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The Temptress

Page 35

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘Thank you, you’re the best,’ I reached out and squeezed his arm.

  ‘I am, I could have rung Coco and you’d really have been in the shit,’ he advised, his eyebrows raised to make his point.

  ‘O God, please tell me you didn’t?’ I groaned. She’d go mental with me.

  ‘I think you should be more worried about me,’ came Luc’s stern voice, as I wiped my eyes.

  ‘You haven’t met Coco,’ Dom and I said at the same time, making me laugh and clutch my sore stomach at the same time.

  ‘I’ll ring her when she finishes work tomorrow, so she doesn’t fret all day, but you know she’ll be straight over. Go on, get her to bed, Luc. I’ll be up in a while.’

  ‘Thanks, Dom.’ I looked up at Luc as he carried me to the stairs, wondering if he was holding back, one look at his tense jaw told me that he was. I had a feeling I might live to regret tonight all over again. ‘Turn right,’ I whispered, at the top of the stairs, as I guided him across the large landing and into my master suite. He gently set me down and headed to the door, hesitating for a moment as he stared over at Tristan’s room, then sighed and shut us in.

  ‘Let’s get you undressed, I want to check what damage has been done before we get you cleaned up.’

  ‘I’m fine, honestly,’ I protested, as he slipped off my jacket.

  ‘I’ll be the judge of that,’ he snapped. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying at his tone. His fingers moved to carefully undo the buttons on my shirt. He shrugged it off my shoulders, his fingers skimmed down my arms making me shiver. I heard him hiss through his teeth and raised my eyes to see a look of pain on his face as he studied my bruised stomach. ‘He’d better be locked up or I’ll kill the bastard.’

  ‘He is,’ I replied quietly, watching him sink to his knees as he reached around and unzipped my skirt and gently tugged it, until it slithered down my legs and pooled on the floor. He lay gentle kisses from one hip to another, along the edge of my knickers, carefully releasing my suspenders and rolling my stockings down.

  ‘How are you even here?’ I asked, as I ran my fingers through his hair, while he lifted each of my feet off the floor to remove my shoes and stockings.

  ‘I’d been calling your phone, trying to speak to you as arranged and I got worried when you didn’t reply. I called your landline, your brother answered and filled me in on what had happened. I arranged to return immediately.’ He rose up and ran his hands through his hair as he let out a deep sigh of frustration.

  ‘They have flights at that time in the morning?’

  ‘Oui, but I have my own plane, I can have it fuelled up and ready on short notice for emergencies. You being attacked classes as an emergency. Right, shower. What do you wear to bed?’

  ‘Nothing,’ I replied. He had a plane? There was so much about him I still didn’t know.

  ‘Do not make this any harder for me. I am in a house where my son, who I cannot see or touch, lies not twenty feet away. The woman I love is hurt and covered in bruises and yet she tempts me, as she always tempts me. I’m angry with you and I want to punish you. I’m hurting for you and I want to take care of you. I’m so in love with you that I too am in pain to see you like this. My emotions are in turmoil. I do not like it. You will wear clothes as I am not leaving your side, I will be sleeping here tonight. Where is your bathroom?’ he asked sharply.

  He followed me through my walk in wardrobe into the en-suite and sat me on the sink counter top as he carefully removed my makeup, delicately sweeping the cotton wool over my cheek as he shook his head. His breathing was laboured as he stripped off my bra, suspender belt and knickers and watched as I quickly showered and washed my hair. He was so gentle helping to dry me, carefully dabbing at my raw knees, that I felt emotional again and started crying.

  ‘Sssshhhh, ma belle. You are safe now. I will not let anything happen to you. Come, we need to dry your hair and get you into bed.’ When I was done, with my teeth brushed, he disappeared, then returned and slipped a large white t-shirt over my head.

  ‘This is yours?’ I asked.

  ‘Yes, your brother put my case in your room when I arrived.’

  ‘Thank you, for the t-shirt, for coming for me and looking after me so well,’ I murmured as I looked up at him gratefully. I was so lucky to have him.

  ‘I will always come for you if you need me, you or Tristan. You are my raisons d’être.’

