The Second World War
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Ashford, 337
Asia, post-war changes in, 966–71. See also Far East
Asiatic Fleet, U.S., 494–5
Assam, air-lift to China from, 823–4, 827
Astor, Lady, 608
Athenia, S.S., loss of, 170
Athens, conferences in (1941), 394, 407, 409–10
help given to evacuating troops in, 419
Allied occupation of, 867
E.L.A.S. troops ordered to leave, 868
civil war in, 868–72, 875
conference in, of Greek leaders, 874
Churchill in, 874, 891
outside Russian sphere, 955
Athlone, Earl of, 505
Atlantic, Scharnhorst and Gneisenau in, 177
Deutschland in North, 178–9
Admiral Graf Spee in South, 178–9
shipping losses in, 227, 527, 529, 533–4
U.S. Security Zone in, 402–3
U.S. capital ships moved from, 496
Churchill’s flights over, 512–14, 562, 567
U-boat activities in Western, 527, 532–4
Hitler removes ships from, 530–1
U-boats in South, 535, 680
danger to South, in German conquest of Middle East, 584
Atlantic, Battle of, 388, 397–406
proclamation of, 400
temporary victory in, 406, 492, 496, 499
U.S. leaders on first importance of, 473
revival of, after U.S. entry into war, 527–30, 532, 534–6, 676
need for victory in, before invasion of Europe, 675
victory achieved in, 676–680, 927–8
Atlantic Charter, The, 476–8
incorporated in United Nations Pact, 508
Atlantic convoys, 171, 927
surface raiders of, 177–9, 399
U-boats take toll of, 378, 398, 401–2, 535–6, 676, 928
end-to-end escort for, 401–2
U.S. assistance in protection of, 402–3
air cover for, 535–6, 676
Atomic bombs, 12
Churchill’s warning letter on, 154
Germans abandon search for, 154
British progress in researches on, 561, 563
pooling of information and setting up of research plant, 564, 963
successful explosion of, 939–40
use of, on Japan, 940–3
Stalin told of, 941, 945
post-war developments from, 963–5
Quebec Agreement on, and McMahon Act, 963–4
Atta Island, 545, 548
Attlee, Rt. Hon. Clement (later Earl), objects to increased Air Force, 57
leader of Labour Party, 76
opposes rearmament, 78, 96
urges Russian alliance, 151
and National Government under Chamberlain, 216
accepts office under Churchill, 219, 229
Deputy Leader of House, 228
on Defence Committee, 233
in Paris (1940), 269, 271
presents Defence of Realm Bill, 293
loyalty of, to Churchill, 518
Churchill’s messages to, on Middle East Command, 591–3
and “unconditional surrender”, 647
and occupation zones, 919
at Potsdam Conference, 944
becomes Prime Minister, 950
on Fulton speech, 956
and Korean War, 969
Auchinleck, Field-Marshal Sir Claude, sends troops to Iraq, 437, 439, 445
in Norway, 445
Commander-in-Chief in India, 445
appointed to Middle East Command, 445
divergences of views between Churchill and, 481–3
delays action against Rommel, 482–4
visit of, to London, 483
personal intervention of, in “Crusader”, 485, 488–9
replaces Cunningham with Ritchie, 489
reverses of, 502, 516, 565, 568
awaits Rommel’s attack, 559
too extensive responsibilities of, 560, 579
need for personal intervention of, 560, 569, 573, 705
on determination to hold Tobruk, 561
takes personal command in Egypt, 573–574, 578–9
counter-attacks Rommel, 579
question of supersession of, 589–92
talks with Churchill, 589–90, 595–6
offered Command in Persia and Iraq, 592–3, 595
Augusta, U.S.S., 475–6, 938
Auphan, Admiral, 638–9
Aurora, H.M.S., 485
Australia, votes in protest against German breaches of treaty, 64
Japanese threat to, 495–6, 523, 537, 539, 543
critical attitude of, 515
and evacuation of Singapore, 523–4
freed from threat of invasion, 675
and defeat of Japan, 929
Australia, H.M.A.S., 540, 841 n., 843
Australian forces, in capture of Bardia, 386
in Greece, 413
in Syria, 441
in Singapore, 525
at Alam Halfa, 620
at Alamein, 627–8
Australian ships in Battle of Leyte Gulf, 841 n.
