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Black Butterfly

Page 4

by A. G. Hobson

  I shower thoroughly. After I get out, I wrap my towel around my body and go into my room. I gather my things for school, including what I’m going to wear. I grab a tank and shorts out of laundry basket and I lie down. I yawn as I stretch out and place my head on the pillow. My eyes began to close and soon I’m dreaming.

  I slowly walk through the school halls. When did I get here and why are the halls so empty? Has school began? I walk toward the office and the lights are off. I turn around and all of the classrooms are locked and dark. I walk over to the trophy case that sits adjacent to the office to look at the trophies and awards that have been received over the years. I lean in to see one of the photographs of the football team from 1934 and I see a picture of a guy that is identical to Hayden. I get closer and he is the only black guy on the entire team. I press my face to the glass and my breath steams it up.

  “You seem confused.” I hear a dark sensual voice come from behind me.

  “I… I… am. This guy from the class of 1934 looks exactly like…” I turn and it is Hayden standing behind me dressed in an all-black suit. He is holding something tightly clenched in his hand. “Hayden?” My heart begins to flutter and my stomach turns. “What are you…”

  “Hey there, Montana.” He says as he takes a step toward me. “I’m so glad to see you and be able to talk to you.”

  I am losing my fucking mind. This has to be a dream. There is no way in hell this man is here saying this to me.

  “Hi.” I turn and search the dark hall with my eyes. “Did your father go here or something?” I say pointing to the picture.

  “Or something. That picture isn’t real. It is just a hint that I wanted you to see. So, when I reveal some things to you, you won’t be surprised.”

  I am confused by his words. This must be a dream. Everything looks like it’s foggy and smoky. I look down for the first time since I entered the school and I am wearing a black laced gown. I can see through the top and I have on a black bra. The gown touches the floor and I can't see my feet. As my eyes drag back up to Hayden, he smiles, finally I get to see him smile, it’s a very dark smile but it is illuminous. He is beautiful beyond words.

  “Do you like your gown?”

  “I guess… I wouldn’t have picked this out.”

  “I know. I did.” He pauses as if he is pondering on a major decision. He glares at me, then speaks again. “This is not a dream Montana. You are here with me in a world I control. I create the details and it is very real.”

  “What?” I look around again. “I am definitely dreaming.”

  “No. I have been watching and waiting for you to give in. Don’t you want me?”

  “Huh?” What kind of question is that? Everyone wants him.

  “I have this place just for us. No one can interrupt us. No one can judge us and we can do and go anywhere we want, on this earth and beyond.” He whispers.

  “I am so confused by this dream. Am I losing my shit?” He walks toward me and opens his hands.

  He sighs. “I see that you’re not ready for me. I will keep watching and waiting. Talk to me while I’m near you at the school. I want you to get to know me like I now know you. I’m always there, watching and waiting for you.” He opens his hand and the black butterfly soars into the air and down the hall.

  I follow the butterfly with my eyes and observe as it floats down the hall and disappears. When my eyes travel back to where Hayden was standing, he is gone as well. I am alone again in the dark hall...

  Chapter 6

  My eyes flutter open and my alarm is blaring. I sit up and search the room with my eyes.

  “What in the fuck?” My breathing is rapid and I am so rattled. Why did that seem so real? I can feel and see everything as clear as I do now, just with fog and mist around. What is going on with me? Now the butterflies have invaded my dreams.

  I hurry to get ready for school and run down for breakfast. Of course, Tinsley is already gone with Hersh. She forgave him for having Cade at his house and he swears never to do it again. He even asked if she wanted him to completely unfriend them. But there is no use. Why have him at odds with them over Breeze? Her life is getting better so there is no reason. I pop a piece in toast in the toaster and let it brown. I grab a fresh cup of coffee from the pot that Tins must have put on. When I hear the sound of my toast popping up, I grab it and take a bite. I down my coffee and finish the toast just in time to make it out of the door and head for school so that I’m not late. When I pull into the lot, I spot Hayden’s car. I feel my stomach began to nervously rumble. I lift my backpack and slide my purse onto my wrist. I shut the car door and slowly walk toward the school. I spot other students entering trying to beat the bell. I enter the school and try not to find Hayden with my eyes. But I am most definitely looking for him. I immediately spot him leaving Mrs. Salvadoran’s English AP class. God… he is too handsome for words. It doesn’t help that I am dreaming about him. I lift my head to stare and he is mesmerizing. The suit that he is wearing is definitely his usual style. He never disappoints. I watch him. I watch as he strolls through the halls as if he owns the school. And, I am not the only one watching. Every girl in the hall notices him, some boys even. He just has it. He is debonair personified. I notice that he has on an all-black suit. I jerk my neck for a double take. It is the same suit from my dream. “No fucking way!” I think inside of my head.

