Book Read Free

You and I

Page 8

by Jacquelin Thomas

  Later, Cherise dipped her lobster into the melted butter. “Mmm, this is good. It came out better than I thought.”

  Steven nodded. “You really outdid yourself tonight.”

  Grinning wickedly, Cherise asked, “In the kitchen or in the bedroom?”


  Her appetite for him was insatiable, and her lusty state of mind made Cherise weak with desire. Her breathing quickened at the sight of him licking his full, sexy lips.

  Cherise had to mentally shake herself in order to concentrate on her dinner.

  Setting his champagne flute on the table, Steven stated, “I guess we should decide on a wedding date.”

  She reached out across the table, lacing his fingers with her own. “I don’t think we should rush it, but I don’t know if I want to wait a whole year to marry you.”

  “I was thinking we could get married sometime in June,” Steven tossed out in the conversation.

  She frowned in discouragement, her delicate brow furrowing up. “That’s about eight months away. I was thinking more of a spring wedding.”

  Steven shrugged. “Just think how warm and sunny it’ll be…a perfect summer wedding outdoors. Now we just have to decide on a date.”

  Letting his hand go, Cherise said, “Okay, I’m convinced. June it is. We can do the date another night. We have more urgent things to deal with right now.”

  Pushing away from the table, Steven stood up.

  Walking around the table to where Cherise sat, he pulled her to her feet. “You’re right. For this moment, I just want to hold you.”

  She snuggled closer, whispering, “I love you so much, Steven. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I want you to know that. Sometimes I can’t believe you are really a part of my life.”

  Steven’s fingers curved under her chin, forcing her to look him in the eye. “I’m here for all of our lifetime.”

  Her heart sang with delight. Burying her face against the corded muscles of his chest, Cherise murmured, “What I’m feeling is so extraordinary, it defies description.”

  Running his fingers through her hair, Steven asked, “Now why is that?”

  “Well, I have this incredible man that I love with all of my heart and who loves me back.”

  Suddenly feeling shy, Cherise pulled away from him and picked up a plate. “I know you probably think I’m being silly.”

  “No, I don’t, because I feel the same way, honey. I think anyone who’s ever truly been in love knows what we’re talking about. True love is a rare and precious find,” Steven explained as he helped her clear the table.

  He carried the last of the plates into the kitchen. “Hey, did I tell you that my aunt and uncle are moving back here? You’re going to get to meet them real soon.”

  Putting the dishes into the dishwasher, Cherise replied, “That’s great. I’m looking forward to it. You talk about them so much.”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing Aunt Eula Me. I haven’t seen her since I went to Ghana to visit her.” He frowned. “That was almost three years ago.”

  Cherise sighed. “From all you’ve told me about her, it’s amazing she never had kids of her own.”

  His expression somber, Steven said, “That’s because she can’t have any. She was pregnant years ago, but the baby died in utero. She was fairly close to her due date.”

  Cherise swallowed hard. “Ooh, how terrible. I’m sorry to hear that.”

  Steven shook his head sadly. “Aunt Eula Mae never really got over losing that baby. I guess she just kind of transferred all her love to me.”

  “I don’t know if anyone ever really gets over something like that,” Cherise said. “Losing a baby like that. I imagine something like that is hard to recover from.”

  “Yeah, it was hard on Aunt Eula. Real hard.” Putting his arm around her, Steven said huskily, “Enough talking. Let’s go up to bed.”

  Cherise couldn’t agree more.

  Chapter 10

  “Miss Ransom, do you need help with anything?” Bridgett asked from the doorway. “Mrs. Sheppard said that you might need me to do something for you.”

  Cherise smiled, motioning for the teen to enter. Peering around the room once more, she nodded. “Actually, I really could use some help. Do you mind?”

  “Naw,” she responded. “I’ll be glad to help you for a change.”

  “That’s so sweet, Bridgett.” Cherise sat forward in her chair, pointing to a stack of empty boxes. “Would you please return those to receiving?”

