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Christmas Under a Starlit Sky

Page 17

by Holly Martin

  He arched an eyebrow at her change in direction, his eyes dark with lust and need.

  ‘We can pick this up after.’

  He swallowed. ‘After what?’

  ‘After I’ve painted you.’

  ‘You expect me to stand over there while you paint me after that kiss? How about you paint me after we’ve finished this kiss properly?’

  He took a step towards her and she laughed, dodging his greedy hands.

  ‘If you’re good and stand over there for a few minutes, I’ll make sure you’re rewarded.’

  He let out a soft grunt of frustration as he stepped to the other side of the room where Ivy was pointing.

  ‘You have five minutes, then we’re finishing what we started.’

  Ivy quickly spread some white paint over the whole glass. Adam didn’t need a background to his painting. He was the main attraction and she didn’t want anything to distract from that. After pouring a blob of the deep cream colour she reserved for flesh, she added a drop of burnt orange to get his tanned complexion right. She glanced over at him, his hands on his hips as he waited patiently or rather impatiently. She smirked as she used her fingers to create the basic shape of his body, his arms, neck, chest and face, then added some dark blue paint for the very top of his jeans. Once the basic shape was there, she added details using her nails and the edges of her fingers, smoothing and blending the paint together to get the shadows and contours of his body.

  She was so intent on the painting that she hadn’t noticed that Adam had left his side of the room and was standing next to her, realising only when he pressed a kiss to the side of her head.

  ‘Hey, you’re supposed to be standing over there, being good.’

  ‘I was never very skilled at that,’ Adam said, his hands sliding around her waist.

  She batted him away, slapping a handprint of paint on his arm.


  ‘Hey, yourself.’

  ‘Talk me through what you do,’ Adam said, as he moved back to her side. He planted a kiss against her throat, clearly trying to distract her.

  ‘Well,’ Ivy looked at him mischievously and then wiped both hands across his body, ‘first I map out the basic shape of the person I’m painting. I draw the arms, the body...’ she said, smearing the paint all over his shoulders, his stomach, his chest. ‘I don’t take my time over that, it’s just the background colour.’ She looked up into his eyes and could see he was amused with what she was doing.

  ‘Then I’ll take a slightly darker colour and start picking out the details,’ she added, dipping her fingers into some more paint and then slowly tracing the lines of his abs, the muscles, picking them out with the very tips of her fingers. The feel of his hard flesh and the paint was incredibly enticing.

  ‘And what if you make a mistake?’ Adam said, suddenly tugging her against him so that the paint spread over both their bodies. ‘What if you smudge the paint?’

  She ran her painted hands over his face and in his hair as he ran his hands down to her bum.

  ‘Sometimes when you smudge it, it can make the outcome so much better.’

  ‘Is that right?’ Adam said, his mouth mere millimetres away from hers.

  Her breath hitched in her throat. ‘Yes, when you blend unexpected colours and shapes, when you use different textures, or different parts of the body, you can get something utterly beautiful.’

  ‘Well, let’s see, shall we?’ Adam muttered as his mouth came down on hers.

  This time the kiss wasn’t gentle, it was needful and full of lust and promise. She tugged at his jeans and he wriggled out of them, his body tight against hers.

  Somehow they ended up on the floor, with Adam on top of her. He removed her bra and trailed his mouth over her breasts and down towards her stomach, gently sucking her belly piercing into his mouth, which made her stomach clench with desire. He knelt up and slowly undid the button on her jeans and carefully slid them down, taking her knickers with them. He trailed his mouth back up the inside of her legs, gently nudging them open with his shoulders, and when he kissed her at the very top of her thighs, she screamed out. She had never been touched there like that. Callum’s idea of foreplay had been a quick fumble before he’d thrust away inside her like he was going for gold. But this, this was bliss. She’d never felt anything like it. Her orgasm, when it came, ripped through her so quick and so unexpected that she found herself shouting and crying and writhing under his hot mouth.

