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The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven

Page 29

by Jessica Miller

  “Got it, no worries, I'll be fine,” I said, feeling like a broken record. He waved good bye and braced himself for the media bedlam. I decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator knowing it would be less crowded. I took my time climbing the stairwell. When I finally reached my floor, pushed open the heavy metal door, was greeted by a sea of men in blue surrounding the hall. They were everywhere questioning students. Asking them if they heard or saw anything, how well they knew the deceased, if he had any enemies, and so on. They also asked if he knew or was friends with Skylar Hawkyns.

  That one made me stop.

  What did this have to do with Skylar? Did they think the incidents were related? I glanced back over my shoulder at one cop. He eyed me suspiciously. I turned around and kept walking straight to my room and quickly closed the door behind me. I leaned against the door in the darkness with my eyes shut trying to catch a breath. I exhaled and opened my eyes. I was startled when I found Jack standing by my bed.

  “Jack!” I ran up to him and threw my arms around him. “Oh thank God you're okay.” He stiffened at the embrace and pulled back looking at me confused. “Where were you?” He didn't say anything. He just kept that puzzled look on his face. “Oh it doesn't matter, I'm just glad you're okay,” I said, hugging him again.

  I felt him tense up. He tore himself away from me and backed up quickly. “What is it?” I asked, and then realized I probably owe him an apology from last night. “Jack, I'm sorry about last night.” He furrowed his brows and I knew now why he was acting weird. “It's just when I get migraines, it gets bad, and I don't remember much afterward.”

  A malicious smile spread across his lips and he threw his head back laughing. I looked at him not understanding what was going on. “Jack...what's so funny?”

  “You don't remember anything from last night?”

  I shook my head. “No, the last thing I remember is getting coffee at the student center and then you dropping me off. The rest is blank.”

  “That's right, you got a headache so I dropped you off and you went to bed, that was it,” he said. But something about the way he said it made my skin crawl. He sounded as though he was following a script, his voice was very monotone. Something started to bug me. His reaction when I ran over to him, the way he was watching me, and that laugh. I started to get a bad feeling in my stomach.

  I felt compelled to ask, “Where did you go last night after you dropped me off?”

  “I went home, to see my mom,” he said with a straight face. “I just got back now.”

  I wanted to ask him why he was here in my room instead of talking to the cops, but was afraid all he would give was another well-practiced answer. He took a step closer to me. I felt the sudden urge to run, to get as far away as possible, but I didn't move. Something was telling me not to make any sudden movements, so I kept still. My eyes searched his face. He seemed different somehow, older, worn down. His usual shy demeanor was replaced with a self-confidence you normally get from people on the verge of something big. I always thought of Jack as this harmless, young man, who lived down the hall, but now I wasn’t so sure. I didn't understand how I was suddenly afraid to be alone with him, but my gut was telling me to get away while I had the chance. Of course I ignored it.

  “Ella, there's something I need to tell you,” Jack said gravely.

  “What is it Jack?” I asked cautiously.

  “It's about Tristan. He's dangerous,” he blurted out.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, not liking where this was going. This wasn't the first time Jack accused Tristan of something and I wasn't going to stand here and let him do it again. Tristan was many things, but dangerous wasn't one of them.

  “Ella, he lied to you about Skylar. He was with her before she died.”

  “I know that. Everyone knows that. We saw them in the quad together after the fight.”

  He took a step closer and I suddenly felt nauseous. “No, Ella, after that. I saw him with her and they were arguing again.”

  “Why are you telling me this and why haven't you told the police?” I asked not convinced he was telling the truth.

  “Because I was scared. It was stupid, I know. I should have said something and now look what happened,” he said, bowing his head, but I could tell it was not genuine.

  “Wait, you're saying your roommate’s death has something to do with Skylar's?”

  He nodded, keeping the mournful look on his face. “I told him what I saw and he said he was going to confront Tristan about it. He was supposed to last night...and now...”