  “Sure.” She lifted the stack of cardboard boxes and headed to the door. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Thanks, Bridgett. When you get back, I’d like for you to help me organize the file cabinet.”

  “No problem.”

  Bridgett returned promptly and the two of them spent the afternoon putting away the rest of the files.

  Satisfied with the progress they’d made, Cherise commented, “You’ve been such a great help, Bridgett.” She checked her watch. “It’s getting late and I’m starving. How about I take you to lunch?”

  Bridgett giggled. “You don’t have to do that, Miss Ransom.”

  “I insist. It’s my way of saying thanks for all of your hard work.” Cherise gestured around the room. “I wouldn’t have had any of this done without you.”

  Bridgett bobbed her head up and down. “Okay, we’ll have lunch.”

  “We’ll go wherever you want.” Cherise picked up the phone. “I’m going to call Mrs. Sheppard and clear it with her.”

  Bridgett nodded as she continued putting away the last of the folders.

  “…Thanks, Maxie. Bye.” Hanging up, Cherise asked, “Ready?”

  “Ready.” Bridgett completed the last of her filing. “I was thinking I’d like to go to K. C. Cagney & Company. It’s not too far from here. About a mile south of Kendall Drive.”

  “Then that’s where we’ll go,” Cherise agreed as she grabbed her purse.

  She drove the short distance to the restaurant, twisting her face at the sight of the love bugs flying straight toward her car and smearing the windshields. Disgusted by the sight of the sticky bugs, Cherise made a mental note to stop off at a car wash after work.

  She parked her car and they got out. Inside the restaurant, Cherise surveyed the campy fiftyish design, she commented, “I’ve never been here before. How is the food?”

  “This is my favorite restaurant. My dad used to bring me here a lot …” Bridgett’s voice drifted. “The food’s real good.” Her eyes became dark and desolate.

  After they were seated, Cherise stated, “You don’t talk about your father much. Is he still alive?”

  “Just my mother’s dead. I used to live with my dad.” Shrugging, Bridgett added, “I guess I never really talk about him ’cause there’s not much to say about him. Except that he used to love me and now he doesn’t.”

  A glint of wonder in her eyes, Cherise asked softly, “You don’t really believe that, do you?”

  Bridgett suddenly seemed wistful. “I do. See, he loved me until he got married again. He has a new family now and there’s no room for me in it.”

  “Just because he’s remarried, it doesn’t mean he’s stopped loving you.”

  “My dad had to make a choice. He chose them.”

  Cherise frowned. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

  “It’s simple, Miss Ransom. His wife made him choose between them and me. They won,” Bridgett stated bitterly.

  “Who would tell you something like that?” Cherise asked, wanting to put all the pieces together. She was sure that Bridgett was maybe feeling a little jealous, and that was normal. For years it had been just the two of them.

  “I know what you’re thinking and you’re wrong. Nobody had to tell me anything.” She pointed to herself. “I heard them talking myself. His old skinny wife told him that he had to choose between them and his pig of a daughter.” Bridgett’s eyes filled with unshed tears. “Well, guess what? His fat daugh
ter lost out.”

  Cherise reached over to cover Bridgett’s trembling hand. “I’m so sorry.”

  “You know, Miss Ransom, what really hurts is that he let her call me names like that and he never got mad. Sometimes he would laugh with her and her daughter.” Bridgett paused as if summoning the courage to continue.

  “I overheard the witch tell him that she wouldn’t have sex with him again until after I was out of the house. You should’ve seen him. He hurried up and he sent me to my grandmother.” Sighing, she murmured, “I guess I didn’t deserve a mother or a father. My mom dying when I was a baby and my dad…”

  Fighting back her own tears of anger, Cherise squeezed Bridgett’s hand. “Your father doesn’t deserve a daughter like you. But you know what? I have a strong feeling that one day you’ll look up and he’s going to be there. I truly believe that.”