  As the tremors subsided, she was vaguely aware of Adam sliding a condom on.

  She looked up into his eyes as he braced himself over her. ‘Is this OK?’

  She hooked her legs around his hips and pulled him against her. ‘Yes, God, yes. Don’t stop.’

  He smiled and slid so carefully inside her that it brought tears to her eyes. He was being so gentle and it was so completely unexpected. She had expected passion and urgency but instead he was tender and considerate.

  ‘Are you OK, did I hurt you?’

  ‘No, it’s fine, everything is perfect.’ She reached up and kissed him. He didn’t move for a few moments, giving her body a chance to adjust to his.

  As he kissed her, he very slowly started to move against her, sliding in deeper with every thrust. She arched against him, moaning against his mouth at the delicious friction between them.

  He pulled back slightly to look at her. If there was any chance of guarding her heart against this man, he had just shattered that with the way he was looking at her as he made love to her. She was falling for him, she knew that. But right then, with Adam kissing and caressing her, buried deep inside her, she couldn’t find it in her to be scared.

  Neve walked over to Oakley, who was sitting in the corner of the sofa, his arm sprawled out over the back. She plonked herself down next to him.

  ‘Thank you for your help in organising today. It was wonderful,’ she said.

  The day had been magical, they’d eaten, played games with her family, opened the presents and eaten some more. What had been lovely was to see Gabe so completely happy with his new girlfriend Pip, who fitted into their family so easily. Wren adored her and the feeling was completely mutual. Oakley had fitted in so perfectly as well. He’d met Gabe several times before as Gabe had been at the hotel in London too, but he’d only met her mum and dad once or twice and he’d never met Luke before. But seeing the ring on her finger and knowing she was pregnant, they had all just accepted him as part of her life. Oakley played the part well, laughing and joking with all of her family. None of them knew the hidden tension between them. They had all left giving them both big hugs.

  ‘It was my pleasure, Freckle,’ Oakley said, his hand moving to her hair and absently running his fingers through her curls as he always used to when they sat together.

  With the fire crackling nearby, being snuggled up by his side Neve felt blissfully and utterly content.

  She passed him a paper bag with the gift she had bought him in the village. ‘I wasn’t sure what to get for the man who could buy anything he wanted.’

  He took it and opened it up, pulling out the black beaded bracelet.

  ‘It’s obsidian,’ she explained and he smiled. ‘Which is for protection, to keep you safe.’

  ‘Maybe you should wear this then, it might stop you falling down the stairs,’ Oakley said, turning over the bracelet and letting the black glassy surface of the beads catch the light from the fire.

  ‘I’m kind of hoping I’ll still have my own Obsidian to keep me safe.’ She looked up at him and his eyes were warm with fondness and love. ‘I bought this because I thought you should have something to remind you of the time when all your dreams came true. I know that you’ll never forget this time, playing Obsidian in a big Hollywood action film, but this is a reflection of all the hard work that got you here. I want you to know that I couldn’t be happier for you, getting this job. I know it’s everything you dreamed of and I’m so proud of you for achieving this. Which is why I hope you’ll unders
tand why I did what I did. I –’

  ‘Freckle, this is great. Thank you so much, I love it.’ He pulled the bracelet on and admired it on his wrist. ‘But you should know that not all my dreams came true when I got this job. When I came here, the only thing I wanted for Christmas was you as my wife.’

  Her heart ached for the unnecessary pain she had caused him. ‘Oakley, I’m sorry.’

  She leaned up to kiss him on the cheek, but he turned to look at her as she moved and she inadvertently kissed him on the side of the mouth. She pulled back slightly and looked into his eyes, seeing nothing there to say he wasn’t happy with her kissing him. Emboldened slightly by this, she kissed him again. There was still no response but as she pulled away, his hand cupped the back of her head and pulled her back to him, his mouth taking hers in a passionate and needful kiss.

  He moaned against her mouth as he tasted her.

