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The Temptress

Page 34

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘I see,’ he replied on an exhalation, his voice low and husky. ‘What a shame that it appears you won’t get to fulfil this fantasy of yours.’

  ‘I know, right?’ I moaned. ‘I put on my sexiest underwear and had a few vodkas before I left home to loosen me up. I feel so squiffy. I must be drunk, I’m telling you all about my underwear and how horny I am.’

  ‘Your underwear is incredibly sexy,’ he nodded, slowly trailing a finger over the lace top of my stocking peeking out. ‘It’s such a shame to let your fantasy go to waste.’

  ‘I know,’ I sighed, pretending not to notice him touching me and holding in a shudder. For someone Frankie had been effectively “grooming” for herself, he really didn’t seem to be wasting any time coming on to me. This was going to be like taking candy off a baby. He leaned right over to put his face next to mine.

  ‘Maybe you can help me out, you see I was also stood up for a … play date,’ he murmured in my ear.

  ‘What are you suggesting?’ I asked, playing for innocence in my tone. Pervert!

  ‘I have a suite upstairs and I’d love to undress you and make all your wildest fantasies come true,’ he purred. I grinned to myself, game on.

  ‘You want to make love to me?’ I gasped, playing for surprise.

  ‘I’m a very skilled lover, Isabelle, I bet I can make you come within five minutes of having you in my suite. I love nothing better than using my tongue on a sweet little pussy like yours.’

  ‘O my!’ I whispered softly.

  ‘So, what do you say?’ he asked, as he straightened up and winked at me.

  ‘I … I … O, you must think I’m so … slutty,’ I mumbled, dropping my head. ‘I’ve only had sex a couple of times and it was awful, I don’t do this all the time.’

  ‘Neither do I, but I’d love to with you. Let me show you how amazing sex can be.’ He stood up and offered me his hand. I looked at him through my lashes and slowly reached out to take it as I slid off my stool. He tossed some notes on the bar, telling the barman it covered my round as well and guided me out towards the lift, a hand firmly planted on my backside. I gritted my teeth, resisting the urge to grab it and bend his wrist backwards. I just had to get him in the suite, capture him saying what he was going to do and I was out of there. It was one thing dirty talking a stranger in a bar, but if his wife wanted to use something against him, she really needed more concrete proof of intent. An invitation to his bedroom and willingness to drop his pants was essential. He stood behind me as the lift doors shut and I was thankful we weren’t alone. It didn’t stop him from putting his hands on my hips and kissing my neck. I closed my eyes as I grimaced and calmly breathed in and out. When we reached the fifth floor, he grabbed my hand and raced me up the corridor to his room, locking the door behind him and positioning me at the foot of the bed. He quickly reached for my jacket as he tried to kiss me.

  ‘Wait, wait,’ I cried. ‘I feel really nervous all of a sudden, I’m not sure I can do this.’

  ‘Don’t back out now sweetheart, I’m about to blow my load looking at you, thinking about seeing you naked.’ He grabbed for my backside and pulled me up against him, grinding his erection into my stomach his lips finding my neck again. I was so close to slapping him and kneeing him in crotch.

  ‘Please, you feel so big, I’m scared.’

  ‘I am big and you’re going to scream like the whore you are as I fuck your cunt, mouth and arse until you can hardly walk and you feel the rips in your abused flesh for days,’ he hissed, as his fingers tightened in my flesh. Ok, that was it, that didn’t sound like a guy who was just after extra marital sex. This guy had a dark side.

  ‘I’ve made a mistake, I’m so sorry, I need to go,’ I uttered as I shoved him off me. That was going to have to be enough for Mrs. De Vere and good riddance to the creep. It happened so fast, I didn’t see his fist coming until it was too late. It connected with my cheekbone like a wrecking ball. I cried out as I staggered backwards, my palm against the pain radiating through my face and shaking my head from the stars dancing in my eyes. I yelped as I felt him grab a fistful of my hair, almost ripping it from its roots as he roughly forcing me down onto my knees. I quickly took some deep breaths as I tried to pull myself together and ignore the screaming pain in my cheek and my blurred vision. I was in serious trouble and needed to think fast.