  ‘I’ll have Dom make up the study bed in my office, you’ll have to stay in there, quietly, until Dom leaves with Tristan for school.’

  ‘Non!’ he scoffed. ‘I sleep in no guest room. I am sleeping with you. We will have to lock the bedroom door, or barricade it if necessary, but I will not leave you alone. Tomorrow and Friday I will work from here and go back to the hotel when he comes home from school, but I will return when he is asleep and stay at night again.’

  ‘Luc,’ I feebly protested, then sighed and nodded when he glared at me. He tucked me up in bed and opened the door when there was a gentle tap on it, to let in Dom with my drink, a hot water bottle for my stomach and cold pack for my cheek, as promised.

  ‘I think it would be best if I say you didn’t come home last night, I’ll give him breakfast and drop him at school. I’ve got no shoots tomorrow, so I’ll pick him up as well. Best we don’t tell Mum and Dad about this.’

  ‘Agreed,’ I nodded.

  ‘Thank you for being honest with me when I called, Dominic. I look forward to getting to know you under more ideal circumstances,’ Luc said, as he shook his hand. ‘Your sister speaks very highly of you and I know that it means a lot that you are here for her.’

  ‘Well I know my sister, she may not have said it, but she’d have wanted you here too. Thanks for coming so fast. Right you, little sis, bed rest until Luc or I tell you otherwise. Don’t make me kick your arse.’ He kissed my good cheek and headed to the door, before turning and throwing me a double thumbs up. ‘I like him, in spite of the accent,’ he winked, making me laugh, then clutch my stomach again. Luc shook his head and quickly locked us in, then disappeared to the bathroom with his wash bag. I slowly sipped my drink. Shit, what a night. I really thought I was at risk of not getting out of that room at all, some bruises and hurt pride were a blessing in retrospect. My mouth dropped open as Luc appeared, totally naked, sporting an impressive erection that I couldn’t stop staring at, until it disappeared when he gently climbed into bed next to me.

  ‘Stop looking at me like I’m just a hunk of meat,’ he ordered, slight amusement in his tone. ‘No sex, lie down on your good side, facing away from me.’

  ‘You’re perfect,’ I told him under my breath. ‘You fly all the way back to be with me, you’re tender and gentle, you’re so handsome and your body is …’ I shook my head, feeling giddy again at the sight of all his toned muscles.

  ‘You react the way I do to your body, but tonight we do nothing but sleep. Have no fear when you are ready I will let you take advantage of me,’ he winked.

  ‘I’m ready,’ I nodded.

  ‘No you are not,’ he replied sternly. ‘You have bruises that must heal and I want to be sure you have no psychological trauma, you have been through an ordeal. Lie down, I will not ask again.’

  ‘Yes, Sir,’ I replied, as I carefully lay down. He took my cold pack out of my hand and gently lay it on my face, before turning out the light and tucking in behind me, kissing my neck as his arm circled my waist and covered the hand holding the soothing hot water bottle on my stomach.

  ‘Do not call me “Sir” unless I demand it, it gets me hard,’ he groaned.

  ‘So I notice,’ I replied, as I wiggled my bottom against his erection.

  ‘Stop, sleep, or I will get very angry. You have nothing to fear, ma belle. I am here to watch over you and protect you. Dream sweet dreams.’

  ‘I think I will,’ I confirmed.

  ‘Je t’aime,’ he whispered in my ear. I smiled and closed my eyes, letting out a deep contented sigh.



  I lay in bed on my side, watching him sleeping. It had been over a week since my ordeal, while the bruise on my face had turned a yellow green colour, the one on my stomach was no longer visible. I’d been so grateful to have Luc staying with me every night, I’d woken up in a sweat that first night, with palpitations in my chest, sobbing my eyes out. He’d quickly soothed me, whispering to me in French, holding me tightly until I finally fell back to sleep. It had happened for a couple more nights and each time he’d been there, even though I knew how hard it was for him to be in my house, with our son totally oblivious to his presence. I’d stayed at home over the weekend as well, meaning he had to make himself scarce all day while I kept Tristan entertained, only returning at night when I called him. He was struggling, I could see it all over his face every time we went to bed and walked right past his door. My heart was breaking for him, but Tristan wasn’t ready yet. He’d been so excited to get his Elmer book, carefully wrapped and he’d told me I wasn’t allowed to read it to him, only his daddy could, which was a great sign, but while he was regularly asking me questions about Luc, he hadn’t asked to see him. When he’d mentioned his zoo set, I’d told him that we’d need to invite his daddy over to give it to him, hoping that would make him agree, it hadn’t. How did you talk about this to a five year old, or encourage him to move at a faster pace? I was running out of ideas.

