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Chaos: A Reapers MC Boxset

Page 53

by Elizabeth Knox

  ~ Nikita Gill


  Damon called an emergency church meeting ten minutes ago. He told every single one of us to get back to the club as soon as we could. Dixon, Chaz and I were out on a run together, so we drove back to the compound at the speed of light. Hell, even passed a fuckin’ cop on the way and the guy didn’t bother chasin’ us down. I’m wonderin’ how we got into the cops pockets down here already, but knowing Damon he’s been workin’ on it for a bit.

  Chaz and I arrive at the same time, dismount our bikes and go charging into the club until we’re rushing into the chapel, which is the room where we hold church. Damon sits at the head of the table, staring down the lengths of it at the club officers before directing his eyes to everyone in the club. Amara sits to the right of her brother and Boog is across from her. Every officer sits in their assigned seat while the rest of us, oddly including Mouser stand along the sides of the room.

  “I’m sure you’re all wondering why I’ve called you here so urgently. I had a meeting with Eduardo Diaz this morning. He and I have come to an agreement where we will be allies.”

  From the corner of my eye I see Dixon glance to Boog, immediately speaking up against the matter. “Fist rarely ever forged an alliance with anyone outside of an MC. From what we know, this guy has a gang.”

  Damon slams his hand down on the table, roaring at Dixon. “I’m not Fist and I never fuckin’ will be. But let me make something clear. If Fist didn’t believe in my ability, he would’ve never put me in this position. Do you understand that?! There’s no doubt we suffered a great loss in his death but I can assure you all, Zane and I will never lead in the same way he did. Fist was one of a kind. Now, if anyone else wants me to rule like Fist did you can put your cut on the table and get the fuck out of my club. Got me?”

  Silence fills the room with eyes darting between every brother and sister. “Great, now that I can fucking continue . . .” Damon starts off, taking in a deep breath. He rises, standing at the head of the table. “Eduardo Diaz was thought to be an enemy of the club but after thoroughly looking into him and his family, I’ve determined they’re a better ally than enemy. Onyx was trying to pin us against one another and I’m sure the bitch is turnin’ in her grave.”

  “Uh . . .” Mouser mumbles, starin’ right at our Prez.

  “Spit it out, Mouser.” Damon orders.

  “She can’t be turnin’ in her grave ‘cause she wasn’t buried. I dropped her off in the middle of the desert. You told me to dump her body, so I did. Figured the animals could rip her apart like she was tryin’ to do to us. You never said shit about buryin’ her body.”

  “Well, shit. I didn’t expect something so gruesome.” Damon comments.

  Kade snickers, “Doesn’t get more gruesome than your ol’ lady cutting her up like a piece of steak.”

  “Touché,” Damon replies. “Eduardo, Juan and Daniel Diaz are the first cousins of the new reigning Cartel leader, Francisco Lopez. I didn’t know that until this morning. As you all know since Francisco has taken over the Cartel things have quieted down quite a bit and according to Eduardo, Francisco is working on ripping the corruption in Mexico from the roots. However, in saying that Francisco has told his cousin he can’t be associated in specific business ventures anymore because he’s taking the Cartel to the heart of the problem— the government.”

  “Care to elaborate?” I mutter, believing I know what Damon is sayin’.

  “Francisco Lopez plans on running for office, so he’s asked his cousins to manage the more illegitimate parts of business. Of course, it won’t be done like it was before. Mexico is going from our number one enemy to becoming our greatest ally. This is something we should all be proud of.

  “He’s the Kingpin of the Cartel, surely he won’t give that up to be in office.” Widow states from the back of the room. Damn, the bastard was being so quiet I didn’t even know he was here.

  “He isn’t. He’ll still be in charge but distancing himself from it a bit.” Damon tells us.

  “Ah, okay.” Widow responds.

  “Francisco’s cousins have officially been named his Generals. Now we know what’s going on south of the border I feel more comfortable when it comes to that. It means we can focus on claiming all of Nevada as Reapers territory and start expanding not only our territory, but numbers and clubhouses as well.”

