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You and I

Page 9

by Jacquelin Thomas

  Amanda brought out a bottle of champagne for the adults and sparkling cider for the children.

  Steven kissed her.

  After their mini celebration in Riverside, they drove back to Los Angeles. Once they were at his place, Steven called his aunt to share their news.

  “Aunt Eula Mae, how’re you doing?” He inquired upon hearing her pick up.

  Cherise couldn’t hear what she was saying, but whatever it was, it made him laugh.

  “That’s fine, Aunt Eula Mae. I’m calling to tell you my news.” He paused for effect. “Remember the woman I’ve been telling you about? Well, I asked Cherise to marry me and she said yes.”

  Cherise didn’t realize that she had been holding her breath until Steven said, “I knew that you’d be happy for me. Now when are you moving back to the States?”

  A big smile spread over his face.

  “What?” Cherise whispered.

  “They will be here in a couple of weeks,” he mouthed.

  “That’s great. I can’t wait to see you, Aunt Eula Mae,” Steven said. “And Uncle Jerome. I’ve missed you both so much. Cherise is looking forward to meeting you. By the way, she told me to tell you hello.”

  He winked at Cherise. “You’re going to love her.”

  Steven spoke with his uncle for a few minutes before hanging up and giving Cherise all his attention.

  She felt Steven’s hard, lean body trying to stretch out beside her on the overstuffed sofa. She chuckled. “Now, you know that you can’t lie down on this couch with me. Let me sit up, then we’ll both be comfortable.”

  His large hand took her face and held it gently. “I have a much better idea. Why don’t we just go lie down on the bed? I know we’ll be comfortable in there.”

  “You know you have a one-track mind, Steven. All you think about is sex,” she teased.

  Steven’s eyes roamed over her full figure, caressing her softness. “Well, I’ve got this sexy woman here, looking all good all the time. What else do you expect me to think about? Girl, you drive me crazy.”

  Her eyes caught and held his. “You’re not just saying this to me, are you? Do you mean it?”

  “Honey, you know how much you turn me on. You look so good to me, girl.” His expression was one of lust.

  Cherise grinned. “I guess I just wanted to hear you say it again and again.”

  “I know, sweetheart. But I’m not just saying it because I know you need to hear it—I’m saying it because it’s the way I really feel.”

  Cherise smiled, her heart full of love. “How did I get to be so lucky?”

  “I’m the lucky one, sweetheart. You’re exactly the woman I was looking for. I knew it the very first moment I saw you. Standing at the elevator in that black outfit—”

  She cut him off by asking, “You remember what I was wearing the day we met on the ship?” She was touched by his revelation.

  “Yeah, it’s a day I’ll never forget. I have always wanted a woman who was just as beautiful on the inside as the outside. I love the way you carry yourself and the way you’re always going after what you want. We’re kindred spirits, you and I.”

  She laid her head in the crook of his neck, contented. “You make me feel special, Steven.”

  “That’s because you are,” he responded.

  Cherise lifted her lips to his.

  Steven kissed her mouth in a tender brushing of his lips that made her smile.

  Steven and Cherise flew to Phoenix the following weekend.

  It was time for her mother to meet the man she planned to marry in June. They had finally decided to do it the last Saturday in the month.

  “Our offer on the house was accepted, and they’ll start building in about a month,” Cherise told her mother while they were at the dining room table going over bridal magazines. Steven was out with her oldest brother picking up snacks for the football game coming on later that afternoon.

  “I’m so excited, and I know once you see the house, you’re going to love it.”

  “Is it going to be ready by the time you get married?”

  “It should be almost done. I’m selling my house, and after we get married we’ll be staying in Steven’s house. His aunt and uncle are going to move into Steven’s house after we move into the new house.”

  Arlene broke into a grin. “I really like him. You did good.”

  Cherise closed her eyes, but tears escaped, rolling down her cheeks. “I can’t believe I’m this happy, Mama. I love Steven so much. Sometimes I feel like I don’t really deserve him.”