  ‘You’re not going anywhere you cunt, take my dick out and suck it. If you try to scream I’ll gag you, tie you up and make sure that pretty little face of yours is unrecognisable. I don’t want to hear a single fucking word leave your mouth. Nod if you understand?’ he hissed. I nodded as I swallowed back the barrage of expletives I wanted to use on him, trying to ignore the nausea in my stomach. What had possessed me to come without backup? It was one of the rules I always hammered home, this guy was psychotic. I reached up with genuinely trembling hands, I had to play this cool for a moment, let him think he was in charge. I undid his button and slowly pulled down his zip, but his grip in my hair didn’t relax at all. ‘What are you waiting for, this is what you wanted, sex with a stranger, like a common disgusting prostitute. Well you’re going to get fucked in ways you haven’t even dreamed of bitch. Suck my fucking dick.’

  I twisted my upper torso as I clenched my right fist and swung it back with as much force as I could muster, straight up into his balls. He groaned and let go of my hair as he dropped to his knees in front of me, cupping his crotch and swearing. I scrambled to my feet, launching myself towards the door in a bid for freedom, but he reached out, grabbing my ankle and pulling on it hard. I crashed down onto the floor, winding myself, fighting the urge not to pass out as terror flooded my system. I squealed as he dragged me backwards along the floor, my skirt gathering up around my waist, the carpet creating stinging friction burns on my knees, as I clawed at the thick pile below me to try to keep myself from being hauled back under him. He managed to twist me onto my back as I tried desperately to catch my breath and recover from the shock of his attack and the fall. I screamed as he punched me again, straight in the stomach, nearly making me throw up. I managed to blindly throw one in return, the sound of his nose exploding filled my ears, along with his barrage of abuse and I turned my head as I was sprayed with hot, wet, sticky blood. I was terrified now, if I could just get to my feet I could defend myself, use my kick boxing, but my legs were shaking so badly I wasn’t sure I could stand up. I shook my head to try and rid myself of the dizziness, sure that I could hear the door behind me being pounded on. Please let someone have heard me, I silently pleaded.

  ‘You fucking bitch, you’re going to pay for this,’ he roared, as he forced a cotton handkerchief into my mouth, stuffing every last piece of it in as I tried to shove him off me. He ripped off his tie and captured my hands as I frantically panted through my nose, getting dizzier by the second. I was on the verge of passing out. No! I couldn’t pass out. Tristan needed me, I needed to fight for him. I quickly realised that Mr. De Vere was going to restrain me, I needed to fight back now, and hard, before it was too late. I lifted my legs, wrapping them around his waist and quickly slammed my high heels down into the back of his knees. He yelped in pain and for a second loosened his grip on my wrists. I took advantage by aiming a punch at his throat. He started choking as he fell to the side and I quickly ripped the handkerchief out and screamed at the top of my lungs, someone would hear me, surely. Unable to stand, my legs still like jelly, I crawled towards the door, blinking up in a daze as I heard the slams on the outside of it get faster and harder. I quickly threw myself out of the way in time to see it crash open.

  ‘Shit, Lulu, what the hell?’ came a furious voice. I looked up, stunned to see Trey Douglas, my go to male escort, for the cases where I’d needed evidence against cheating wives. He was panting hard and had his fists bunched up at his sides. He quickly crouched beside me and ran his hand gently over my hair. ‘Are you ok?’

  ‘Trey, what are you …’ I shook my head as I took some deep breaths, trying to calm down.
I was safe now, Trey was here, I was no longer in danger. I needed to compose myself. I quickly looked around to hear groaning from the floor at the bottom of the bed where that vile piece of work was curled up, wheezing and gasping. Seconds later I felt Trey’s arms gently lifting me up.

  ‘No,’ I moaned, tensing up at him touching me.

  ‘It’s ok, it’s just me, I won’t let him near you again. Deep breaths, you’re safe now. Trust me,’ he said softly, as he looked down into my scared eyes. I swallowed and nodded. Trey would protect me. He walked me to the bed and carefully lay me down. ‘Stay there, don’t move, I mean it Lu,’ he warned, before turning to face Mr. De Vere, crumpled on the floor. ‘Right you piece of shit. Think you’re tough hitting a woman? Why don’t you stand up and have a go at me?’

  ‘Water,’ he croaked in response.

  ‘I’m giving you nothing, you can choke to death for all I care. You’re bloody lucky I don’t get a few punches of my own in. Hotel security are on their way to deal with you.’