  “My Pops would’ve been damn proud of you and support your vision.” Kade states loudly to the room, getting a nod of thanks from our Prez.

  “Thank you, Kade. I appreciate your words. Now, let’s get back to business.” Damon stops, looking down to his hand where a massive watch adorns his wrist. It’s colossal, looking like it came from some sort of Punisher themed store, but is also creepy as shit. The door to church comes open, causing us to all glance around trying to figure out who’s coming through the door.

  Much to everyone’s surprise Sakura struts in. “I hope I’m not too early,” She says in our Prez’s direction.

  “No, you’re just on time. Now, as I was starting to say. Everyone is now up to date on the Diaz brother’s prominent position. Now, a couple of you know a small bit about Sakura. I’m going to bring everyone else up to speed. She’s the goddaughter of Eduardo Diaz.”

  “Do Japanese folk practice Christianity?” Widow asks from the back. I feel like I physically have to hold my eyes from poppin’ out of my damn head. What kinda question is that?

  Sakura doesn’t take offense but quickly answers, “No, not many anyway. My family practices Shinto, a centuries old religion. Obviously, I don’t practice Christianity but my godfather does. You see, my father and uncle were best friends until a business transaction destroyed their relationship and tore my family apart in the process. I fled Japan a little over a month ago, coming to my godfather for safety. I didn’t fold to my family’s demands.”

  “What’s the big deal? So what, you didn’t do what your family wanted.” Boog comments.

  Sakura snickers at the response, “No one has ever defied my family and lived to tell the tale. You see, my family aren’t typical Japanese citizens. My father is Hiromitsu Kobayashi, Emperor of Japan. My mother on the other hand is Sora, the leader of the Yakuza. Together my family controls every part of the country I used to love. I firmly believe my mother only married my father to sink her teeth into my nation further, corrupting it in whatever way she could. Anyway, let me get to the point. I know someone who owes me a favor. Someone who will be able to get that sweet little baby back. It comes at a great cost, because they will no longer be able to offer me protection. Not anymore, anyway. I’m willing to sacrifice my own safety to know that Orion is safe where he belongs, with his parents.” Sakura looks to Kade, keeping her eyes locked on him.

  “Why would you do this for me?” Kade immediately questions.

  I believe I know the reason Sakura would do this, but of course I won’t get a confirmation until she tells everyone in this room. “You ask a great question, Kade. You see, I lost someone recently too. My sister. She just happened to be part of your club back in Montana. You treated her like family, and so I will honor her wishes and treat you the same. After all, I know Asami would want that.”

  Kade draws his brows together in the ultimate confusion. Hell, I didn’t even know Saffron’s real name was Asami. “What are you saying?”

  “Saffron was my older sister. Her real name was Asami. She disowned my family, wanted to stay far away from our parents. Knowing what I do now, I can’t blame her. My sister loved you all dearly. Even though we didn’t speak often, I could tell the love she had for you all. You were her family, so it makes you mine, including your son. So, I will call in my favor and get you a location by this evening.” Sakura states. After she speaks she looks over to Damon and Amara, then walks over to Kade and places her hand on his shoulder.

  “My sister was the happiest with your father. We last spoke a few months ago unbeknownst to my parents, and all she could tell me is how she felt truly a
t home. If I could thank your father for everything he did, I would. Since I can’t, I hope my actions will return the favor to you.” Sakura’s voice falters as she struggles to form the words. It’s obvious she’s losing her strong composure and sheds a few tears.

  Kade rises up from his seat and embraces the frail woman in his arms. “Thank you for doing this for us.”

  “No need to thank me. I only hope to experience the same sense of family my dear sister did.”

  Kade pulls away from her, “I can assure you will because you are a Reaper, Sakura Kobayashi.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always change and become a better version of yourself.

