If I Was Your Woman 3: A BBW Camden Love Story
Page 14
“I love you too, baby girl and don't forget we have a lunch date this weekend.”
“I remember,” I said getting up and kissing his cheek.
When I left his house my next stop was to Kasan’s mom’s house. Pulling up to Mama Betty’s, house I got out the car and wobbled to her door. I was now due any day and couldn't wait because this damn son of mine was having a party in my tummy. I walked in the house and headed straight to the kitchen and sure enough that’s where she was like always.
“Hey baby, how you feeling?” she asked hugging me.
“I'm feeling real swollen. I can't wait for him to get here, but I'm good.”
“What brings you by?”
“I just wanted to show you these new 3D ultrasound pics I got,” I said pulling the envelope out of my purse and handing it to her.
“Oh my gosh, he got a head just like his damn daddy!” she gushed.
“Yeah I know, and he got my lips,” I said proudly.
“I see he gone’ be a handsome boy, hold on so I can go hang these up in my room,” she said before walking out. Sitting down I waited for her to come back and was surprised when I heard the sexiest voice.
“What’s up stranger?” Marquese asked from behind me.
“Hey, how you been?” I said nervously.
“A nigga be chilling, but I been checking for you though.”
“I know, it’s just that I don't feel right dating or anything while being pregnant, plus Kasan was tripping. It’s just too much right now.”
“Man, fuck that nigga. I don't know what he did, but I know he fucked up so it’s his loss. If you don't wanna date we don't have to, a nigga just like being in your company and shit.”
“You right, and I don't mind chilling with you as a friend.”
“A’ight bet, so what you come here for and how long you gonna be here?”
“Damn, what are you the FBI?” I said laughing.
“Don't insult a nigga like that. Fuck the Feds, I'm just trying to chill.”
“Well, I only stopped through to give Mama Betty a new ultrasound picture.”
“Well damn, I know that ain't my baby but I wanna see my future stepson,” he said causing me to smile. Pulling out another picture, I handed it to him and waited for him response.
“Damn, he got that nigga’s big ass head,” he said laughing.
“That's what me and Mama Betty said.”
“Yeah, well I’ma be in the car when you ready to go,” he said kissing my neck, causing all types of feeling and moisture to arise in my body. He smirked and walked out.
“Girl, you okay?” Mama Betty asked when she came back.
“Yeah, I guess I'm tired,” I lied.
“Okay, well you go on home and I’ll call you later, get some rest,” she said before kissing my cheek.
When I got to my car he kept his word because he was sitting in the driver’s seat waiting for me.
“Boy, what are you doing?” I asked with my hand on my wide hip.
“I thought you said we could chill?”
“I did, but I didn't say you could drive my car.”
“Shut up and get ya ass in,” he said bossy as hell.
I sat back as he drove to where ever it was he was taking me. When we pulled up to the bowling alley I was excited, yet dreading it. Did he not know that a bitch was nine months pregnant and the last thing I wanted to be doing was standing up holding a heavy ass ball?
“Umm, what are we doing here?”
“Chill, they got an arcade in here, plus some of the best pizza and hot wings.”
“Oh a’ight,” I said before getting out the car. When we got in we wasted no time playing every game there. Our last game together was Pac Man, I wanted to save it for last since it was my favorite.
“Oh, you ‘bout to get ya ass beat,” I said seriously.
“Just cuz you fine as hell don't mean I’ma let you win, so go ‘head somewhere.”
“You funny as hell, but watch this shit,” I said. While we played we asked each other a bunch of questions, getting to know each other.
“So, do you have any kids?” I asked.
“Naw, I got this one chick pregnant, but when I went to jail she aborted it,” he said while clenching his jaws.
“Damn, that's fucked up.”
“Yeah but fuck her, she was a hoe anyway.”
“Y'all nigga’s kill me calling these women hoes but fucking them raw,” I said shaking my head.
“She wasn't a hoe when I met her.”
“So you made her a hoe?”