  ‘I need the bathroom,’ I whispered as Trey looked over at me. I was still reeling from the last few minutes, but I didn’t have time to wallow. I had to think fast, this was going to become a police matter. Trey nodded, bent down and picked up Mr. De Vere’s tie from the floor, quickly securing his hands behind his back. He dragged him over to the sideboard and lifted the corner, making sure the leg slid down between Mr. De Vere’s knotted hands and the small of his back, securing him and making sure he couldn’t escape. Not that he was in a fit state, he was still finding it hard to breathe, especially as his swollen nose continued to ooze blood. He looked a mess. I probably did, but lying down for a minute had helped. Trey came and helped me up, putting his arm around me as he led me to the bathroom. As soon as we were inside I shut and locked the door. ‘I need to phone the office now, I’m recording this, Henry needs to doctor the sound recording and put it on my phone, as if I pressed record while I was scared for my life. This shit needs locking up.’

  ‘While you were scared for your life? Jesus, I was scared for it too. Fuck, Lulu. Look at your face. What were you thinking, coming up to a room with no backup?’

  ‘Please don’t start, trust me, I’m still shaking, I feel stupid enough as it is. Not that I’m not grateful for the save, but why are you here?’ I asked as I dialled Henry’s number.

  ‘You think Violet was going to stand by while you went off on this crazy appointment by yourself. She rang me and asked me to come and keep an eye on you. I followed you out of the bar and took the stairs. Violet had told me what room he was booked into, so I watched you enter and was waiting outside. She said if you weren’t out in five minutes I was to get you out, but I heard you scream first.’

  ‘Give me one second, go nowhere,’ I ordered, holding up a finger to silence him. As Henry answered adrenaline kicked in, I switched from victim to efficient business mode and quickly gave Henry an update, telling him that speed was of the essence. I hung up and turned to face Trey, who was pacing back and forth. ‘Ok for this to work, you were the guy I met on the internet and agreed to hook up with. You got a flat tyre that’s why you’re late, you saw me being shepherded upstairs by him and followed me out of concern, before knocking the door down when you heard me scream. Got it?’

  ‘Got it,’ he nodded. ‘Fake names?’

  ‘No, they’ll call the police, if we want this to stick we need to be us. I used Isabelle Granger when I spoke to him, but I can say I used a fake name and profession, as I was embarrassed picking up a guy in a bar. The important thing is he’s charged with attempted rape. I told him I’d been drinking, but I’ve only had one. Is there any way you can get me some miniatures? I need to knock them back before I get tested, having been slightly drunk will help with “the defenceless victim who tried to change her mind” story and there were people in the lift with us that may well have seen I was uncomfortable with him touching me.’

  ‘Sure, what’s your poison?’

  ‘Vodka,’ I replied.

  ‘Stay locked in here. Play it that you’re feeling scared and vulnerable. When I return we can handle the fall out,’ he nodded.

  ‘Thank you,’ I whispered, convinced the scared and vulnerable wouldn’t be hard to pretend. I’d never had a case go south as fast as that had.

  ‘I’m just glad Violet called me,’ he sighed, kissing the top of my head and disappearing. I quickly locked myself in and went to stand by the sink, looking at myself in the mirror. I winced, my cheek was really swollen and starting to bruise already, my face and white blouse were covered in his blood and my stomach really hurt from where he’d punched me. I suddenly felt overwhelmed and tears started to pour down my face as I realised how lucky I’d just been. All of a sudden I wanted Luc, I wanted his strong arms around me, but I couldn’t call him, he’d be furious with me. I’d said I wasn’t putting myself at risk anymore and I’d gone out and done just that. What had I been thinking? I had Tristan, I couldn’t afford to be reckless like this. I gently lowered myself onto the toilet as I started to sob, vaguely aware of voices outside. I pulled myself together and wiped my eyes.

  ‘Lulu, it’s Violet, please open the door for me.’

  ‘Violet?’ I whispered in surprise. I reached over to unlock it, groaning at the pain in my stomach as I moved. She slipped in and closed it, leaning back on it as she looked down at me and gasped in horror.

  ‘O my God, Trey said you looked awful, but … what were you thinking?’ she uttered.

  ‘I wasn’t. Please don’t get mad at me, I feel stupid enough as it is.’