  “You can't be serious? You think Tristan did this?” I asked, shocked at the implication.

  “Come on Ella, you saw how dangerous he was. You were there that night, when he almost choked me to death.”

  “Jack no...There’s no way,” I said unconvincingly. I crossed my arms annoyed with where this conversation was going. Tristan was not a murderer.

  “Ella I came here to warn you,” he came at me with urgency, grabbing my arms making me feel uncomfortable. “Tristan is not who you think he is. You need to stay away from him or you could be next,” he warned. I stared into Jack's eyes and got an icy, cold, chill that traveled all the way down my back. I shivered from his touch.

  There was a knock at the door. “Vermont Police Department, open up.”

  I turned back to Jack who now looked more frightened than I was. “Ella, promise me you'll stay away from Tristan,” his voice was chilling. “Promise me.”

  “Okay, I promise,” I said, although I would have said anything at that point so he would let go of me.

  “I have to go.”

  “Go where?”

  There was another knock at the door, this one louder and more urgent. I broke free from Jack's grasp and turned to open the door, but before I did I glanced back over my shoulder at Jack, who was no longer there.

  What the hell?

  I searched around the room thinking he was hiding somewhere, but didn't have time to look thoroughly because the police kept knocking. I answered the door. “Good evening Miss,” the officer said. “I'm sorry, but we have to clear out this floor. Do you have somewhere you can stay for the night?” I was so beside myself with everything that just happened I stared at him blankly. “Miss?”

  “ can find a place to stay.”

  “Okay, I'm sorry, but we're going to have to ask you to leave immediately. If it would make you feel safer we can have an officer escort you out,” he offered.

  “No, thank you, that won't be necessary.” I turned back and looked at my room, thinking what I needed to grab and the one thing that came to mind was Jake's penguin. I walked over to Josie's bed and grabbed it, along with my coat and purse. Then I closed the door behind me as the officer led me down to the lobby with the rest of the students.

  I called Josie right away. Without a second thought, she told me she and Billy would be there in five minutes. I hung up the phone and waited with the rest of the students from my floor. One by one they headed off or got picked up by a friend or family member. I sat and watched them all leave.

  Twenty minutes later, still no Josie and of course I was the last one standing. “Hey Ella,” a friendly, familiar voice called.

  “Oh, hey George.”

  “How you holding up, kiddo?”

  “As good as can be expected I guess.”

  “You have some place to stay tonight?” he asked, concerned.

  “Yeah, Josie's supposed to get me, but of course she's always,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  “Well, she might have a good excuse this time,” he said pointing outside. “It's a madhouse out there and traffic is backed up. Not to mention all the barricades the police put up and all the reporters.”

  “I guess you're right,” I sighed looking at my watch again.

  “Here, take this and go get yourself something to drink and a snack,” George said, offering me a few dollars.

  “Oh, no thank you I –”
  “Nonsense, take it,” he insisted. When I hesitated, he shooed me away. “Go. I'll keep an eye on this little fellow for ya,” he said referring to Jake's penguin. I smiled, thankful, and walked over to the snack machine. I pressed number four for the powered doughnuts and then stepped to my right and pressed number three for the hot chocolate. As I reached for the cup I could feel my stomach start to do flip flops. I knew he was there. I could feel him. I could always feel him.

  I turned around slowly, careful not to spill my hot chocolate.



  “Do you need a ride anywhere?” he asked and I thought what a stupid question and lame attempt at conversation. He knows I have a car and would be in it right now if Josie hadn't insisted on getting me.

  “Josie's coming to get me,” I said flatly.

  “ you want me to wait with you till they get here?”

  “No, I'll be fine,” I said, flipping my hair and walking away. I didn't get very far. Tristan stopped me by grabbing my arm, tightly. I flinched. 'He's dangerous Ella, stay away from him' I heard Jack's voice in my head. I looked at Tristan, really looked at him. His face, his eyes, they always told a different story, but I wasn't going to buy into it now. Not when he was like this. “Tristan, you're hurting me,” I said and he let go instantly.