  I explain it away by trying to remember if I had seen him in the suit before. I had to. There was no way this man had on the exact same clothes that he did in a dream I had less than three hours ago. I tilt my head to get a better look and he does an about-face. He turns and looks directly at me. I mean right into my eyes. I try to look away and hurry to my locker but he calls out to me as the halls thin out from the chatty hurrying teenagers. I want to run and hide. I wave at him and smile still trying to get to my locker but he heads right toward me. My stomach shifts and twists into knots. I’m so nervous. I haven’t spoken to him in person since the first week of school. I turn and try to leave but he catches up to me quickly.

  “Good morning Montana.”

  I turn around to face him. As usual he has an even almost bland look about his face.

  “Good morning Mr. Alexander.”

  “Mr. Alexander? Okay.” He huffs as if I amused him and I believe I see a hint of a smile.

  “I was wondering if you could help me with something. I have been asked to come up with some ideas for the senior prom and activities leading up to it. They believe that I’m up on what’s cool and know what the students want, being that I graduated from high school not too long ago. I happen to know that you've spoken with Mrs. Northington about being on the committee. Aren’t you on the committee?” He asks slightly confused by my tight lips.

  “Ummmm, yes. I am. I’m just confused about why you would want to take up a boring task like senior activity planning.”

  “Well…” He searches the hall with his eyes. “I thought it would be cool to help out and get to know you a little better.” He nods his head toward me.

  I am fucking stunned. Why in the world would he want to get to know me? I fawn over him like a creep that dreams about being with him. He would run in the opposite direction if he only knew.

  “Get to know me better?” I point to myself like an idiot. And, I take the opportunity to check out his attire.

  Hell yes! It’s the same suit! I think.

  “Why?” I blurt out.

  He huffs again as if amused, but it’s not an actual chuckle. He just pushes out a deep low sounding breath.

  “You amuse me. You are… quirky and cute.” The words ease from his mouth and they are so alluring.

  I can’t believe he just said I was CUTE!! Well now it’s over. My quirkiness is about to get weird. I begin smiling. I mean I can feel the air cooling my gums. I probably look like a horse getting ready to chew. I try to calm myself but the smile won’t leave.

  “Quirky? Are you calling me goofy?” I come up with still trying to for
ce the smile off my face.

  “You know what I mean. And from the grin you’re producing, I’d say you’re flattered. So why pretend to be offended?” He says hitching his thick dark brow.

  I’m flabbergasted. He just called me out. I don’t even know how to respond. The smile is wiped from my face.

  “I’m not pretending. I… Ummmm… am offended. Quirky actually means strange, weird, goofy.” I tuck my arms while my purse dangles from my wrist.

  “Okay, I apologize. When I say quirky, I really mean quirky. You do things different than most girls your age. And you’re always nervous around me. It’s really cute. Usually girls are aggressive and very flirtatious. Not you, you avoid me and do the exact opposite of the other girls in this school, in all schools.”

  “College girls? I would think not all girls throw themselves at you. I’m sure some of them would be mature enough to resist your charms. All young girls aren’t full of raging hormones.” I joke.

  ”You would be quite surprised to find out how charming I really am.” He turns and begins to walk away.

  I stand in place not knowing what to do next.

  “Aren’t you late for class?”

  “I…I am.” I stutter.

  “Meet me in front of the teachers’ lounge for lunch. We can talk more then. You can let me know if we’ll be meeting after school is over.” He says as he turns to enter a classroom.

  I can’t move. I’ve been dreaming about him for weeks and now I’m about to spend actual time with him. I reaffirm my tucked hands and stroll to class.

  My mind is all over the place during class and I don’t even participate in my next two. I can’t stop thinking about Hayden. His words ring in my head. His black suit haunts my thoughts. How would I know that he would be wearing that suit? And, I can’t remember if I’ve seen him wear it before. I must’ve. I’m not psychic. When the bell rings during my fourth class, my heart races. Should I go to the teacher’s lounge to meet him? Will he even be there? Why wouldn’t he be? He invited me.

  Chapter 7

  I grab my notebooks and textbooks and slowly exit the classroom. I go straight to my locker and put my things away. When I close it, I look down the hall and students are hurrying to the lunchroom and other classes. I’m so afraid to walk around the corner to the teacher’s lounge. But I do it anyway. I turn the corner and I spot Hayden talking to Ms. German. She is really into him. All I hear is giggling as she waves her hands about flirting with Hayden. I’m so afraid to approach them but he spots me and waves me over. As I get closer, I see Mrs. Northington standing in the doorway. This is really about senior activities. The rumbling in my stomach quickly dissipates and I approach with confidence.

  “Good afternoon Ms. Brookes.” Mrs. Northington steps forward as I get closer.

  “Hi.” I wave.

  “Isn’t it wonderful that Mr. Alexander has agreed to help out with all of the senior events? I thought it would be a great idea because of his popularity with the students. And, I didn’t even have to persuade him. He goes back to his final classes in a few and he will be commuting back and forth to help us. I am too excited to see what the two of you come up with. You’re the only girl that hasn’t been throwing themselves at him so I trust that you guys can get it all done.” She smiles and pats me on the back as she passes.

  “Ummmm, yes of course.” I look toward him and he is staring directly at me.

