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Page 18

by Lagomarsino, Giulia

  When I woke, she was laying on her side, her ass snuggled against my dick. The doctor told me if I couldn’t sleep on my back, that laying on my right side was okay, but it might be uncomfortable. It was a little uncomfortable, but I naturally rolled toward Lindsey in my sleep. And now I was going to pay for that. My dick was coming back to life, something I was assured wouldn’t happen for at least a few weeks after surgery. You won’t even think about sex, Kate had said. You’ll be too uncomfortable to want sex, she said. You’ll be too tired.

  Fuck, that’s what the doc said, but try telling that to my dick right now. Closing my eyes, I could feel my dick sliding through her ass cheeks and my eyes flew open, a reminder of our first time running through my mind.

  “Shit, not again.”

  I groaned and tried to shift away from her, but having my chest cracked open didn’t make moving that easy. And even though they wired me back together, I was still fucking sore. I gripped onto her hip, hoping that I could push off her to help roll myself over, but then she fucking moaned and my dick twitched, right into her fucking pussy. She was wet. Good God, this shouldn’t happen, not only a week after surgery, but it felt so right. The heat spreading through her pussy to my dick was too much and then she fucking pushed back against me. Just. Like. Before.

  This was not my fault. I couldn’t be blamed for my dick being in her pussy. Well, if you discounted the fact that I made her get undressed because I was so sure that I wouldn’t be in any mood for fucking. She moaned and then pushed back further. My fingers squeezed her hip harder, but this time, I was pulling her back against me harder. I slipped further inside her and then slid my hand up to cup her breast. Her nipples were so fucking hard and I could almost taste them in my mouth right now. Fuck, I couldn’t wait until I could move around more.

  She gasped and tried to shift away from me, but I held her tighter. Luckily, she didn’t pull too hard, probably because she was afraid to hurt me. “John, what the hell? We’re not supposed to be doing this!”

  “Stop fucking talking,” I gritted out through clenched teeth.


  “No! I’m inside you now and this is happening.”

  “I’ll hurt you!”

  “Fuck, help me roll onto my back. You can ride me.”

  “Are you insane? You must be insane if you think I’m going to-”

  I squeezed her breast hard and she instantly stopped talking. “Just fucking do it.”

  She huffed and pulled away from me, slowly helping me roll to my back. I groaned and she looked hesitant to climb on me, but then she saw how hard my dick was and slowly spread her legs, straddling my cock. Watching her sink down on me was pure torture. She threw her head back and she slowly rode me, her tits bouncing just slightly and those nipples begging me to suck them.

  My hands skimmed up her waist to her breasts. I thought I was never going to feel these magnificent tits again. “Faster,” I panted. She sped up and her pussy squeezed me. I was going to come. I wasn’t an asshole, though. I ran my fingers across her clit, spreading her juices around and around until she was clenching hard around me.

  “Fuck!” I shouted as I came, holding her down on me as I pulsed inside her.

  The door flew open and Kate stood in the doorway, her eyes wide in shock as she stared at Lindsey on top of me. Lindsey shrieked and covered her breasts. Kate shook her head and walked over, tossing a blanket at Lindsey on her way.

  “What the hell were you thinking? You’re supposed to be taking it easy. You just had heart surgery!”

  “It was an accident!”

  “Fucking her was an accident?” Kate asked.

  “Excuse me?” Lindsey chimed in. “We are not going back to accidental fucking! You shoved your cock in me and begged me to fuck you!”

  “But it was an accident. You were naked and-”

  “So this is my fault?” Lindsey practically shouted, getting off me without bothering to make sure I was covered up. Luckily, Kate had the decency to pull up the blanket over my dick. “You were the one that told me to get in bed naked, that you needed to feel me against you!”

  “You said that I wouldn’t want sex,” I accused Kate.

  “I also didn’t tell you to test out that theory.”

  She started checking my vitals and then my bandage, all the while Lindsey glared at me.


  “Don’t you Princess me. You just made it sound like you didn’t actually want to fuck me. And I’m not on birth control! I swear to God, if you just got me pregnant, I’m going to make sure there is never a chance for accidental fucking again!”

  She stormed out of the room and Kate finished checking me over. “Well, the good news is that you don’t appear to have done any damage.”

  “And the bad news?”

  “It doesn’t look like you’ll need to worry about when you can have sex again.”



  I was bored out of my fucking mind. How long was I expected to just lay here? I mean, sure, I almost bled out all over the floor and then went into cardiac arrest, but that was a week ago. I was fine now. So, I had my chest cracked open while the doctors pumped thirty-two pints of blood into me while they tried to save my life. Weren’t you supposed to live life to the fullest after you almost died?

  I was lying to myself. I wasn’t okay, not really. The doctors told me I had been lucky. They said the bullet passed through my neck and then pinged around in my chest. When they cracked me open, they said they were working overtime to tie off veins and arteries to get the hemorrhaging under control. I was fucking lucky that those doctors were available and not in another surgery or I would have been fucked. They had worked relentlessly to save my life and that wasn’t something I could just wash under the bridge. But knowing how close I was to dying, I just wanted to get out of bed and do something.

