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Chaos: A Reapers MC Boxset

Page 54

by Elizabeth Knox

  We all needed to drive fifteen miles north up I-15 until it hits I-93. They have this little gas station on the corner of where the two interstates meet. It hasn’t been open in years from what I understand, makin’ it the prime location for whats left of the Bears MC to open up shop and attempt to rein hell down on us.

  Damon told us all to meet about two miles away from the location, sending the location to the rest of the club via our cell phones when we got there. It took a few minutes but Chaz, Amara and Dixon weren’t too far behind. Kade drove one of the trucks and put the carseat in the back seat for when we bring Orion back home. Meanwhile, we ended up bringing Sakura but instructed her under no circumstances is she supposed to exit the vehicle until one of us physically comes out to get her. Let’s just all pray she ends up listening. For some reason bitches in these clubs love defying direct orders. You know what, I bet they get a fuckin’ plaque to put on their wall once they do.

  “We all know I don’t need to stand here and tell you this day has been coming for a long time. We’ve come close to ending the mayhem Grizzly and the Bears have brought on our club many times, however, today will be different. Today we don’t let any of them escape, and we sure as hell won’t show mercy. The Bears have been a thorn in our side for far too long. I can say with complete faith I know you all want to go hunting as much as I do.” Damon states, meeting his eyes with every single brother and sister.

  After he finishes speaking a loud applause comes from the silence. Damon knows more than anyone how we’re ready to eradicate this fucker and his influence. While I might not have been a Reaper for long, I empathize with the pain everyone else has felt before me.

  “This ends now,” Kade clearly says with anger lacing his voice.

  Damon gives a nod, “Let’s ride. Watch your backs and be careful. We don’t know what we’re going to face when we get there.” Unlike a usual run, we’re going in completely unprepared. Typically, we’d send a couple men to scout out the place and see the layout, figure out how many doors there are, count who’s going in and out.

  Kade jumps in the truck and the rest of us mount our bikes and ride off to where Grizzly and his scum can be found. It doesn’t even take us two minutes before we’re there. When we were a mile out I could see the old white and red sign that says gas and diesel. There’s a two-bay garage indicating this must’ve been an auto shop at some point and time, with four structures out front where the old gas pumps must’ve been.

  The sun comes down along the horizon, giving the scenery a breathtaking view. Fate has a funny way of giving us a view like this when we’re about to make some beautiful shit of our own happen.

  One thing I’ve learned out here is how the rumbling of our bikes carries further since the landscape is almost completely flat where we are. I don’t get nervous about much but I’m thinking about how we’ve completely lost the element of surprise. At least we can be thankful for the fact nothing is located too close to this gas station. We’d only have to worry about people from the highway reporting it and well . . . hopefully they know better.

  As we get closer I see three bikes are parked on the side of the building next to where the shop windows are broken. The door to the front busts open and out comes some big, heavy dude from the looks of it. However, I don’t mistake the sawed-off shotgun he has in his hand and pull my gun from my holster, aim and fire off a shot. His right shoulder flies back as he looks to his body in disbelief of what I just did.

  I hear another shot go off and see Mouser fired straight through the bastard’s skull. He goes down like a ton of bricks and another idiot opens the front door, but Mouser has his gun pointed in that direction and administers another kill shot.

  Glancing back to the side I count the bikes again and confirm again that there are only three. The third must belong to Grizzly. Or at least, I sure hope it does. If it doesn’t we’re going to have to go lookin’ for a needle in a haystack.

  Damon, Amara and Dixon are the first off their bikes running toward the door with Amara being the first to go in. Her flaming red hair blows in the wind and the second she opens that door a shot goes off, and with it her body goes stiff.

  I hop off my bike, firing my gun repeatedly through the shop windows. “Stop! What the fuck are you doing, Cobra?! There’s a fuckin’ kid in there!” Mouser roars, slamming his fist into my jaw.