  Smiling, Arlene handed her a tissue. “Honey, you deserve it. Now, no more crying. We’ve got a wedding to plan.”

  Dabbing at her eyes, Cherise nodded. Things were perfect between her and Steven, and she wanted to keep it that way.

  Chapter 12

  On Thanksgiving Day, Cherise opened the door to Steven’s house, and her senses were immediately assaulted by the smell of scented candles.

  “Steven?” she called out. “Steven, where are you?”

  “I’m in the bedroom, honey,” he yelled back. “I’ll be right down.”

  Putting her purse down on a nearby table, she stood in the middle of the living room, glancing around, taking in everything.

  Flickering gold candles were placed everywhere, providing the room’s only source of light. Soft jazz flowed in the background.

  Smiling, Cherise took off her black single-breasted jacket, laying it neatly across the back of the sofa. She basked in the romantic ambience, whispering, “What are you up to?”

  Steven eased up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Happy Thanksgiving, sweetheart,” he said. “Did you have fun with your family?”

  “It was good, but I’m glad to be here with you.” Cherise turned around in his embrace, burying her face against his throat. “This wasn’t the way I wanted to spend our first Thanksgiving.”

  “I know, but since my mom wasn’t feeling well, I figured I’d cook for them. You were on my mind all day long.” He spoke with a huskiness that indicated his hunger for her.

  Peering up at him, Cherise inquired, “What’s with all the candles and the soft music? What exactly have you planned?”

  “What do you think? I’m seducing you,” he whispered, his breath hot against her ear.

  Leaning into his embrace, she said, “Mmm, I like the sound of that.”

  With one hand, he pulled her closer to him.

  Cherise closed her eyes to the feel of his smooth, handsome face against hers. Steven kissed her, opening her mouth with his.

  He pulled away from her, leaving her hungry for more of his kisses. “I have a surprise for you.”

  “You’re spoiling me, Steven.”

  “You deserve to be spoiled, sweetheart. I love spoiling you.” He walked across the room to pick up a large manila envelope.

  “Here.” Steven handed it to her.

  Cherise opened it and read the contents. Her mouth opened in astonishment. “You named a star after me?”

  Steven nodded and smiled. “Yes, I did. Would you like to see your star?”

  “Yes.” Like an eager child, Cherise followed him to the patio, where he had a telescope already sat up.

  “Come here, sweetheart. Look at this.”

  Peering through the tiny hole, she asked excitedly, “Is that it? Is that my star?”

  “It sure is.”

  She turned around, facing him. “Thank you so much. I can’t tell you how much this means to me—”

  “Shh, just kiss me.” Steven demanded. His kiss sent new spirals of ecstasy through her. Moving gently down the length of her back, his hands caused Cherise to gasp in sweet agony. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close.

  The feel of his firm, muscled flesh was intoxicating and she felt the golden wave of passion and love that flowed between them.

  “I guess we should go back inside,” Steven suggested.

  Cherise shook her head no. “Let’s eat out her
e. It’s such a beautiful night; I just want to enjoy it.”

  He nodded. “Anything you want, honey.”

  Steven stepped inside the house. Cherise followed him, helping him carry the dinner and a bottle of chilled wine.

  Wiping her mouth with her napkin, she said, “This is so romantic, Steven. We should do this more often.”

  He laughed and pointed his fork toward her. “You’re not going to get out of cooking. I know you.”

  She joined in his laughter. “Well, you can’t blame a girl for trying. Seriously though, I’ve enjoyed everything.”

  “I’m glad.” Steven glanced up into the night. “It was a good idea to come out here to eat.”

  Cherise pushed away from the table. “Why don’t we go inside and work off some of this food?” Recognizing the lusty look in Steven’s eyes, she added, “Dancing, honey. I’m just talking about dancing.”

  “That’s just what I was thinking,” he replied in mock innocence.

  Cherise burst into laughter. “Oh yeah, I really believe that.”

