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Slipperless #2: Billionaire Romance

Page 9

by Sloan Storm

  “Did you hear me, Fiona?”

  As he spoke, Gabe began to fuck me. Between each declaration, he’d slam his pelvis against my ass. He used an ever-escalating force with each pass until he’d reached such a state that my entire body shook with each insertion.

  “Did.” Slap. “You.” Slap. “Hear.” Slap. “Me.” Slap. “Fiona?”

  By now my eyes had rolled back in my head. I grabbed at the edge of the desk, hoping against hope I wouldn’t tumble off of it. My bare knees squeaked against the polished oak as Gabe fucked me. His hips collided into me with a terrific force. Each impact rippled my flesh, cracking the still office air like a lion tamer’s whip. In the midst of it all, I’d drifted into utter submission.

  I’d lost track of why I was upset and almost everything else for that matter. In fact, the only thing that did matter was him between my thighs, inside of me. Just mine. Not any other woman’s. Gabe stretched me to new dimensions. Only my insufferable wetness was enough to soothe me. I rocked my head in blissful defeat as Gabe consumed me. Content to have him use me as he saw fit, I relaxed completely into him until, in one shocking second, I felt the sting of his palm across my ass.

  I gasped, snapping my head to one side.

  “Don’t look at me,” he barked. “Now, I’ve said this multiple times. This is your last chance Fiona. You’ll do as I say. Is that clear?”

  As he finished, Gabe let loose with a succession of strikes. Wicked fire raced across the supple flesh of my ass. He struck me again and again, each time driving his cock deeper and harder inside of me. Breathless and half-conscious, I grunted in pure delight as he struck me. Suddenly, he slapped me with a devilish blow. My breath left my chest and sent me flailing for something, anything, to hold on to as I responded to him, at last.

  “Yes!” I cried out.

  “Yes! What?”

  As he finished speaking, Gabe reached down and grabbed my hips hard at the crease, tugging me into him with a violent jerk. He paused there with his cock fully engorged and pulsing inside of me.

  “I…” I gasped. “I-I’ll do as you say. I-I promise. I will.”

  Gabe stopped, and bending at the waist, he laid his upper body across my backside. As he did, I tilted my ass skyward, taking him as deep as possible. After a moment or two, the sweet scent of Gabe’s breath made its way to my nostrils as he nuzzled his chin between my chin and shoulder.

  “You will, Fiona? Do you mean it?”

  “Yes,” I whispered. “Yes. I’ll do anything you say. Anything…”

  “Then cum for me,” he said with a snarl. “Cum for me right now.”

  As he finished speaking, Gabe pressed his hips into my ass, sliding his cock to my darkest depths. My entire being sparkled with electricity as he claimed me. I arched beneath him, exposing my neck to his lips and the full curve of my ass to his cock. And then, as Gabe’s dick filled my belly in the most primal of ways, from somewhere at the center of my being, I shuddered.

  I began shake and shimmy beneath him as my orgasm tore through me. Merciless and seemingly unsatisfied, Gabe grunted and swirled a fistful of my hair in his hand, tugging my head back in the process. I started to cum and do so in a way I never had before. My body shook, vibrated and hummed like it had been built purely for this purpose. The sound that sputtered from between my lips was a howl-fueled mix of screams and tears. I groaned and cried out as the climax swept across my consciousness, writhing beneath Gabe, helpless in his grasp.

  Gabe cracked his hips against my ass, made pink and tender from his aggression moments before. But pain gave way to numbness and then to delight as his thick cock raged inside of me. He began to pulse behind me, his thrusts becoming staccato and uneven until at last, Gabe squeezed my hips with the force of a vice.

  I winced as he slammed into me with a final thrust. Emptying himself inside of me, Gabe began to soften his frozen posture after several moments. Soon after, he withdrew and as he did, I collapsed on to the desk beneath and sputtered an exhausted whisper of bliss.


  Damn that was hot.

  Even though Fiona had been gone for almost an hour, the thought had dominated my mind ever since.

  I sat at my conference table overlooking the mess we’d made. Of course, I hadn’t intended to destroy half my office in the process of teaching her a lesson, but there’s room for only one leader in this company and that’s me. I couldn’t say for certain if she’d gotten the message but if she hadn’t, I’d have no problem making my terms clear once more.

  It looked as if my suspicions about her the first night we met were proving to be accurate. She was strong as well as beautiful. Now it was a matter of helping her use those qualities in a way that served her best. In spite of what happened here earlier, I had little doubt we’d butt heads again. Sure, she was brilliant and she’d make a great asset to the team but she needed to understand her role and one way or another, she would.

  And make no mistake, her role was a big one.

  By no means could I afford to lose her, especially not at this late stage of the game. No, not at all. In fact, I had every desire to mold her and help her grow into the wonderful woman she was destined to be. I was more than up for the challenge. In fact, I relished it.

  All that aside for a moment, my cock ached.

  If she was here, I would fuck her again with no hesitation.

  I glanced around the room and assessed the damage.

