The Second World War
Page 126
February 10, 1957
Aachen, 849, 863
Abadan oil refineries, 438, 480
Abbeville, 243, 249, 257
Abdication crisis, 99–100
Abdul-Ilah, Emir, Regent of Iraq, 437, 440
Abdullah, King, of Jordan, 971
Abrial, Admiral, 270
Abusir, 614
Abyssinia, clash with Italians on border of, 54
appeals to League, 63
Italian threat to, 64, 72–4
conquest of, 75–8, 82, 84, 275
suggested partition of, 80–1
question of recognising Italian conquest of, 105–6, 108–9, 123–4
Italian garrison in, 376
Italians defeated in, 393, 395, 484
Wavell flies to, 445
Acasta, H.M.S., 212–13
Acheson, Dean, Under-Secretary of State, 956
Achilles, H.M.S., in Battle of River Plate, 179–80, 184–5
Acquarone, Duke of, 684, 687
Adak Island, 545
Adana, 653–4
Adige, River, 915, 917
Admiral Graf Spee, the, 165
in South Atlantic and Indian Ocean, 178–9
brought to battle, 180–4
end of, 185
capture of auxiliary ship of, 198–9
Admiral Scheer, the, 165, 399
Admiralty, and Anglo-German Naval Agreement (1935), 67, 69
Churchill returns to, 162–4
statistical department for, 164
anti-submarine measures of, 170–1, 397–8
discusses neutrality of Norwegian Leads, 193
authorised to mine the Leads, 202
taking of decisions at, 205
change in position of First Lord of, 231
collects craft for evacuation from France, 248, 265
orders action against French Fleet, 317–18
insists on convoys to Egypt going round the Cape, 375, 378–9
War Room of, 682
Adowa, Battle of, 72
Adriatic Sea, allocation of forces to, 707, 730
suggested operation from head of, 731, 798, 861
Partisans occupy coast of, 761
Ægean Sea, Italian garrisons in islands of, 689, 708, 768
value to Allies of use of, 708, 712, 728, 730–1
German occupation of islands of, 709, 711
Churchill denied operation in, 709–12, 714, 730–1
Africa, Italian Imperialist programme in, 52, 64, 72–3. See also North Africa
Afrika Korps, Rommel in command of, 421–2
beats in the Desert Flank, 422–3, 444
reinforcements to, 442, 482
halted after “Battleaxe”, 482
in “Crusader”, 487–90
British capture H.Q. of, 487
at Alam Halfa, 620–1
at Alamein, 624–38
in retreat, 628–9, 643
approaches Tunisia, 637
collapse of, 670
Agedabia, 423, 517
Agheila, 421–3, 516, 643
Ahwaz, 480
“Aid to Russia” Fund, 466, 471–2, 721
Air attacks, on open cities, 12
Britain’s chances of withstanding, 261–2
at Dunkirk, 266–7, 272
on British transports, 307
on German invasion fleet, 338–9, 352
on ocean shipping, 399, 403–4
on Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, 405–6
on Mediterranean convoys, 424–5
danger of, from Syrian bases, 438
on Suez Canal, 438
Japanese, on Pearl Harbour and Philippines, 494–5
on Tokyo, 540
on German supplies to Tunisia, 661
on Sicily and Sardinia, 682
on Mohne and Eder dams, 692
on Italian Fleet, 704
on Tirpitz, 723
Turkish fear of German, 728–9
in support of Anzio, 769
on Cassino Monastery, 771
on Japanese-held islands, 835–6
land-based, on U.S. Fleet, 837, 841
by suicide bombers, 841
on U-boat bases, 928. See also Air raids.