“Yeah, I did. I'm sure Camille told you I used to be a hoe ass nigga myself, I hurt a lot of chicks.”
“So are you trying to hurt me?” I asked.
“Naw, I'm trying to love you plus fuck the life out of you,” he said catching me off guard. Before I could even reply I sneezed hard and felt a huge gush in between my legs.
“Oh my God, I think my water broke!” I said scared as hell.
“What, are you serious?”
“Nigga, why would I lie? Help me!”
“Oh shit! Yo, somebody call an ambulance!”
“My car is right outside, Marquese!”
“Oh yeah, I forgot,” he said helping me out the bowling alley. Before I could make it to the car the pain came hard as hell.
“It hurts!” I screamed holding my stomach.
“We almost there,” he said while driving fast as hell and running every red light. Pulling out my phone, the first person I called was Kasan.
“My water broke, I'm on my way to Cooper hospital,” I said.
“You can't be driving!” Kasan shouted.
“I’m not driving, Marquese is.”
“Why the fuck is you with that nigga?” he barked.
“Do you really think now is the time for all that shit!” I snapped.
“You right, I'm sorry Tae baby, and I’m on my way!” he said hanging up.
The pain was becoming unbearable. I don't know how women did this shit more than once. When we pulled up to the hospital, Marquese helped me out. I gave him my phone and told him to call Camille, Shana and Mama Betty.
As soon as I got to the hospital, I was rushed to labor and delivery. When the nurse came in and checked me she said I was eight centimeters dilated and if I continued to progress at this rate I would deliver in less than twenty minutes. Little did she know I wasn't doing shit without Kasan here with me.
When Kasan came in he went straight for my hand and was there with me every step of the way. Like the nurse said, in twenty-five minutes I was fully dilated and ready to push.
I had a natural birth because I didn't want to have my son all drugged up. With my legs pulled apart and placed in straps, Kasan held one hand while Camille held the other.
“Okay Shante, he’s crowing. I need you to push hard,” the doctor said.
“You can do this, Tae baby!” Kasan said while rubbing my head and cheering me on. Doing what the doctor said, I pushed hard until I felt a painful burning sensation.
“His head is out!” the doctor said.
Before I knew what was happening I was officially the mother of a 9lb, 5oz baby boy named, Kasan Antwan Richards Jr., born at 7:25 p.m. Holding my baby boy in my arms had to have been the happiest moment in my life, but it was also the saddest. Tears fell from my eyes as I thought about what it would have been like to have the baby girl I lost. I guess this was a bittersweet moment for me. Kissing my handsome boy that looked just like his father, I couldn't control the tear that continued to fall.
“Wow, he looks just like me!” Kasan said with teary eyes while holding him.
“Congratulations!” Camille said kissing my cheek.
“How you feeling?” Kasan asked.
“Tired as hell,” I said with a light smile.
“Get some rest,” he said kissing my forehead.
“Wait no, Camille you had something to tell me!” I said stopping her from leaving. I remembered she had texted me while
I was at the arcade, but I was having so much fun I didn't reply back.
“Girl, you just had a baby, get some rest it can wait,” she said laughing before walking out. As soon as they left the room my tired ass fell right to sleep and all I could think about and see was my baby boy, K.J.’s handsome face.
Chapter Twenty-Three (Angel)
“Where the fuck we gone’ get some money at?” I asked my mom. This bitch talked me into using all my money to buy crack and she helped me smoke it, but didn’t contribute to shit.
“I don't know, can't you ask ya man?”
“Hell naw, can't you ask yours!” I snapped.
“Don't get mad at me, what about Shana?”
“Bitch, did you forget that I slept with her fucking husband!”
“You know how Shana is about family. Hell, she done came here a few times tryna get me into rehab,” my mama said laughing. I swear I couldn't stand this woman, but we been kicking it heavy since I turned to crack.
“I don't know, but I guess I can try,” I said grabbing my phone to call her.
“Hello?” she answered.
“Hey, sis!”
“Who’s this?”