  Fuck! Shit. Jesus. I didn’t think this through. I only wanted to get Grizzly down. I don’t think the others have realized it, but Amara isn’t the one that fired the bullet. There’s a decent sized shop window and fuck it to hell. If Damon and Dixon don’t act soon, Amara could fuckin’ die. I don’t even know where she’s shot.

  From the corner of my eye Amara falters backward, causing her brother to sense what’s happened. He turns back looking for help and Dixon puts his arms under Amara, tugging her away from the doorway.

  Since the doorway is open I dart through with the speed of light, gun raised, lookin’ for this fucker. I’ve never liked Amara too much, but she’s my VP and you don’t fuck with the Reapers.

  My eyes land on Grizzly who’s chuckling. I don’t understand why until I see what’s in his arms, or rather, who. He has a zippo lighter type of thing lit in his other hand, held only a few inches above Orion.

  He’s going to light the kid on fire if I so much as make a move. “You don’t wanna hurt the kid. You wanna hurt us, not him.” I say, trying to get the old bastard to look at me.

  Grizzly snickers, “You don’t know what I fuckin’ want. As far as I’m concerned, he’s a Reaper just like the lot of you.”

  Grizzly moves the lighter closer to the dirty cloth Orion is in causing my heart to beat the quickest it ever has in my chest. I have to think quick if I’m going to help. Anything I do right now is going to be a risk. I can only pray whatever I do ends up with a positive outcome.

  “Put your fuckin’ gun down, boy.” Grizzly roars. While he’s too focused on me I act like I’m putting it away but really fire a shot out at his hand, praying, hoping and silently begging the lighter won’t fall on the baby.

  My eyes stay focused on his hand and I breathe a little easier seeing the zippo fly back out of his hand, only to continue shooting into the vile old man’s chest. This may sound fucked up, but I don’t care if the kid gets blood on him. At least he’ll be alive. That’s the only thing that matters right now.

  I run up to Grizzly since we’re only a mere ten feet away and tear the child from his arms while he stares at his chest. I back up slowly, keeping my gun on him. “You shot me.” He sounds baffled, like he never thought I’d do it.

  “Of course I did you senile old man. You put one of us in danger. Fuck, you should know by now. We go to great lengths to protect our own. Nighty, night motherfucker.” I pull the trigger one last time, aiming right between the bastard’s eyes and watch as he falls to the floor. I only wish his body had hit the ground long ago.

  Sliding my gun back into my holster I turn and come face-to-face with this kid’s dad, Kade. “Is he okay?” Kade asks while the kid screams his damn head off.

  “I think so. Take him over to Sakura and she’ll check him out.” I’m sure Kade can’t form a complete sentence in his mind right now. All the worry, fear and doubt he’s felt over the last few days is now gone. I hand Orion over to his father, seeing tears flood over his cheeks.

  “Fuck, I don’t know what I would’ve done if I lost you.” He mutters to the child.

  “Now you’ll never have to think about it. This is all over.”

  “I only wish I could’ve made Grizzly suffer tremendously for what he’s done to us over all these years. Thank you, Cobra.” Kade says before he heads toward the door.

  I take a couple steps toward him and put my hand on the back of his shoulder, causing him to turn to me. “He is suffering now, dead, lifeless, where he can’t hurt another Reaper ever again. I’m sure your Dad is talkin’ to God, demandin’ to get a trip downstairs just to beat the shit out of him.” />
  Kade chuckles, “I wouldn’t put it past him.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  We’re a mess you and I, but the truth is you captivate me in ways no soul ever will

  ~ Perry Poetry


  Life has a way of bringing the most unexpected of things your way. Tonight, it just happened to transpire again. I got a text from Cobra ten minutes ago asking if he could come over. Now, I don’t know this man hardly at all, but I gave in and told him sure, gave him my address and said I’d see him in a bit.