Austria, Hitler’s aims and activities in, 45–46, 112
Italian interests in, 45–6, 72, 113
Nazism in, 45, 110, 113–15
declaration upon independence of, 46
Nazi revolt in, 51
France and Italy drawn together over, 52
Hitler forces Nazi Minister on, 110, 115
occupation of, 112–13, 116–18
terrorist activity in, 114
attempted plebiscite in, 115–16
post-war, 733
advantages of entering, from Italy, 798, 800
need to forestall Russia in, 877, 912
Russian armies in, 898, 935
and Iron Curtain, 913
zones of occupation in, 922, 937
Austro-Hungary, break-up of Empire of, 6
recreation of, 746
“Avalanche”, Operation, 699, 704–6
Avenger, H.M.S., 536
Avranches, 793–4
Azores, the, convoys attacked near, 399, 633
in U.S. Security Zone, 403
Hitler expects attack on, 534
Back, Captain G. R. B., 432
Badoglio, Marshal, and fall of Mussolini, 684, 687–8
appointed head of State, 688–9
makes peace, 701, 703
escapes to Brindisi, 703
moves Mussolini to Abruzzi, 767
political intrigues assailing, 768
Churchill meets, 805
Baelen, M., French Minister in Athens, 874
Baghdad, 437, 440, 613
Baku oilfields, 201, 610, 657
Baldwin, Chief Petty Officer, 175
Baldwin, Rt. Hon. Stanley (later Earl Baldwin), 14–15
signs Locarno Treaty, 18
resigns, 19
Churchill’s breach with, 19–20, 22
joins Coalition Government, 22–3, 33
and disarmament, 41, 46, 56
shortcomings of, 44
pledge of, on air power, 56–7
denies strength of German Air Force, 59–60
confesses blame for lack of air parity, 61–2
Prime Minister 66
preserves peace during Abyssinian War, 76–7, 80, 82
triumph for, 79
and Hoare-Laval Pact, 81
makes Eden Foreign Secretary, 81
lost opportunity of, 84
refuses support to France after re-occupation of Rhineland, 89
deputation to, on need for rearmament, 96–7
confesses to putting party before country, 98–9
and Abdication crisis, 100
retires, 101
compared to Chamberlain, 101–2
Bâle, 860
Balkans, menace of German intervention in, 392–3, 407, 409–10
British attempts to get unity of action into, 3
93, 395–6, 407–10, 415
Russia permits German conquest of, 447, 450
German troops in, 448, 664–5, 689, 712–13, 762
effect of resistance in, on Russian campaign, 448–51
Stalin suggests Second Front in, 467
Italian garrisons in, 668, 684, 689, 767–8
Churchill denies wish to send army to, 669
myth of Churchill’s intentions regarding, 729, 731, 737, 800
effect on, of Turkish entry into war, 728
Roosevelt on operations in, 800
attempt to make political arrangement with Russia in, 810–13, 851–6, 902–3
Russian menace to, 810, 851, 913
right of free choice of Government in, 854, 901–2
behind the Iron Curtain, 953, 955
Balsan, Madame, 159
Baltic Sea, German mastery of, 65, 68
possibility of invasion fleet in, 329, 331
menace of German battleships in, 399–400
question of Russian exit from, 913
Baltic States, 511
French proposal for Eastern Pact for, 52
refuse to allow transit to Russian troops, 149, 156
refuse Russian guarantee, 152
division of, between Germany and Russia, 157
Russia occupies, 158, 195, 281, 511, 913
Russia reaches frontier of, 810
Russian satellites, 935
“Barbarossa”, Operation, 390
Yugoslavia in relation to, 411, 449–51
German preparations for, 447–54
Barcelona, 82
Bardia, 376
captured from Italians, 386
Germans in, 423, 488–9
