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Putin's Kleptocracy_Who Owns Russia?

Page 54

by Karen Dawisha

62. Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe, Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Observe the Russian Presidential Election (26 March 2000).

  63. Borisova, “Baby Boom or Dead Souls?”

  64. Marina Arbatskaya, Skol’ko zhe izbirateley v Rossii? [How many voters are there in Russia?] (Irkutsk: Siberian Branch of Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography, 2004).

  65. Borisova, “And the Winner Is?”

  66. Borisova, “And the Winner Is?”

  67. Yevgeniya Borisova, “And the Winner Is? Part 3,” Moscow Times, September 9, 2000,

  68. Borisova, “And the Winner Is?”

  69. Borisova, “And the Winner Is? Part 3.”

  70. Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe. Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Observe the Russian Presidential Election (26 March 2000).

  71. Ekaterina Grigor’yeva, “Kreml’ ishchet liniyu vlasti: Putin nesomnenno budet strog k glavam regionov [The Kremlin seeks power line: Putin is sure to be strict with regional leaders],” Nezavisimaya gazeta, March 30, 2000, (accessed June 7, 2012).

  72. Putin et al., First Person, 131.

  73. Nikolay Vardul’, “Politicheskiy sovet prezidentu: Kak Putin budet upravlyat’ stranoy 3 [A political council to the president: How Putin will run the country—part 3],” Kommersant, May 5, 2000, (accessed 01 20, 2012).

  74. “Reformirovaniye Administratsii RF Prezidenta [Reform of the Administration of the RF President],” Kommersant, May 5, 2000, (accessed January 20, 2012).

  75. “Reformirovaniye Administratsii RF Prezidenta [Reform of the Administration of the RF President],” 11. All page numbers refer to the translated version available at

  76. “Reformirovaniye Administratsii RF Prezidenta [Reform of the Administration of the RF President],” 12.

  77. “Reformirovaniye Administratsii RF Prezidenta [Reform of the Administration of the RF President],” 14.

  78. “Reformirovaniye Administratsii RF Prezidenta [Reform of the Administration of the RF President],” 37.

  79. “Reformirovaniye Administratsii RF Prezidenta [Reform of the Administration of the RF President],” 30.

  80. “Reformirovaniye Administratsii RF Prezidenta [Reform of the Administration of the RF President],” 31.

  81. “Reformirovaniye Administratsii RF Prezidenta [Reform of the Administration of the RF President],” 23.

  82. “Reformirovaniye Administratsii RF Prezidenta [Reform of the Administration of the RF President],” 13.

  83. “Reformirovaniye Administratsii RF Prezidenta [Reform of the Administration of the RF President],” 26.

  84. “Reformirovaniye Administratsii RF Prezidenta [Reform of the Administration of the RF President],” 20.

  85. “Reformirovaniye Administratsii RF Prezidenta [Reform of the Administration of the RF President],” 16.

  86. “Reformirovaniye Administratsii RF Prezidenta [Reform of the Administration of the RF President],” 4-5.

  87. Catherine Belton, “Kremlin, KGB May Unite,” Moscow Times, May 5, 2000, (accessed Janu-ary 23, 2012).

  88. Belton, “Kremlin, KGB May Unite.”

  89. “Interview with Marina Sal’ye.”

  90. Franchetti, “Putin Caught in Food Scandal”; Hoffman, “Putin’s Career Rooted in Russia’s KGB.”

  91. Putin et al., First Person, 173.

  92. Gessen, The Man without a Face, 36.

  93. Andrei Zolotov, “Papers Unite to Defend Babitsky, Free Speech,” Moscow Times, February 17, 2000, (accessed January 2012); Gareth Jones, “Journalists Say Russia Press Freedom at Risk,” Reuters, February 16, 2000, (accessed January 25, 2012).

  94. “Yeltsin Reorganizes, Strengthens Presidential Structures,” Rossiyskaya gazeta, Foreign Broadcast Information Service, March 9, 1994, (accessed January 5, 2014).

  95. Valeriya Novodvorskaya, “The First Seal,” New Times, March 1, 2000, (accessed January 25, 2012).

  96. “Putin’s Campaign Staff Ready to Rebuff Opponents’ Attacks—Medvedev,” Interfax, February 16, 2000, (accessed January 25, 2012).