  She slid her good hand down his neck to his shirt and with some difficulty popped open one button. With his mind occupied with the kiss, she managed to pop open another and then slid her hand inside, caressing the smooth velvety warm skin. His kisses became more urgent.

  She sat up and shifted so she was straddling him. With great difficulty she managed to undo another button as he watched her but when she moved her good hand to the next button, he reached up and stopped her. She thought he was going to help her rather than watching her struggle but when she looked up into his eyes the love and desire she had seen in them moments before had been replaced by a wariness.

  ‘Freckle, I’m sorry, I just can’t.’

  Rejection slammed into her in a great wave.

  ‘Of course not. I’m sorry, it was silly of me to instigate it.’ She climbed off him, humiliation burning her cheeks and tears pricking her eyes. ‘I’m a bit tired actually so I’m going to bed, goodnight.’

  She hurried from the room before Oakley saw the tears.

  ‘Freckle, wait...’

  She didn’t. She ran up the stairs hoping he would leave her alone.

  She managed to slip her t-shirt over her head and remove her jeans then climbed into bed, facing out at the window as the tears slid silently down her cheeks.

  A few minutes later, she heard footsteps on the stairs and then in the bedroom. She heard Oakley take his jeans off and then felt his weight as he climbed into bed behind her. He curled himself around her, just as he had on Christmas Eve, resting his hand on their child. He was still wearing his shirt and tight boxers, she could feel them against her naked flesh. He swept her hair off her back and kissed her bare shoulder, softly.

  ‘Goodnight, Freckle.’

  She stared into the darkness in confusion. He had kissed her but he didn’t want to make love to her although he was quite happy to sleep in the same bed with her and cuddle up to her. She didn’t know what he wanted but it seemed he didn’t know either.

  Chapter 15

  Adam lay in Ivy’s bed, watching the snowflakes dance past the window in the early morning sunshine and enjoying the soft breath on his neck from Ivy as she slept next to him. Everything had changed so quickly. One minute he was looking forward to spending Christmas on an island in Scotland and having a bit of a break from the hotel in London and the next he was making the move permanent and waking up in the arms of a wonderful, beautiful woman after spending hours the night before making love to her.

  In the blink of an eye, his life had changed and only for the better. He knew Ivy was holding back, that she was afraid of getting hurt again, but he hoped, in time, that she would grow to trust him.

  He glanced at his watch and knew he would have to leave soon but he definitely didn’t want to leave Ivy in bed for her to wake up alone, not after the amazing night they had shared. He ran his finger down her bare arm and she stirred and woke, staring up at him with bleary eyes.

  ‘It can’t be time to get up yet, it seems like we only went to sleep a few hours ago.’

  ‘I think that’s because we did only go to sleep a few hours ago. You’re insatiable.’

  She giggled and shifted so her head was on his chest, her arm wrapped around his shoulder.

  ‘So do you honestly think Neve will leave?’ Ivy asked.

  ‘I don’t know. Things are not great between her and Oakley. Gabe thinks she will move to California with him but I have a feeling she’ll end up staying here. Her brothers are here, her niece as well. I don’t think she’ll want to leave them behind.’

  ‘I can’t believe she’s pregnant, with Oakley Rey’s baby too. That seems like something out of a movie. I haven’t seen her for a while, is she showing?’

  ‘Not really.’

  ‘And with Joy ready to pop her second child, there will be five children on the island then. Does it make you broody for your own?’

  There was something in Ivy’s voice that suggested she was scared of his answer. He suddenly felt that this whole conversation about Neve and her being pregnant was laying the groundwork for something else, though he didn’t know what.

  ‘I’m definitely not broody,’ Adam said.

  ‘You don’t want to have children of your own one day? I’m not saying with me, necessarily,’ Ivy quickly clarified. She laughed nervously. ‘I’m not saying, hey, we’ve just made love for the first time, let’s get married and have babies. I’m definitely not saying that. I’m just saying, I don’t know, just wondering if children were part of the big life plan.’