Barham, H.M.S., 435, 490
Bari, 664
Barrage balloons, 161
Barratt, Air Chief Marshal Sir A. S., 289
Barré, General, 637–8
Barthou, Louis, 52–3
Basques, 938
Basra, 437, 439
Bastogne, 864–5
Bath, 361
Battle of Atlantic Committee, 400
“Battleaxe”, Operation, 443–4, 482
Battle-cruisers, German, 67, 165, 399
French, 316
Battleships, limitation in size, 68
German pocket, 68, 165, 178
German, in Baltic, 399
British, lost in Mediterranean, 490
U.S., lost at Pearl Harbour, 494
British, lost to Japanese bombers, 495–6
Batum, 607
Baudouin, Paul, 269, 301, 310
Bavaria, National Socialist Party in, 25
Putsch in, 26
Austrian Nazi legion in, 45, 51
Austrian revolt planned in, 51
post-war treatment of, 733
idea of German last stand in, 919, 924
Bear Island, 722
Beattie, Lieutenant-Commander, 533
Beatty, Admiral of the Fleet Earl, 120
Beaverbrook, Lord, Minister of Aircraft Production, 229–30, 346
present at last visit to France, 301–2
joins War Cabinet, 346
and Bevin, 347
stimulates production in U.S., 466, 510
champion of Aid to Russia, 466–7
in Moscow, 467, 469–71, 608–9
accompanies Churchill to Washington, 497–8, 500, 510, 513
sanguine about U.S. resources, 500
arranges Mrs. Churchill’s flight, 753
mentioned, 455
Beck, Colonel, 141
Bedford, Dr. D. E., 752
Bela Kun, 10
Belfast, air raids on, 391
Belfast, H.M.S., 176
Belfort Gap, 849, 860
Belgian Army, 239
retreat of, 246, 248–9
protection of rear by, 251
Germans break through line of, 258
surrender of, 262–3
Belgium, at Locarno, 17
refuses Staff talks, 152
lines for stemming German advance through, 189–90
capture of plan of invasion of, 192
clings to neutrality, 192, 254
Allies decide to enter, 202
invasion of, 217, 240
German bombers based on, 344
Russia expels representative of, 452
liberation of, 845–6, 849
joins Western Union and N.A.T.O., 960
Belgrade, revolution in, against submission to Germany, 410–11, 414
Dill in, 414–415
bombing of, 415
falls to Russia, 851
behind Iron Curtain, 913, 955
Bell, Captain, of Exeter, 182
Beneš, President, his relations with Stalin, 125–6
negotiates with Henlein, 127–30
resignation of, 133
Bengal, Bay of, President promises amphibious operation in, 727, 737–8, 747–749
abandonment of project, 745, 749
reconquest of Burma by attacks across, 824, 829, 861
Benghazi, Italian military stores at, 376
British in, 393, 395, 421–2
Germans take, 423, 516–17
Germans make use of port of, 424–5, 442–3, 484
Germans retreat through, 643
Berchtesgaden, Schuschnigg summoned to, 114–15
Prince Paul at, 410
Rommel in, at D Day, 787
Berehaven, 120–1
Bergamini, Admiral, 704
Bergen, 200, 202, 206–7
Bergues, 259, 266
Berlin, Hitler’s triumph in, 35
Eden in, 48
report of intended mutiny in, 49
“Night of Long Knives” in, 50
retaliatory raid on, 353–4
need to forestall Russia in, 898–9
in Russian occupation, 913, 955
Western Allies allow Russia to take, 919, 922, 953
joint zone of occupation in, 921, 937
Hitler’s death in, 924
access for U.S. forces to, 937
Churchill tours, 939
airlift to, 961
Bermuda, U.S. patrols operating from, 402
Churchill at, 512–13
U-boat success off, 565
Bernadotte, Count, 925
Berne, meeting with German envoy at, 904–6
Besançon, 305, 802, 859
Bessarabia, 281
Bevin, Rt. Hon. Ernest, 219
on action in Abyssinian War, 76, 78
