Book Read Free

Fallen Desire

Page 26

by N. L. Echeverria

  Feeling surprised that he knows something, I look down at the floor and grab for my black heels and slip them on as I’m contemplating answering him. “Okay! So it was me! I wasn’t doing anything the other day and felt so much better that I thought I could handle it but once I sent my spirit to where the book was Derrick must have sensed me and I was unable to obtain it. Once my spirit came back to the room and I released the elements, I was so wiped out and could hardly move.”

  His smile fills his face; it’s obvious that he knew it was me. “I want you to know that I had asked you to wait because it could kill you using so much power like that. You have to be careful while you’re still learning, and your body is getting use to the powers that you possess. I have to admit something as well. I gave you some of my immortal energy while you were sleeping because you were so weak and I wanted to help you heal quicker. That’s why your skin has been rid of all scars or marks you may have had prior. Since you’re human my immortal power healed them.”

  “So I have some of your immortal energy in me? And how the heck did you know that I attempted to get the book from Derrick the other day?”

  “First, I just lent you my some of my energy temporarily to help heal you for a quicker recovery, and as far as the book, I just know. I have ties with Derrick, and as soon as someone or should I say you attempted to steal the book he called on me. He thought it was me. For some reason I don’t think he suspects you, but then again we don’t want to underestimate his knowledge.”

  He has become so serious, as if speaking of Derrick makes him nervous. It’s probably because he knows of the plans that Derrick has for him and for me. Even though Derrick may think he’s doing the right thing in the face of God, every time I think of how he wants to destroy Ethan I can’t help but feel that Derrick’s the evil one. Someone with a pure heart and soul shouldn’t want to destroy anyone or anything. But at the same time I’ve seen Ethan and what really lurks inside of him and how afraid I was when that was all I could see when I looked at him. I want to destroy that evil too, but I don’t want to destroy Ethan in the process.

  “Well, I wish I could have been awake when you let me borrow your energy. I bet it was a stunning sight. I mean when we make love the things I see are unimaginable and beyond perfection. It’s incredible, Ethan. The whole room is lit with magic.”

  “I have to agree with you on that. I don’t typically see the same things that you see, but when our souls came together, when I opened up to you, it was amazing.” His face lights up when speaking about what happened, and that warms my heart. At this point I’m fully dressed and fixing my hair in the mirror. Brushing through it so it lies flat; I can see him in the mirror, and his eyes don’t move from me. He’s looking me over up and down. “You look incredible. Lindsay, you are beyond beautiful. I don’t deserve someone so gorgeous and pure.” As soon as he spoke, I turn around to face him feeling a rush of seriousness, as the last thing I want is for him think we shouldn’t be together.

  “Don’t ever say that! Like you said, we belong together. What we have is amazing, and it’s meant to be, Ethan. We deserve each other and found each other for the very reason that I can help you and I will.” I get close enough to him to grab his face with both my hands. “I love you, Ethan!” He gives a little smile as if he realizes what I’m saying is true.

  “I love you too, Lindsay, sorry.” I smile and go back to the mirror and finish fixing my hair – only after leaving him with a kiss on the lips.


  As we pull up to the restaurant in the car, I realize I’ve never been here before; I’ve never really been over on this side of the city at all. Ethan drove me this time instead of flying into the city to eat, although we did have to fly to get his car as he didn’t drive it to my house. It’s more amazing every time he takes me up into the air with his enormous black wings spread out from behind him. I can’t help but get a worried feeling that someone might see us but Ethan reminds me that he can make us invisible to the human eye. I love seeing him in his true form. The restaurant is secluded; there are only a few cars in the parking lot. It almost looks abandoned. I can see a man and women outside the front door talking and flirting with one another. Her hair is a rose red color and in tight curls that dance with her every movement. The man leans into her each time she giggles and I can see him touching her hand and arm each chance he gets. Their auras are mixed together as they stand so close and I can see that hers is a violet color and his is green and they are mixing together each time they touch and laugh with one another. It’s beautiful. It makes me happy to have Ethan here with me even though our situation doesn’t seem as flawless as the two strangers’ relationship.