Air Defence: Artillery, 354
Research Committee, 164
Air Estimates (1934), 56–7; (1935), 60
Air Ministry and Ministry of Aircraft Production, 230
Air photographs, of invasion fleets, 329–30
Air raid(s), on Guernica, 94
absence of, early in war, 170
on Helsingfors, 196
on Germany, 226, 262, 325, 353, 360, 469, 580, 602, 696, 713, 717, 849–50, 865
on Rotterdam, 241
on aircraft industries, danger of, 261–2
on Italy, 270, 278–9, 289, 660
on England, 323, 338–9, 341–2, 343
et seq., 390–2, 448
on London, 344–5, 347, 353–65, 391–2
on ports and convoys, 344
indiscriminate, on industrial centres, 345, 352
daylight, north of the Wash, 345–6
on airfields, 347–8
compensation for damage in, 357–8
incendiary, 362–3, 365, 391–2
Italian, on England, 385
British casualties from, 392
on Rome, 684
Air Raid Precautions (A.R.P.), 363
in London (1939), 161–2
Air raid shelter(s), in London, 355, 358, 360, 363
in Germany, 360
in Moscow, 605–6
Air supply, attempted in Warsaw, 817–22
of China, 823, 825, 827
of troops in Burma, 824–6, 830
of Berlin, 961
Airborne Division(s), landed by warships at Taranto, 706
for “Overlord”, 778
in Battle of Ardennes, 864
Airborne landings, defence of Britain against, 296
on Crete, 429–30, 434
Germans lose opportunity with, 434, 440
in invasion of France, 550, 784, 802
in Sicily, 683
in Burma, 692, 825, 832
in Italy, 699
German, in Ægean, 709, 711
at Arnhem, 846–7
in Greece, 867
over Rhine, 894–5
Aircraft, air attacks on industry supplying, 261–2, 352
America supplies Britain with, 368
German long-range, over Atlantic, 399, 403–4
catapulted from ships, 404
sent to Russia, 465, 467
in defeat of U-boats, 535–6
V.L.R., 535
jet-propelled, 893
Radar-carrying, 536
needed for Second Front, 550–1
U.S., in Egypt, 625
concentrated for “Torch”, 633
offered to Turkey, 729
to aid Yugoslavia, 760–1
transferred from “Hump” to Imphal, 826
U.S., in East Anglia, 961. See also Dive-bomber aircraft; Suicide bombers.
Aircraft Production, Ministry of, 230,
Beaverbrook’s achievements at, 346
Aircraft-carrier (s), loss of Courageous, 172
loss of Glorious, 212
French, immobilisation of, 316, 319
in Mediterranean Fleet, 384–5
Japanese, attack Pearl Harbour, 494
need to improvise on large scale, 501
“escort”, 536
attack on Tokyo from, 540
battles between, 540–544, 546–8
American production of, 833
Japanese shortage of, 834–5
Airfields, German attacks concentrated on, 347–8
in Crete, 429–30
defences of, 474
in Iceland, 479
in Sicily
, 683
in Italy, 698–9
on Rhodes, 708
on Cos, 709
Turkish, 711, 728, 730
capture of, in Pacific islands, 833
Air-power, held to favour defensive, 187
possession of, and invasion, 328, 601
effect of, on Fleet action, 548
German, in Ægean, 711
over Burma, 824
Aisne, River, 305
Aitken, Max, 347
Ajax, H.M.S., in Battle of River Plate, 179–80, 184–5
Archbishop meets revellers on, 873
Akagi, the, 547
Akyab, 695
Alam Halfa, Battle of, 619–21
Alamein, 577–9, 590
Battle of, 624–30
Alban Hills, 783
Albania, Italy annexes, 146
invasion of Greece from, 381
Greeks face Italians in, 392, 414, 419
