?” Big Michael enquires curiously.

  “Um, no, we don’t know where it is,” I reply, wondering how he knows I have two different kinds of magick in me.

  “The old ones took it somewhere safe. I’m not sure where though, but you do need to read it.” Big Michael nods before turning toward Victor who is gaping at me in surprise.

  “Close your mouth, Victor. You’re not trying to catch flies,” Big Michael rumbles with a gentle laugh, before turning toward my car boot and the demon inside who at last has gone silent.


  I watch as Big Michael and Little Michael move swiftly toward the rear of my car. As Big Michael towers over Little Michael, I realize Little Michael is a teenager. Flipping hell, where was the mother? And how big is she?

  Looking at Little Michael, I can’t help wincing a little at the idea of giving birth to such a large child. I soon stop wondering as Little Michael releases my boot, swinging it open, and all hell breaks out as the demon erupts from it.

  Big Michael grabs hold of a leg and drags the screaming demon back toward him, with an impatient growl, and one of his sledgehammer fists knocks her on the top of the head.

  “Be quiet, demon, you’ll wake the baby, and my misses will be pissed.” At these seemingly innocent words, a shudder rolls through the demon and she slumps to the ground, her ankle grasped firmly in the paw of Big Michael’s fist, as he hoists her up off the ground and wraps his arm around her waist. With a nod to me, he exits the garage, hostage f
irmly secured in his crushing embrace.

  Little Michael pauses in front of me and with a shy smile gives me a similar nod and glides after his father and hostage. Victor turns to look at me, about to say something, but shakes his head, before closing the car boot, and silently indicating we should get in.

  I open the back door for Jasmine who hops in and sprawls across the back seat. Closing the door behind her, I open the front passenger door, climb in, and buckle up.

  Silently we drive off, back through the wooded drive and head back the way we’d come, until we come to the turning to Innishannon where we bypass it and instead go straight. I gather this is so we won’t run into George again, which is fair enough. I’m exhausted and Jasmine is already fast asleep.

  I glance toward Victor and am surprised at how tired he looks. With a guilty start, I remember he had been awake the whole night driving.

  “Victor, do you want me to drive for a while?” Turning to look at him, I patiently wait for his answer.

  With a startled look, Victor gives me a grateful smile.

  “If you would, I would appreciate it. I’m exhausted,” Victor admits.


  We pull over and swap seats. Once we’re both belted up, I indicate I’m pulling out and drive off. I keep to the back roads the whole way home, and finally we pass through Courtmacsherry. A couple of minutes later I drive into Paradise Falls. I head for my house even though I want to go straight to my grandmother’s. Once home I wake up Jasmine and then Victor.

  “Where am I?” Victor enquires groggily.

  “You’re at my house. Come in and sleep,” I reply before getting out and opening the door for Jasmine. With an enormous stretch, she leaps from my car, gives me a happy tail wag, and trots off in the direction of my grandmother’s.

  “Where’s she going?”

  “To my grandmother’s to make sure she’s okay.” Locking up my car, I head up the steps to my house with Victor walking beside me.

  Unlocking my door, I brush my hand along the wall as I enter my new home in greeting to the house. A feeling of warmth surrounds me and Victor as well, from his gasp of surprise.

  Chapter 15

  “Welcome to my home, the old Winters’ house.” I wave a hand about to indicate my home, turning to Victor with a smile.

  “Do you want anything to eat or drink, before going to sleep?” I mumble suddenly feeling shy.

  “No. I’m fine thanks, just exhausted.” Victor smiles at me in a reassuring way, as if to sooth my nerves.

  I lead him upstairs to the spare bedroom (my office has a small bed). With a look at Victor, I admit to myself I don’t want for him to sleep down the hall from me. I’d rather he sleep with me.

  I want the fantasies I’ve been having about him to come true, but I’m unsure of myself, and we’re both exhausted. But…taking a fortifying breath, I turn to Victor. “This is the spare room. You can sleep here, or you can sleep in my room.” On this bold statement, I walk out of the spare room and into my own bedroom.

  As I open my bedroom door, Victor suddenly grasps me by the hips and pulls me hard against his lean body. His manhood pulses through his jeans straining to reach me.

  “I want to stay with you, Candi, but if I do, we won’t get much sleeping done, that I promise you.” His rich dark velvet voice lowers to a pulsing growl, making every nerve in my body scream in anticipation.

  My stomach muscles quiver, and my womanhood moistens in readiness to the promise in Victor’s voice and body.

  I step out of his grasp and turn toward him with a wicked smile curving my mouth. “Promises, promises. Why don’t you show me how you’re going to keep me awake.” My voice sounds like a wanton purr with my demand, surprising me.

  Without another word, Victor pushes me gently away from him and into my bedroom, crosses the threshold, and closes the door behind him. Silently he grasps hold of my wrist and pulls me against his rock hard body. Gently, he runs his hand up my arm, and over my shoulder and neck to cup the back of my head. His other hand, snakes around my back to hold me in his embrace. Placing my hands on his muscular chest, I explore the contours of his torso through his top. I reach up and drag his head down to my waiting mouth.