  97. ITAR-TASS, “A Covert War on the Media?,” March 4, 2000, NIS Observed, edited by Jonathan Solomon, March 21, 2000, (accessed June 3, 2013).

  98. Blowing Up Russia.

  99. Sarah Karush, “Hackers Attack Novaya Gazeta,” Moscow Times, March 16, 2000, (accessed October 30, 2013).

  100. Yablokova, “Purse-Snatching Takes FSB to NTV.”

  101. Anna Badkhen, “Borovik Laid to Rest at Novodevichy,” Moscow Times, March 14, 2000.

  102. Al’bats, “Gleb Pavlovskiy.”

  103. “Kukly—Story of Putin: Parody of E. T. A. Hoffmann’s novella ‘Klein Zaches,’ ” YouTube, 2000, (accessed January 25, 2012).

  104. Baker and Glasser, Kremlin Rising, 93–94.

  105. Michael Wines, “TV’s Impious Puppets: On Kremlin’s Hit List?,” New York Times, June 18, 2000, (accessed January 25, 2012); Viktor Shenderovich, “Zdec’ bylo NTB, TV-6, TVS [Here was NTV, TV-6, TVS],” Svetlana Sorokina: Transmission, Interviews, Publications, 2003, (accessed January 25, 2012).

  106. Miriam Lanskoy, “Caucasus Ka-Boom,” NIS Observed, November 8, 2000, (accessed February 3, 2012).

  107. Dmitriy Furman, “Ot pozdnego Yel’tsina k rannemu Putinu [From late Yel’tsin to early Putin],” Obshchaya gazeta, February 10, 2000, (accessed January 31, 2012).

  108. Nataliya Kanatikova, “Cherniy piar deystvuyet [Black PR acts],” Rossiyskaya gazeta, March 2, 2000, (accessed June 5, 2013).

  109. Jonathan Solomon, “A Covert War on the Media?,” NIS Observed, March 21, 2000, (accessed November 11, 2011).

  110. Satter, Darkness at Dawn, 182–97; Roman Abramovich, “Third Witness Statement of Roman Arkadievich Abramovich,” High Court of Justice, May 30, 2011, (accessed February 3, 2012).

  111. Jeffrey K. Hass, Power, Culture, and Economic Change in Russia (New York: Routledge, 2011).

  112. NTV, “Russian President-Elect Looks Set to Oust Oligarchs from Government,” BBC Monitoring, April 2, 2000, (accessed June 6, 2013).

  113. Celestine Bohlen, “Putin’s Team Hammers Out a Plan to Untwist, Level and Streamline Russia’s Economy,” New York Times, April 4, 2000, (accessed November 2, 2011).

  114. Bohlen, “Putin’s Team Hammers Out a Plan to Untwist, Level and Streamline Russia’s Economy.”

  Chapter Six: The Founding of the Putin System

  1. Nataliya Gevorkyan and Andrey Kolesnikov, “Interview with Vladimir Putin,” Kommersant, March 10, 2000, (accessed May 23, 2013).

  2. Vladimir Putin, “Inaugural Speech,” BBC, May 7, 2000, (accessed November 3, 2011).

  3. Vladimir Putin, “Vstupleniya v dolzhnost’ Prezidenta Rossii [The accession to office of the President of Russia],” YouTube, May 7, 2000, (accessed January 26, 2012); Guy Debord, Society of the Spectacle, New York: Zone Books, 1994; Helena Goscilo, ed., Putin as Celebrity and Cultural Icon, New York: Routledge, 2012.

  4. Gleb Pavlovskiy, Genial’naya Vlast’! Slovar’ Abstraktsi Kremlya [The genius of power! A Dictionary of Kremlin abstractions] (Moscow: Evropa, 2012), 84.

  5. Kalugin, Spymaster, 292.

  6. Putin, “Okrytoe pis’mo Vladimira Putina k rossiyskim izbiratelyam [An open letter by Vladimir Putin to Russian voters].”

  7. Dmitriy Dokuchayev, “Tsentr ob“yavil voynu ekonomicheskomu separatizmu regionov [Center has declared war on the economic separatism of the regions],” Izvestiya, November 4, 1997, (accessed May 8, 2013).