  He was with my parents this weekend, Mum had collected him Friday night and was dropping him at school Monday morning, so Luc and I could have two days to ourselves at his house in the country. I’d had Claire come over to babysit on Thursday night and had invited my parents out for dinner, to introduce them to Luc. It had gone really well. Mum had hidden herself behind the restaurant menu, fanning her face as she winked at me, letting me know what I already knew. My boyfriend was seriously hot! It made me squeeze his hand tightly, proudly. I’d never introduced them to any men in my life before, but they knew our history now, not how wild the sex had been that night in Paris, but that I’d been reckless having an unprotected one night stand, that he was the father and I’d gone back looking for him. When Luc excused himself to go to the toilet, even Dad told me I had his approval. I had no doubts Dad was doing a full background check on him, but I didn’t need to. For the first time, I trusted a man I was involved with. I don’t know how he inspired it, he just did. Having him close and knowing that Mr. De Vere had been charged with GBH and attempted rape, was so reassuring.

  I reached over and gently ran my fingers over his eyebrow. He moaned and shifted slightly, the sheet slipping and revealing more of that body that instantly had mine in a spin, but it was early and he was still worn out. Not only had we had lots of seriously enjoyable, but physically tiring sex last night, but he’d returned from Paris every night, to watch over me, while he was arranging the transfer of his account from Bouchon bank. He was also getting prepared to conduct the majority of his business from London, for which he’d purchased a new office building, not too far from mine. I carefully slipped out of bed and pulled on his discarded shirt, grabbed a bikini from the dressing room that he’d thoughtfully stocked with some basic items for me and skipped down the stairs to go and have a swim to stretch out my tired muscles. I planned to relax in the sauna, then shower and go and make him a large breakfast, surprising him with it in bed.

  I lay on the sofa next to him, catching up on the TV series Scandal, while he sat with his laptop on his knees, working, occasionally reaching out to caress my scalp. As I finished another episode, I paused the player and just watched him concentrating with a slight furrow in his brow. He was so dedicated and conscientious, but given he oversaw the management of billions of pounds, he had to be. I just wished he’d take his foot off the gas now and again and just relax. I knew if I asked him to do anything with me, he’d make the time, but it wasn’t for me I was worried. It was for him. I didn’t want him overdoing it and making himself ill. Or God forbid having an early heart attack. Even just lying here gazing up at his handsome face made me happy.

  ‘I can feel you watching me, it is very distracting,’ he stated, his lips curling up at the edges.

  ‘How is it distracting? I’m quietly observing. I like to watch you.’

  ‘As I do you, ma belle,’ he replied, carefully placing his laptop on the lamp table beside him. ‘Come here,’ he ordered, patting his lap. I quickly scrambled up and straddled it, locking my fingers behind his neck. ‘So obedient,’ he chuckled, as one hand slipped under his shirt to grasp my bare bottom, the other tangling in my hair as he pulled me down for a kiss. I sighed as our lips met and his tongue gently flickered at mine.

  ‘Luc,’ I sighed as I broke our connection and gazed into his beautiful glossy brown eyes. ‘I need you again, make love to me.’

  ‘How is your stomach feeling?’ he asked, tilting his head as he waited for my answer.

  ‘Fine,’ I replied, with a puzzled frown.

  ‘You are sure? It does not hurt when you touch it, or lie on it?’

  ‘I’m sure, why?’

  ‘Because I do not want to aggravate an old injury, but I owe you a punishment,’ he advised, suddenly rising to his feet, holding me up by my backside as I clung to him by the shoulders.

  ‘What do you mean?’ I searched his eyes for answers as he strode out of the family room and into the kitchen.