  When Kate knocked on my door and saw the irritation on my face, she grinned and came over to check me over.

  “I take it the patient is ready to get out of here?”

  “More than ready, doc. Can’t I get up and move around a little?”

  “I think you’re ready to, but not by yourself, and you have to take it easy. No superhero stuff.”

  “That’s my job,” Derek said from the doorway. “Don’t try and steal that from me.”

  “I don’t know, I did just survive a bullet to the neck. I think that firmly places me first in line for the title of Superman.”

  “Don’t let Claire hear you say that. So, what’s the word, doc? Is he superhuman or just a lucky asshole?”

  “Well, if I had to pick, which I find highly strange, I would say he’s more like Iron Man. Lucky to be alive with metal still in your chest? I think that one describes you best.”

  “Really? You’re giving him Iron Man?” Derek said in disbelief.

  “Just relax. The only reason I even know who Iron Man is, is because Robert Downey Junior is hot.”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t let Knight hear you say that,” I grinned.

  “He can have his fantasies and I can have mine.”

  Derek started laughing and Kate looked at him in confusion. “What?”

  “Do you really think Knight has fantasies about anyone other than you?” Derek looked to me and I shrugged. “It’s been like twenty years and the man still looks at you the same way he did when he first started stalking you.”

  “It hasn’t been twenty years,” Kate scoffed, “and if anything-”

  “If anything, his obsession with you has grown,” I cut in. “Don’t fool yourself, Kate. It doesn’t matter what you do, Knight will always look at you like he wants to devour you.”

  She blushed, putting back some of her medical supplies and pretended like this conversation wasn’t happening. “Anyway, your body is still pretty weak and I know you’re anxious to get moving again, but you have to take it easy. As long as you do that, I’d be alright with you getting up and moving around.”
  “I can do that,” I said with a grin.

  “Also, you’re going to be exhausted pretty fast, so don’t overdo it or you won’t be able to get back to your bed without one of your friends carrying you.”

  I grimaced, not liking the idea of one of my friends having to carry me around. “No problem, doc. Have you seen Lucy? I was expecting her to be out of her drunken stupor by now.”

  “I think they were starting to wake up. I’ll go get her for you.”

  “Thanks, Kate. I really appreciate you looking after me,” I said genuinely. She really had gone the extra mile for all of us. The door shoved open again and Knight came in the room.

  “You better not be hitting on my woman.”

  “See?” Derek grumbled under his breath to Kate.

  “If you mean by thanking her, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Not sure I could get it up right now anyway.”

  Knight’s eyes darkened and he growled at me. “Just because you’re the only friend I have doesn’t mean I won’t shoot you.”

  “I’m hurt,” Derek held his hand to his chest with a wounded look.

  “Why? You’re still standing,” Knight stared him down. “I’d take that as a compliment.”

  “You’re just all sunshine and roses, aren’t you Knight?” He turned to Kate with a grin. “So, tell us, what was it about Knight that first drew you in? Was it his charming personality? His zest for life? That killer smile?”

  “Actually, it was his darkness,” she said, staring at Knight with fire in her eyes. “He was a force of evil for the greater good. If that’s not a superhero, I don’t know what is.”

  “Holy shit, man. You two really were made for each other,” I laughed.

  “You’d better watch it,” Knight threatened. “I could always do with one less friend.”

  I laughed, shaking my head at him. “Sure, Hud, you keep telling yourself that.”

  “You don’t think I’m serious?” he asked in a deadly tone.

  “I think that if you shot me, you’d have to do all those new recruit trainings on your own and that would be just too much for you to take. Nah, I think you benefit more from me being alive.”

  Kate rolled her eyes and walked toward the door. “I’ll go find Lucy.”

  When she left, Knight walked over to the chair and sat down. He appeared calm and relaxed, but I could tell that he was anything but. He just stared at me and it had me a little worried. But he wouldn’t say anything until he was ready, so there was no point in trying to get it out of him.

  “I’m surprised you’re not following Kate around everywhere you go.”

  “I’m always watching her.” He held up his arm, showing me the watch that was strapped to his wrist. “It has an LED screen. I can see where she is at all times.”

  “So, the cameras just follow her around?” Derek asked.

  “Not exactly. I have a tracker on her and Raven. The cameras are programmed to watch them at all times, anywhere they go.”

  “Does Kate know that?” I smirked.

  His lips twitched slightly. “She knows she’s safe.”

  “That’s vague. So,” I said, waiting for him to tell me what the hell was on his mind. He just stared at me for a minute, but I didn’t give up. I could do this all day, or at least until I wore myself out and fell back asleep.

  He leaned back in his chair, fiddling with his wedding band. “This isn’t going to turn out the way we want.”

  Derek was leaning against the wall, staring at Knight with a mixture of suspicion and question. “What exactly do you mean?”

  “Chance being taken, it’s …I can’t figure out the reasoning behind it. None of it makes any fucking sense. I think he’ll be dead before we get to him.”

  “Give me specifics,” Derek pressed.

