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Her Guardians: Her Guardians Trilogy Book 1

Page 19

by Roberts, Jaimie

  He breathed hard in my ear and kissed my neck. Knowing that there was nothing I could do, I just accepted the fact that he might kill me once he was done with me. I was ready to go. I could take it if I had to. I’d much rather be dead than have to endure this.

  As if in answer to my prayers, Stephen was in the room with us and grabbed Daniel by the scruff of the neck. He punched him in the face, sending a very shocked Daniel to the floor. Soon, though, he was laughing and Stephen went for him again, only to be stopped by a bullet to his chest. “Noooo!” I cried out.

  I bolt up in bed, panting and sweating. “Cassie, are you alright?” Michael sat on the bed and scooted over to me. “Bad dream?” I nodded. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  I felt the tears begin to fall, my head spinning. It all just seemed too real. I knew I could never live without Stephen. I wondered whether the dream was preparing me for the inevitable. When they both, leave me, I’ll be broken-hearted.

  “Daniel was in it.”

  I was being somewhat truthful. I didn’t elaborate, though. I wasn’t going to tell him that Stephen was in it, too.

  Pulling me towards his chest, Michael gently stroked my hair. “He can’t hurt you anymore. I’m here and will never let anyone hurt you.”

  With an exhausted sigh, I let the feeling of Michael being so close to me take over. It wasn’t long before I was back to sleep, but it was a restless sleep. I kept dreaming and worrying about Stephen. I was actually glad once my alarm went off. It was only then that I realised Michael was already gone. He left a note on my pillow, asking me to call him as soon as I was awake. I did so straight away.

  “Cassie, how are you? I’ve been worried about you.”

  “I’m fine now, honestly. You helped me. Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome. You’re still my girl, you know.”

  “I know. I’ll see you soon. I’m just going to jump into the shower.”

  We said our goodbyes and I started to get ready for work. I was actually eager to see that Stephen was okay. I knew he had been working all weekend, and that he would be in for the next three days.

  I thought back to the dream and it scared me. I was frightened by the knowledge that I could lose him.

  In my attempt to get to work as soon as I could, I ran down the stairs. But then a voice made me jump. “Don’t be in too much of a hurry. You’ll slip again.”

  I looked over to find Lisa-Marie smiling at me. “Good morning.” My voice was chirpier than I expected.

  “Good morning to you, too. I tried calling ‘round for you on Saturday night, but you weren’t in. I was going to ask you if you wanted to get a drink.”

  “That would have been great. I was at a friend’s house. It’s been a little hectic lately.”

  “Out saving the world.” She threw her head back a little and laughed.

  I laughed, too, but nervously. “Something like that, yes. How have you been?”

  Walking at a steady pace towards the common, we took our time heading for work.

  “Fine. More than fine. I actually wanted to come and thank you. I met that girl you must have seen.”

  “Really? Wow, that’s great. When did that happen?”

  “Only a few nights ago. I know it sounds crazy, but when I saw her, I knew. It’s hard to explain. I’ve never felt for someone what I did with her. It was almost like something was pulling me to her. It’s very early, of course, but I like her very much. We’ve been kind of inseparable since we met.”

  “That’s great news. I’m really happy for you, Lisa-Marie. You deserve it, believe me. You’ll make each other very happy. I’m sure of it.”

  “I didn’t tell her about you, of course. She’ll probably think I’m a bit of a nut-job if I do. Plus, I know you don’t like people knowing.”

  “Thanks. It’s not led me into the best of situations lately.”

  We were now halfway through the Eelbrook Common. I knew Lisa-Marie was heading for the train station, which was on my way to work.

  As we were walking through, she looked at me with concern. “Something’s happened?”

  “You could say that, yes.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  I wondered if I should, then I thought it would be nice to share it with a friend. And I knew that she was one to me now.

  “Well, the Friday before last, I went out and someone touched my hand. I saw something quite evil. The fact that he works in the station didn’t help matters. To cut a long story short, I avoided him like the plague and he knew something was wrong. He confronted me and things got a little bit out of hand. I ended up in the hospital, and now he is in custody with several charges to face.”

  Gasping, she stood rigid for a moment, then touched my arm. “Oh, my god! Are you okay?”

  I smiled at her. “Yes, I’m fine now. I had a little concussion, nothing serious. I’m just so glad that his wife is safe. He’s been abusing her something awful. I saw how much of a monster he was and knew I had to help. I just didn’t think it would end up how it did.”

  “I’m here for you.” She reached out her hand and squeezed my shoulder. “You know that, right? I know we don’t know each other well, but I feel a huge bond with you. I guess you saving my life has something to do with that.” She laughed a little more and the sound was rather hypnotic.

  “I know, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

  We eventually get to the point where Lisa-Marie would have to go one way and me the other. She faced me with a smile. “I would really like it if we went out one night.”

  “Me, too. I’ll call you and arrange something. Maybe I could meet your mystery lady?”

  I saw her eyes sparkle as she thought about it. “Oh, yes. That would be great.”

  “What is her name, by the way? I thought I heard Catherine, but I wasn’t too sure.”

  “Wow, I don’t think you’ll ever fail to amaze me. You’re right on.”