  ‘You defied me by going out to tempt men again, by flirting, by going to another man’s room and for almost …’ he shook his head as a faint growl left his lips, his soft body immediately hardening as he changed his stance, standing taller and straighter. ‘I promised that I would punish you and I intend to do so. Right now.’ My eyes widened in surprise as his face changed to one of grim determination and anger. Before I had a chance to protest, he’d hoisted me up his body and over his shoulder, one hand firmly fixed on my backside to stop me slipping as he opened the kitchen door and headed out into the hall.

  ‘I was just doing my job, it was the last time, trust me, it will never happen again,’ I protested, as he opened the door under the stairs and headed down to the basement.

  ‘You don’t get to pull the trust card on me, Lulu McQueen. I forbade you from going out again, you agreed not to, then two nights later you did just that. I could have lost you that night. Tristan could have lost his mother and I am not yet in a position to care for him, because he has not met me. I have hidden my fury for over a week, while you recuperated. No more. You will learn that there are consequences to breaking your word. How else am I supposed to trust you?’ he bit angrily. I gulped as I hung limply over his shoulder, seeing the large flagstones under his bare feet as we passed the sealed, temperature controlled wine cellar and the door to the laundry, both directly under the kitchen. I’d seen the cinema room, which could seat twenty four people, but the door opposite, under what was to become his formal lounge, he hadn’t shown me. When I’d come to explore this morning, the door had been locked.

  ‘What are you going to do to me?’ I asked quietly, my heart racing at the thought of his dominant side appearing again, like it had in Paris.

  ‘Whatever I want,’ he replied, as he pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. ‘The price for disobedience is submission to my will. You will feel enough pain to remember to never cross me again, but it will also make your body heightened with need, you will crave me, you will beg me for release and you will have the most explosive orgasm of your life at the end of it.’

  ‘It sounds like I want to misbehave more often,’ I giggled, then gasped as he smacked me forcefully on my bottom, with enough smart to make me screw up my face.

  ‘Silence. You will address me as “Sir” and you will only speak when spoken to. Do you remember your safe words?’ he barked, as he tucked the key back in his pocket.

  ‘Amber if I’m nearing exhaustion or my limits and … black if I need you to stop,’ I confirmed, suddenly feeling nervous.

  ‘You did remember. You enjoyed our night together
as much as I did,’ he replied, a tinge of pride in his voice.

  ‘I had no idea what was coming, I was excited.’

  ‘And now?’ he asked, as I heard the handle being turned and the door swinging open.

  ‘I’m nervous,’ I whispered. ‘In case you really hurt me.’

  ‘Lulu, I am not a sadist, I do not get off on inflicting pain on anyone, let alone the woman I love. I enjoy restraining, watching you succumb to the way I can make your body feel, I get off on seeing you submit to me, letting me control you and your orgasms. It is not my intention to terrify you, to have you unwilling to come into this room again, let alone to be scared of me touching you, but when you put yourself in harm’s way, I will ensure you feel the consequence of that. There will be no bruising, no breaking of your perfect skin, but you will be reminded every time you sit down today and tomorrow, of why it is in your best interests to never break my trust again. Are we clear?’

  ‘Yes,’ I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me. My breathing hitching a little at the thought of what was about to happen. He hadn’t moved, he was still standing on the threshold.

  ‘I am a dominant man, it is in my nature, I enjoy the feeling of power I hold over men and women alike, it assists my business to have this persona, but I am not a dominant. I will not demand subservience from you unless we are in this room. Other than your safe words and the use of my title when we are in here, there are no rules, regulations or contracts. You are the woman I love and who I will keep safe no matter what the cost, so I will have certain expectations of you when it comes to this, which we will discuss as and when the situation arises. If you agree to anything I see to be in your best interests, I expect you to adhere to our agreement, as I will if I make you a promise. Break that agreement and I will spank you and then use you as I see fit in this room. The end result however will always be intense pleasure, for both of us. Tell me you agree to those terms and I step inside.’ He remained rooted to the spot, I wasn’t sure who was breathing hardest or fastest out of the two of us. All I knew was that when Luc promised pleasure, he’d never once failed to deliver. Surely I could handle a few spanks like I had in The Domville, when I’d confessed to bugging his room?


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