  8. Lilia Shevtsova, Putin’s Russia, revised and expanded ed. (Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2005), 92.

  9. “Putin Fires Energy Minister,” BBC, February 5, 2000, (accessed January 31, 2012).

  10. NTV, “TV Recalls Mess in Russian Regions in 1990s, Notes Putin’s Role in Combating It,” BBC Monitoring, Johnson’s Russia List, #33, February 22, 2012. (accessed February 24, 2012).

  11. Eugene Huskey, “Political Leadership and the Center-Periphery Struggle: Putin’s Administrative Reforms,” in Archie Brown and Lilia Shevstova, eds., Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Putin: Political Leadership in Russia’s Transition (Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment, 2001), 113–43.

  12. Matthew Hyde, “Putin’s Federal Reforms and Their Implications for Presidential Power in Russia,” Europe-Asia Studies 53, no. 5 (2001).

  13. Baker and Glasser, Kremlin Rising, 85.

  14. Dmitriy Kamyshev, “Tri Putinskikh udara [Putin’s three strikes],” Kommersant, May 20, 2000, (accessed May 23, 2013); Thomas Remington, “The Russian Federal Assembly, 1994–2004,” Journal of Legislative Studies 13, no. 1 (2007): 130.

  15. “Russia: Duma Deputy Says Putin Trying to Create ‘Authoritarianism,’ ” Interfax, July 7, 2000,,AN=118950910,FM=9,SEARCH=MD.GenericSearch (accessed February 4, 2012).

  16. Aleksey Germanovich, “Doloy Knyazey [Down with the princes],” Vedomosti, May 16, 2000, (accessed May 9, 2013).

  17. Thomas Remington, “Majorities without Mandates: The Russian Federation Council since 2000,” Europe-Asia Studies 55, no. 5 (2003): 672.

  18. Vardul’, “Politicheskiy sovet prezidentu [A political council to the president]”; “Reformirovaniye Administratsii RF Prezidenta [Reform of the Administration of the RF President].” 31-50.

  19. “Ukaz 1602: O Gosydarstvennom sovete Rossiyskoy Federatsii [On the State Council of the RF],” Kremlin, September 1, 2000, (accessed June 5, 2013).

  20. Patrick Cockburn, “Berezovsky Quits Duma at ‘Ruining of Russia,’ ” Independent (UK), July 18, 2000, (accessed May 8, 2013).

  21. Il’ya Bulavin, Nikolay Vardul’, and Azer Mursaliyev, “Vsya vlast’—Sovetu: Bezopasnosti [All power—to the soviets: The Security Council],” Kommersant, May 20, 2000, (accessed May 23, 2013).

  22. Editorial, “Diktatura razrushit strany [Dictatorship destroys the country],” Obshchaya gazeta, May 25-31, 2000, (accessed January 30, 2012).

  23. “Reformirovaniye Administratsii RF Prezidenta [Reform of the Administration of the RF President],” 25. 21.

  24. “Putin Sacks Yeltsin’s Daughter.”

  25. “Gusinskiy vs. Russia,” European Court of Human Rights, May 19, 2004, para. 19, (accessed February 3, 2012).

  26. David Hoffman, “Probers Jail Top Russian Media Mogul,” Washington Post, June 14, 2000, (accessed January 25, 2012).

  27. Vladimir Gusinskiy, “Vlast’ nachala dvizheniye k totalitarizmu [Power has begun a move toward totalitarianism],” Segodya, June 16, 2000, (accessed January 31, 2012).

  28. “Gusinskiy vs. Russia.”

  29. Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe, “Allegations of Politically Motivated Abuses of the Criminal Justice System in Council of Europe Member States,” September 29, 2009, (accessed February 3, 2012).

  30. Aleksandr Arkhangel’skiy, “Protokol N. 6. Aktsii v obmen na svobodu: takovo usloviye sdelki mezhdu ‘Gazprom-Media’ i gr. Gusinskim [Protocol No. 6. Shares for freedom: That was the deal struck between Gazprom-Media and citizen Gusinskiy],” Izvestiya, September 20, 2000, (accessed May 9, 2013).

  31. Vladimir Putin, “Annual Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation,” Krem-lin, July 8, 2000, (accessed February 21, 2012).

