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Double Magick in the Falls

Page 12

by April Hollingworth

  “Do you trust me not to hurt you?” His voice sounds rougher than his usual velvet tones.

  I give him a startled look, and gasp yes, just before Victor suckles my nipple and pierces it with one of his fangs.

  Pleasure shoots through me almost making me come. With a wide-eyed look, I grind my hips into Victor’s, and tighten my muscles around him in a tight velvet grasp, before releasing him. Victor releases my breast to move onto its twin, suckling and piercing it, before continuing his delightful suckling.

  With pleasure shooting through my breasts, I speed up the tempo our bodies are dancing to, until I feel a ripple shudder through me as the beginnings of another orgasm lifts its head inside me.

  The magick inside me starts dancing, and I let it seep between us, making Victor gasp as heat enters his belly. As he lifts his head in shock and pleasure, I give him a sultry smile and grind myself into him again, before lifting off and thrusting down harder.

  Victor twists, so I’m on my back with my legs still securely wrapped around his waist, and starts thrusting deep into me. I unwrap my legs and lift them onto his shoulders, making every thrust penetrate that much farther. My hands grasp his ass, and I dig my nails in forcing his hips back to mine, until our bodies speed up to our final climax. This time when we collapse and untangle our sweat-slicked bodies, I notice the pink tinged fluid of Victor’s ejaculation.

  Seeing my look Victor explains, “A vampire’s body fluids, sweat, tears, and ejaculation, are always blood tinged as we are just blood and water. Though I’m sure you know already we can’t procreate, or carry disease, hence no need for condoms. Though, I normally do use them,” Victor admits going slightly red.

  “Oh my God, are you blushing, Victor?” I laugh in shock. “Actually I didn’t know for sure, you’re the first vampire I’ve met, so anything I know about vampires is from books, and I have no idea how much of it is real. So dhampirs aren’t real?”

  “No. Though I have heard rumors…I don’t see how they can be, as that would mean we can procreate, if extremely rarely.”

  “As for protection, I use magical means,” I reply with a laugh, feeling puzzled at Victor’s uncertainty.

  At Victor’s curious expression I release my magical condom. A cone-like wisp slides from my body bringing with it the last of Victor’s sperm.

  “Obviously, this is something I would normally do in the bathroom,” I add with a grimace. With a wave of my hand, the mess disappears and clean sheets are left behind.

  “Where did it go?” Victor stares blankly at the spot that a minute ago held a magical condom and sperm.

  “In the toilet where it belongs.” I grin as I get up. “I’ll be back in a sec.” I hurry out of the bedroom and into the bathroom. Quickly I check to make sure the magical condom had arrived in my toilet, sometimes magick can go awry, and thankfully this is not one of those times. I tidy myself up and prepare for bed before returning to the bedroom. As I re-enter I let out a huge yawn almost making my jaw crack.

  “Come here.” Victor’s voice holds a note of demand yet is soothing. He extends a hand to me.

  Crossing to him, I take his offered hand and allow him to pull me onto the bed. I willingly curl into his embrace, the blankets tucked up around us.

  “Go to sleep, Candi,” Victor whispers as he gives the top of my head a gentle but fleeting kiss. “It’s been a long and exhausting day, and we need our strength for what’s to come. Rest now, Candi, sleep well.”

  Those gentle words are the last I hear before I fall into a deep exhausted sleep, safe in the warmth of Victor’s embrace.


  The next morning I wake up still anchored to Victor’s side, which is nice, but weird. Nice because it has been a very long time since I had taken a lover. Okay, more than nice. I can get used to it, which I’m not sure is a good thing.

  The weird part of it is, well, I’m technically in the embrace of a dead man. Granted a drop dead gorgeous dead man, but a dead man nonetheless. On such a strange and slightly creepy thought, I untangle myself gently so as not to disturb him, and leave my bedroom to go to the toilet and have a shower.