  “Really?” I couldn’t help the amused smile.

  “Yep, Catherine Jenkins. I’m actually seeing her again tonight.”

  “Well, you go and have a great time. I’ll call you soon.”

  “I look forward to that.” She hugged me tightly, then pulled away.

  I watched her leave and carried on as quickly as I could to the station. I was eager to see if Stephen was okay.

  Eventually, I get to work, where I’m immediately greeted by Paul. “Cassie!” He bellowed my name as he ran towards me. “How are you?”

  “I’m much better now, thanks.” I surprised him by giving him a hug. It wasn’t something I would normally do, but I felt it was the least I could do to thank him for his kindness.

  His shocked expression made me giggle a bit. “I appreciate everything you did for me.”

  “Ah…I didn’t do anything. I’m just glad you’re alright.”

  He touched my cheek and I nodded. We then walked up to my office.

  Because of all the stares I was getting, I was glad he was with me. They weren’t being rude. I just think people found me fascinating all of a sudden. They’re probably wondering if I’ll spontaneously combust or something.

  Eventually, I get into the office where everyone greeted me with big smiles and welcome pats on the back. I noticed some flowers on my desk, and Kali told me that they took up a collection for me. I thank everybody and that was it. Everyone seemed to return back to work, and that was fine with me. I didn’t want too much attention. It was something I never craved.

  “You know, the Chief wants to see you this morning.” Kali winced a little, causing me to do the same.

  “Yes, I know. I want to see Stephen first, though. Is he around?”

  Kali’s face instantly changed into a relaxing smile. “Yes, I think so. Try the Station Officer. Maybe he will know.”

  I wasted no time after that. I picked up the phone and the Station Officer told me he saw him going down to the basement gym about ten minutes ago. I quickly rose and began my se

  I was soon down the stairs and into the quiet, dark basement. I felt a little fear, remembering all too well what could happen, even in a police station. I shuddered and wondered whether to make a dash back upstairs, but then I heard raised voices. One sounded distinctly like Michael’s.

  Putting my ear to the door, I could hear what sounded like someone being punched. I knew who it was and I was about to go in and break it up, but what Stephen said stopped me dead in my tracks.

  “I’m sorry about what I did to you with Elizabeth. I was only trying to make you see how bad she was for you.”

  “By sleeping with her?” Michael hissed. “What kind of person would do that to their own brother?”

  I tried hard to hold in the gasp. Tears immediately began welling at the betrayal I felt. Neither one of them told me about the situation with Elizabeth—and, greater still, they failed to mention to me that they were brothers!

  “Look, I’m really sorry about what I did, I truly am, but I can’t say I’m sorry for Cassie. I can never apologise for falling in love.”

  Those words tore me apart. I felt anger, but I also felt pain. I would want nothing more than to have Stephen tell me he loved me, but not under these circumstances.

  “You’re not deserving of her.” Michael’s anger was rising in his voice.

  “I know I’m not, but I can’t help it.”

  “You’d better help it. You’ve always been self-centred, Stephen. Always wanting what you can’t have. Always wanting what’s mine.”

  “But Cassie’s not yours!” Stephen’s angry tone vibrated through the walls.

  Trying desperately to peer through the door, I narrowed my eyes to see what was happening. All of a sudden, I saw Michael lunge for Stephen, holding him up against the wall.

  “I swear that if you hurt her, I’m going to break your goddamned neck, angel or no angel. I won’t stand by and let you do this to her.”

  I couldn’t stand it any longer. Pushing the doors open, I barged right in. “Enough!”

  Michael let go of Stephen and they both walked towards me. I put my hand up to tell them to stop.

  Michael looked pained. “Cassie, I was just trying to protect you.”

  “I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want anything from either one of you anymore.”

  “Twinkles, please…,” Stephen begged.

  “Don’t call me that anymore! This whole thing we have going here was based on nothing but lies. How can I trust either of you after this? You’re brothers and this is how you treat each other? You should be ashamed of yourselves.”

  Their solemn looks nearly had me faltering. I was mad at them, mad as anything, but I still cared.

  Looking over in Stephen’s direction, I saw him wince. Right then, I knew why Archangel Charisma was warning me about my heart. I could feel it now. Feel the lasting beats as it stopped the life being pumped through me. Right then, I felt broken, felt the betrayal as deeply as Michael must have felt it. It was agony.

  “How could you have done this?” I whispered to him, not knowing why the betrayal felt as bad as it did. It was almost as if a wound had been cut open again.

  The tears fell and I didn’t know why. I let them flow down my cheeks, let them release the immense pain I was feeling.

  I looked over towards Stephen and he hung his head in shame. “I’m trying.” His voice was weak, making my heart break. “I want to be good.”

  Even through all the years he had lived, he looked just like a lost little boy right now. I wanted to reach out to him, hold him and tell him it was going to be okay. I couldn’t, though. I felt too consumed with betrayal.

  It was then that I realised history was just repeating itself, and the only person who is getting hurt the most from all of this was Michael.

  Looking over towards his shocked face, I could tell he wanted to come to me, but he was hesitant. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I looked in his eyes, his pain gripping me once more.