  ~ MotivationPing.Com


  Damon ordered me to stick close by Sakura’s side, almost as if I’m her own personal security guard. He had two more houses put down here over the last few weeks, but they’re not like the rest of the trailers. Fuck, they’re a lot nicer. I thought Sakura would end up goin’ in one of the new trailer rooms but she didn’t. Instead Damon told her to go in one of the new houses giving her a set of keys. Hell, I’m sorta jealous considering she’s brand spankin’ new getting the best upgrade. My guess is because of everything she’s told us, plus knowing the fact she’s a nurse practitioner and can come in handy, he wants her to be as comfortable as possible.

  We’re inside her house right now and no lie, I’m fuckin’ jealous. Damn, she just walked right into our fuckin’ lives and already has the best digs outta all of us. About four hours have passed since she made a phone call and she’s been sitting at her dining room table, starin’ at the computer in front of her like she’s waiting on something.

  “You expectin’ a call?” I finally ask, sitting a couple seats down on the side with a glass of water in front of me.

  “Yes, I am. He was supposed to call me a few minutes ago. Although, I shouldn’t have to wait any longer.” Sakura sounds irritated and taps something on her keyboard. As she does an odd ringing sound comes through the speakers.

  “Should I give you some privacy?” I ask her, not wanting to intrude but wanting to know a bit more about her.

  “No, there isn’t a need.” She instantly replies. The ringing stops and I hear some sort of music playing in the background. “So this is why you couldn’t call me on time. You’re out clubbing?”

  “Saki-Saki! Hey babe!”

  “Lucian, I told you not to call me that anymore. I’m Sakura to you now, just like I am to everyone else.” For a smart woman she didn’t make it hard for me to piece this shit together. Obviously this Lucian dude is an ex-boyfriend of hers.

  “Saki-Saki!” Another man’s voice comes in from the background. There’s no doubt in my mind he’s fallen off the rails.

  Sakura takes in a deep breath and shuts her eyes before reopening them, “Christian, I didn’t realize Lucian had company.”

  “Saki, who do you think got him to come out in the first place? We’re at my club, silly!” Yep, he’s fuckin’ plastered. Damn, I’m kinda wondering what this dude has been drinkin’. I wouldn’t mind feelin’ that good every now and again.

  “Lucian, can you do me a favor and go somewhere private or something? We need to discuss something of extreme importance and I simply won’t yell at you because you’re out partying with Christian Steele.” Sakura huffs, sitting up a bit straighter. At hearing the name Steele things are a little clearer. The Steele brothers are the only men you go to transport guns in America or Canada.

  I can’t see the man on the screen from where I’m sitting, but I hear how the music becomes muffled. My guess is he was able to go into a room or maybe even outside. For our sake, I hope it was a room.

  “Tell me what’s troubling you, Saki, baby?” He purrs out the term baby as he sweet talks her, but from the way Sakura is lookin’ at him I don’t think he should be talkin’ to her like that.

  “Besides the fact you continue to call me Saki, the name you gave me when I was fucking you, even though I’ve gone over with you countless times how we’re no longer an item. Our relationship has been over for ages, Lucian. My only mistake was sleeping with you whenever I found myself in Atlanta, or our secret rendezvous in LA and New York. I mean it this time, we’re over. We’re just friends, solely in business together.”

  “Plenty of business associates make it to the bedroom.” He counters.

  “Not us. Not anymore.”

  He scoffs on the other end, “Alright then. What do you want?”

  “It’s not what I want. It’s what I need from you.” Sakura clearly states, sitting up a bit straighter in her chair.

  “Go on.”

  “You told me you owed me one more favor and then we were even.” Sakura starts off.

  “Uh, no. I don’t owe you anything else, Sakura. We were even after what I did for you. Neither of them will be able to search through photos or video images of your face without finding countless matches in various cities across the world at the same time. I gave you your safety.”

  Sakura cocks a brow in complete disbelief. Obviously, something isn’t going as planned. “I got you in a meeting with . . .” she grows quiet out of nowhere, lookin’ right at me before directing her attention back to the screen, “him, and you’re telling me you don’t owe me anymore? I helped you obtain a multi-billion-dollar deal, Lucian. You got that because of me, because of my fucking connections.”