  To my surprise, I feel sore, as if my muscles haven’t been used so completely in years. With a shake of my head and a secret smile on my lips, I catch a look of myself in the mirror, and pause to take a really good look. My skin glows a wonderful peaches and cream with a rose blush about it. My eyes sparkle like emeralds with a secret, and my mouth is plumped and rosy from Victor’s kisses. Looking further down my naked body, I realize all my skin is flushed, as if it has come alive during the night, especially around my erect nipples, which are still throbbing from the piercing of Victor’s fangs.

  Surprise filters through my mind as I realize they haven’t healed, and drawing my magic toward the happy points of my breasts I heal them. Almost instantly, the rosy flush dissipates and my body turns back to its normal shade of peach. Quickly I go through my morning routine. Once washed and dried, I return to my bedroom to dress for my morning run.

  I notice Victor is still sleeping and decide to leave him where he is. Grabbing my jacket and throwing it over my tank top I head downstairs, collect my keys, and leave heading toward the woods and my grandmother’s house.


  It’d rained at some point during the hours we’d slept. The damp smell of the grass and smell of rot from leaves and animals are quite potent this morning. Underneath the smell is a trace of burnt hair and sulfur.

  With a sinking feeling I investigate. As I duck under low-hanging branches and squeeze between fallen trees and rocks, I am thankful to find the corpse of a deer.

  With the way my luck was going, I had been half expecting another murder by The Protectors. It’s still an unnatural death, but one caused by a supernatural creature, most likely a witch going by the smell. But the killing would have been for black magick purposes.

  So not good. I groan in annoyance, as I rub my hands over my face in sudden exhaustion.

  I fish my camera out of my pocket, and take photos of the surrounding area and the deer’s corpse. I return to the trail I’d left, and carry on to my grandmother’s, this time at a faster pace.

  The sooner I can get to her house, the sooner I can find out if she knows anyone who uses black magick, the better, and maybe safer, we all will be. Black magick is not something to mess around with, and practitioners of the dark arts are not to be trifled with.

  With my feet pounding along the uneven track, prickles of warning, shiver up my skin, letting me know the witch who’d killed the deer was still there. With a grunt of effort, I lean forward and run faster, my calves beginning to burn with the strenuous effort I’m putting them through. With a sob of relief, I spot the roof of my grandmother’s house. Pounding out of the woods, I peg it across the grass and hit the drive with a skid of my trainers.

  Losing my footing, I go down hard smashing my knee into the gravel, and scraping the shit out of my hands. With a grimace of pain, I scramble awkwardly to my feet, and carry on at a limping run until my injuries have healed completely. Once again I speed up, and at last hit the porch steps of my grandmother’s house.

  Grandma Eve, with Jasmine at her side in dog form, opens the door before I can knock. I fling myself through the door, pushing both of them inside before slamming it behind me as I lean panting against it. I slide down it to land in a heap, trying to catch my breath. Grandma Eve disappears only to come back a moment later with a glass of cold water in her hands, which she promptly passes to me. Taking the glass from her, I take a grateful gulp, and then climb unsteadily to my feet.

  “Thank you, Grandma,” I say, with a wave of the glass in my hand, almost spilling it.

  “What’s happened?”

  “Someone killed a deer in the woods.” My voice comes out in a breathless wheeze, so I take another fortifying sip.

  “I know it’s not nice to kill them, but sadly people do.” With exasperation lacing her voice, she gives me a condescending look.
  “Yes, but, do they normally use black magic to do it?” I exclaim in annoyance. “I wouldn’t have come running here as if the hounds of hell were at my heels, unless it was important, Grandma.” A scowl of annoyance wrinkles my brow as I glare at my grandmother.

  I glance at Jasmine, thinking she’s awfully quite when I notice her staring unrelentingly at the door her ears pricked to attention. With a start, I remember when I’d fallen, I’d cut myself and some of my blood must have dropped onto the stones. Flinging open the door, I rush outside.

  I hear a cry of alarm coming from my grandmother, and Jasmine barking, but I ignore them both, and call with power for my fallen blood to come to me.

  “Blood of mine, fallen this day

  Come to me, leave none behind

  Danger comes, to do away with me

  Blood, fallen of mine, return to me.”

