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Slipperless #2: Billionaire Romance

Page 8

by Sloan Storm

  “Fiona, I’d like for you to come to my office.”

  She didn’t reply but merely grunted in a way that suggested her attention was focused elsewhere.

  “Fiona,” I said, raising my voice a decibel for emphasis.


  Thinning my lips at her lack of focus, I continued, “Did you hear what I said?”

  As I spoke, the sound of her shuffling paper echoed with tinny annoyance in the phone’s earpiece.

  “No,” she muttered. “What? I-I can’t right now, Gabe. I’m busy.”

  I wrinkled my brow in disbelief and eased myself into a standing position. Without a moment’s hesitation, I responded. “I don’t care what you’re doing. When I tell you to come, you come.”

  “Gabe,” she began, as I heard the focus return to her words. “I don’t understand what it is you want from me. I can’t keep running back and forth to your office whenever you feel it’s necessary. Can’t I come later?”

  I flexed my jaw at her refusal. “No, Fiona. Come now.”

  For the next several seconds, the only sound coming through the earpiece was the sound of her breath as she considered the words she’d say next.

  “Fine,” she grumbled at last. “I’ll be up there as soon as I can.”

  “No. Right now, Fiona. Come. Right. Now.”

  With that, I placed the phone back into the cradle with a forceful thump and got back to work on the prospectus. When she hadn’t arrived twenty minutes later, I headed down to the lab to set her straight once and for all.


  I had no idea what the hell had gotten into Fiona.

  But she would learn flagrant disobedience didn’t come without consequences. On the way to the lab, I had just enough time to cool off and gather my thoughts before seeing her. No matter what, I had no intention of making a scene, but I wasn’t leaving the lab without her either.

  After slipping on some protective outerwear, I weaved among the workstations, making my way towards hers. In the wake of my meeting with the lab team, the last thing I needed was them to see friction between us, so I approached her with as much of a calm demeanor as I could muster. Unbelievably, Fiona appeared as if she had no intention of going anywhere. She looked up as I approached, without the slightest hint of concern or worry on her face.



  By the time she replied, I stood not more than a foot or so from her. “Is there a problem?”

  “Hmm?” she said, glancing up at me. “No. Why. Should there be?”

  I couldn’t believe it. Inhaling a deep breath, I drew my arms up and folded them in front of my chest. Before I spoke, I cast a glance around the lab. As I expected, a few pairs of curious eyes watched as I hovered over her, most notably Amanda and Melissa. I turned my attention back towards Fiona and forced a smile.

  “Didn’t I ask you to report to my office?”


  As before, she offered no additional explanation or clarification with her reply, instead leaving me to fill the silence. By the way she behaved, it was almost if she was being stubborn on purpose.

  “Fiona,” I began, pausing until she looked up at me. Once I made eye contact with her I continued. “This is an urgent matter.”

  She shrugged and with hollow sincerity replied, “I understand and I’m sorry, but I’m doing everything I can to meet the deadlines you set.”

  “Well, they are my deadlines.” I said, glaring at her for emphasis. “I can alter them as I see fit. Now, come with me.”

  “Can’t we discuss whatever it is you want to talk about, here?” Fiona tilted her head back, slid her fingers through her hair and shook it a bit in a subtle show of defiance. Through a mouthful of clenched white teeth, she continued, “After all, you did tell me you wanted me here in the lab making sure things ran smoothly. I would think you’d be pleased I’m doing as you requested.”

  I chuckled at her grandstanding. Turning my attention towards Amanda and Melissa, I motioned for both of them to approach. The maneuver surprised Fiona. No sooner had I done it than she shifted in her seat, straightening her spine in response.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered.

  “Why… Just getting you the help you need.”

  Before she had the chance to say anything, Amanda and Melissa were upon us.

  “Ladies,” I began, unfolding my arms. I rubbed my hands back and forth with a gentle stroke and nodded towards Fiona. “It seems that Fiona is a bit overwhelmed at the moment. You wouldn’t mind stepping in and helping her out, would you? We’ve got some higher level issues to discuss in my office, but being the responsible leader she is, Fiona is reluctant to delegate, instead preferring to handle things on her own. You’re both able to help I take it?”