“It’s Angel, bitch,” I said, faking the funk.
“Oh, what you want?”
“I know what went down at the club was some bullshit, I just want to put this bullshit behind us.”
“I don't know.”
“Are you home, I can come there so we can talk?”
“Naw, our baby sister just had a baby, so I'm on my way up to the hospital.”
“She had a baby by Kasan?”
“Yup, his first baby and she gave him a son,” Shana boasted.
“Hmph. A’ight, well I’ll let you go.”
“Wait, what hospital she in?”
“Cooper Hospital.”
“A’ight bye,” I said hanging up.
“So what she say?”
“She at the hospital, Shante just had her baby,” I said with a smirk.
“Damn, so what we gone’ do?”
“I got a plan, we should kidnap that baby!”
“Girl, you talking crazy,” my mama said.
“I'm so serious, ain't like we gonna hurt the thing and we know Kasan got the money to pay a ransom.”
“Nah, he crazy as hell, that nigga don't play.”
“They won't know it’s us though, we could get a hundred K,” I said knowing that would spark her interest, but please believe I was really gonna ask for a half a mil.
“Oh shit. A’ight I'm in, but we need to get high now ‘cause my mind work better when I'm high.”
“Bitch, you think you do everything better high,” I laughed.
We headed over to a crack house she always went to hoping to hold something for free. I followed behind her as she walked up to a bunch of niggas sitting on a couch. Yeah I was getting high, but I had never been in a crack house. I always had my man get what I needed and looking at this nasty ass apartment that smelled like ass and death, I should've just stayed with his abusive ass. I know I smoke crack, but I ain't that addicted where I'm willing to do anything and everything like live in a nasty ass place like this. Naw, those bottom feeding crack heads can have this shit.
“Hey Rock, I need something good.”
“You got money?”
“Naw, but we gone’ be coming into some money real soon, I swear I got you.”
“I ain't giving you shit for free.”
“Come on Rock, you know I'm good for it,” she pleaded. I watched as one dude whispered to Rock and they both laughed.
“Who that behind you?” he asked.
“Oh, this my daughter, Angel. Ain’t she pretty?” she smiled.
“Hell yeah, but I just got my dick wet, so I’ma have to fuck with her at a later date,” he said laughing.
“Come on, we’ll do anything.”
“I want y'all to kiss,” he said laughing.
“Oh hell naw, fuck you think this is, I ain't kissing my mama!” I snapped at his nasty ass.
“I guess y'all really don't want it,” he shrugged.
Pulling me to the side, my mom argued with me trying to make the shit he was asking us to do not seem that bad.
“Come on, it can be a little peck. I kissed y'all all the time when y'all were kids.”
“Just a peck?”
“Yeah, now come on!” she said pulling me back in front of the dude. Closing my eyes, I leaned over and pecked her quickly and even then I felt sick to my stomach.
“That little fucking grandma kiss and shit. Naw, I want a real kiss!” he said.
I was about to turn around and walk out until he waved two fat ass bags in my face. All I could think about was that the bags were so fat I could probably cut the rock in half and save some for later. Grabbing the back of my own mother's head, I pulled her in for a deep, long kiss. The worst part was that as our tongues swirled together, all I could think about was that she wasn't a bad kisser. When we finished he gave us a bag each and we sat on the floor beside him and got high as hell.
“Yeah, y'all muthafuckas think we just crack heads, but soon we gonna have the money to buy all y'all shit,” I said high as hell.
“Oh yeah, and how y'all gonna do that?” he said laughing.
“My sister just had a baby by this rich nigga and we gone’ kidnap the baby and get paid. Shit, I hate my sister so much I might still kill the bastard anyways after I get the money.”
“What nigga, is he from around here?”
“Yeah, that nigga Kasan.”
“Oh word?” Rock said.
“Yup, we might do that shit tonight.”
“Here’s two more bags,” he said. Like the fiends we were, we rushed over and grabbed the bags out of his hands and went right back to getting high.