  I suppose along the way, we’d have to break some shit to make that happen but so long as we moved in the right direction, it was fine by me. And literally, that’s what we’d done. In the process, I’d broken a few hinges, dented this and crushed that and created some other random messes. And so, after picking up what didn’t need fixing, I called the building maintenance supervisor to inform him of the damage.

  After about ninety minutes or so he arrived and knocked at the door. As he did, I looked up from my seat at the conference table while he entered.

  “What the…” he began with a stammer.

  I leaned back in my chair as he walked inside, draping my hands casually over the arms.

  “Sir,” the man said, as he reached towards the bill of his cap, tipping it upward. “What the hell happened?”

  “Hmm?” I said with a shrug. “Oh nothing. Just a little disagreement with a third party.”

  He tented his eyebrows upward. “A… disagreement? Sir, it looks like there was a fight between a lion and a bear in here.”

  I nodded as I surveyed the damage once more. “Hmm, yeah. Something like that.”

  After another minute or so of bewildered questioning by him, I waved him off as I stood. “Look I just need these repairs done.”

  The man reached up towards his scruffy beard and rubbed it.

  “It might take us a few days to fix all this stuff,” he replied. As he spoke, he took his hat off and scratched his head. “It’ll be at least Wednesday of next week if I had to guess.”

  “Hmm, no,” I said, as I glanced around at the shambles of my office. “You have until Monday morning.”

  “Um, ok. Well, I’ll need extra crew, supplies, everything.”

  I slapped him on the back. “Look, just make it happen. I’ll make it worth your while. Whatever it costs, it costs. Do we understand each other?”

  He nodded. “Um, yes sir. We do. I’ll take care of it.”


  As I finished speaking, I slid on my suit jacket, straightened my tie and made my way out of the office. While I did, I heard him begin to call the rest of his crew so they could get to work straightening up the mess Fiona and I left behind. And that was a good thing, because next week was the start of the most important period in my company’s history.

  It was going to be huge, and Fiona would take center stage in all of it.

  I could hardly wait.

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  Read Billionaire's Pursuit (Never Never Man Series: Book #1) for FREE with Kindle Unlimited Now

  Check Out This Excerpt from “Billionaire’s Pursuit”

  (Book #1 in the Never, Never Man Series)

  I watched as the slender fingers of her hand grabbed the inside of the limo door a split second before her leg appeared through a slit in her dress. I could see the muscles in it flex as she made her way inside. Her legs were long, lean, slightly tanned and obviously fit. I don’t suppose I could have hoped for more, especially on such short notice.

  As she took a seat across from me, I allowed my eyes to travel wherever they saw fit. Aside from her tempting legs, she had ample tits, a great ass and a helluva smile. She was a damn beauty, that’s for sure. The picture hardly did her justice. This was going to be a good first night. An unexpected and enjoyable end to an otherwise pain-in-the-ass day.

  “Mr. Sinclair,” she began, as she raised her hand and draped it across her chest. “I’m really sorry about what happened out there a moment ago. Please believe me when I say I didn’t mean to offend you in any way.”

  Just as she finished speaking, the car lurched forward. The tires squeaked on the slick surface of the tarmac and in that same instant, her purse fell from her lap, spilling its contents onto the floor in the process.

  “Oh my God!” she gasped.

  For a split second, I almost reached down to help her, but when I got a look at her cleavage, I thought better of it. While I got an eyeful, she corralled a stack of paper and an assortment of other random knickknacks and jammed them back into her bag.

  Returning to her seat, she flung a handful of her blond hair out of her eyes. It came to rest in an even split along her shoulder, with half of it covering her breast and the other half concealed from my view as it draped down her back. A hint of crimson flushed to her cheeks as I studied her attempt to compose herself. She flashed a closed-lipped grin at me once the fidgeting ceased.

  “Everything okay?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she began. “I’m so sorry about that, Mr. Sinclair, about what happened when you got off the plane, I’m just… sorry. Can we start over?”

  Spreading my legs, I unfolded my hands from their position in my lap and covered my kneecaps with my palms.

  “Sure thing,” I replied. “We can do that.”

  “Oh, thank you. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.” As she spoke, she broke eye contact with me just long enough to start fishing around inside of her purse once again. Within a few seconds, she produced a handful of paper, now tattered at the edges from the mishap moments before.

  “What do you have there?” I asked.

  “Oh,” she said, as she jumped in with eagerness. Clutching the half-folded stack in her hand she smiled and said, “Well, I… I’ve compiled a list of activities based on the proposal I sent you. You know, stuff you might be interested in seeing or doing in town when you’re not working.”

  Raising my hand, I motioned for her to pass the information to me. I took the papers from her, spun them around and placed them in my lap for a closer examination.

  “Got a pen?” I asked, as I started to scan the list.

  She cleared her throat, and then I heard the now familiar sound of her rummaging through the loose items in the bottom of her purse. After a few moments, the noise ceased as she located a writing instrument.

  “Here you go,” she said, extending the pen in my direction.