  They headed inside, holding hands. Steven led her to the middle of the living room floor. Pushing the huge coffee table to the side, he created the illusion of a dance floor.

  “I guess great minds do think alike, because I have a gift for you, too.” Cherise walked over to a nearby table and pulled a small box from her purse.

  Cherise had purchased a pair of platinum architect-triangle cuff links, which Steven seemed to love. “I saw them in the store and knew that I had to get them for you.”

  “These are great,” he told her. “Thanks, baby. How would you feel about spending Christmas in Jamaica?”

  She smiled. “It sounds like fun. Why?”

  Steven presented her with tickets to Jamaica.

  “Are you serious?” she asked.

  He nodded. “I want our first Christmas together to be special.”

  “I’m so looking forward to the trip,” Cherise told him. “This has been the best Thanksgiving ever.”

  He smiled. “I feel the same way.”

  Cherise and Steven held each other tightly as they danced to the romantic sounds of Luther Vandross, Brian McKnight and James Ingram. In the tightness of his embrace, Cherise felt safe and secure. As Steven sang to her, an easy smile hovered about her lips.

  Tracing the perfectly shaped star on her shoulder, he murmured, “You know I really love your birthmark. It’s very sexy.”

  Cherise laughed. “Really?”

  “I think so. That’s what prompted me to buy you the star.” He stared into her eyes. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too, Steven, with my entire being.”

  Together they savored the warmth of each other’s bodies and the kindling of heated excitement. Tonight they were the only two people in the world.

  Cherise’s heart swelled with happiness as he held her tightly and their mouths joined. In Steven, she had found the peace she had been searching for.

  Here in his arms, she would be content forever.

  Chapter 13

  Cherise and Steven had gotten up at the crack of dawn to open Christmas presents. He had given her a new iPod touch, a stunning sapphire-and-diamond tennis bracelet with matching earrings, and the designer handbag she’d wanted.

  They burst into laughter when Steven opened his gift containing an iPod touch. Cherise also gave him a new leather briefcase and a couple of sweaters.

  Steven called his family while Cherise was in the other room, talking to her sister. She called her mother next. She finished her call when Steven came to the door to let her know that their breakfast had arrived.

  “I have an idea about our wedding theme,” Cherise said as she buttered her toast.

  Steven sat down his coffee cup, listening.

  “Since we met on a cruise, I was thinking we could have a Mediterranean-themed wedding.”

  He nodded in approval. “I like that.”

  Cherise stuck a forkful of eggs in her mouth. She chewed and swallowed before saying, “I’ll meet with Kaitlin when we get home. She’s got some of the most beautiful wedding gowns in her shop.”

  When they finished eating, they got up and dressed for the beach.

  “I’m so glad we decided to spend Christmas here in Jamaica,” Cherise said as they walked out of their suite in the Grand Lido Hotel and down the hallway toward the elevator. “I could stay here forever.”

  Steven nodded. “I know what you mean. I love this island. This is only my second time coming here but it feels like a second home.”

  As soon as they stepped outside, Cherise drank in her surroundings. It was so amazing how the sunny weather just seemed to wash the island in brilliant waves of color. Yellows drenched by the sun, passionate pinks, delectable purples, tropical teals and opulent greens.

  Immersed in the sea of heavenly hues as people milled around them, Steven and Cherise strolled casually along the sandy beach looking for a vacant area to place their belongings. They soon found a spot and spread their towels down before dropping down to the ground.

  Surveying the Seven Mile Beach, Cherise admired its beauty. “I really needed this little getaway. Since my promotion, seems like I can’t keep my desk clear.”

  Steven agreed.

  They spent time swimming in the ocean, then decided to take another walk.

  He held her hand and kept her close to him at all times, which thrilled Cherise. No man had ever made her feel so special.

  “What are you thinking about?” Steven asked, intruding on her thoughts.

  “I was just thinking that no man I’ve ever dated has made me feel the way you do. You treat me like a queen.”