  Already knowing they’d gladly do it after the stern warning I issued to them, I smiled as they both nodded in agreement. After they did, I turned back towards Fiona.

  “There. You see? You’ve got all the help you need.”

  Still defiant, Fiona shook her head and looked back down towards her planner. “I’m afraid not. These aren’t just things I can simply dump in their laps and…”

  “Try them,” I replied, interrupting her.


  Knowing full well I’d beaten her, I allowed Fiona to attempt a defense. Over the next thirty seconds or so, she rattled off a list of things she had to get done… or else. Yet, as she described each task, I glanced at Amanda and Melissa. Each time they confirmed what I suspected. They can do all of them just as easily and with two of them working as one, get it done it in half the time. With smug satisfaction, I watched Fiona struggle in verbal quicksand; each lie she spoke sending her deeper into defeat. Before long, nothing remained of the precious list and the luxury they afforded her to avoid me. When it was obvious she’d run out of time and excuses, I spoke up once more.

  “There,” I said, as I clapped my hands together with a satisfying smack. “That should put you at ease. All of these matters can be dealt with easily and effectively.”

  For a brief moment, I wondered if she’d add cleaning the bathrooms to her list as a final show of desperation.

  At a volume loud enough for everyone to hear, I put a finer point on my statement.

  “The ability to delegate efficiently is the hallmark of a successful executive. That’s what you want to be, isn’t it? I’m sure everyone here would agree with that. Right?”

  I glanced at Amanda and Melissa, nodding at them to accept my statement as the fact it was. They obliged. Fiona hesitated for a moment or two as she attempted to conjure up any reason, real or imagined, to willfully disobey me.

  Victorious, I smiled and stepped to one side, motioning for her to pass. “After you, Fiona.”

  Fiona’s pinched her lips together and shot me a quick look, barely restraining her anger. In its place, she flashed a sarcastic grin as she stood. Filled with disdain, she passed by me in a rush and offered a curt ‘excuse me’ as she did.

  I nodded at Amanda and Melissa. “See to it you handle her tasks.”

  They nodded, and after receiving assurances they would, I followed Fiona as we both made our way out of the lab and back to my office. As she reached the door, she shoved it open with a forceful push, but before it could slam closed, I reached it. Soon after, I narrowed the distance between us and placed my hand in the small of Fiona’s back.

  She pulled away.


  I had everything to lose but when it got right down to it, there was something I’d never give him… my self-respect. I was determined to protect myself at any cost. My career was too important.

  As we exited the elevator, I followed Gabe to his office, and as we passed by Holly’s desk, it looked as if she’d gone home for the day.

  “Where is Holly?”

  “Don’t worry about it,” he growled. “Keep moving.”

  I swallowed and tugged my hair behind my ears. If this was how he wanted t
o handle it, then so be it. I readied myself for a fight. I walked into the office ahead of Gabe, and a moment or so later, he followed behind me, slamming the office door as he did. The sound frightened me. I stopped and turned to face him.

  I recoiled a bit as he moved towards me. Late afternoon shadows crawled across Gabe’s angry expression like an assassin’s fingers.

  Frozen in place by a mix of fear and anger, I began to speak. “Gabe, I…”

  “No,” he said with a stern tone. “Shut up, Fiona. Don’t say a word.”

  His demeanor turned serious.

  “If you ever refuse to come again when I tell you, so help me I’ll…”

  Remembering my promise to fight him, I furrowed my brow in protest and cut him off. “You’ll what, Gabe?”

  He raised his index finger and wagged it at me. “Watch it, Fiona.”

  “No, Gabe. No,” I said with a stomp of my foot. My fingers curled into hard balls of flesh. “I will not just be at your beck and call whenever you please. That’s the real reason I’m here isn’t it? I’m just your little sex toy and you’ve got an itch that needs scratching. Well, that’s not okay with me. Do you understand? I’m beginning to wonder if anything you’ve told me about my ability is true!”