Yugoslav chance to attack in, 411, 414–15
surrender of Greek army in, 418
Italians join Partisans of, 768
Albert, 252
Albert Hall meeting on “Arms and the Covenant”, 99
Alençon, 305
Aleutian Islands, Western, 537, 544
Alexander, King of Yugoslavia, assassination of, 53
Alexander, Rt. Hon. A. V. (Viscount, of Hillsborough), 219–20
Alexander, Field-Marshal Sir Harold (Viscount, of Tunis), in France (1940), 255, 269
Churchill’s directive to, 560, 596, 618, 654
given command in Middle East, 590, 592, 595–6, 618
and Command in “Torch”, 594, 618
Churchill with, in Egypt, 614, 616
and defence of Cairo, 617–18
sends word of Rommel’s attack, 619
and Alamein, 625–7, 629
at Casablanca, 644–5
deputy to Eisenhower in Tunisia, 645, 654
in Turkey, 653
answers Churchill’s directive, 655
in command in N. Africa, 660–2
at Algiers Conference, 667–8, 670
in command of Allied Army Group in Sicily, 681–2
on invasion of Italy, 704–5
asks for longer use of landing-ships, 728
and High Command in Mediterranean, 729, 739
Churchill intends visit to, 751
in command in Italy, 752
supports idea of amphibious landing, 754–6
plan of, for Anzio, 758
on Anzio, 770
and Cassino, 771, 774
weakened forces of, 798–9, 801, 803–4
prepares offensive, 801, 803–4
Churchill visits, in Italy, 802–7
failure of offensive of, 808
in Athens during civil war, 872, 874
Supreme Commander in Italy, 915
Germans surrender to, 917
mentioned, 223, 255
Alexandria, British Fleet at, during Abyssinian War, 77
French Fleet at, 316, 318, 638
Admiralty on defensive at, 378
reinforcements to Fleet at, 384
Greek Navy reaches, 419
convoy sent direct to, 423–5
Queen Elizabeth and Valiant disabled in harbour of, 490, 511
danger of air attacks on, 565
German threat to, 569
Roosevelt and Churchill in, 892
Algeria, Flandin arrested in, 90
Allied bases in, 660
Algiers, vessels of French Fleet at, 316, 318
Darlan at, 634, 637
Anglo-U.S. landings at, 635
surrender of, 636
air attacks on, 642
Churchill visits, 655, 666–70
Algiers Conference (1943), 667–71
Aliakhmon Line, 413–14, 416
Allied Air Force, on D Day, 781
in Italy, 782–3, 915, 917
in Normandy, 789, 792, 794
in S. France, 802
helps to drive enemy over Rhine, 893
at crossing of Rhine, 895
Allied Control Commission, 922–3
Allied Control Council, 937
Allied Inter-Service Staff, plans “Overlord”, 691, 693, 697, 775
Alsace, 860, 863
Alten Fiord, 722
Altmark, the, 198–9
Ambrosio, General, 684–5, 687
American Zone of Germany, 919–21
Churchill advocates delay in withdrawing to, 912–13, 931–2, 934–5, 937
access to sea from, 921
food supplies of, 923
withdrawal of troops to, 936–7, 949, 955
Amery, Rt. Hon. L. S., 59 n., 161, 214
Amiens, 243, 249, 251–2, 845
Amphibious operations, planning for, 297–300, 463
in Sicily, 681–3
artificial harbours for, 694–5
promised to Chiang Kai-shek, 727, 737–8
in Italy, 739
training troops for, 776
for reconquest of Burma, 824, 829–32
in Japanese-held Islands, 833. See also Anzio; Mulberry harbours; “Overlord”, etc.
Amsterdam, 241
Anatolia, need for air bases in, 728. See also Turkey.