  With a crackle, power leaps from me like lightning in a whirlwind, heading straight for the area where I had fallen, and farther back toward the woods. Suddenly, we hear a shout of surprise and a curse, the lightning wind returns to me. I hold out my hands, and the wind gently deposits the gravel with my blood on it, into my palms.

  “Thank you. Blessed Be.” I release my spell.


  Turning, I walk back into the house, past Jasmine who keeps an eye on the woods, and past my gaping grandmother, straight into the bathroom where I wash the blood off the gravel, and deposit it in the bin. I storm out of the bathroom and round on my grandmother.

  “You know more about what’s going on here than you’ve told us,” I fume, my eyes narrowing to slits, as I feel the truth of my statement shimmer through me.

  My grandmother gives me a cold, calculated look, before responding.

  “Everyone knows more than what you’ve been told. Oh come off it, don’t look so hurt.” Eve laughs at the look of betrayal flashing across my face.

  “Surely you honestly can’t believe no one was aware of the killing of humans and the black arts? You’re not stupid, Candi,” Eve cruelly lashes out.

  “I really don’t know you, do I?” I quietly ask, even though I don’t expect an answer.

  “How could you? You left me years ago, to what— make a family out of the likes of her?” Eve’s scream of rage is unexpected, and I think it shocks her, too.

  “What became of you, Grandma, for you to change so much, you would willingly sacrifice the life of an innocent and take part in black magick?” Shaking my head in disappointment, I look at my grandmother properly and see a layer of darkness surrounding her aura.

  “The darkness is attaching itself to your aura, Grandma,” I tell her with sadness lacing my words. I turn away as I feel tears pool in my eyes. I will not cry in front of her, I will not. “Let’s go, and Grandma, if you change your mind about the path you’re following, you know where I am.” Breaking into sobs, I open the door and leave with Jasmine by my side, my grandmother staring after us, with darkness attached to her and bleeding into her eyes.

  “Not everyone has the power you have; some of us need to take it.” Eve’s shout of frustration follows me.

  As we hurry away, I wonder, what could have possibly happened to make my grandmother power mad. Doesn’t she know how dangerous too much power is? As we enter the woods, I’m not sure if I hear my grandma crying in anguish and heartbreak.


  Peering out of the woods, he watches with cruel eyes, as Eve Allhallows crumples in her doorway, sobbing, as her granddaughter and that dog of hers walk into the woods. He notices with a disgusted snort, how some of the darkness leaves Eve, as she acknowledges her wrong choices in her loneliness and greed for power. With a final glare at the weak pathetic woman, he thoughtfully looks in the direction he’d seen the granddaughter disappear and decides to follow.

  Chapter 16

  Slowly, retracing my way through the woods, I mull over what I have found out. What had changed for this to happen? It had to be something big surely, but…

  “I don’t understand, but how can I, when the only person who can give me the answers is my grandmother.” I fling my hands up in the air, as if this act will give me the coveted answers I need to understand what was happening, and why.

  “I just don’t understand.” Silent tears trail down my cheeks, and I brush them away in frustration. Crying will not get me answers.

  Leaning her furry body into the side of my leg, Jasmine gives an understanding and sympathetic whine.

  “This is so much bigger, we need the others.” With a nod of resolution, and pleasure that I can take some form of positive action, I hurry home.


  Letting ourselves in through the back door, I’m puzzled to hear the sound of men talking. Quickly we cross through the kitchen, down the hall, and into the sitting room. Victor and Kheda, who a moment ago were chatting like old friends, look at Jasmine and me in concern.

  “Are you two okay, you look like…has something happened to your grandmother?” Concern flashes across Victor’s face, and he crosses over to me. He gently rubs my arms, as if the simple action can erase all my hurts. I realize with a start of surprise, that he genuinely does care what happens to me. How is it possible he can care for me after such a short time?

  “My grandmother…my grandmother is practicing black magick, and so are…I have no idea how many others.” I try not to cry, even though my voice is thick with emotion.

  Kheda appears shocked, grinding his teeth he jumps up from his seat and starts to pace. “Are you sure?” His voice is demanding, as he swings around to look at me.

  I give him a withering glare that could peel his skin from his bones.