  He seemed to be without speech. I knew he wanted to explain but, for some reason, he couldn’t get the words out. It was then that I made the decision to leave.

  “Cassie, wait. Please.” Michael’s voice was begging and painful.

  I turned to face them. “Please, just leave me be. I want to be on my own for a while.”

  Turning, I briskly walked up the stairs…and ran straight into the chest of Callum.

  “Cassie, are you crying?” He grabbed my arms and looked at me.

  “I’m sorry. I guess it’s just a little bit hard being here,” I lied. Well, it was partly true, but I wasn’t about to divulge anything to Callum.

  “Maybe it was too soon for you to come back to work. Why don’t we go talk to the C.I. and try to get you some more time off?”

  I stood rigid, shaking my head. “No, I’m better off here. I don’t want to be alone at home. That would be worse.”

  Callum smiled and squeezed my arm. “I can totally get that. Are you sure you’re going to be alright?” I nodded. “Are you feeling better now…what with your head and everything?”

  “Yes, much better, thanks. Listen, I better go. I’ve got a meeting with Mr. Bradley.”

  “Okay. If you need me, you just come and find me.”

  Nodding, I offered him a smile. Wiping the tears from my eyes, I took the stairs to the top floor. I needed time to think about things before I went into the Chief Superintendent’s office. I was actually going to use the story Michael gave me. It was what we had agreed to in the end. With what has just transpired now, though, I felt it necessary to change it. I wondered whether it was the hurt I was feeling that was doing it, but then I remembered that I did make this decision before Michael suggested his option.

  I got to his door and, with a deep breath and my decision made, I knocked.

  “Come in!” his voice boomed.

  I opened the door to find Simon Bradley sitting regally in his chair. He was an impressive man. At only thirty-two, he had worked hard to get to where he was now. He was black with light skin, well over six feet tall, and had muscles of which any man would be jealous. He was also a good man, or so I’d been told. I had yet to find this out for myself.

  “Cassie, come in and sit. We have a lot to discuss.” He smiled brightly.

  At least he didn’t seem angry with me. I sat down and watched as he took a deep breath. “How are you feeling now?”

  “Much better, thank you.”

  “That’s good to hear. We were all worried about you. Quite frankly, what happened was embarrassing, to say the least. It’s not something I ever thought would happen in a police station.”

  “Me, either, sir. Thankfully, Stephen, Callum, and Paul came just in time.”

  He swivelled in his chair slightly and clamped his fingers together. “Hmm, yes. I did hear that he resisted arrest. He had some bruising, you see.”

  Oh, shit. That was something I never thought of. They must have lied and said that he resisted and that’s why he was roughed up a little.

  He watched me carefully for any signs that what he had heard was the truth. I looked him dead in the eye and nodded. I wasn’t going to get Stephen into trouble over this man. No way.

  “Okay,” he said, looking a little relieved. “Now we have the little matter of why you were there in the first place. Can you tell me?”

  “Well, sir—.”

  “Please, call me Simon. There’s no need to be so formal. You’re not on trial here, Cassie. You know that, don’t you? You were the victim here. I just need something, anything that will explain the reason why you were placed in danger the way that you were.”

  I thought about that for a moment and was wondering whether he was asking me to lie. It was then that I thought I had an ally with him. He wanted to help. This made my decision even easier.

  “I was looking for a file on someone.”

  “Who?” He placed his elbows on the desk.

  “Mark Richards.”

  “Isn’t he the fellow invo
lved in that hit-and-run?”

  I smiled. “The one and only.”

  “If you’re in traffic, why were you looking at his case?”

  “Well…one, I’m the person involved with the traffic case and two, I know why he did it.”

  “Really?” He leaned back in his chair. “Care to explain?”

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I tried, sir… I mean, Simon.”

  “Try me.” He waved his hands.

  “Okay, here goes nothing. I’m not sure what you’ll make of me after this.”

  He raised his eyebrow and smiled a little. “Now you’ve just intrigued me even more.”

  “I see things.” The words seemed to fly out of my mouth like they had been sitting on the surface for ages.

  “What things? You mean, like a psychic?”

  “Sort of… Well, I have to touch someone’s hand to see what I see.”

  “And you’re telling me you somehow touched Mark Richards’ hand?”

  “Yes. It was stupid of me, I know, but I managed to bump into him in the street, and he helped me up when I fell. I did it on purpose.”

  “And what did you see?”

  I was quite surprised he was going along with this. I didn’t know whether he was just humouring me, but there was no anger that I could see.

  “He ran into that kid on purpose. The boy’s parents owe him drug money and this was a message to them not to mess with him.”

  “That is what PC Andrews suspected. Was it you that told him?”


  “Did he put you up to this?”

  “No, of course not. In fact, he wants to protect me. I think he would be upset if he knew I was telling you this.”

  “So he wanted you to lie?”

  “No… I’m not doing very well here, am I?” I was asking honestly, even if I didn’t mean to say what I thought out loud.

  Simon offered me a slight smile. “You’re doing fine, Cassie. I’m just having a hard time trying to wrap my head around this. So why have you decided to tell me about this gift you have?”


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