  It’s a little past eight and I hadn’t made dinner yet so I grabbed some Mexican rice from the cabinet, chopped up some red peppers, onions and chicken, also grabbing some mild picante sauce from the fridge. Since I already had the pan warming up completely determined to make some gourmet grilled cheese all I had to do was put some olive oil in there and toss the chicken in, seasoning it lightly with salt and pepper for now. Whenever I’m making Tex-Mex style food I’ve learned that less is actually more. I’m one of those repeat offenders when it comes to salsa or picante so I know better than to over season and ruin my meal.

  Over the course of fifteen minutes I browned the chicken, added in the vegetables and put a bit of picante in, allowing the juices to soak into the meat and veggies. The water was already boiling in the other pan and I’d already put the rice in, stirred it a couple times and took a taste test. Its soft, but not overly so. I hear a rap on the door just as I’m putting five tortillas in the microwave for a minute to soften them up. Pressing the start button, I pull the pot of rice off the hot burner and turn it off so it doesn’t overcook and get nasty. The chicken and veggies could use a bit longer so I turn it down to medium heat before I go up to the door.

  Every Sunday I change into my jammies by six at the latest, only wanting to binge watch some Netflix and be comfortable. I’m in a soft pink spaghetti strap top that says ‘Cute but Psycho’ on the top with a matching set of hipster panties. I live with a gay man, so needing to cover myself up has never been much of an issue.

  Opening the door, I’m surprised when I see Cobra. He’s furrowing his brows together causing stress lines to draw across his forehead. Honestly, he looks like he’s been through hell. I scan my eyes over him, from the leather cut he wears that represents his club and brotherhood, to the tight white t-shirt underneath it and spot a flash of maroon red. My eyes stay focused on the area for a few moments until I realize what it must be— blood. I don’t know what comes over me. Maybe it’s solely human nature but I continue looking over him, trying to find more, making sure he’s not the one who’s hurt. But just as I think about it I realize I don’t care who the other person was.

  I don’t give a damn about their story, or why there was even a need for bloodshed. The only thing that matters to me is that Cobra is okay. Kind of odd, isn’t it? Wanting a man I’ve known for such a short amount of time to be safe.

  “Are you alright?” I stammer my question out, not able to sound remotely human.

  He lifts his head up meeting his eyes with mine and flashes a bogus smile, “You should see the other guy.” He’s trying to hide the severity of the situation with humor. I take in a deep breath and open the door wider, silently urging him to come inside.

  “I hope you don’t mind, I’m making some dinner right now. Do you like chicken fajitas, or burritos? The goal is to always make burritos but they end up coming out like fajitas, so what the hell.” I say, giving him a genuine smile to try and lift his spirits.

  I can’t put my finger on it, but something is running through his mind. Then again, I keep having to tell myself I don’t know Cobra and this could be how he typically is. Something in the back of my mind is telling me that isn’t the case, though.

  I walk over to my stove and flip the chicken, stirring the veggies up a bit and don’t get a response from him. Opening the fridge, I pull out the open bottle of tequila and grab two shot glasses from the cabinet next to it, pouring out two servings and pick them up in my hands. I down my shot by the time I get over to him and set down the other shot glass on the island in front of him. “You look like you could use it.”

  Cobra doesn’t say a thing but nods, affirming I’m correct. I watch as he takes the shot back and sets the glass down on my stone counter. I don’t know what comes over me, but I have the need to ease this man’s worries. Placing my hand on his forearm, I look into his eyes and try to offer some semblance of companionship. “I don’t know what happened, but I’m sure everything will be okay.”

  “It will now, yeah. Until the next thing comes our way. It’s how it always goes these days.” I take his reply as a way of saying he definitely needs more tequila and go fetch the bottle from the counter behind us. I pour myself another shot in the process, taking it back before giving him another.