Andalsnes, 211
Andaman Islands, 747–9, 755, 823
Anders, General, 610, 613
Anderson, General Sir K. A. N., 594, 660
Anderson, Rt. Hon. Sir John, Home Secretary and Minister of Home Security, 167, 361
Minister of Supply and Lord President of Council, 362
Anderson Shelters, 363
Anglo-American Supply Mission to Moscow, 467, 469–71
Anglo-German Naval Agreement (1935), 67–9, 148
Anglo-Italian agreement (1938), 123–4
Anglo-Russian Alliance (1942), 554
Anglo-Soviet Treaty, 151
“Annexe, the”, 355–7
War Room in basement of, 361
Anti-aircraft: defences at time of Munich, 135, 140
guns, shortage of, 210–11
batteries for German invasion fleet, 336
guns in London area, 347, 354
batteries in No. 11 Group, 349
Anti-Aircraft Command, 352
Anti-Semitism in Germany, 50
Anti-Submarine: School, 164
methods, 170–1, 173
craft, 173, 536
aircraft, 404, 535–6
Support Groups, 536
Anti-tank: defences in Britain (1940), 294–296
bombs, 294
Anti-U-boat Committee, 536
Antwerp, in line of defence, 189
air attacks on shipping in, 338, 352
need for harbour of, 844–5
capture of, 845
clearing channel to, 845–9
German drive for, 864
“Anvil”, Operation, 748, 802
agreement reached on, at Teheran, 745, 797–8
landing-craft for, 749, 776, 798
slow progress in Italy hinders, 773, 798
Anglo-American disagreement on, 797–801
renamed “Dragoon,” 800
summing up of, 803
too late to help “Overlord”, 803, 808
Anzio landing, 769–74
obtaining landing-craft for, 756–8
plan for, 758
covering operations for, 758, 769
fails in its main purpose, 770–3, 797–8
tonnage landed during, 773
achievement of, 774, 783, 803
Arab-Jewish strife, 971–2
Arakan, 695, 755
British advance down coast of, 824–5
Arbitration Treaties, achieved at Locarno, 17
“Arcadia”, Operation, 508
Archangel, convoys to, 462, 465, 470
Stalin suggests landing of British divisions at, 469
Anglo-American Supply Mission at, 470
Arctic, “Second Front” suggested in, 464, 469
Arctic Convoys, 586–7
organisation of, 462
Russian ill-usage of sailors of, 465, 718–19
Anglo-American undertakings regarding, 470
medical supplies carried by, 472
escort carrier with, 536
difficulties of, 581, 715
Stalin jeers at destruction of, 611
suspension of, 715, 717
correspondence between Churchill and Stalin on, 718–22
resumption of, 722
naval engagement brought about by, 722–3
losses in, 723–4
achievements of, 724
Ardennes, the, held to be impassable by invader, 187
German tanks pass through (1940), 240, 254
German counter-offensive through (1944), 863–5
Ardent, H.M.S., 212
Argentan, 794
Argentina, votes against German rearmament, 64
sterling payments to, 369
Argus, H.M.S., 465
Arizona, U.S.S., 494
Ark Royal, H.M.S., at Oran, 317–18
escorts “Tiger” convoy, 425
sinking of, 490
Arliss, Captain, 433
Arlon, 864
Armour, Britain and France underestimate power of, 187–8, 242
British deficiency in, 191, 240
Armoured Brigade in Greece, 413–14
Armoured Divisions, British, in France (1940), 285
in Home Defence, 330
in N. Africa, 422–3, 443, 482, 487–8
“Tiger” reinforcements for, 424–5, 442, 444
at Alam Halfa, 620
at Alamein, 626, 628–9
in Tunisia, 661
in race for Antwerp, 845
in race for Arnhem, 846–847. See also Tanks
“Arms and the Covenant”, 99–100
Arnhem, 846–7
Arnim, General von, 661
Arnold, General Henry H. (U.S.A.), 235, 731, 872
Arras, German armour advances on, 243, 249
in Weygand’s plan, 251
British attack at (1940), 252, 255, 421
British enter (1944), 845
Arromanches, protection of harbour at, 785
“Mulberry” harbour at, 789–90, 845
Artillery, impotent against tanks (1940), 188
Montgomery’s use of, in Egypt, 615, 629–30
use of, at Cassino, 773–4
impeded use of, in Normandy, 788
in Italy, 806
Arundel, 337
Arunta, H.M.A.S., 841 n.
Asdic apparatus, 164, 171, 173