I never thought in a million years I would be here with my mother doing the very thing that caused us fend for ourselves. I knew I wasn't the best person in the world, but I never thought I would be this person. I have two children who I made by sleeping with my sister’s husband, I'm HIV positive and I'm still fucking and sucking these niggas raw. I completely abandoned both children and honestly, I don't even fucking like kids. I never wanted them and even now I'm glad they aren't here.
“Yo, If y'all fuck all of us we will give y'all enough to smoke for a week,” he said grabbing all my attention.
“Do I have to touch her?” I asked, even though I really didn't care.
“Hell yeah! I want you to eat her pussy while we watch,” he said laughing. Looking at my mom and then at my crack pipe, I smiled and agreed. When they walked us back to the bedroom a rat ran across my feet causing me to jump and scream.
“You see this shit, Rock? Bitch act like she never saw a rat,” some dude said laughing. Little he did he know that I hadn't, I guess I was so far gone they assumed I’d been smoking forever.
When we got inside the room I could see the roaches scurrying out of the way as the nigga Rock tried to get them off the bed. Pushing me down on the bed, he pulled all my clothes off while my mom undressed herself.
“You got a condom?” I asked before he climbed on top of me.
“Shut up, bitch. I'm clean, and if you not they got pills for that shit, ain't nothing like fucking a bitch raw,” he said laughing before ramming into me. See how stupid niggas were? But Shana got mad at me. I told the nigga to use a condom, but he doesn’t want to. As he pumped in and out of me, I prayed he was a quick nutter and hurried the fuck up because I couldn't feel shit.
When he rolled off me, my mom pushed me to the side and laid down. It was like she was dying for me to taste her. As I devoured her pussy, I looked up at her and she was in heaven, laid back moaning with her eyes closed. While I ate her pussy I wondered, how the fuck did I get here?
Chapter Twenty-Four (Kasan)
As me and Camille walked to the waiting room to tell everyone the good news, all my happiness changed to anger when I saw that nigga
Quese sitting in the waiting room waiting with a worried face like she was his child’s mother.
“Nigga, why was my baby mom with you?” I said rushing up to him punching him dead in his shit. For about five minutes we went blow for blow and hit for hit. I was giving it to that nigga, but he was going toe to toe.
“Y'all niggas wilding! Kasan, ya fucking baby boy was just born and you out here acting a fool ‘bout to get locked up!” Mark said pulling us apart.
“Ole boy mad ‘cause he ain't know what to do with his woman when he had her!” Marquese said with a smirk.
“She mine, she will always be mine no matter how many fuck boys try to grab her,” I said walking away.
While I was walking to the car, my phone went off. It was a message from one of my workers. I pressed play and was shocked by what I heard. Sending off a quick text back, I rushed back into the hospital to grab Mark. On my way in I ran into Shana.
“Did you see the baby?” she asked.
“Of course.”
“He’s gorgeous isn't he?” she asked.
“Yeah he is, but go ‘head and see for yourself,” I said rushing past her. I wasn't trying to be rude, but I had something to do and I couldn't waste time talking to her.
I walked back into the hospital, pulled Mark to the side and told him what was going down and we both headed out.
When we got to the spot I sent a text off to my worker letting him know I was outside. When I read the text I was taken aback. I thought she was in there with her mom, but he said they were all in the back room fucking.
Creeping into the room, I watched as Shante’s sister, Angel ate her own mother’s pussy. The sight was sickening. Cocking my gun back, I went to shoot the bitch Angel in the head but was stopped by Mark, who from his eyes I could tell wanted to do it himself. He aimed for her head and fired, blowing her brains all over Shante’s mom.
“Oh my God, oh my God!” she screamed pushing Angel’s dead body off of her.
“You were gonna kidnap my son, your own fucking grandson?” I said through gritted teeth.
“It wasn't me, Kasan! It was her idea!”
“But you ain't attempt to stop it. Anything to get high, huh?” I snapped, putting my gun to her head.
“Do Shante know what you about to do? Don't do this!”