  “Ella, I'm sorry –”

  “Save it,” I said, putting my hand up to stop him. “I had enough of your apologies.” I was ready to walk away, but something was bothering me. Something Jack had said earlier. “Tell me something Tristan. Where were you before you came and got me the night we went to the art room?”

  “I was in my room,” he said, looking puzzled.

  “You didn't go to see Skylar again?”

  “She called me to meet her, but she never showed...why?”

  “What about last night?”

  “Ella, what's this all about?”

  I never in a million years would have thought Tristan capable of any of this, but after what Jack mentioned, the strange coincidences, and the way he was avoiding my questions, I just didn't know who I could trust anymore. “Ella, did someone one say something to you?”

  “No, just forget it.” I turned to walk away again, but he caught up to me and stopped me.

  “Who told you?” he asked angrily.

  “No one told me anything.” I tried stepping aside him to pass but he blocked my path.

  “It was Jack, wasn't it?” his temper rising.

  “No,” I said, not wanting to defend Jack but to get Tristan to back off.

  He grabbed my shoulders. “What did he tell you? When did you see him? Was he in your room tonight? Damn it Ella tell me!” he yelped, shaking me.

  I tried to push his hands off of me. “Let go of me!”

  “Ella you have to listen to me. Stay away from Jack, he's dangerous.”

  “That's funny, he said the same thing about you,” I spat.

  “You don't believe you?” he asked worried.

  “I don't know what I believe anymore.” And that was the truth.

  “Is everything okay?” George called from down the hall. “Ella?”

  “Yeah George...I'm fine,” I said, glaring at Tristan. I shook his arms off of me and stepped back. He looked defeated after what I just said, like I punched him in the gut. I walked away without another glance and left Tristan standing there with his shoulders slumped and head sagging.

  When I got back up front I handed George his change. “Thanks George.” He just smiled kindly at me while I returned to my seat in the corner.

  Five minutes later Josie finally showed up. “Ella, I'm so sorry, traffic is ridiculous and they have like every exit blocked off and it took us like forever to get through with our ID's and –” she rambled on and on.

  “Josie, it's fine,” I told her and she finally took a breath. “So I was thinking, instead of staying at the stinky frat house…” I turned to Billy. “No offense.”

  “None taken.”

  “How about we rent a room for the night?” I smiled, pulling out my emergency credit card.

  “With a hot tub?” Josie asked, giddy.

  “Of course.” Josie looked at Billy, then me. “Billy you're welcome too,” I said, not wanting him to feel left out.

  “I don't want to intrude. You girls do your thing.”

  “Nonsense,” Josie said. “We'll get adjoining rooms and you can invite one of the brothers to come along to keep Ella company.” This was not what I had in mind. I was about to protest when Josie said, “How about brother Dixon?”

  “Josie, really, that's not necessary.”

  She leaned in and whispered in my ear. “Don't worry, he's gay and gives a killer pedicure.” I raised my brow and Billy nodded in agreement, obviously overhearing what Josie had said. I laughed and agreed Dixon would be the perfect fit.

  Chapter nineteen

  Once outside, I understood why it had taken Josie so long to get here. We were bombarded again with reporters. Billy did a good job, the best he could, with keeping them away from us. It took us twenty minutes to drive the three blocks to the fraternity house to get Dixon and another half an hour just to get off campus.

  After eluding all the madness, I told Billy to head to one of the most exclusive hotels in town. If I was going to be forced out of my room I was going to allow myself to be spoiled for the time being. As soon as we checked in my mom was blowing up my phone again. I answered right away and told her I was fine. She insisted I fly home or call Dean to come stay with me. I told her that wasn't necessary, but she wouldn't let it go. She said she was going to hire a guard for me and Josie if I insisted on staying.