  “You filled me in a bit on how your lifestyle is. I’ll be honest, it freaked me out. But I realized that no matter what we do in life there is risk. The thing is, if your club wasn’t important you wouldn’t put yourself on the line like that. Hell, you said there’s risk in me being tied to you, even though we’re just fucking around . . . but I thought about taking the easy way out and not tying myself to someone who could end up bringing something negative my way later on.”

  Cobra takes the shot I placed in front of him and keeps his eyes on my own, “So, what was your decision?”

  “I think you know. If I had decided against it I wouldn’t have let you come over. Regardless, I’m going to be at risk. I’m trying to reignite a friendship I had from years ago, and . . . for some reason I like being around you. As odd as it sounds. I mean, we’ve barely known one another an entire day and I want to be around your . . .”

  “Magnetic personality, or is it my snake?” Cobra chuckles, causing me to shut my eyes and laugh along with him.

  I go back over to the stove and grab two plates from the cabinet as I respond to him. “It might be a bit of both. Time will tell I suppose.” I take the tortillas out of the microwave and make three fajitas for Cobra, putting some extra picante on them, adding some cheese and give him a heavy serving of rice. I’m about to take it over to him and turn, walking straight into his chest.

  His eyes immediately shoot to the plate and then come back up to mine, lingering for a few moments. We’re standing in complete silence, neither one of us saying a word, simply taking in whatever the fuck is happening. With his left hand he grabs the plate from my hand, but with his right he brushes his palm against my cheek. “I like bein’ around you too, babycakes. And if I have anything to say about it, we’ll be spendin’ a lot more time together. Maybe more than we thought, if you’re alright with it.”

  I suck in a sharp breath and nod. “I think I’d like that very much.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The way I feel about you doesn’t make sense, but sometimes logic doesn’t understand chemistry

  ~ Geraldine Inoa


  Cobra and I pigged out on dinner, having a little too much to drink on my end. I have to work tomorrow, so let’s pray I don’t end up getting a hangover. While I may have gotten tipsy, I don’t think I overdid it.

  He and I sat on the couch in the living room for quite a while watching the new Witcher series on Netflix. It’s been out for a bit but I just haven’t had the time, and I will never tell a soul how I beat the Wild Hunt a good few times. I’ll keep my inner nerd to myself, thank you very much. Cobra made a joke about how I’m only watching for Henry Cavill. Little does he know the guy just isn’t my type.

  “You have any plans tomorrow night?” Cobra asks from beside me.

  I think hard for a minute, but ultimately grab my phone off the coffee table in front of us and look at my calendar. “Work, then a few meetings for my charity. A woman claims she was fired because her brother was an illegal immigrant and her boss found out. She’s here on completely legal grounds, went through every hoop she had to jump through. She and I have a meeting with one of the lawyers who a
re donating their services.”

  “I don’t think you told me about your charity.”

  “Oh, well . . . it’s a long story but I’ll shorten it for you. I founded it for those who have had unjust and illegal discrimination against them for matters they can’t control. For example, I was fired from my other network because of changing my hair color from a dirty blonde to this. I founded this because of situations like mine. Only, I have an advantage. I have a public persona, visibility where everyday citizens don’t. So, I’m determined to help them however I can.”

  “That’s commendable.”

  “No, it isn’t. It’s the right thing to do.” I correct him, watching him cock a brow and smile. Cobra slips his arm behind me and pulls me onto his lap. I plant my legs on both sides of his and stare down, waiting for him to flap his jaws.

  “You know, I didn’t want to like you this much. In fact, if I hated something about you it would make fuckin’ you so much easier. But here you are, doin’ sweet shit, showin’ me you have a golden heart.”

  “Don’t get too carried away, we’re just fucking.” I tease, testing the water on what he really wants. Part of me thinks he wants more, that he wants to see if we could work. I curse myself internally but depending on how the coming weeks go I might be open to something besides our arrangement. He just is so damn good at pulling me to him, making me interested, making me want to know things about him. In fact, we don’t know much about one another but I’m looking forward to getting to discover more.


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