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You and I

Page 17

by Jacquelin Thomas

Cherise nodded, then burst into laughter. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to save you.”

  “Your BlackBerry is ruined,” she said. “I hope you have insurance.”

  She assisted him out of the pool.

  “I’ve just made a major—”

  “It was very sweet,” she told him. “But I hope you have some clothes in the car.”

  “I do.” Steven studied her face, trying to read Cherise’s expression, but he couldn’t. She was polite but not as openly expressive as she normally was.

  “You go to the restroom and change out of this stuff. Give me your keys and I’ll go to your car and get your bag.”

  A few minutes later, Steven was in dry clothes and struggling to ignore the whispers and giggles as he and Cherise walked down to her office. She closed the door behind them.

  “Now, why are you here?” she asked. “Actually, it’s good that you’re here. I was about to cancel everything for the wedding.”

  Steven met her gaze. “Cherise, I don’t want a life without you. I want you in my life and in the house we bought together. I love you, Cherise. I want you to know that has never changed.”

  “A few days ago, you didn’t know how you felt about me,” Cherise responded. “Steven, I’m sorry, but no.”

  “I admit that I was wrong, sweetheart. I know that you were just a kid and what happened left you with an invaluable lesson. I know deep down in my heart that you don’t have a mean bone in your body. Cherise, I trust you with my life.”

  She rose to her feet and started pacing back and forth. “I don’t know about that.”

  “I love you, Cherise.”

  “Please don’t do this, Steven,” she pleaded. “I can’t do this.”

  “Can I come over tonight?” he asked.

  Cherise folded her arms across her chest. “For what?”

  “So that we can finish this discussion,” Steven replied. “I’m not going to make this easy on you. I was a fool before, but I won’t make the same mistake twice.”

  Cherise stared out of the window with her back to him.


  She turned around to face him. “We can talk, but I have to be honest with you, Steven. I’m moving on. I’m tired of living in the past.”

  He flashed a sexy smile. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  Cherise was speechless.

  How could Steven think that they could pick up where they left off just like that? The man had lost his mind.

  She couldn’t believe him.

  Cherise forced Steven out of her mind until she made it home that evening. She changed into a pair of sweats and sat down to wait for him to arrive. Her stomach was a bunch of nerves.

  I can’t let him get to me, she vowed silently as she thought of the intimacy they’d once shared. He’s hurt me too much.

  She heard a car pull up into the driveway.

  He’s here.

  She opened the door to let him enter.

  Steven embraced her, then released her. Cherise swore she could feel the heat of his light touch clear down to her toes, bringing back delicious memories.

  When they entered the foyer of the house, Steven turned to her saying, “I love you, sweetheart, and I know that you love me, too. We are so much a part of one another that separate we’re nothing. You’re my better half, and I need you in my life, Cherise.”

  She still loved him with her whole heart. She wasn’t sure she could just let him walk out of her life again. “Can you truly forgive me, Steven? Can you look past any flaws that I have and love me for me?” She asked the question quietly but firmly and waited for his answer with breathless anticipation, hoping he would say what she longed to hear.

  Sitting across from her and holding her hands in his own, Steven’s eyes appraised her. “There’s nothing for me to forgive. I accept you and your past. I’m sorry that it took me so long to get to this place.”

  Cherise felt the sting of tears.

  Still holding her hands within his own, Steven placed them against his broad chest. “I want you to marry me.”

  Looking up into his handsome face, Cherise could not speak for a few seconds. She thought she was dreaming, but as his words began to permeate every portion of her mind and soul, she stepped away from him. “Steven, you really want to marry me?”

  He smiled. “I can’t live without you.”

  Steven could not resist the sweet temptation of her lips so close to his own and for a moment his mouth slanted over hers and drank the sweetness. “Please say that you’ll be my wife.”

  Cherise’s heart swelled with happiness and she covered his face with kisses. “Yes, Steven. Yes, I’ll marry you,” she said.

  Steven pulled her into his arms. “Baby, I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I missed you, too.” She replied. “This has been nothing but torture, Steven.”

  “I’m sorry for everything.”

  “I need you to trust me, but mostly to love the real me.”

  “I give you my word,” Steven told her. “I won’t let you down this time.”

  Cherise took him by the hand and led him to the bedroom.

  After making love, Steven watched Cherise sleep. She was in his blood.

  He eased out of bed and went downstairs to place a call to Elle. He wanted to run an idea past her.

  “Steven, are you sure this time?” Elle asked. “I like you a lot, but I won’t let you hurt my cousin a second time.” Her tone was firm and brooked no argument.

  “I give you my word that I will never set out to deliberately hurt Cherise. I really do love her, Elle.”

  “I hope that you do.”

  “Elle, I want to surprise her.”