  I pleaded with her not to, saying it would be too embarrassing and make me look nuts. I even went as far as saying dad would never allow it, but she said it was his idea. I didn't believe her so she put my dad on the phone. “Dad, you can't be serious? A bodyguard, come on...please don't do this to me,” I begged.

  “Ella I'm sorry, but until I know this maniac is caught, I feel better knowing you're protected. Since you refuse to come home this is your only option.” I sighed, knowing there was no arguing with my father. “I will have someone there within the hour.”

  “Dad please, can't it at least wait till tomorrow. We checked into a hotel for the night and they have their own security. We'll be fine for the night.”

  There was a long pause before he finally caved. “Alright, first thing tomorrow morning.”


  “And Ella.”

  “Yes dad?”

  “I expect you to be on your best behavior.”

  “Yes dad,” I said, hanging up the phone. I can't believe this. I can't catch a break.

  “How bad is it?” Josie asked.

  “Tomorrow morning we will have our own personal bodyguard.”

  Josie rolled her eyes. “I guess we should be glad that's all they're sending. I'm surprised my parents didn't already have someone snatch me up and take me back home kicking and screaming.”

  “You guys are getting your own bodyguard? That is so cool,” Dixon said, adjusting his scarf.

  “To you, not me,” I whined.

  “Enough with the sourpuss faces,” he said, throwing his arms over Josie and I. “We're in the most expensive and exclusive hotel in town. I say we make the most it,” he smiled.

  “Agreed,” I said, slipping my arm around his waist and leading us to the elevator.

  After we checked out our rooms we decided to hit the spa and get the works – mani, pedi, facial, and a massage. Billy told us he was going to skip the salon and meet us later for dinner. Dixon, Josie and I enjoyed a whole evening of pampering. Dixon switched his black fingernail polish for a dark purple to match his converse, while Josie went with a dark green, and I stuck with a traditional French tip. The manicures and pedicures were a nice touch, but the cherry on top was the soothing massage. Something my body was aching for.

  When we were don
e at the spa, we took the boys to one of the shops to buy some nice clothes for dinner and bathing suits for the hot tub later. “Well it looks like I made friends with the right girls,” Dixon teased as he rummaged through the racks for the perfect outfit.

  Josie helped Billy pick out a nice suit and made him try it on. I could tell he wasn't happy with being Josie's personal dress up doll but he complied without much complaint. Dixon was more eager to put on a little fashion show with all the different things he picked out. After about the fifth outfit he finally settled on a nice black suit, with a skinny red tie that matched the streak in his hair. “What do you think?” he said, doing a twirl.

  “I think the purple converse are a nice touch,” I teased.

  “Oh don't worry, I have a pair in red,” he said, messing with his bangs in the mirror. Dixon fit the profile for Indie rocker. From head to toe he was dressed the part. Everything from his wide Mohawk, to his tight black shirt and skinny jeans, screamed tortured artist. I was surprised to see him actually pick out a suit.

  Once the boys had what they needed, Dixon helped Josie and I pick out some cocktail dresses. Josie went with a short, purple dress that tied around the neck and cut low at her chest. The dress flared out at the bottom giving it a more cutesy appeal. She even went with a pair of strappy heels instead of her normal boots.

  Dixon had picked out a long, sparkly black dress for me. I was a little apprehensive about it, but he insisted I at least try it on before I made my final vote. This one also tied around the neck, but wasn't cut as low as Josie's in the front, thankfully. Instead it dipped low, having a concave effect and only showing minimal cleavage. The back was another story.

  There was no back.

  At all.

  This was the main reason I didn't want to try it on the first place, but I was shoved into the dressing room before I had the chance to put it back. Once on, the material clung to my body like silk. There was a high slit on the side I hadn't noticed before, but didn't mind because it showed off my long legs. I turned around to find the back of the dress hit just a few inches above my waist making me feel a little better about the open back. I stared at myself in the mirror in the dressing room. The dress did fit great and hugged my body perfectly at all the right spots.


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