  I know that we’re meant for each other but we have a lot of obstacles in our way before things between us will go smoothly. “Here we are. It’s a small quiet place and the food is great. I know it doesn’t look like much from out here, but you’re going to love it.”

  “As long as I’m with you, I know I’ll like it no matter what.” I smile, and he smiles back revealing his hollow cheeks and sucked in eyes but the smile is still genuine and loving. It breaks my heart to see him so weak and sick. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay, Ethan? I really hate to see you looking so ill.”

  He gives me a patient look, “Please Lindsay; try not to worry about me at all. There’s really nothing we can do about it now, so there’s no reason to worry. We’ll get the book and the spell eventually.”

  I nod in understanding as he gets out of the car and walks around to my side to open my door for me. Regardless of what he says, it’s impossible for me to not worry about him when he’s sick like this. I shrug it off and push it to the back of my mind in order to keep the mood of our date pleasant. As I step out of the car a breeze blows by me chilling my body and giving me an uneasy feeling but as soon as it comes, it’s gone. Ethan grabs my waist and walks me to the building. Walking in, I get the instant scent of spring time full of blooming flowers and scented candles filling my senses with the smells of trees and grass and just a trace of lavender. The place is dimly lit with small corner floor lights and I can see each table has a candle which also helps to illuminate the room. It feels cozy. The hostess standing a few feet in front of us has short black hair and is taller than me with a lean build and almost seems shy when looking at Ethan. Guess that’s the angel thing again. Even when he looks like death, he’s still undeniably attractive. I can see a small dance floor in the middle of the quiet restaurant. No one is dancing but it sure would be fun if Ethan’s up for it.

  We follow the short-haired lady over to a small table for two off to the right corner of the dance floor. The music is soft and smooth; the sounds of instruments playing through the room. Ethan pulls out my chair; I sit down and then he sits on his side of the table. He tells the waitress our order and I’m not sure what he’s gotten for us so I just smile. I can’t help but want to take him out to the dance floor and press our bodies together slowing moving with the music. To just be normal and dance with my boyfriend and have a romantic dinner would be nice. Not that I don’t like being in his arms while his wings are flying us overseas but it would be nice to be normal sometimes. The waitress left to put in our order and Ethan takes my hands in his and smiles across the table from me.

  “May I have this dance?”

  A huge grin lights up my face. Finally I have the complete satisfaction of him asking me to dance. “Yes! Of course!” As he stands up, he reaches his hand out to take mine like a true gentleman. I reach for his hand and stand. With a swift move, he picks me up by the hips and twirls me around until we’re on the dance floor. We dance. We’re the only two on the floor and with him next to me, it’s like nothing else matters. I could be here all night in his arms moving slowly back and forth on this dance floor. It’s heaven. I close my eyes memorizing this moment; it’s one I’ll never forget.

  “Looks like our meal is ready,” he whispers in my ear.

  I sigh not wanting to stop danc
ing, I just want to stay here in his arms forever but he gently tugs me toward the table smiling at me and reassuring me. The server is waiting at our table for us, the dishes already laid out.

  “Is there anything else I can get you?” As she speaks she only looks at Ethan, not even glancing at me.

  “No, thank you,” he replies. She turns away and goes back to attending the other tables. As I look around, I realize now how many people are actually in here compared to the almost empty parking lot outside. Not only do the candles on the tables light the room but each table is filled with its own bursts of color that radiate off of the people sitting at them.

  I gaze for a moment at all the different shades filling the room and then take a breath and look back at Ethan. His aura is so dim and dark, almost as if it’s fading along with him. I endeavor not to let it get to me and look down at my plate. Looks like he ordered me fried chicken. I wondered at the names of the dishes on the menu, this must be one of those restaurants that come up with quirky names for their meals. On my plate alongside the fried chicken are a baked potato, some vegetables, and a dinner roll. It all looks absolutely delicious, I didn’t realize how hungry I really was until the scent and sight of the food was in front of me. My stomach begins to grumble so I start in on the chicken.