  “I won’t say a word,” she promised. “I’ll call you tomorrow morning at your office.”

  He hung up and went back upstairs to join Cherise.

  She was still sleeping, so he crept back into bed with her. Cherise stirred slightly, then snuggled up against him.

  Smiling, Steven closed his eyes.

  He was happier than he’d been in days.

  Chapter 25

  Cherise eyed the wedding gown hanging in the dressing room at La Maison. It was her wedding day.

  “I can’t believe this is really happening,” Cherise whispered. She couldn’t seem to stop smiling.

  “Regis is going to be here shortly to do your hair,” Jazz announced.

  She hugged her sister. “I’m getting married today.”

  “I know. Honey, this is your wedding day and you’ve got to get moving.” Jazz checked her watch. “Kaitlin and Elle are here, but Allura and Ivy are late. After Regis does your hair and makeup, she’s going to curl my hair.”

  “Have you seen Steven?”

  Jazz nodded. “He’s here, so you can relax.”

  Her other bridesmaids arrived.

  Jazz ushered them into the dressing room and rushed them into their gowns.

  “Your sister is so bossy,” Allura said.

  Cherise laughed.

  Regis styled her hair into an upswept style, weaving the satin ribbon with tiny rosebuds through her curls. After she finished with her hair, she applied makeup with a light hand to complete Cherise’s wedding look.

  Elle was zipping Cherise into her gown when a knock on the door caught their attention.

  Cherise glanced over her shoulder and asked, “Elle, can you get that?”

  “Sure.” She peeked out and Cherise heard voices.

  Elle turned and announced, “It’s your soon to be mother-in-law and Miss Eula Mae.”

  They stepped inside of the room.

  Rebecca embraced her. “You look beautiful.”

  Eula Mae agreed, and then opened her purse. “There’s just one more thing you need,” she said. “I want you to have these.”

  She placed the pearls around Cherise’s neck. “If my daughter had lived, I would want her to be just like you. Steven is right. You are a very special lady.”

Cherise blinked away her tears. “Miss Eula Mae, I don’t deserve to wear these.”

  “Everybody deserves a second chance, Cherise. When I met you, there was just something about you—we had a connection, and now I understand, or I think I do. We were connected that night when you tried to help me, and that connection never went away. God took my baby home to Him, but He sent me you. I’ve witnessed the way you have helped those kids at the center heal from life’s hurts, and I believe you’re my second chance to heal. I need to finally heal.”

  The two women embraced.

  Jazz cleared her throat loudly and pointed to her watch.

  Arlene smiled. “Why don’t you ladies get lined up? Jules and I are going to escort our daughter down the aisle and get her married. I think Steven has waited long enough.”

  Looking over her shoulder, Eula Mae embraced her sister. “Our Stevie’s a very lucky man.”

  Cherise shook her head. “No, I’m the lucky one.”

  “It’s time,” Elle said.

  She could hear the music playing, and her father strolled into the room. He and Arlene greeted each other.

  They walked down a long hall to where the larger banquet rooms were located. Cherise slowed her steps as she glimpsed the poster-size drawings of her surrounded by some of the places they’d visited on the cruise guiding them to the room where she would take her vows. She knew that Steven had drawn all of them.

  There were a couple featuring the two of them that he must have sketched from photos. All were beautiful, well-documented renditions of their time together.

  Two Grecian statues stood on either side of the door.

  “Oh my goodness,” she whispered. “They’re real people. That one just blinked.” She glanced over at Kaitlin and smiled.

  The doors opened, and at almost the same moment the harpist began playing.

  The bridesmaids made their entrance, followed by Jazz.

  With the ring bearer and flower girl walking in front of them, Cherise and her parents entered the transformed ballroom.

  They escorted her down the aisle to Steven, who was waiting with tears in his eyes.

  When it was time for them to say their vows, Cherise went first.

  “I love you, Steven. Today is a very special day for me. Long ago, you were just a dream and a prayer. On this day, I have so much to be thankful for. Thank you for being what you are to me. With our future as bright as the promises of God, I will care for you, honor and protect you. Steven, I lay down my life for you, my friend and my love.”

  “Cherise, I love you, baby, and I know that this love is from God. Through all of the uncertainties and trials of the present and future, I promise to be faithful to you and love you. I promise to guide and protect you, as Christ does his Church, as long as we both shall live.”

  They exchanged rings and before the pastor could get the words out of his mouth, Steven captured her lips with his own.

  Applause erupted around the room.

  “I present to you all, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Chambers Jr.”

  More applause followed.

  Later, Cherise walked over to Kaitlin and Matt. “You both did a fantastic job with this place,” she said. “I really feel like I’ve been transported back to the Mediterranean. I can’t wait to see what you’ve done with the reception.”