  32. Putin, “Annual Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.”

  33. Yevgeniy Kiselyev, “Itogi Commentary,” BBC Monitoring, July 9, 2000, (accessed May 8, 2013).

  34. Romesh Ratnesar, “Putin’s Media Blitz,” Time, April 30, 2001,,9171,107338,00.html (accessed February 3, 2012).

  35. “Putin’s Approval Rating Still Solid,” Interfax, July 6, 2000,,AN=118900828,FM=9,SEARCH=MD.GenericSearch (accessed February 2012).

  36. “Chubays Says Putin, Big Businessmen Must Sit,” Interfax, July 14, 2011,,AN=119300730,FM=9,SEARCH=MD.GenericSearch (accessed February 4, 2012).

  37. Charles Clover, Fiona Fleck, and Arkady Ostrovsky, “Putin Says There Is to Be No Review of Privatizations,” Financial Times, July 29, 2000.

  38. Abramovich, “Third Witness Statement of Roman Arkadievich Abramovich,” para. 179.

  39. “Putin: Businesses Can Play Positive Role in Strengthening Russia,” Interfax, July 28, 2000,,AN=120000859,FM=9,SEARCH=MD.GenericSearch (accessed February 4, 2012).

  40. Milov et al., “Putin: Corruption.”

  41. “Yakhty dlya prezidenta: Chast’ III [Yachts for the president: Part III],” Novaya gazeta, June 6, 2005, (accessed June 1, 2013).

  42. Gromov, “Poglotiteli [Scavengers].”

  43. High Court of Justice, “Judgment by Mr. Justice Andrew Smith, Fiona Trust & Holding Corporation and Others vs. Privalov and Others,” para. 581.

  44. “Yakhty dlya prezidenta [Yachts for the president],” Novaya gazeta, May 30, 2005, (accessed June 5, 2013).

  45. “Yakhty dlya prezidenta: Chast’ II [Yachts for the president: Part II],” Novaya gazeta, June 2, 2005, (accessed June 6, 2013).

  46. “Yakhty dlya prezidenta [Yachts for the president].”

  47. Luke Harding, “Abramovich v Berezovsky: What H
ave We Learned So Far?,” Guardian, November 7, 2011, (accessed February 1, 2012).

  48. Sarah Lyall, “A Clash of Titans Exposes Russia’s Seamy Underside,” New York Times, November 9, 2011, (accessed February 1, 2012).

  49. Judah, Fragile Empire, 42.

  50. Starobin and Belton, “Gazprom: Russia’s Enron?”

  51. “Miller Rising,” Economist, May 31, 2001, (accessed June 7, 2011).

  52. “Gazprom History, 2001,” Gazprom, n.d., (accessed May 8, 2011).

  53. Boris Nemtsov and Vladimir Milov, “Putin and Gazprom,” translated by Dave Essel, 2008, (accessed March 12, 2012), 5.

  54. Åslund, “Why Gazprom Resembles a Crime Syndicate.”

  55. Nemtsov and Milov, “Putin and Gazprom,” 11.

  56. Irina Reznik, “ ‘Nado byt’ gotovym k tomu, chto uzhalyat’: Dmitriy Lebedev predsedatel’ pravleniya Bank Rossiya [We must be prepared moreover, for a sting: Dmitriy Lebedev chairman of Bank Rossiya],” Vedomosti, June 17, 2008, (accessed May 9, 2013).

  57. Nemtsov and Milov, “Putin and Gazprom,” 13.

  58. Reznik and Petrova, “Pomoshchniki ‘Rossii’ [Helpers of ‘Rossiya’].”

  59. Nemtsov and Milov, “Putin and Gazprom,” 12.

  60. Starobin and Belton. “Gazprom: Russia’s Enron?”

  61. Jeanne Whalen, “Gazprom Buys Back Itera’s Stake in Purgaz: Company’s Vote Signals an End to Old Ways,” Wall Street Journal, December 18, 2001, (accessed October 10, 2012).

  62. Jonathan P. Stern, The Future of Russian Gas and Gazprom (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005), 93.

  63. Åslund, Russia’s Capitalist Revolution, 230.

  64. Nemtsov and Milov, “Putin and Gazprom,” 17.

  65. Andrei Shleifer, A Normal Country: Russia after Communism (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005), 167–68.


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