  “I’m really glad to see you doing so well, Lindsay. The energy I gave you really brought you back to your old self. I think tonight we can get the book if you’re up for it?”

  I finish my bite wanting to answer and let him know how anxious I am. “Yes. Tonight would be perfect Ethan,” I can’t wait to do this spell and get him better. It’s taking way too long and he’s getting too sick. It would be nice to get this done before I have to face Derrick again tomorrow. Maybe once I have the book myself I won’t need his help.

  “I was thinking we could start a fire out in the woods and do the meditation out there,” he suggests.

  “That sounds really good.” As we finish our meals, I’m not thinking about dancing; all I can think about is getting back and getting that book. I just can’t stand to see him like this anymore and not only that, it’s like there’s something in me that wants – that needs – the book.


  As we grab candles from my room, I’m extremely anxious to get out there and get the book. It is all I can focus on now; I will stop at nothing until I have “The Book of the Redeemer” in my hands. Ethan watches me frantically stuff the candles into my backpack. “Lindsay, there’s no rush. Take your time; we have all night.” He places a hand on my shoulder and pulls me into him, as our bodies’ touch I begin to feel my heart slow down.

  “Sorry Ethan. I just really want to help you and I feel like it’s so urgent. I mean, have you looked at yourself lately? You don’t look well; I won’t stand around doing nothing while you’re dying or at least while you look like you’re dying since you say not feeding won’t kill you.” I just feel like I’m running out of time to save him.

  “All I’m saying, Lindsay, is just relax. I don’t want you to stress yourself out; if you do you’ll be wasting your energy. You need to save it.” I kiss his cheek, smile, take a deep breath and grab my backpack. “Okay. I won’t stress. I’m ready to go if you are, though.”

  Walking through the forest at night is dark and lonely and even a bit frightening, but with Ethan by my side I feel extremely safe. His aura lights the way; even though it glows a dark red color, it still has specks of white. He is my miracle, and I couldn’t be more blessed. “I want you to be relaxed, Lindsay, when you’re releasing your spirit. You will need to have full concentration. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “I promise I will.”

  As we get to the opening in the forest, where we’re secluded from the outside world, I pull the candles out of my backpack and set them in a circle. As I stand in the middle of the circle I begin to call on the elements wasting no time:

  “Fire, Water, Earth and Air, I call upon all of you to help me in my quest. I need the strength that you provide so that I may be at my strongest. Spirit I call on you to help me obtain what is mine. Elements that give us life please lend me your gifts and connect to my soul.”

  Instantly, all of the elements enter my body giving me the most incredible sensation. I can feel the earth between my toes and smell the scent of the fresh ocean breeze as a gust of air brushes past me and the heat of a fire consuming me in the most pleasurable way and then my soul becomes awakened from within struggling to find its way out. Ready to continue, I begin another chant without even pausing.

  “Spirit that connects us all I give you full control. Release my spirit so that it may roam free and bring the book back to me. So mote it be!”

  I collapse to my knees placing both hands on each leg with palms facing up. The feeling of drifting through the air begins to overwhelm me and I can see myself down below sitting on the cold ground with eyes closed – and I realize I’ve separated from my solid form. With one destination in mind, I begin to move quickly through the trees toward the one thing that belongs to me. I can feel it calling me, guiding my spirit to it.

  All of a sudden, I end up back in the middle of the forest looking down at my body. I glance around not sure what’s happening but I can definitely feel the book near. Ethan is standing in front of my body with his back facing me almost shielding me from something heading my direction. His dark black wings come unfolded, sheltering my entire body behind them. Derrick! No wonder I feel the book close by; he must have it with him, what in the heck is he doing here and why is Ethan guarding my body as if Derrick is here to harm me?