  As I perused the list, it became obvious she’d put a fair bit of time into it. Under ordinary circumstances, I might even enjoy some of the items she’d laid out. Of course, I’d have no interest in doing any of them by myself no matter what. In any case, I decided to have some fun with her about it.

  “Yeah,” I said with an exhale as I pressed my back into the seat. “This list… it’s not gonna work. Not at all.”

  “Oh,” she replied. Her tone sank.

  This would be easier, and far more fun, than I suspected.

  “Yeah, for example. You’ve got daytime activities in here, like visits to the museum.” I paused mid-sentence and began to cross items off the list one at a time. As I wrote, the sound of her sinking into the seat across from me filled the air. “You see, I’m working all day when I’m here, so this kind of thing is out.”

  She remained silent as I laid waste to her list with the angry tip of my red ballpoint.

  “Okay, then here, at night. You’ve scheduled trips to the opera and at least what… two, three, four art shows?” I stopped and glared at her to drive home the point. “You really think I want to go to four art shows in five days?”

  Her shoulders drew up towards her ears in doubt.

  Elevating my voice I said, “And to make matters worse, for tonight, you have me going to dinner in my hotel. Honestly?”

  I lifted my gaze up from the wrinkled pages again to see her pink twinge had deepened in color and spread down to her chest. Before continuing, I gave her a chance to offer up a defense, which she wasted little time in mounting.

  “Ugh, Mr. Sinclair. I’m so sorry,” she began. She made a gesture for me to pass the pages back to her. Continuing, she said, “I’ll figure something out. I promise.”

  With a flick of my wrist, I pinched the stack of pages between my thumb and forefinger and held them up halfway between us.

  “I should hope so,” I replied.

  Taking them from me with a ginger tug, she reached up and pulled two long strands of hair behind her ears as she placed the pages flat in her lap. Without looking up, I watched as she traced my markings with her eyes.

  “Okay, well,” she stammered. “Let’s start with tonight. You don’t want to have dinner in the hotel so um…”

  “Not alone,” I interrupted.

  She lifted her eyes from the page. I watched as she swallowed an anxious lump down before she continued.

  “Oh, okay,” she began. “Right, of course. Um, I can um, make some calls. I’m sure I can arrange a dinner companion for you.”

  “What do you mean, arrange one?” I said. I angled my head down at her, feigning displeasure. “What kind of professional concierge are you? Does Katy know about all these plans of yours and how almost zero of them are of any interest to me?”

  “No,” she said. “This isn’t Katy’s business, sir. It’s mine. Now, with all due respect, I’ve apologized to you for how things have gone so far, but I would ask that you please don’t mention any of this to her. Please, I can make this right if you’ll just give me a chance.”

  This was almost too easy.

  Slapping my hands on my knees once again, I narrowed my eyes at her as I leaned back into the car seat.

  “Since you haven’t had the foresight to arrange for suitable escort for me this evening, I’ll have to insist that you accompany me instead.”And then, almost as quickly as she’d flushed moments earlier, the process reversed itself before my eyes. Within seconds a much paler Maddie Olsen locked eyes with me.

  “You want me to be your escort?”

  I nodded but didn’t speak.

  Her eyes darted back and forth for a moment as I assumed she searched for some reason not to do it. Her hand floated up and she started to twirl a strand of her blond hair around her index finger for several seconds. Finally she released it and her hand fell back into her lap.

  “This is strictly business, isn’t it?” she asked. “I mean, I just want to know what your expectations are here.”

  Just then, the limousine pulled up to the entrance of the hotel. Maddie glanced towards the bellman as he approached the car to open the door. As he tugged on the handle, the door creaked open and the din of the city evening invaded the intimacy of our exchange.

  “It’s simple, Miss Olsen,” I replied. “I expect you to do what I want. That is your job after all.”

  Read Billionaire's Pursuit (Never Never Man Series: Book #1) for FREE with Kindle Unlimited Now

  More than 300 five star reviews on Amazon and Goodreads!

  ”Maddie is a character that you fall in love with and Grey... well hell he is the Alpha male woman all over the world would froth at the mouth for. But put them together and you have one helluva story to watch unfold.”

  - Barbara, Paging Through the Days

  ”Holy Sh*tballs! What an amazing start to what promises to be a brilliant serial, and an even better career for Ms. Sloan Storm! Maddie and Grey's chemistry will set your Kindles on fire and their journey will suck you in and have you screaming in frustration in no time...”

  - Holly, Page to Page Reviews

  ”This book is full of witty banter and sarcasm. I loved it! It is definitely not in the same category as all the other Billionaire books that have a pitiful attempt at a story and are just filled with random sex scenes. This book actually has an awesome story with great characters.”

  - Kim, Book Purses and Reviews

  ”The sex scenes were great and you really felt the heat between Grey and Maddie.”

  - Cassandra, Girl in a Corner Book Blog

  Slipperless Series

  (Book #2)

  Copyright 2015 by Sloan Storm

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.


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