  With his head tilted down at me, Gabe flashed his tongue from between his closed lips. “I’m not lying to you about your ability, Fiona.”

  “Then why do I feel that way?”

  He remained still, tense. “I have no idea. That’s a question you have to answer for yourself. Your insecurities aren’t my problem. Look, if you’re too afraid, too timid, to grab your chance and shake the fuck out of it until it gives you what you want, that’s something you’ll have to deal with. I’m not you’re fucking Daddy, and I’m certainly not someone who is ever going to take shit from you. Consider yourself warned, Fiona. You have no idea who you are fucking with.”

  I swallowed hard and did my best to steel myself against his threats. “I am not going to be bullied by you, Gabe.”

  Gabe wiped the back of his hand across his mouth. He stepped towards me, stopping not more than a foot from my face. Heat from his nostrils brushed against my cheek as he accosted me.

  “Fiona,” he began with a low growl. “You don’t know the first thing about what a real bully is. Trust me when I say, you’ve got it made here. Now if you don’t like the opportunity I’ve given you, then you’re free to go. But don’t ever say something to me like that. Not ever again.”

  I hesitated for a moment as his threat lingered in my ear.

  “Or what?” I said with a low tone.


  Gabe moved to within inches, swallowing my personal space like a predator at the top of the food chain. “What did you say?”

  From a place I didn’t know existed… somewhere beyond my rational awareness, a tiny ember stirred inside of me. No matter what the risk, I felt as though I had to push him, see this through. It was the closest thing I’d ever experienced to real danger and… it thrilled me. Goosebumps prickled down my backside. I folded my lips inward in defiance. Lowering my head, but not my gaze, I glared up towards Gabe locking my eyes on his.

  “I said… What. Are you. Going to do about it?”

  As soon as I finished speaking, Gabe snatched me by the upper arms and drove me back towards his desk.

  Furious, I slapped at him. “Stop, Gabe! Don’t!”

  Just then, Gabe pinned my backside against his desk. I swatted at him as he did. Unaffected, he grunted as he held me in place. Reaching behind me he made two ferocious swipes at everything on top of it. The contents flew across the office. His phone collided against a computer nearby, sending it crashing to the ground. Paper fluttered in every direction and a myriad of other sounds, from objects I couldn’t see, filled the air with loud noise.

  Once he’d finished, Gabe straddled me. He clutched me at the waist, hooking his hands down inside of my pants.

  “Uh!” I grunted as I shoved at him. “Let’s go!”

  But my struggle was comical. With a hard yank, Gabe tugged me towards him, ripping the seams in the process.

  “Gabe!” I gasped.

  My upper body crashed into his. His entire torso flexed with rage as he ignored me and continued to rip and tear at my pants. As he did, I leaned my upper body into his chest while from the waist down, I rocked to and fro and he ripped my clothing away like an animal caught in a trap. I hadn’t convinced him to stop.

  But there was a simple reason for that.

  I didn’t want him to.

  My protests were fabrications, lies I told myself so I could say I’d resisted. But the truth was I didn’t resist him.

  I couldn’t.

  Just then, Gabe squeezed my upper arms, again shocking me back to awareness. I felt small before him, completely swallowed in the shadow of his rage. My belly rose and fell as I struggled for breath. Half-terrified, half-excited for what lay ahead, I watched him in utter silence.

  Without a word, he reached down towards me and grabbed my pants with one hand on the waist again. He tugged them and grunted as if he’d lost the patience to finish removing them. I looked up at him, unable to blink. Instead, my lips drifted apart a fraction as I looked up at him.

  “Now,” he said, gesturing for me to get undressed.

  With a subtle nod. I moved my hands down towards my waistline. I happened to glance down towards my fingers.

  They trembled.

  “All of it,” he growled, breaking my trance. “Hurry up.”

  Nodding, I did as he said and within seconds, I’d removed all of my clothing. Completely nude and a bit chilled, I stood before him. Bewildered though I was, the space between my thighs left no doubt as to my true feelings.

  “Suck my dick, Fiona.”

  Petrified, I looked away for a moment. I’d never done such a thing. My hesitation was not appreciated.