  “I still love him, you know,” she whispered. “I don’t want to talk to him or anything ’cause I’m still angry and my feelings are hurt. But even after all he’s done, I still love him.”

  “When you’re ready to talk to him, you will.”

  Shrugging, Bridgett stated, “Maybe. Maybe not.” Picking up her menu, she said, “I think I’ll have a turkey burger.”

  Cherise smiled. “I think that sounds wonderful. I’ll have the same.”

  She gasped in surprise when she returned to find a huge bouquet of flowers in her office.

  Reading the card, she smiled. They were from the staff to congratulate her on her engagement.

  Steven called and she told him about the flowers.

  “It’s always nice to be appreciated.” She didn’t respond, so he asked, “Honey, what’s going on? You sound as if you need something to brighten your day.”

  She sat on the corner of her desk. “I just had lunch with one of the teens here. Steven, she’s so sweet and the poor thing’s been through so much.”

  “She’s not alone, honey. She has you.” His tone was soothing.

  “I know. I just hope she’ll continue making progress. When she first came here, she was so angry and she wouldn’t open up to anyone. But each day she reveals more and more about herself.”

  “Sounds to me like you’re reaching her.”

  “I hope so,” she murmured almost to herself.

  “Are you afraid of a setback of some kind?” Steven asked.

  Her face clouded with uneasiness. “I don’t really know. I just want something good to happen to her. She should be enjoying her youth.”

  Something I missed out on, Cherise added silently.

  “You really care about her, don’t you?”

  “Steven, I care about all of the children here. I worry about them all.”

  “I’m glad they have you. Hell, I’m glad I have you. You are one special lady.”

  Cherise grinned. “I bet you say that to all of your girlfriends,” she teased.

  “Just the top three. Honey, I’ve got to get to a meeting. I called to let you know I was thinking about you. I’ll see you later at your place.”

  “Okay,” Cherise responded. “Oh, I’m going to stop by the mall. I need to pick up some things before I head home.”

  “Remember we’re going house hunting and we still have a wedding and honeymoon to pay for.”

  She smiled. “Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten. See you.”

  Cherise hung up.

  Leaning over, she inhaled the sweet fragrance of the flowers once more before getting back to work. The roses from Steven still sat on her desk, so she moved these to the credenza near the window.

  That evening Cherise arrived home laden with shopping bags.

  She put them in her bedroom, then checked her answering machine for messages.

  Steven had called earlier and stated he was still at the office but would be leaving in the next half hour.

  Navigating to the den, she kicked off her shoes in a carefree manner before dropping down on the sofa. Cherise reached for the remote control and began surfing the channels.

  Although Cherise missed Steven, she was delighted to have this time to herself. Since he probably wouldn’t be there for another hour, she didn’t have to worry about rushing dinner.

  Closing her eyes, Cherise tried to relax.

  She couldn’t get Bridgett off of her mind.

  Steven leaned back into the comfort of his chair, staring at a photo of Cherise. He was excited over the fact that she would soon meet his aunt and uncle. They were the two people who meant as much to him as his parents.

  Aunt Eula Mae was a strong-willed, outspoken woman, and he was relieved that she was readily prepared to accept Cherise—a rare quality in her. As long as he could remember, she’d never taken a liking to anybody he’d dated. Always found something wrong with them.

  Smiling, Steven had to admit that his aunt had always been right in her feelings. But this time was different. Steven had a feeling Aunt Eula Mae and Cherise would instantly hit it off.

  Cherise was his soul mate—he’d known that from the first moment he’d laid eyes on her. His aunt would see it, too.

  Aunt Eula Mae. He couldn’t wait to see her again.

  Grinning, Steven cut off his monitor.

  It was getting late and he wanted to get to Cherise’s place. His heart still performed somersaults whenever he thought of her. It was obvious to everyone that he loved her to no end.

  Steven gave thanks that Aunt Eula Mae was willing enough to give Cherise the benefit of the doubt. If she disliked a person she would have nothing to do with them. That could make for a tense situation, leaving him to choose sides. Steven didn’t want to be a part of something like that.