  ‘He rang me straight away and slipped me this. Here, get some of this down you,’ she advised, as she handed me a half-sized bottle of vodka.

  ‘What’s happening out there?’ I asked, as I glugged some back.

  ‘The paramedics are checking him out. Apparently he has sore testicles, a broken nose and bruised windpipe, you got him good. They’re saying they’ll take him to hospital with a police escort. Once you give your statement, he’ll probably be charged with attempted rape and GBH. How are we going to spin this?’

  ‘Cover’s already in place, he had no idea he was being investigated and it needs to stay that way. I need you to ring Mrs. De Vere, explain what happened and ask her if questioned that no mention of our services comes up. She gets what she wants, a divorce with evidence of attempted adultery and worse, I can’t see her risking that by admitting this was all a setup, except for the part where he got nasty with me. I’m just Lulu McQueen, lonely woman in need of a bit of a thrill who booked Trey via a hook up site.’

  ‘Shit, you’d better think of a way to spin this for Luc. He’s not going to be happy.’

  ‘Tell me about it,’ I groaned. ‘Good job Hilda has special foundation to cover up bruises like this.’

  ‘Ok, one last swig of vodka, then we’d better go and face them. I rang Dom to tell him what happened and that I didn’t know what time you’d be home.’

  ‘Shit, how mad was he?’

  ‘I won’t repeat the words, but I told him not to tell your parents and that you were safe with Trey.’

  ‘Thank you,’ I sighed.

  It was nearly four a.m. by the time Trey dropped me home, helping me to the front door. I’d given statements, been checked and cleaned up by the paramedics, who were concerned that I refused to go to hospital. I just wanted to get home to Tristan. I still had this blood soaked shirt on me and while they’d wiped it all off my face and chest, I felt dirty. I wanted a shower.

  ‘Trey I’m so grateful, I’ll get Sandra to sort out a full booking payment for you.’

  ‘Count this as a freebie, Lulu, just promise me you won’t do anything like this again.’

  ‘I promise, we’ve dropped these types of cases, this was the last anyway, ironic huh?!’ I kissed his cheek and he kissed my forehead, waiting until I’d opened the door and stepped in before he strode back to his Audi TT. I waved goodbye and locked myself in, sighing as I headed through to the lounge. I sto
pped dead in my tracks, my heart in my mouth, to see not just Dom sitting up waiting for me, but a furious looking Luc. He rose off the sofa immediately, his face quickly changing to one of concern as his eyes took in my face, blood splattered shirt and skinned knees. I could feel my heart about to break my ribs it was beating so fast with nerves. ‘What are you doing here? You can’t be here, what if Tristan wakes up,’ I uttered as he strode purposefully towards me.

  ‘Do not make me any more furious than I already am at your … imbecilic actions,’ he snapped, his tumultuous feelings written all over his face. ‘If he wakes I will hide, but if you think I am leaving your side, you underestimate the depth of my feelings for you.’ He gently pulled me to him, laying my good cheek against his firm chest as he stroked my hair. ‘I could have lost you,’ he whispered, his voice shaking with emotion. ‘What were you thinking? You promised me this was over, that you did not do these bookings anymore.’

  ‘I’m sorry, it was the last one we’d taken on, there was no one else to fill in,’ I mumbled, feeling tears welling up in my eyes again. I closed them quickly, luxuriating in the feel of his body reassuringly pressed against mine. I suddenly felt safe again, like no one could ever hurt me.

  ‘If you weren’t injured I’d be hauling you over my knee right now,’ came Dom’s voice. ‘I still might.’

  ‘That makes two of us,’ Luc stated firmly. ‘I warned you there would be consequences if you did something like this, I am a man who likes to keep his word, but not when you are scared, shaking and tearful. Come, I am taking you to bed. You will have to guide me,’ he advised, as he gently lifted me up into his arms. He stopped in front of Dom, who leaned in and kissed my forehead.

  ‘Seriously, sis,’ he sighed. ‘We’ve been worried sick.’

  ‘Is Tristan ok?’ I asked.

  ‘Fast asleep in bed, totally oblivious to everything, where you need to be. You don’t want him seeing you looking like this. Go on up, I’ll organise a cold pack, hot water bottle and a hot chocolate with some brandy in. I’ll give you some time to get cleaned up and changed first.’


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