  Knight’s jaw clenched, but he continued. “Morgan’s gone, most likely with The Broker. He probably knows where her daughter is. She’s the leverage. Chance is just a pawn in this game. There’s no reason to keep him alive. If they want information out of him, they’ll torture him, but he’ll never give in. And if he doesn’t die from being tortured, they’ll just kill him.”

  “And if it’s not information?” I asked.

  He stared at me knowingly. “You know as well as I do that it’s not information. They’ve already proven that they can break into our facility without us knowing. If they wanted information, they could have taken it the day they attacked us.”

  “So, he’s dead anyway.”

  He nodded and silence hung between us. Lucy opened the door and Knight immediately stood. “I was beginning to think I was going to have to sit outside your house again.”

  “Why’s that?” Lucy asked Knight.

  He looked to me and nodded. “Good to have you back.” Then he turned and walked out of my room, leaving me with Lucy and Derek.

  “What did he mean by that?”

  “Nothing,” I said, trying to cover up his real meaning, that I had almost died and Knight would have been looking out for her. “He’s just giving me shit about old times.”

  Derek pushed off the wall and walked over to me, holding out his hand. I took it, knowing that if Lucy weren’t here, he’d probably be giving me a manly hug right now. “I’ll leave you to get reacquainted. Don’t take any shit from him, Lucy. The bandage is all an act.” Derek smirked at me before walking out the door.

  “So,” she said after a moment, “I’ve been thinking that we should look into your idea of starting a family.”

  “I thought you wanted to wait.”

  She stepped forward and ran her hand up my leg until her fingers rested over my cock. “Why wait?”

  “Well, you didn’t seem too thrilled about it when I brought it up.”

  “Are you trying to get out of having sex with me?” She cocked her head to the side as she flashed me a sexy smile. Her hand was now rubbing my cock and I was growing harder by the second.

  “I’m supposed to take it easy. Doctor’s orders.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t be too hard on you.” She winked and walked away from me, shedding her clothes with every step. I quickly started pulling down my pants until I realized that something wasn’t right about this.

  “Wait, tell me first why you want to have kids now.”

  She huffed and threw her hands to her hips, standing completely nude in front of me. It was hard to concentrate on her face when her body was tempting me like that. “You almost died,” she said sharply.

  “I know.”

  “So, I was thinking, if you stay in this line of work, it’s pretty likely that at some point, you’re going to get maimed or killed.” She shrugged lightly. “I figure I need to take you now while I still have you.”

  “So, you want my sperm,” I said slowly.

  “Well, how else am I supposed to have a piece of you?”

  “You know, I feel a little used right now.”

  “Not as used as you’re going to feel when I’m done with you,” she said saucily.

  I held out my hand, stopping her from coming up on the bed. I couldn’t believe I was doing this. “I think we should wait.”


  “I just think that this is moving kind of fast and-”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Oh my gosh, it’s just like when you asked me to stay with you and then you freaked out. Only now it’s over kids.”

  She picked up her clothes and started yanking them on.

  “That’s not-”

  “Don’t! Don’t even start with me. The least you could give me after what you just put me through is a child to remember you by after the next time you go and get yourself blown up.”

  She slammed the door as she walked out of the room and I looked after her like an idiot. I wasn’t sure what had just happened, but it didn’t end with me getting laid.



  I was still looking for Raegan hours later. She had walked away after our weird con
frontation with Sinner and Cazzo and I hadn’t seen her since. Gabe was walking out of his room grumbling about something.

  “Have you seen Raegan?”

  “No, you know what else I haven’t seen? My loving wife.”

  “Uh-oh, trouble in paradise?”

  He shook his head in disgust. “You know, you would think she would have been grateful,” he mumbled.

  “Hey,” Hunter shouted from inside his room. I walked in there, seeing him laying on the bed and grumpy as hell. “Get over here and give me a hand. Kate said I could do some walking, but I had to be with someone.”

  I went over to him and helped him sit up and then stand. His sharp intake of breath had me second guessing this little excursion. “Are you sure you’re up for this?”

  “I need to get out of this fucking room. I’m bored as fuck and since I’m pretty sure Lucy won’t be coming back to see me anytime soon, I need some company.”

  “Where are we headed?”

  “Ice’s room. Kate wanted him to take it easy today because of all the moving and the drugs that were injected. I’m sure he’s going fucking crazy.”

  “So, why isn’t Lucy talking to you?” I asked as we wandered down the hall to Ice’s room.

  “Fuck if I know.”

  I opened the door to Ice’s room, banging it against the wall. You know, just to make sure he was awake. He was halfway sitting up with pillows shoved behind his back, and he was scowling, though I didn’t think it was because we were all here.

  “What crawled up your ass?” I helped Hunter lower himself into a chair and then leaned back against the wall, leaving the other chair for Gabe.

  “Is it just me or are the women acting really weird since we got back?” Ice snarled.

  “It’s not just you,” Gabe said, shaking his head. “Do you know that Isa is pissed at me because I suggested we start trying for a kid?”

  “No shit?” Hunter said curiously. “Lucy’s pissed at me because I said we should wait.”

  Ice snorted and then grimaced slightly. “Lindsey’s pissed at me because I fucked her and she’s not on birth control.”


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