  Standing up, he assured himself that there was nothing to worry about.

  Aunt Eula Mae would come to love Cherise as much as he did.

  Chapter 11

  Cherise opened the door to let her sister enter. She and Jazz were going to have a girl’s day. Since she’d started seeing Steven, they hadn’t spent much time together.

  “Jazz, come on in. I’ve got some stuff to tell you!” She admired the cute little one-button wrap skirt in denim that her sister was wearing. “Make yourself comfortable and I’ll get the coffee.”

  Jazz strolled into the living room and plopped down on the floral-patterned love seat. Glancing around the room, she asked, “Where’s Steven? I thought for sure I’d see his car parked in the driveway.”

  Cherise walked in and handed a cup of flavored coffee to Jazz before sitting down beside her. “For your information he was here, but he’s gone to the gym and then he’s hanging with some of his boys.” She blew softly on the steaming hot coffee.

  Jazz giggled. “Are you two tired of each other already?”

  “Of course not,” Cherise responded and held up her left hand.

  Jazz’s eyes widened, then filled with tears of happiness. “Oh, Lord! That sure is a beauty.” She hugged Cherise, causing her to almost spill the contents of her cup. “I’m so happy for you.”

  Cherise placed her cup and saucer on the coffee table and said, “Steven and I are going to make an announcement tomorrow at Aunt Amanda’s house. Don’t say anything before then, okay?”

  “I’m not saying a word. Have you two set a wedding date?” Pressing her hand to her bosom, Jazz asked, “I am the maid of honor, right?”

  Cherise laughed. “We’ve decided on the month, but not the date. Probably late June. And yes, you’re going to be my maid of honor.”

  Jazz chewed her lower lip petulantly before she responded, “I’m just a little bit jealous. I wish I had someone in my life who loved me as much as Steven loves you.”

  Deep down, she wished that same for her sister. She wanted Jazz to find the same happiness she’d found with Steven.

  “Cherise, can I ask you something?”

  “Sure. What’s up?”

  “Why did you leave home?” Jazz asked. “Were you mad with Mama? Did you two have a fight or something?”

  Her sister had ne
ver asked her about this—neither had her brothers. When she’d left home, Jazz had been thirteen years old.

  “Mom and I didn’t have a fight,” Cherise responded. “It wasn’t like I wanted to leave you guys behind, but I hated school. You have no idea how those kids used to treat me. I was picked on all the time and called fat, a pig, even an elephant once.”

  Jazz was shocked. “I had no idea.”

  “Nobody really did because I never told anyone. I thought if I didn’t acknowledge it they would just stop.”

  “You used to run with these two girls,” Jazz said. “Tina Smith and Joyce Sanders.”

  Just the sound of their names brought back a rush of unpleasant memories. Tina and Joyce were part of the pretty and popular clique, but they were also bad news, although Cherise didn’t know it at the time. All she wanted was to have them as friends.

  “Tina ended up going to prison for identity fraud,” Jazz announced.

  This time Cherise was surprised by the news. “Are you serious? How did you find out?”

  “I was home visiting Mama last summer and it was all over the news. I meant to tell you, but I kept forgetting about it.”

  Deep down she wasn’t surprised that Tina had ended up in prison. She had been shoplifting since high school. Joyce was right along with her. Cherise had desperately wanted them to like her, so she attempted to buy their friendship by stealing money from her mother’s purse and giving it to them. Soon that was not enough. They demanded more for their friendship.

  “I asked Cherise to marry me and she said yes,” Steven announced after dinner and before dessert was served at Aunt Amanda’s house. Most of the Ransoms were there, except for Prescott and his family, but only because they lived out of state.

  Ivy jumped up to hug the happy couple.

  Congratulations and well wishes rang out from around the dining room.

  “You never said a word,” Elle accused. “I talked to you twice this week. How long have you two been engaged?”

  “Just a few days,” Cherise responded. “We wanted to wait and tell everyone together.”


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