  “Okay, obviously you’re sure, but how do you know? I mean, your grandmother? Black magick, are you really sure? Because if you are, this is bad.” Kheda trails off, as he sits down heavily in the nearest chair, and puts his head in his hands. Rubbing his face roughly, he looks up and with a big sigh nods. “What do we do?”

  Taking a deep breath, I let it out, look at Jasmine, give a nod of my head I come to a decision.

  “Jasmine, go upstairs and put some clothes on. There is no need for you to stay in dog form anymore. Kheda, we need all the information on what happened at the hospital, without anyone else knowing. Someone knows something, and they’re hiding it pretty damn well. Victor, have we let Benny go?”

  “Is it safe for her to be in human form?” Kheda’s voice changes to concern, as he watches Jasmine leave the room and trot up the stairs, fear and apprehension flicker over his expressive face.

  “We need her in human form, and to be honest, it won’t make any difference anymore. If no one knew she was a shapeshifter beforehand, they will now.” A tired sound escapes from me as I watch her climbing the stairs. I hope I’m doing the right thing by insisting she transform back and hope it isn’t just to fulfill my own need to have my friend back.


  A few minutes later, Jasmine comes skipping down the stairs, wearing tight soft jeans that hug her lean body and worship her long legs, a black vestie top and trainers. Her long black hair is pulled back into a ponytail swishing happily from side to side.

  “Okay, how about we all go out for lunch?” she demands, grinning at everyone in pleasure at finally being able to stay in human form.

  “Sure, but where?” I look around at the others. Seriously, where would it be safe for a shifter, werewolf, vampire, and witch to go grab a bite, without having The Protectors ready to kill us?

  “We could go to my bar, if you want. We do sell food, and the chef is pretty talented.”

  “Yeah, sounds good to me,” Kheda agrees, in obvious relief. “No one would look twice at different species being together in a vampire bar, though we will still have to be careful.”

  “Okay, let’s go.” I look at myself. “Umm, I’ll meet you there; I need to shower and change clothes.” I quickly head upstairs to strip off what I’m wearing and set out some fresh clothes.

  I decide
to wear my trainers, just in case I need to move quickly. Heading to the bathroom, I turn on the water, climb in, and have the quickest shower on record. I dry off, dress and slap on moisturizer, before running my brush through my hair and tie it up. It will dry in its own good time.

  I hurry downstairs and am about to leave when I decide to cast a quick protection spell on my house and land. I have no interest in black magick being done here. Negativity on that level, I do not want or need. I light a white candle for purification, and cast my spell.

  “Let no unwanted guest be allowed

  To enter or harm my home or land.

  Let all be safe, be you animal or human.

  If upon my place, I protect thee.

  Allow my guests safe passage

  To come and go.

  As I wish it

  As I have said it

  So mote it be.”

  Blowing out the candle, I collect my wallet, and stuff it into my jacket pocket on my way out, locking my front door behind me. It is so quiet, for a second I feel afraid. Everything is going to shit around me, and I don’t know what to do about it.

  Shaking my head, I cross toward my car and decide at the last moment to walk instead. After all, apart from a psycho killer running around, it was a nice day out. Walking at a brisk pace away from my car, I begin to wonder what kind of food a vampire’s bar supplies, when I feel a tingle of awareness shiver up my spine.

  Someone is here who shouldn’t be. I pick up my pace a bit more, but not enough for anyone to realize I know I’m being watched. I think about tracking them, but decide against it. I don’t feel any threat just curiosity.


  After a couple of minutes, I exit my property and arrive on the main road, feeling a bit safer but still rattled. I keep up my pace and finally reach East Bridge and hurry across to the other side. Once my feet touch down on the other side, every bone in my body relaxes. Heading to the free car park, I enter the woods, crouch, and look back toward the bridge.

  I spot my grandmother, standing in the middle of the bridge looking around. Shaking her head, she crosses back over and walks toward her shop. Was she following me? Was it my grandmother I’d sensed earlier trying to enter my land? No, it definitely wasn’t her. Could it be a coincidence she’d spotted me?


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