Minister of Labour, 229
joins War Cabinet, 347
and “unconditional surrender”, 648
sees troops embark for “Overlord”, 779
strives for united Europe, 959
Bey, Rear-Admiral, 723
Bierut, M., 856, 888, 934
Biggin Hill, damage to airfield at, 347–8
Billotte, Colonel, 795
Billotte, General, Army Group of, 239
lack of plan of, 246–7, 250
in conference with Weygand, 249
death of, 250, 252
incapable of decision to retreat, 254
Bir Hacheim, 559
Birmingham, Chamberlain’s speech in (1939), 142–3
aircraft industry at, 261
air raids on, 364
Birse, Major, interpreter, 610–11, 731, 738, 852
Biscay, Bay of, French Navy fights U-boats in, 173
U-boats work from parts of, 378
anti-U-boat operations in, 536, 633, 680
“Torch” convoys cross, 631, 633
air and sea patrols of, on D Day, 781
U-boats forced to abandon, 927
Bismarck, the, tonnage of, 68
unfinished, 165, 399
in Atlantic, 403
destruction of, 437
Bizerta, 638, 661
Black Sea, German drive for, 657
advantages of access to, 730–1, 745
conference on shore of, 878
question of Russian exit from, 913
Black Sea Fleet, 607
Blanchard, General, 258
Blida airfield, 635
Blomberg, Field-Marshal von, 48, 112–13
death of son of, 440
Bluecher, the, 207
Blum, Léon, 63, 94, 123
Bock, General von, 240, 471, 657
Boeing flying-boat, Churchill’s flights in, 512–14, 562
Boettiger, Mrs., 892
Bognor, 337
Bohlen, C. E., 731
Boisson, M., 638
Bologna, 808, 917
Bombs, “sticky”, 294
delayed action, 359–360
incendiary, 362–3, 365
damage to battleships by time, 490
glider, 705. See also Atomic bombs; Flying bombs
Bone, air attacks on, 642
Bonnet, Georges, 129–30
Bono, Marshal de, 769
Bonomi, Signor, 805
Boothby, R. J. G., 59 n., 571
Bordeaux, French Government in, 307–11
Spears and de Gaulle leave, 311
German long-range aircraft based on, 399
suggested landing of “Anvil” forces at, 800–801
account of armistice at, 938
Bor-Komorowski, General, 815–16, 818, 822
Borkum, scheme to capture (1917), 297–8
Bormann, Herr, 924–5
Bosnia, S.S., 170
Bothnia, Gulf, of, 193
Boulogne, defence of (1940), 257–8
invasion of Britain from, 337
submarine pipe-line to, 790 n.
British in, 846
Bournemouth, Labour Party Conference at, 216, 220
Bracken, Brendan, 389, 696
Bradley, General Omar (U.S.), in Normandy break-out, 792–3
Twelfth Army Group under, 844, 849
in Battle of Ardennes, 864
clears Rhine bank, 893
Brauchitsch, General, 255–6, 465
Braun, Eva, 924
Brazil, U-boats off coast of, 534–5
threatened by German conquest of Middle East, 584
Bremen, 921, 937
Bremerhaven, 921
Bremervörde, 925
Brenner Pass, meeting of Hitler and Mussolini on, 201
German need for troops on, 668
blocking of, 915
Brereton, Lieut.-General L. H., 846
Breskens “island”, 848
Brest, British troops retreat to, 307
German invasion forces in, 330
German long-range aircraft based on, 399
Scharnhorst and Gneisenau in, 405–6, 531
Churchill’s plane approaches, 514
suggested formation of bridgehead at (1942), 552
capture of, in “Overlord”, 693
Germans penned into, 793
Brest-Litovsk, 169
Bretagne, the, 318
Briare, meeting of Supreme War Council at, 286–90, 306
Bridges, Sir Edward, Secretary to War Cabinet, 233
Brighton, 324–5, 336–7
Brindisi, 703
Bristol, air raids on, 365, 391
Bristol Channel, loss of Courageous in, 172