  “That’s because you are a queen to me,” Steven interjected. “A woman who is as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside deserves to be treated like royalty. I love and appreciate your friendship, your love and your honesty.”

  Cherise stiffened a little when he mentioned the word honesty. She had been as honest as she could with him.

  Cherise cleared her throat nervously. “I’m not perfect, Steven. I do have flaws.”

  He met her gaze. “You are perfect in every way to me.”

  Cherise didn’t respond.

  When she returned from Jamaica five days later, Cherise met up with her cousins Kaitlin and Elle for a spa date.

  “Now, you know the rules,” Kaitlin said. “You were supposed to take me and Matt with you.”

  “Uh-huh.” Cherise laughed. “Girl, we were trying to get away from the clan for a few days.”

  “Did you have fun?” Elle asked.

  “We did. We spent most of our time on the beach. Steven and I both love the water. That’s why we’re building the house in Santa Monica, so that we’ll be near the water all the time.”

  “That’s so sweet,” Kaitlin said. “Matt and I have been looking in that area too.”

  Elle’s head popped up from the magazine she was reading. “You guys are selling your house?”

  “We haven’t put it on the market yet, but yeah. Matt wants a bigger house and he loves the water, too.”

  “Brennen would probably like something bigger, but I’m perfectly happy where I am.” Elle checked her vibrating cell phone. “That’s him calling now.”

  Cherise grinned. “I can’t wait to get married.”

  “You should be. I love being married to Matt. He’s a wonderful husband and father.”

  “I think Steven is going to be a great father. We’ve been talking about starting a family right away. I made a doctor’s appointment to check out everything. I want to make sure I’m in working order, you know?”

  Kaitlin laughed. “You are too funny.”

  Cherise grew serious. “Steven is always talking about how perfect I am—I worry that he’s going to be disappointed when he starts to see all my flaws.”

  “Honey, he knows that you’re not perfect—nobody is. But even with your imperfections, you still seem perfect to him. That’s what he’s sayin
g,” Kaitlin explained.

  “That’s what I’m hoping,” Cherise said. “I don’t like all the references to perfection. I don’t need the pressure.”

  Kaitlin smiled. “Well, the way I see it, we are perfect. Just ask any of the men in our lives.”

  Cherise picked up a bridal magazine and said, “Oh, we want a Mediterranean-themed wedding.”

  “That sounds wonderful,” Elle interjected. “We can even do that for your bridal shower as well. We can send out the invitation on postcards from Italy, Greece and France. Ask the guests to bring a gift with a Mediterranean theme such as French lingerie or maybe a cookbook from one of the countries.”

  Kaitlin nodded in agreement. “I like that.”

  “So do I,” Cherise said with a grin. “We could have that drink from Spain—I forgot the name, but it’s made with red wine and lemonade.”

  “Oh, it’s Tinto de Verano,” Kaitlin said.

  “You can give out gift bags with French chocolates or soaps for shower favors,” Elle suggested.

  “Or half bottles of Spanish or Italian wines,” Kaitlin contributed. “But then, not everyone drinks.”

  “Sparkling water is a favorite all over the Mediterranean,” Cherise said. “We could give out some in the gift bags. I could have a special thank-you note printed on the label.”

  “So what colors are you thinking of using for the wedding?” Kaitlin asked.

  “I’m thinking rich olive green and gold. And for the wedding reception, I think those colors should be infused with brilliant blues throughout the room, with wine-colored candles.” Cherise gave a slight shrug. “At least this is what’s at the top of my head.”

  “Well, we have time to sort everything out,” Kaitlin assured her. “I’m so happy for you, Cherise. You’re getting married.”

  “I know. I still have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming.”

  It was time for them to have their facials, so they tabled their discussion until later.

  Steven and Cherise attended church service with the rest of the clan on Sunday. Cherise wore a navy-and-white dress with matching accessories, while Steven looked handsome in a navy suit.


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