  With the gentlest of caresses, we explore each other’s mouths. In silent agreement we open up and deepen our kiss. His tongue brushes mine and twines with it, before retreating into his mouth, where mine chases after.

  With a groan coming from deep inside me, I deepen our kiss and rub my body against his, making me feel like a cat in heat, as my arms circle his waist, grasping his firm ass and hauling him even closer to my body.

  With a low growl, Victor grasps me by the ass and hauls me up his body so I have to wrap my legs around his waist. I move my arms quickly around his neck, one hand delving into his thick ebony black hair. Damn his hair is soft! With a muffled purr of acceptance, I thrust my hips into his as Victor walks us to my bed, gently lowering me on it. He reaches around his back and loosens the laces of my boots, before pulling off first one and then the other.

  Quickly I yank off his T-shirt and stop kissing him long enough to pull it over his head and toss it away, and for the first time I see his naked chest.

  “Oh my,” I murmur in awe and reverence at the sculpted beauty of his body. I realize my imagination was sadly lacking as it did him no justice at all. Leaning forward I lick his chest and gently bite him.

  With a growl from deep inside, Victor grasps my jacket and removes it, pulls off my vestie top and sports bra with quick efficiency, then with such gentleness, he runs his fingers along the sides of my torso before spreading his hands over my ribs to cradle my breasts.

  He gently massages them before bending his head to suckle at my left breast causing my nipple to tighten and stand at attention. Removing his mouth, he gives my nipple a last lick, before moving onto my other breast to continue his ministrations.

  My busy hands have been exploring all I can reach of his chest and back, now my fingers trail down his velvet skin, to meet the waistband of his jeans. I grasp his buckle and pull it undone after a slight fumble.

  I tackle the button of his jeans, and finally, with a cry of satisfaction, the button comes undone, and I slide the zip down and reach inside to release his pulsing manhood. It springs out to meet me with eager expectation, pulsing with a life of its own. Grasping the long thick velvet phallus, I experimentally squeeze it before stroking him swiftly, and giving another gentle squeeze.

  Victor releases my breasts and stands up to shuck off his jeans, shoes, and socks. He bends over and removes the belt with my knives and gun, unbuttons my trousers, and pulls them and my knickers off in one smooth motion. Lifting my left foot, he pulls off my sock and kisses my instep before releasing it, repeating his actions with my right foot.

  Instead of lying down beside me, he spreads my legs and kneels between them. Reaching for my hips, he drags me forward so his head nestles between the V of my thighs and places my legs over his shoulders.

  Keeping one hand splayed across my stomach, with his other he opens the lips of my labia and inserts a finger into the moist welcoming entrance of my body. He gently stretches me before pushing in two fingers as he watches me, thrusting his fingers in and out while rubbing my clitoris.


  With a gasp and moan, I try to push away from his knowing talented fingers. Panting heavily I demand, “I want you now, Victor, please.” I’m begging by this stage, and my voice breaks on a sob of need.

  Removing his fingers, I reach for him, but his mouth replaces his fingers, and his tongue infiltrates my vagina and mimics his fingers’ earlier actions until I come with a gasping shout of release.

  Victor finally stands and climbs onto the bed. He lifts me farther back onto the bed before penetrating me with his long, hard, thick, pulsing penis, gently at first, allowing me to adjust to the largeness of him.

  With small thrusts and retreats, Victor inches his way inside me, until at last he’s fully shea
thed within. He pauses for a second to give me a gentle kiss of reassurance, before thrusting harder into me. I wrap my legs more firmly about his shoulders and reach down and cup his balls with one hand, and stroke them as he thrusts harder and faster.

  His eyes normally a beautiful silvery green now glow with a blue fire, just like they had the first time I had seen him. A second later, I can feel my second orgasm rise inside of me, and Victor gives me a very satisfied smile, as he senses it growing, his fangs protrude from his full bottom lip as he thrust harder and faster with a sensual twist of his hips.

  I thrust my hips to meet his, and clench my muscles to tighten around his manhood every time he withdraws, just to push back inside harder and faster.

  Finally with a scream of pleasure my orgasm ripples through my body bringing on a third one, as Victor gives a final thrust into me and roars his completion, before collapsing on top of me. Wrapping his arms around me, he rolls onto his back, and I lay sprawled on top of him.


  “I’m sorry, I meant to take my time,” Victor apologizes, as he caresses my back and buttocks with gentle circular motions, arousing me once again.

  “No need to apologize.” I laugh with a slight pant as I recover my breath, before kissing him.

  A second later his penis lengthens and thickens inside me once again, and with a startled look, I meet his beautiful silver green eyes, just as blue fire bleeds into them and his fangs elongate.

  “You’re eyes and fangs,” I murmur as I trace his lips, and prod a fang with my index finger.

  Victor gives my finger a gentle nip and a lick. “I’ll never hurt you, and my eyes change color with intense emotions,” Victor explains, as he stares intently into my eyes, as if begging me to believe him, but unsure if I do.

  I lean down and kiss him again, letting him know I trust him. For answer he thrusts up into me, and we start our dance once again, this time with me on top. I sit up and meet his thrusts, lifting my hips off him, only to thrust back down to meet his rising hips. Victor sits up, and I wrap my long legs around his waist still rising and falling onto his penis.


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