  “Do it.”

  With a slow turn of my head, I began to kneel before him. The thick carpet of his office provided the only comfort I’d received since entering his office minutes earlier. I drew my gaze up from his crotch towards his face. As our eyes met, he looked at me and nodded with an expressionless expectation. On instinct, I reached up towards the fine fabric of his suit pants.

  As if in a daze, I unfastened his belt and another moment later, unzipped him.

  The zipper whined as I tugged on it. When at last it could go no further, I released it from between my fingertips. With my gaze fixed straight ahead, I reached up and hooked my fingers at the sides of Gabe’s trousers. I dragged them down with a lazy tug, exposing the musculature of his hard pelvis as I did.

  Fine, dark hairs came into view first and as I continued downward, Gabe’s splendid gift appeared.

  I swallowed hard. Having it between my thighs was one thing. And now as I caught its full size, mere inches from my mouth, I wondered how I would be able to do as he wished. Yet Gabe gave me little time to think. For no sooner did the full length of it spring to life in front of me, than he reached towards me and wrapped one hand around the top of my scalp while placing the other at the base of his cock.

  For a fraction of an instant, I glanced up towards him. Without thinking, I moved my head towards the thick tip of his dick. As I did, I placed one hand, palm down, against the muscles of his thigh while wrapping my other around the girth of his shaft. The head glistened as I drew it close to my lips. Gabe exhaled and leaned his upper body away, angling his hips in the direction of my waiting mouth.

  My eyelids flickered closed as I parted my lips, inviting him inside.

  Gabe groaned with satisfaction as I took him. At first, his size caught me by surprise and I had to quickly adjust to it. Soon however, we found a rhythm and I slid my tongue along and underneath, delighting in the ridges and grooves as I went. Neophyte though I was, Gabe appeared to be more than satisfied with my efforts. Grunting and swaying before me, he rocked his torso as I consumed him.

  As the seconds went by, I
sensed him harden inside of my mouth. Evidence of his aroused state rolled across my taste buds. Salty and musky, the foreign flavor tantalized me and caused my own need to escalate with each second that passed. I hummed with pleasure, gently rolling my head from one side to the other as I suctioned his hard shaft. The service I performed took its toll on me. What started as a patch of moisture between my legs moments earlier had transformed into something far more urgent. I shifted my knees and as I did, slickness coated the inside of my thighs.

  Just then, Gabe widened his stance, straddling me.

  As he did, I reached up between his legs, cradling his balls. I rolled them between my fingers with a soft caress. Gabe’s thighs twitched as I did, and every few seconds after, he would thrust his hips with staccato pulses. Soon, I found both of my hands sliding up and down the full measure of his dick. Slick from the moisture in my mouth, Gabe’s shaft glistened as I devoured it with loving affection. Now desperate, wet and lost in my service of him, the only thing I cared to do was whatever he wanted. And it wasn’t long, perhaps less than a minute before I discovered what that was to be.

  Gabe motioned for me to stop and I released his cock from my mouth with a wet pop. With the taste of him still fresh on my lips, I tried to lean in and kiss him as I stood. Gabe grunted in displeasure and after grabbing me at the waist, he moved around behind me. I did a half-turn but as I did, he disappeared from view and a fraction of a second later, weightlessness overtook me as he lifted me up onto his desk and positioned me on all fours. Nearly delirious with lust, I submitted and leaned back onto my haunches, completely exposing myself. Gabe slapped his hands on my ass, gripping with force as he tugged me back even further.

  His approach was silent but carried a clear meaning.

  “You…” Gabe growled, pressing the tip of his cock into my wet folds. “Will do as I say, Fiona. Is that clear?”

  No sooner had he finished speaking than he thrust his cock all the way inside of me, making his point with no ambiguity. I slapped at the edge of the desk as my breath left me. I grasped and groped it to maintain my balance, not to mention my consciousness. I dropped my head, my hair closed in around my eyes, casting a shadow over my mind as he awaited my answer. As I hesitated, Gabe thrust himself inside of me once again. I whimpered, the delicate position of my knees threatening to give way beneath me.


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