  “Yes, come on.” He waves his hand. “You can eat lunch first and then we’ll get started.” I follow him as we walk toward the lunchroom. He doesn’t turn around to look back at me. He just knows I’m following.

  When we get to the lunchroom, we get into the line. I don’t know what his fascination with this lunch is, but he always eats it. He grabs an apple and tosses it into the air. He places it on his tray and finally looks back at me.

  “Pizza and fries, yum.”

  I don’t know if he’s being sarcastic or actually enjoys our pizza and fries. The lunch lady smiles as she places a slice onto his tray and the corners of her lips turn upward. Her eyes squint and the crease in her cheeks dimple. He has a way with all the ladies. It’s not just his good looks either. He is charming and considerate. And even though he never smiles he is always upbeat and friendly.

  When the lunch lady gets to me, her smile dampens. She only smirks and slides a slice of pizza into my tray. I return the bland smirk and move along. Each woman passes him what is offered and flashes bright gleaming grins but offers me the not so warm lunch lady half smirk. When he has everything, he wants he pays and stands at the entrance of the lunchroom waiting on me. I failed to notice that all eyes are on me. I nervously look around and without hesitation follows him out of the lunchroom.

  “Uhh, where are we going?” I ask confused.

  “The student lounge. It’s always empty during this time. You can eat up and then we can talk a little. Sounds good?”

  “Yeah, I guess.” I shrug. I follow holding onto my tray like a super nerd. We walk down the hall to the stairs and into the basement to the student lounge. When we get there, he is pleased to see that he was right. No one bothers to use the twenty-thousand-dollar project The Bowmans so graciously donated to add. They felt that the school needed somewhere for students to relax after stressful tests and a place to study. Hayden takes a seat on a large plush cream-colored couch and I take a seat directly across from him in a sky blue two seat recliner. He immediately begins to eat. He doesn’t say a word he just goes right in. I watch as he bites the pizza, tosses a fry into his mouth and then takes a chunk out of the apple. He continues in a rhythm that doesn’t change until he is done. I take a few bites and down an orange juice. When I set it down, I look up and he is staring at me again.

  “So, what are some of your ideas?”

  I wipe my mouth and swallow.

  “I think the trip that every senior takes to Niagara Falls is boring and predictable. I believe we should surprise the students by putting together a trip to London instead. It would…”

  “Wait… that would be way too expensive. And parents are not going to let their children,”

  “Young adults.” I correct him. We are not children.

  “Well, young adults, go to another country.”

  “It’s been done before. A long time ago but done before. We could invite the nervous parents as chaperones and host fundraisers for those who can’t afford it.”

  “Have you even put together a proposal to sort all expenses and other important details?”

  “I have.” I lick my fingers and grab my purse. I pull out my tablet and power it up. I go to my excel sheet and hand it to him.

  “Okay. Impressive.” He reads it over. “Do you have a plan b?”

  “Of course. Scroll down.” I point to the tablet.

  He scrolls and focuses on the screen. “Okay, Miami Beach?” He looks at me again. “We will take this to Mrs. Northington and see what she says. London would be an amazing trip for you guys. There are many things to do.” He places the tablet on a coffee table beside the couch he is sitting on. “What fundraisers are you thinking about?”

  “So many. Too many to go over at lunch.”

  “Right.” He looks at his watch. “How does once a week sound?”


  “Our meetings after school.”

  “Sure. That’s kind of how senior committee meets.”

  “Thursday’s, right?” I nod. “We’ll meet on Fridays, unless your Fridays are taken… by your boyfriend?”

  “No.” I giggle. “Fridays are good.”

  “Great.” He slides to the edge of his seat. He glares at me for a moment. “Do you like my suit?”

  I’m shocked by his question. “Yes? You always dress really nice.”

  “But I wore this especially for you, Montana.”

  I’m so caught off guard by his response. Why would he wear it for me? Why the one from my dream? Am I going crazy? Am I able to see things from the future? No! I’m bugging out. />
  “I don’t know what to say.” I bite my lip and rub my hands together.

  “You’ll know what to say when the time comes. I promise you.” He grabs his tray and stands. “I’ll have to thank Mrs. Northington again for allowing us this time.”

  I blush, I mean I’m really flushed. My heart is racing as usual and I just stare at him. Before he walks away, he leans in and lifts my hand that is resting on my thigh. I feel an electric surge as our skin connects. His eyes stay fixed on mine and I’m instantly reminded of my very first dream of him, the way that he touched me, the chemistry between us and the denial because I’m just a girl and he is a man. I began to breathe rapidly. My chest rises and falls as he holds on to my hand. I shiver when he pulls me out of my seat. We’re so close that I can feel his breath on my face. It’s so weird. I’ve never been this close to him in real life but I recognize his smell, from his cologne to the warm sensual breeze from his breath. He just looks at me. He doesn’t say anything. When I nervously look away, he brings my face back to his. He continues to glare at me. Just like in my fucking dream! His dark eyes are familiar. His touch is like home. I’ve been feeling him for almost two months and now I really feel him. The Deja Vu of it all is tripping me out.


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