  He snickers, “Oh sweetheart. You helped me get a meeting. My pitch on the other hand is what landed that contract.”

  “You’re unbelievable. If I’m right Christian Steele and his arrogant attitude is finally rubbing off on you.”

  “It’s about time, don’t you think, Saki?” Lucian spits out her nickname, challenging her in a way.

  “Fuck. I want nothing more than to get off this video chat with you. I need you to undo what you did for me. I need something else.”

  Lucian breaks out into laughter, “If I do that, it’s your own suicide.”

  “Damn it, Lucian! I need something else.” Sakura slams her hand down onto the dining room table.

  “Jesus. What has you so riled up?”

  “You need to search images of this man, and his known associates. I’m sending them to you right now.” Sakura says.

  “What’s so special about these guys?”

  “I’m confident they’re the men who stole a newborn baby. If I don’t get you to help me this little boy could die, Lucian. I won’t apologize for not being able to live with his death on my conscience.”

  “You said we’re solely in business now. I’m not going to keep giving you special treatment, Sakura.” Lucian states, his tone getting a bit lower. I know that tone far too well. It’s the voice of a man who wants to hear she wasn’t being truthful when she said their relationship is strictly business. I wonder if she’s going to play his heart and tell him somethin’ I can see is obviously one sided at this point, just to keep her own ass safe. Or if she’ll go back on her word. But I’ve heard her claim to be a woman of honor. We’ll see if it’s true.

  “We’re just two people who conduct business on occasion. I’m asking you to take back what you did and find this missing child for me. His life is more important than keeping my own hide unscathed. I can find ways to protect myself and he can’t.”

  “If I do this, you’ll likely die.”

  “This is business, Lucian. Just fucking do it, will you?”

  “As you wish, madame. I’ll have a member of my team reach out to you when I figure it out. But before we end this call, I should strictly express calling me outside of business hours is likely to get you blacklisted off my client list. You have the number to my office where one of them could’ve assisted you, but since we’re . . . leaving everything else we were behind, don’t cross the lines I’m drawing in the sand.”

  Sakura curls up her top lip, “It won’t matter. I’ll be dead soon anyway.”
  “You’re such a bitch, Saki. I don’t want you to die. If you just—” A distinctive noise of a call dropping rings out from her laptop and she tilts her neck in my direction. She might be trying to hide it, but the truth of the matter is the conversation she just had with Lucian wasn’t easy. The tear sliding down her cheeks proves it.

  “I’ll have an address in a couple hours. I’m going to go take a nice relaxing bath. I’ll come out of my bedroom when I have something for you to take to Damon.” She says, rising and hurries off out of my sight.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Never think that what you have to offer is insignificant. There will always be someone out there who needs what you have to give.”



  What Sakura and I didn’t know was that Lucian would give her the information she needed sooner than we thought. From everything I overheard, he must’ve respected her decision and got his team on it as soon as possible.

  I didn’t know what photographs Sakura had sent her ex, but she did show me them on our walk together back to the clubhouse to tell Damon we were ready to roll out. In the back of my mind he’d be my first guess. He’s the only thing on this planet who loathes Kade and Ivy more than anything else. I say thing, because that creature isn’t a human. Not with the amount of torture and torment he’s caused us all over the years.

  There were a few photos attached in the message of men I didn’t recognize. I can surely put my finger on the idea these are men who’ve either been seen with Grizzly recently, or who have been known to help him get out of awry situations.

  Damon was sitting down chatting with Boog and Kade when we gave him the news. Meanwhile Chaz, Amara and Dixon were out on a run so we had to text them to meet us where we were heading. Mouser was out cleanin’ our bikes to make them shiny as the day we bought the fuckers. I had to go find Widow and I mean, fuck. When I found him he had his hand on his cock while he was on the phone with his ol’ lady Tania. She runs with the Jackals so she’s always out doin’ whatever the fuck it is they even do in the first place. Anyway, I hope that sight gets burned out of my mind soon.


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