  “What are you doing, Ethan?” Derrick says. “You know that this is dangerous. I knew right away it was you but didn’t really think you would use her to get the book. It is so careless! What if she can’t pull herself back together? She could be stuck in the spirit form forever!” I can see Ethan’s face look even angrier with each word that comes out of Derrick’s mouth. What does he mean stuck in spirit form forever? Of course I can pull myself together! I think I can. At least I did last time.

  “How can you say that Derrick?” Ethan responds. “You of all people know I would never harm her. You shouldn’t be disappointed in me but in yourself for keeping what belongs to her. You know that she needs that book to live out her destiny of the redeemer and I’m sure you didn’t have any plans of teaching her the spell she needs to save us from evil.”

  As I’m watching from above, I see my body still motionless with no response to the yelling going on around me. I can see and hear everything but can’t intervene; they don’t even notice me here. Not wanting their fighting to get any worse, I close my eyes and concentrate on connecting back with my body that’s sitting there waiting for me. No matter what I do, though, I can’t seem to get back to my solid form. It may be the stressful situation that’s going on below. I stop and listen tentatively to them as that seems to be the only thing I’m able to do at this point. I can sense that Derrick has the book, but there’s no way he’s going to let my spirit close to it.

  “I am not going to stand around anymore, while you use her powers for your own personal gain. You may think that you chose good all those years ago but your soul is leaning toward evil. You have been tainted by hate. For you to want to destroy me and the others out there that are demons and that have so much potential to be good but just need the right person to see it, is an evil act on your part. Lindsay’s spirit was brought to us for a reason and it’s not to destroy but to help.” Ethan’s voice begins to get a rough dry tone to it as if he’s disgusted with Derrick and his actions.

  Derrick’s body language instantly becomes defensive. “I’ve done nothing but help Lindsay and teach her how to use her abilities to destroy and create. Demons aren’t meant to be here and I do not feel that there is room for forgiveness for you after what you have done to humans – no matter how much you may think you deserve it. You chose your path along time ago, and you will be destroyed because of it. I love Lindsay and even
tually she would have seen it my way if you had just stayed away from her. Now it’s too late. If I’m going to continue down the path that was set in front of me, I‘ll have to get rid of you. Lindsay will be a part of my path regardless of what you think or say. I can see that you haven’t fed for a while and you are way too weak to defend yourself against me. Give up now, Ethan.”

  Ethan’s body shifts into a protective stance, ready to fight but he’s still guarding my body, covering me with his enormous silky black wings. “I am never too weak to defeat you, Derrick! I won’t allow you to consume her with your evil plan! You cannot destroy me, you are but an angel and only the redeemer has that power.”

  An ominous smile spreads across Derrick’s face. “Please! I don’t need to completely destroy you. I only need to make you weak enough that I can cage you so far away you’ll never see Lindsay again. You’ll never have the strength to break out or even move without being able to feed. Don’t underestimate me. Seems like we’re both willing to do whatever we need to do to have her.”

  “That’s the difference between you and me, Derrick. I’m not doing anything to have Lindsay. What I do is because I love her, and I want her to have free will. I would never force her to choose my side or force her to be with me and I will definitely not allow you to. I’ll use every ounce of my strength to protect her.”

  At this point, both Ethan and Derrick are standing in positions that make them look like they’re getting ready to charge each other head on. Both of their faces are filled with anger and the determination to fight for what they feel is right. I can’t let this happen. I realize how much both of them care about me. They just have different opinions about what the right thing to do is. I don’t think that makes either one of them wrong and I care too much for them to allow them to hurt each other. I’m helpless though, unable to get to them. A fourth body appears below standing behind Derrick. Wings spread the color of white with hints of a slight purple glow around the edges. I look a little closer to see who it is and notice the bouncy blonde curls and a smile I would recognize anywhere. Kim! She’s an angel and apparently on Derrick’s side. I guess it wasn’t just a dream.


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