  “I can’t take credit for any of this,” Matt said. “It was my wife and Elle. They did a great job, though.”

  After the formal wedding photos were done, they made their way to the ballroom where the reception was being held.

  The soft glow of the candles highlighted the hues of reds, blue, greens and traces of gold in the tablecloths. Each table featured edible centerpieces of cascading cheese, grapes and breadsticks on marble slabs. Marinated olives were placed in stoneware for guests to savor.

  “Everything is beautiful,” Amanda said when she joined them. “The ceremony was beautiful.”

  Cherise hugged her aunt. “Thank you.”

  Steven wrapped an arm around Cherise. “I hope you’re pleased with everything.”

  “I am the happiest bride alive, honey. You did good. I had no idea you were going to hire people to be statues. I thought we were going to use columns.”

  “I just wanted to surprise you.”

  Cherise flashed him a grin. “It worked. People haven’t stopped talking about them.”

  Their wedding dinner consisted of foods from France, Greece, Italy and Spain. Stations were positioned around the room representing each country. To add to the Mediterranean feel, gold Chiavari chairs with exotic throw pillows were placed at the head table.

  After dinner, Steven had one more surprise for Cherise.

  The lights were turned off. He gestured for her to look up.

  “Oh my goodness,” Cherise murmured. “Stars…”

  Tiny, glittering gold stars adorned the ceiling.

  She kissed him. “Thank you. Now I have a surprise for you, as well.”

  He gave her a sidelong glance. “You do?”

  Cherise nodded. “Sit down and enjoy.” She signaled Kaitlin, who whispered something to the D.J. they’d hired to work the reception.

  She sat down beside her husband.

  The music started and the doors opened to allow six women in colorful, flowing outfits enter.

  Steven broke into a grin. “Belly dancers?”

  Cherise nodded.

  They watched the performance. Steven leaned over and whispered, “I would have enjoyed seeing you do a belly dance for me.”

  “That’s my other surprise, but you’ll have to wait until later,” she responded.

  Steven and Cherise dined and danced the evening away, surrounded by the love of family and friends.

  “Are you ready to leave?” Steven asked with a hopeful gleam in his eye. They didn’t leave until Saturday for their honeymoon, so they were going to lock themselves away in a hotel suite until it was time for their flight.

  “I’m ready whenever you are.”

  They thanked everyone for coming and quickly made their escape.

  “So, how’s married life?” Elle asked a glowing Cherise a couple of days after she returned from her honeymoon. They met for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory in Marina del Rey.

  “It’s great,” she replied. “Steven and I have never been happier or closer.”

  “I’m glad you’re back. I missed you.”

  “What’s going on with the clan?” Cherise asked. “Have I missed anything?”

  “Not really,” Elle responded. “But you will be glad to know that your father isn’t seeing that woman anymore. However, my mama and Mr. Ragland are still spending time together.”

  “I’m glad my dad has come to his senses. As for Aunt Amanda, I’m happy for her.”

  “I’m not sure how I feel about it,” Elle admitted.

  “I have some news of my own,” Cherise said. “Steven and I are trying to get pregnant.”

  Elle’s mouth dropped open. “Really? That’s wonderful.”

  “I’m hoping we got pregnant on our honeymoon. Either way, I’m keeping my fingers crossed until it’s a done deal.”

  Elle laughed. “It’s going to happen in its own time. Just enjoy being a wife for now. When motherhood comes, then you’re too tired to be a wife at times. I’m still trying to balance everything.”

  “I’m looking forward to having that problem.”

  After lunch, Cherise returned home.

  She opened one of the boxes in the bedroom and started pulling stuff out. Cherise didn’t stop working until it was almost time for her husband to leave the office.

  She started dinner.

  Steven found Cherise seated on the sofa in the family room reading. He planted a kiss on her forehead before asking, “How was your day?”

  “I had lunch with Elle, then came back here and did some unpacking. Dinner should be ready in about five minutes.”

  They sat down to a meal of roast chicken, green beans and mashed potatoes a
nd gravy.

  “Aunt Eula Mae told me to remind you that you two have a lunch date tomorrow.”

  Cherise smiled. “I haven’t forgotten.”

  “You two have really become close,” he said. “I think my mom’s getting a little jealous.”

  She sliced off a piece of her chicken with her fork. “Oh, no. I’ll call her this week and we’ll do something special.”

  Cherise glanced up to find Steven watching her. “What’s up, baby? Why are you staring at me like that?”

  He caressed her with his gaze. “Are you in the mood for some baby making?”

  Cherise smiled. “Definitely.”

  Steven pushed away from the table and stood up. He moved around the table to where she was sitting. Holding out his hand, he asked, “Then what are we waiting for?”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-8488-7


  Copyright © 2011 by Jacquelin Thomas

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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