  Adam smiled as she tried to talk her way out of the hole she had just dug. He didn’t know what the right response was. He decided to go with a vague answer, he definitely didn’t want to do or say anything that might push her away.

  ‘I don’t know, maybe, one day. If I do, great, if I don’t that’s fine too.’


  He shrugged. It was a lie, he knew that. When his ex-girlfriend had announced she was pregnant it had been the happiest moment of his life. The thought of being a dad had been one of the best feelings he’d ever had. But he’d kind of accepted long ago that maybe he would never have a child of his own. He had enjoyed playing with Chester the other day and it had made him think what it would be like if he’d ever had a child of his own. It was hard to miss something you’d never had but he did feel like he had missed out on that part of his life.

  He looked down at Ivy and realised that she seemed quite happy with his vague answer. Did she not want children herself one day? He decided to run with it. Right then, the prospect of having children together was very far away. This conversation seemed like a strange one to have so early in their relationship, but he got the sense it was a pivotal one.

  ‘I work very long hours. It’d be hard to have a child when I’m so busy with my job.’

  She hesitated for a moment before she spoke. ‘I agree. I quite like my life as it is. I can sleep in late some days, go on holiday when I want. Children would get in the way of that.’

  Her voice sounded forced, almost as if she didn’t believe a word she was saying. He was sure, as she climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom, that there were tears in her eyes. Had he said the wrong thing?

  ‘Ivy, you OK?’

  ‘Yeah, I’m fine, of course I am,’ she said, without turning back to look at him. ‘I’m just going to get a shower.’

  The bathroom door closed and a second later he heard the water running.

  He frowned. After the blissful evening the night before, he hadn’t expected to come down from his high so soon, but he got the distinct impression something was very wrong.

  Neve woke to a cold and empty bed. She sat up and looked around and where Oakley had slept the night before was a note. She snatched it up and read it.

  Freckle, I haven’t left, don’t worry. I just need some time and space to think. I’ve gone on the boat trip round the other islands, I’ll be back tonight.

  Love Oakley x

  She sighed in frustration. Why couldn’t the man just let her speak? She had been all set to tell him the night before with the
obsidian bracelet. She had her little speech prepared with how happy she was for him and then she’d kissed him and he’d kissed her, rejected her, cuddled her and left her feeling so utterly confused.

  It was three days before New Year’s Eve, four days before Oakley was due to leave, and he still believed the baby wasn’t his. She couldn’t let this go on any longer. She wondered how long he had been gone and what time the boat left. Maybe she could catch him before he got on the boat.

  She quickly got out of bed and attempted to get dressed. Damn, it was a lot harder than she thought. The day before Oakley had helped her but now she was on her own and rushing, even pulling on a pair of knickers was proving impossible.

  There was a knock on the front door and then she heard it being pushed open.

  ‘Hello,’ Pip called. ‘Neve?’

  Neve grabbed a towel to cover her nudity and ran to the balcony overlooking the lounge.

  ‘Hey, Pip, you all right?’

  Pip laughed. ‘I was going to ask you the same thing. Oakley told Gabe he was going out for the day. Gabe sent me round to see if you needed any help getting dressed or anything?’

  She hadn’t minded too much when Oakley had helped to dress her the day before, mainly because it gave her hope. If he could do that then maybe he still cared. She wasn’t quite ready to let other people dress her like she was a baby but if she wanted to stop Oakley going on the trip then she would have to suck it up and allow Pip to help her. Pip could certainly dress her faster than her current attempts.

  ‘Do you know if the boat trip has left yet?’

  ‘Yes, about half hour ago. Why?’

  Neve felt her determination to talk to Oakley deflate like a popped balloon. ‘Because I really need to talk to Oakley.’

  ‘Well, he’ll be back tonight,’ Pip said, helpfully.

  ‘This won’t wait.’

  ‘Oh. I’m not sure what I can suggest. There are forty people on that boat, we can’t exactly call the boat and ask them to turn around and come back.’


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